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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 189


Alexia suddenly felt her face being slapped hard!

(It hurts!)

The excessive force made him almost scream!

Holding Alexia’s face with both hands, Kallen stared at him carefully: “Hmm… It does seem a bit similar to me, but it doesn’t seem to be the same as Otto? Is it Kaslana? Do you want to inherit more of your bloodline?”

“Ancestor Kallen, please let me explain!”

Effortlessly freeing herself from Kallen’s hands, Alexia held her face with both hands and applied ice: “Miss Yae Sakura didn’t make it clear that I am not your child, but a descendant of the same Kaslana family—” —And they are descendants separated by more than five hundred years.”

“Eh…Ah…Is that so?”

Kallen couldn’t help but touch her braids in embarrassment, and looked at Yae Sakura with a slightly red cheek: “Sakura! Why don’t you finish telling me!”

“No, I wanted to say it, but Karen, you interrupted me and prevented me from saying it…”


Karen, who was speechless for a moment, had her cheeks even redder, and punched Yae Sakura in the chest like a dragonfly.

Looking at this scene, Exia suddenly felt that his ancestor was a little too cute, and even seemed to be looking at Kiana who had matured after several years – and vaguely, he seemed to understand a little bit. The mood of Bishop Otto.

After finally recovering from the embarrassment, Kallen coughed hard a few times: “Cough cough cough! So what… uh… By the way, what’s your name?”

Kallen, who originally wanted to talk to Alexia about something, suddenly remembered that she still didn’t know the name of the young man in front of her.


Alexia introduced herself.

“Exiya Kaslana is the name Bishop Otto gave me. I…relatedly, I am actually the adopted son of Bishop Otto, and was adopted by the bishop almost seven years ago. “

“Otto’s adopted son?”

Kallen frowned and rubbed her temples as if to clarify something: “Uh… you just said that you are my tribe more than five hundred years later, right?”


“And you are Otto’s adopted son?”



Kallen couldn’t help but turn to look at Yae Sakura: “Sakura, do you think a person can live for more than five hundred years normally?”

Yae Sakura smiled slightly: “Except for exceptions like me, there should be no such thing.”

“That’s right, hahaha~~~~”

Kallen also laughed, then turned around suddenly and pressed Alexia’s shoulders!

“Otto has really lived for more than five hundred years?! Could he have conducted any dangerous human experiments again?! He had some tendencies in this regard before. Has it become worse in the past five hundred years? !”

“That… Ancestor Kallen… please be gentle, my shoulders feel like they are about to break…”

“Ah! Yes, I’m sorry!”

Realizing that she had used too much force, Karen quickly moved her hands away!

But in fact, Alexia didn’t feel how strong Kallen was at all. Compared with his current physical fitness, it almost felt like being hit with a hammer.

The reason why he said this was just to keep Ancestor Kallen away from him.

“So, Otto…has he become some kind of crazy scholar now?”

“A crazy scholar?” Alexia looked at the worried look on Kallen’s face, smiled and shook her head, “I dare not make a casual conclusion on this point, even if I have indeed been in contact with him in the past two or three years. Some bishops allowed dangerous experiments, but at the same time, the Bishop Otto I know is more of a mentor and adoptive father worthy of my respect, and a doctor who saved my life.”

“The current bishop is no longer someone who can be summed up simply in one sentence, ancestor Kallen.”

If anything, Bishop Otto is probably the most complicated and impossible-to-understand person in the world that Ixia has ever seen, right? The only exception was when the purpose of resurrecting Kallen was explained to him before.

At that time, Bishop Otto, Ixia thought he was talking to him without any falsehood.

After hearing Alexia’s description, Kallen’s worry about Otto slowly melted away, and she let out a long breath: “Huh~~~ That’s good… I can Being praised like this by you, it seems that Otto is still mostly a good person, so I feel relieved.”

“But…why did Otto live for more than five hundred years?”

After going around in a big circle, Karen returned to this issue.

After all, they were childhood sweethearts and an unmarried couple. Kallen still knew something about Otto. He was probably not the kind of person who was greedy for power and immortality, and he probably didn’t want to live forever.

Then why does he live to the present more than five hundred years later?

“Ancestor Kallen…”

Alexia pursed her lips.

“Actually, the bishop allowed himself to live until now, more than five hundred years later, just because he wanted to see you again.”

47. Please go and tell him yourself

Otto lived for more than five hundred years for himself.

What Alexia said made both Kallen and Yae Sakura stunned.

“What…is going on?”

Kallen couldn’t help but asked with doubts on her face.

“I…Did something happen between me and Otto after I ended my affairs here?”

The Kallen who exists here is not the real Kallen, but an afterimage of the Kallen that exists in Yae Sakura’s memory. Her memory only ends at the moment when [that incident] ended five hundred years ago.

She didn’t know what happened after that, and what kind of ending the real Kallen would have after that.


Alexia subconsciously wanted to tell the truth about Kallen that Bishop Otto had told him before, but at the moment he was about to say it, he hesitated.

Is it really okay to say it here?

Bishop Otto has worked hard to resurrect Kallen for more than 500 years and has persisted in a belief for more than 500 years. However, Kallen who exists here is just an afterimage of more than 500 years ago. Even though Otto will be here. Speaking of his belief, the real Kallen has no way of knowing. Can the current Kallen even understand Otto’s mood?

Alexia wasn’t sure.

Moreover, if the matter is told to Kallen here, then the reaction she will give should be the reaction of the real Kallen, right?

If her reaction and view of Bishop Otto’s intention to resurrect her were bad, then…


“Can’t you say…?” Kallen saw Alexia’s hesitation, “Is it something that must be kept secret from me?”

“…No, I just don’t know if I should tell you.”

After frowning and wondering for a while, Ixia took a deep breath and then said seriously to Kallen: “Ancestor Kallen, I don’t know what you went through in the Far East. Just based on what I know, your final ending five hundred years ago was——”

In the next few dozen minutes, Exia recounted to Kallen and Yae Sakura the story of Kallen’s death that Otto had told him before.

From Kallen being judged as a sinner and being hanged for various crimes, to Otto making a big mistake in order to save Kallen, and then later Otto bent on atonement and resurrecting Kallen… not only Exia also modified what Otto said.

It should be considered that he wanted to give Bishop Otto some support. He has been working hard for the past five hundred years for the ancestors of Kallen and his own sins. Alexia felt that she should at least put in a nice word for him in front of Kallen.

On Kallen’s side, after quietly listening to Ikesha’s retelling, the expression on Kallen’s face gradually changed from the initial surprise to unacceptable, and finally turned into…a kind of Ikesha. Xia couldn’t describe the expression very well.

Guilt, heartache, anger, dissatisfaction – in addition, there are various emotions mixed together to form Kallen’s complex expression now.

“Otto…has he always thought this way for more than five hundred years?”

“I think so.” Exia nodded slightly, “Not long ago, because of some of my special abilities, the bishop also hoped that I could help him resurrect the real you, and I have agreed.”

“That fool!”


Kallen suddenly punched the cherry blossom tree next to her, leaving a clear punch mark on the trunk and shaking off a large number of cherry blossom petals. As the breeze blew by, a whirlwind of cherry blossoms was formed in the air.


This was Kallen’s only comment about Otto.

“He is really a… idiot. He has always been smarter than me. Why has he become… such a stupid fool now? He has continued to live for five hundred years in order to resurrect me. For many years of my life…haven’t you ever thought about whether I was willing or not?”


Looking at her friends beside her, Yae Sakura sighed softly: “But, you actually feel a little happy, right? There is a smile on your face.”

“Eh? Hey, hey? Yes, yes?”

“Ancestor Kallen, this is the ice mirror.”

Alexia cooperated and handed over a smooth ice mirror she had just polished, and when she looked at it, Kallen saw herself in the mirror with the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Karen is a simple person.

Even though she was the strongest Valkyrie in the past, a monster thief who hated evil and a warrior with justice and peace in her heart, she was also a simple girl. She was only 24 years old when she died. By today’s standards , it is the time of prosperity.

Therefore, she will feel happy. Her childhood sweetheart had sacrificed so much for her, and even though she felt that she was completely unworthy of his efforts and that there was no need for him to do this for her, Kallen still felt very happy and touched, and even felt that she had some luck and happiness. .

How many people in the world are willing to pay so much for themselves?

Except for Otto, certainly none.

“Exia, thank you.” Kallen bowed down deeply and thanked Alexia, “Thank you for being willing to tell me these things… and also thank you for me who can no longer meet Otto. Thank you for being willing to do so much for me.”

“I shamelessly accepted my thanks, but…if you want to thank the bishop, then please go and thank him in person later, Ancestor Kallen.”

Alexia shook her head and said: “All these things the bishop has done are for you, and your thanks are the best recognition for him!”

“…something I can’t do.”

Kallen put her hand on her chest.

“I can’t meet Otto now, and if I are really resurrected one day in the future, then… I don’t think I will thank Otto. Because it is me, I can be sure that I, who was resurrected, He would certainly not thank Otto for resurrecting him.”

“Because… I think the real me definitely doesn’t want to be resurrected. Dying to protect the people in that world is already the best ending for me, and it is also the ending I want most. A fitting ending for Kaslana.”

“So – if you can, tell Otto for me after you leave here. I don’t want to get a second life.”

It’s very much like what a saint would say.

At the same time, it also sounded like something Kaslana would say.

Kaslana will not force others to do anything for her, but she will always give everything she has for others – especially on big issues.

Facing Kallen’s gaze, Ixia shook her head vigorously: “My thoughts are the same as before, ancestor Kallen. Please tell the bishop yourself about this kind of thing!”

“Everything the bishop does is for you, so only you can evaluate his behavior. Therefore, whether it is to thank you for you or to stop the bishop for you, I cannot do it.”

It is difficult to stick to one thing. But it’s easy to give up on something.

If Kallen wants Otto to give up, then Otto may really give up, and this also means that all his five hundred years of hard work have been in vain!

Therefore, even if it is just one side, even if Kallen can only be resurrected for a moment in the end, Exia hopes that she can accept her own resurrection, otherwise Bishop Otto, who has persisted for so many years, wouldn’t he… .

Even in this sense, Kallen may be the last person in the world who can’t say anything about Otto’s behavior.

“You…really care about Otto.” Kallen suddenly smiled and said, “In the past, he had no one trustworthy except me. But now, he has you. You are so willing to speak for him and do your best to help his children.”

“However, these words you say to me are of no use. I will eventually disappear, and the words you say to me cannot be conveyed to the real me – so these advices should wait until one day in the future, when you and I Otto can resurrect the real me, then tell her.”

“……I will.”

48. The past five hundred years ago

After talking to Kallen about Bishop Otto, Exia went to the castle tower with Yae Sakura and Kallen.

After all, the most important thing now is to let Exia leave this fictional memory space as soon as possible.

And in the middle——

“Speaking of which, why did ancestor Kallen appear in the Far East?”

On the mountain road leading to the castle tower, when they were about to arrive at the castle tower, Exia suddenly asked this question.

The reason why Kallen is in the far east.

This is something that Ixia has always been curious about. There is no such paragraph in the history textbook of Destiny. There is only a rough explanation like [Saint Karen stole the secret treasure of Destiny and fled Europe, and was captured and returned the following year].

“Ah…haven’t my affairs here been passed down? I obviously wrote a letter to Otto explaining all the situations here.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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