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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 187

(In that case, please let me fight side by side with you – Aige, please.)


Before Alexia could understand what the two people inside him were saying, a faint red light suddenly lit up on the back of his hand, and three strokes of the [Command Seal] like a scabbard gradually appeared. The whole picture.

As the Command Seal emerged, a large number of light particles suddenly gathered around Alexia, quickly condensing into a human form!

Silver armor, blue battle skirt, brilliant blond hair, and that majestic face.

It’s Artoria!

Alexia couldn’t help but be surprised: “Saber?! Are you… can you still materialize?”

“No, this is not materialization, but [mimic spiritual transformation].” Artoria explained, “Through Miss Song’s magic and using the Master as a medium, I can re-appear as an approximate spirit within a certain period of time.” The actual spirit body of the servant appears to provide assistance to the master.”

(By the way, I can’t do it because I am the Great Holy Grail itself, and Liya can do it because she is just my appendage.)

Sajo Aige added an explanation.

(The time that Liya can move outside is the time of three strokes of the command spell. When all the command spells disappear, Liya’s appearance will be over. Please be sure to help the master before then.)

“Of course I know.”

The strong wind gathered in Artoria’s hand, and the invisible sword was held in her hand: “The last time I fought alongside you was when I was dealing with Assassin. I ask you to take more care of me this time, Master.”

Looking at the familiar look of Artoria next to her, Exia was silent for a moment and then smiled: “…I’m glad that you can still appear as a servant, Saber, but I’m sorry, you just have to deal with Yae Sakura. If so, I’ll probably be enough by myself.”

“——So can you please get rid of the guys around you?”

Guys around?

Artoria looked back and glanced around – although it hadn’t completely appeared yet, she could already vaguely see the white giant beast that was gradually coming here from the buildings.

It seemed to be a monster called Honkaimon.

“Expelling the giant beasts…I did something similar when I was alive.” Arturia sighed with some nostalgia, turning her back to Exia, “I understand, the Honkai Beasts around me I will destroy them all without leaving any one, and I won’t let them interfere.”


As soon as he finished speaking, with the sound of the ground being trampled, Artoria’s body, strengthened by the release of magic power, immediately jumped into the sky! He ran towards the Honkaiju closest to Senha Academy!

(In fact, the prince will not be disturbed, right?)

Shajo Aige asked.

(Even if they are surrounded, with the power of the prince, they should be able to freeze them all in an instant, right?)

“But Saber wants to help me, so I can’t ignore her kindness.” Alexia smiled, “Besides, after all, we are facing an enemy with Herrscher-level Honkai energy strength, so don’t take it seriously. no.”


After saying this, Exia pulled out the holy sword, turned it into the light wing of steel and carried it behind her back, resisting the strong wind with the erupting tail flame.

【aaaaaaaarrrrrrr————————! 】

Perhaps aware of Exia’s behavior, the roar of the black fox, which had already merged with Yae Sakura for most of its body, suddenly sounded at this moment!

“Boom boom boom boom————!”

The tails that have grown to nine have ignited with strong fox fire, and like a fort, they shot flame beams at Exia at the same time!

A wall of ice instantly appeared in front of Ixia!

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

The flames bombarded the ice wall, instantly melting the top layer of ice, but it could no longer go any further.

As Alexia said before, even if the compatibility between ice and fire is very poor, in the face of the absolute output gap, fire cannot completely melt ice, while ice can in turn freeze flames!

“Crack, click, click, click, click, click -!”

Just like a road spreading along a predetermined track, a thick layer of ice instantly froze the fox fire, and then quickly pursued the black fox as its main body!


As if he couldn’t wait to break away from the relationship, the moment the flame beam was frozen, the black fox directly cut off the fox fire. Just at the critical moment, he completed the escape before he was affected!


“You think it’s useful?”

Alexia said coldly, moving forward with her right hand, the tip of her index finger was pointed at the Black Fox and Yae Sakura. The ice-blue light gathered like a whirlpool and formed a ball of light at the fingertip!

The heart-stopping extreme cold wave swept across!

【aaaaaaarrrrrrr——————————! 】

The black fox roared in fear again, and the nine fox tails gathered together. A ball of fox fire with a diameter of dozens of meters formed almost at the same time as the ball of light at Exia’s fingertips!

The next moment, not even a moment passed before Ixia finished her words——



Frost shock and foxfire storm broke out at the same time!

The waves of ice blue and dark red burst into an earth-shattering collision in the center of the small courtyard! The light rising into the sky is like the ocean around the dividing line! Eating and eroding each other, trying to completely suppress the other!

Don’t call it a stalemate.

Just for a moment——


The icy blue raging waves completely engulfed Foxfire!

44. Hitamaru doesn’t want to die

White hair and blue eyes.


This is the existence that Hitamaru hates and hates the most.

The reason is not because of some past events experienced in this far east country more than 500 years ago, but long before that, when Hitama Maru was not [Hitama Maru], and this world was not this world. , some of the past events she experienced.

Even then, her feelings towards the person bearing this surname were not disgust or hatred, but pure fear and fear.

Afraid of the white-haired man who was called the “strongest”.

Afraid of the blue-eyed man who is called the “Savior Hero”.

Hitamaru had long forgotten the point in time when this change started. She vaguely remembered that earlier, she was not so afraid and disgusted with that man, but it was just because she became Now, Hitamamaru has such feelings for the cold man in his mind.

Then, during the countless years of being locked in that dark space.

This feeling gradually deteriorated.

Turning from fear to hatred, from fear to disgust is like extracting impurities from metal. The longer time passes, the purer the feeling becomes, and the purer the hatred and disgust become.

Until five hundred years ago, when it woke up from the darkness and was sealed again by Kaslana, the intensity of this feeling reached its limit!

Why do you have to be locked up again!

Why is it a familiar person again!

Why is it like this every time!

[Damn… damn… humans… deserve death… I won’t let you go! 】

The only thing left in Hitamaru’s heart was this strong feeling of hatred! It has already made up its mind that if it can see the light of day again one day, it must kill all humans! Leave no one behind! Until the hatred in my heart is completely released!


【aaaaaarrrrrrr——————————! 】

At this moment, looking at the overwhelming wave of ice that was pressing down on him, as if the entire sky was shattered and collapsed, Hitamaru couldn’t feel any hatred in his heart!

All that arose was the most primitive fear.

The fear of weak things when facing natural enemies, the fear of prey when facing hunters, the fear of ordinary people when facing killing machines… and the fear of facing [death].

He will be killed.

Different from the situation a long time ago, this time without the help of ■■, I will definitely be killed!


【aaaaarrrrrrr————————! 】

Driven by fear, Foxtail lit up the fox fire as if in a desperate struggle, but compared with the overwhelming frost, this fox fire was no more than a match in the heavy snow.

It is impossible to resist. It has been like this from the beginning. When faced with the current power, resisting is simply…

(It would be nice if my powers were available.)

Hitamamaru’s abilities cannot be used freely, and all of its powers are sealed in Yae Sakura’s body, so that it can only use Honkai energy to release fox fire and other small tricks.

If that ability could be liberated, at least I could still…

【Give me my power back! Humanity! 】

At the moment when the fox fire was frozen again, Hitamaru urged desperately in his heart!

It doesn’t want to die! I don’t want to go back to that dark world again!



Yae Sakura, who was struggling hard, had just made some moves, and the angry wave of ice had been completely suppressed!

The avalanche-like frost impact directly froze the area in front of Exia! The fan-shaped snow-capped mountains continued to climb until they stopped near the top of the ice wall not far away!

Looking at the iceberg nearly ten meters high in front of her, Ixia lowered her index finger: “Did I…exercise too much force?”

“Considering the prince’s current strength, I think it is a normal result.” Shajo Aige’s figure appeared next to Alexia, “Please have some awareness that you are already very strong, prince. Only in this world, you are actually very powerful.”

“Yeah… I don’t have much sense of reality.”

Even though judging from the current situation, it seems that he does have the strength to easily defeat the Herrscher head-on, but for some reason, Exia always has the idea that “this is definitely not enough”.

It’s like my own instinct…the other self is urging me.

With such a murmur, she came to the frozen Yae Sakura. Exia looked at her frozen in the iceberg, and held the giant ice sword as tall as Shin’s person with her right hand.

“Friends of Saint Karen… I don’t know if what you said is true, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll ask the bishop for confirmation later. Now -“


The giant sword of ice penetrated the iceberg without any hindrance. As if it had been rehearsed countless times, it penetrated Yae Sakura’s body with extremely precise synchronization.

“You are my enemy (Honkai), so please disappear.”


With Exia’s words, the iceberg instantly shattered! In an instant, it turned into diamond stardust floating all over the sky! Yae Sakura who was inside was shattered into countless fragments along with the entire iceberg, completely losing her human form and disappearing!

(This is over for the time being. The Herrscher Herrscher who was originally supposed to be the target of my mission seems to have been defeated a long time ago… The mission is now over. I’ll contact the Far East Branch and go back to prepare a mission report. .)

Putting away the ice sword, Exia took out her personal terminal and was about to contact the Far East Branch——

“Beep beep beep beep!”

The communication from Tianming Headquarters rang first.

“Hey, this is Exia, what are the instructions from headquarters?”

[This is the headquarters, I am Amber, Lord Exia. I finally contacted you. How is the situation there? We have just observed the occurrence of the Fourth Honkai Impact and the Herrscher-level Honkai Impact reaction. Have you fought against the Fourth Herrscher? 】


Alexia looked at the place where Yae Sakura disappeared: “Rather than fighting, it’s better to say that I have eliminated her.”

【Eh? wipe out? 】

“Well, it was easier than expected, so now we can let the Far East Branch—”

Halfway through her words, Exia’s voice suddenly stopped.

Amber on the other end couldn’t help but asked doubtfully.

【Lord Exia? What’s wrong with you? 】



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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