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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 188

Alexia shouted so softly for no reason, and in his field of vision, where the empty Yae Sakura disappeared a few seconds ago, a knife appeared strangely out of thin air.

A dark red halo lingering like a flame, with a black blade with a red and black handle.

Why is there a knife there?

When did it appear?

Alexia subconsciously had such doubts.

next moment–


Like a bowl full of contents falling down, the vortex of Honkai energy that had been entrenched in the sky suddenly poured down towards the [empty basin] surrounded by an ice wall.

The Honkai energy, which was so rich that it became substantial, was like a deep purple waterfall, accurately pouring down on the black knife, and then——


A large amount of Honkai energy erupts like a tsunami!

Just like Hitamamaru faced the wrathful wave of ice not long ago, now it is Exia’s turn to face the monstrous wave of Honkai energy!

And it’s super close!

The distance between Ixia and the black sword was not even half a meter at the moment when the Honkai energy exploded!

(This distance…too bad, there’s no way to avoid it!)

45.Aixia Demolition Office

There is no feeling.

There is no empathy, nor the feeling of being attacked.

Exia, who had closed her eyes subconsciously because of the impact of the Honkai energy wave, unexpectedly did not feel any discomfort after waiting for a second or two.

Slowly opening her eyes, at this moment, what came into Exiya’s field of vision was——

“……Cherry blossoms?”

The cherry blossom tree that appeared in front of her, with a large number of cherry blossom petals falling in the wind, made Exia startled.

Where did the cherry blossom trees come from? Are there cherry blossom trees in the square of Senba Academy?


“Where is this place?”

Scanning the surroundings, what appeared to Ixia’s eyes was a courtyard full of rich Japanese style.

There is only one cherry blossom tree in the atrium, the wooden corridor that surrounds the atrium, and the houses designed and built with the earthquake-proof concept in mind. If you look into the distance, you can still see some green hills, and you can hear faint sounds not far away. To the sound of running water.

This is where?

Aren’t you in Qianyu Academy? Why did he come to this place after being overwhelmed by the torrent of Honkai energy?

“…Miss Aige?”

Alexia tried to call out the sand song.


no respond.

“Saber? Ddraig?”

He continued to call others, but there was also no response.

Frowning, Exia tried to reveal the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand on her left hand——


An ocher-red cage hand appeared on Exia’s left hand together with the notification sound.

(Is there no problem with using the artifact? Then——)


Looking at the ice flowers condensed in the palm of her hand, Ixia gently crushed them: “There is no problem in using all the abilities. The magic that Miss Ai Ge maintained for me…doesn’t seem to be dispelled?”

“But you just can’t connect with anyone else?”

Just like…others are banned?

But why does this strange special situation occur? It was obvious that he had only experienced the impact of Honkai energy once. Could it be that there was something special about those Honkai energy that led him to this strange world?

“Is this… reality?”

Suddenly, Aixia noticed this problem.

And the next moment——


A gentle female voice sounded behind Alexia.

Turning around in an instant, while holding the condensed giant sword of ice in her right hand, Exia looked coldly at the person who spoke——

“…Yae Sakura?”

“Well, hello, descendants of Kallen.”

The person who appeared under the cherry blossom tree to talk to Alexia was Yae Sakura who had completely disappeared before!

However, compared with before, she is not wearing the jk witch costume that combines ancient and modern times, nor does she have a pair of slender fox ears. Instead, she is wearing a very normal kimono, and her long cherry-colored hair seems to be tangled. After arranging it, it hung softly behind her.

Looking at the ice sword in Exia’s hand and the cage in her left hand, Yae Sakura folded her hands on her abdomen and suddenly bent down to him: “Please let me apologize to you, descendant of Kallen, because I failed to completely suppress it. The mentally out-of-control Hitamamaru caused you to be brought to by its power——”


A loud noise suddenly interrupted Yae Sakura.

At some point, Alexia, who had left the spot, had pinned Yae Sakura against the cherry blossom tree, suppressed her shoulder with her left hand, and pierced the trunk of the cherry blossom tree next to her head with the ice sword.

“…You can’t believe me, can you?” Yae Sakura roughly understood what Exia meant.

“Are you the enemy (Honkai)?”

Alexia stared at Yae Sakura coldly, the blade approaching her neck.

Yae Sakura looked directly at Alexia: “I am not your enemy, and I have never been. Please believe this. The reason why I appear here is because I want to take you out of here.”

“…No feeling, it seems so.”

In the past, Ixia always had that feeling when facing Honkai and Herrscher, but now she doesn’t have it when facing Yae Sakura. This should mean that she is not the kind of person who can make him react before. state.

After retracting her movement to suppress her, Alexia took a few steps back: “I’m sorry, I have to confirm your position. It shouldn’t hurt you, right?”

“Well, no. And I can understand your skepticism.”

“Thank you for your understanding. So…you said you are here to take me away? Do you know where this is? And Hitamamaru…is that the black fox just now?”

Yae Sakura nodded slightly: “Hitamamaru is the name I gave it. During the many years it was sealed together, it was named just for the convenience of calling it. As for where this place is… it’s just a place. It’s just a constructed space.”

“Based on the event that Hitamaru and I experienced together five hundred years ago, a fictional space was created through the manipulation of consciousness. To leave here, all you have to do is destroy the core.”

A fictional world? core?

Alexia frowned, and then an icy blue light lit up on her hand.

Seeing this, Yae Sakura quickly stepped forward and pressed his hand: “What do you want to do?”

“Didn’t I just say that destroying the core would be enough? Then if I attack the entire fictional space with all my strength, I should be able to destroy the core as well, right?”


This is also a method, and it can even be said to be the most straightforward method.

However, Yae Sakura shook her head: “This… is considered a little selfish on my part. Please don’t do this, at least don’t damage this courtyard. After all, this is… my home.”


Speaking of this word, Yae Sakura’s expression became visibly lonely, as if this home was not a place full of happy memories for her.

Looking at her wrist held by Yae Sakura, Exia was silent for a while, and then dispersed the power that had been gathered: “Okay, I won’t destroy this place.”

“Thank you very much… and I’m sorry, my request was a little too capricious.”

“It doesn’t matter. After all, home is important to everyone, right? You could understand me before, and I can understand you now. If someone wants to demolish my home, I will definitely stop it.”

It can even be said that he will fight to the death.

“But how to destroy the core in this way?” Ixia asked, “The core should be somewhere, right? Should we just go find it?”

“I think it’s over there.”

Yae Sakura pointed not far away, and looking along her fingertips, Exia could see a multi-tower-like building built on a mountain. He remembered that this kind of building in Japan is called…

“Tenshou Tower?”

“Well, if you guessed it right, the core should be there, and it’s on the top floor of the castle tower.” Yae Sakura explained, “If we destroy that core, we can leave here.”

“No need to go there.”

Alexia raised her right hand and pointed the tip of her index finger in the direction of the castle tower – at this distance, it should take more than ten seconds to charge up and accurately shoot, right?

However, just when Exia was about to start accumulating power…

“Huh? Sakura, why are you here?”

An unfamiliar voice came from the direction of the corridor. Exia and Yae Sakura looked there at the same time. Then the figure that came into view made the two of them silent for a moment.

Blue eyes, white braids – just these two features reminded the two of them of someone.

Finally, Yae Sakura smiled slightly: “It’s nothing, it’s just cherry blossom viewing. Do you want to come with us?”


46. ​​This ancestor is a bit cute

Alexia has only seen the portrait of Karen Kaslana in history textbooks. Because she lived more than five hundred years ago, there are naturally no photos. Only some portraits hand-painted by Bishop Otto have been preserved. .

The Kallen Kaslana in the portrait is an image that is quite consistent with the public image of a “Saint” and a “Warrior”.

Pure, sacred, inviolable, compassionate, majestic, heroic…

Therefore, after seeing the [real person] appearing in front of her now, Exia immediately froze on the spot.

(Exactly the same.)

Although she was not wearing the clothes in the portrait, but was wearing Far Eastern style clothes, the moment she saw the Kallen Saint in front of her, her image was almost the same as the impression in Alexia’s mind. Complete overlap.

She is my ancestor more than five hundred years ago.

“Are you enjoying the cherry blossoms?”

Entering the courtyard from the corridor, Kallen looked up at the cherry blossom trees with falling petals: “I’ve been seeing them for so many years, and I’m a little tired of seeing them no matter how beautiful the cherry blossoms are.”

“Really? But every time I invite you, you will come to accompany me.”

“Because Sakura wants to see it.”

Kallen smiled, then her eyes fell on Alexia.

Looking at the face and appearance that were somewhat similar to her own, Kallen couldn’t help but frowned: “Sakura, who is he?”

“Let me introduce it to you. This is… your descendant, who is -“

“Oh, my descendants, hmm…eh?”

After subconsciously nodding, Kallen reacted after a second or two. She looked at Alexia with wide eyes, pointed at him and then at herself: “You…I. …..You…I…this…you are my son?!”

“Uh, actually I-“

“Hey? Are you really my son? Did I survive after that? Who is your father? Who did I marry? With Otto?”

A barrage of questions directly overwhelmed Exiya.

My ancestors actually had this kind of personality?

According to the historical textbook written by Bishop Otto, Saint Karen should be a Bianca-like woman who cares about the people, adheres to justice and morality at all times, hates evil, is just and serious, right?

Why are you acting like a curious baby now? And it seems a little simple?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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