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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 19

However, the moment he opened it, an unread message displayed on the screen made him stunned.

Unread message?

Why are there unread messages?

Exia has confirmed that this world has no signal or any electrical appliances. Although there are some technologies developed with magic stones as the core, they have not been developed to the point where they can match the original world.

Therefore, it is impossible for his personal terminal to receive information in this world. After all, he cannot send his own messages and is always in a state of no signal.

Then this unread message is…

“Is it possible…”

With her fingers hanging in the air, Ixia hesitated and clicked on the unread message.

【I am here! Where have you been these days? Why did it suddenly disappear? Do you know how worried Rita and I are about you! Tell us where you are——]

What came into view was a long series of questions that spanned seven or eight lines!

The sender is Bianca… No, it should be said that the replyer is Bianca, because this message is a reply to the message he sent out by accident at noon, and at that time it showed that it could not be sent successfully. That message is actually sent successfully now!

“How could… it be sent out? No, wait, wait! Is there a signal in this world? Can I still connect to Tianming’s internal network in this world!?”

Alexia was shocked, even frightened!

At the same time, the burning text that had not appeared in the field of vision for some time seemed to have been preset and appeared in the field of vision at the right time.

[Available information: 4/5]

[Refresh time: 4:38:41]


The meaning is unclear—no, that’s not right, Exia can understand the meaning of the words.

(Is this saying… I can send Bianca five messages a day? And then the number of uses per day will be refreshed at midnight?)



“Why didn’t you tell me earlier if you could do such a thing!!!”

Alexia couldn’t hold back and shouted out – he had said that he could still contact Bianca, so why was he worried that something would happen to Bianca in the past two days because of his unknown whereabouts? Wouldn’t it be enough to send a message back early to say that you’re safe?

[You did not make a request]


Looking at the text that appeared in his field of vision, Ixia suddenly felt that his fist was hardened – if this text was really the product of someone’s manipulation, then he really wanted to punch that person now!

Suddenly throw a person into a different world, and let him survive in the different world without giving any hints. All the hints have to be triggered by yourself… You can’t take the initiative and say everything you can do. come out? Are you unable to move the abacus? !

【cannot. Also, no. 】


Alexia took a breath of air-he now suddenly wanted to go to the dungeon and kill again to express some unknown impulse in his heart.

(No, calm down, Alexia, calm down. Now is not the time to be angry about such trivial things. You should be happy. At least now you have a way to contact Bianca. Anyway, explain your situation first. Then communicate with her about the current status and information of both worlds.)

After taking several deep breaths, Alexia began to answer Bianca’s questions.

“No, wait, since I can send messages…then can I make a phone call?”

After typing a line, Exia suddenly raised further questions.

Analyzing from the current situation, this text…or something expressed in the image of words has the ability to allow him to travel between different worlds and allow him to connect with the original world.

So, is there a possibility that that thing can allow him to communicate with Bianca by voice?

if you can……

[The analog acceleration communication line is connected]

[Number of people that can be connected: 1/1]

[Available call time: 1:0:0]

[Usable times: 1]

[Refresh time: 168:0:0]

After a few seconds of silence, several lines of burning text appeared in Exiya’s field of vision.

It works!


The next moment, the entire Loki Familia heard Exia’s cheers.

33.I will catch up with you

Time has never felt so long for Alexia.


The dialing sound rang out from the personal terminal.

In the past few years, Alexia has contacted Bianca countless times in this way, sometimes to assign her new tasks, sometimes to inform her of the task goals, and sometimes to communicate with her. Just say something…

For the two of them, this was just a normal interaction. It was so normal that both of them were used to it, and they never thought about being unable to communicate.

However, now, just after five days without contact, Alexia felt as if she hadn’t seen Bianca for a long time, even though it was common for her to go out on missions for a week.


The ringtone seemed to be stretched out for a long time.

Alexia suddenly became nervous. Just like a student sitting in the examination room a few minutes before the start of a big exam, nervousness began to spread inside him, causing his hands and feet to start to tremble slightly, and his stomach to feel a little painful.


The sound indicating connection sounded, and the screen of the personal terminal changed slightly, and then——

【Exia! 】

An extremely urgent shout came from the other end.

Alexia was very familiar with this voice. This voice had been ringing in his ears for the past seven years. It was impossible for him to mishear this voice.

【Exia? Is it you, Alexia! Answer me! It was you who called me, right? 】


Alexia raised her personal terminal to her ear and responded with a slightly trembling voice.

“It’s me, Bianca. I—”

[Where have you gone? 】

Before Alexia could say everything she wanted to say, Bianca shouted, even yelled.

Anxiety, worry, anger, confusion, doubt… With just one sentence, Alexia felt the complex emotions contained in Bianca’s heart.

[We have been looking for you here for five days, searching almost every corner of the world, but we can’t find you. We finally got your response, but we can’t locate you here. Location……Where are you now? Alexia. 】

“…Perhaps it can be said that it is in a [different world].”

Alexia said after being silent for a while.

“It’s the same world as the one you went to with Rita last year… No, I think it’s more than that. I’m not lying to you, Bianca, I am. We are in a [different world] that does not have any Honkai energy and has almost no resemblance to our world.”

[A different world without any Honkai energy? 】

When Bianca heard what Exia said, the first thought she had was distrust. Although during her time fighting against Honkai Impact as a Valkyrie, she also experienced all kinds of weird things, large and small, and just as Exia said, she experienced an unusual different world with Rita last year. journey of.

But that is still a world with Honkai energy.

[Are you…are you serious? Alexia. 】

“Of course I am serious. I have no reason to lie to you, Bianca…Have I ever lied to you since I was a child?”

[Last Valentine’s Day you said you would prepare giri chocolates for me, but you didn’t. 】

“Uh… I was working overtime for the Bishop that day. Didn’t I make up for it the next day?”

[But the reason you gave me that day was that you forgot. 】

“At that time, I casually mentioned it because I stayed up late and worked overtime and was half exhausted… By the way, why do you remember such old accounts from last year so clearly?”

【Because I always remember】

Alexia sighed helplessly: “Okay, okay, except this time, right? I’m serious, Bianca, believe me, I’m really in a different world without Honkai energy. “

[Where is the evidence? 】

“Do you want me to give you the Honkai energy detection report on the surrounding environment? I think I should be able to pass it on to you now.”


Bianca on the other end of the phone fell silent, and only responded after dozens of seconds.

[No, no need, I believe you. 】

“I should have said this a long time ago. By the way, has your trust in me decreased in recent years? Do you trust Rita more than me?”

[If I have to say it, it started when you told me that you would not go to the front line…but only a little bit. You and Rita are both my most important and trusted people, and there is no point in that. Any falsehood]

“……me too.”

Coming to the window and leaning against the wall, Alexia looked up at the moon outside: “I miss you so much, Bianca. It’s really great to hear your voice again like this.”

[Me too, I heard your voice is so energetic, I guess I don’t have to worry about you anymore]

Different from the initial cry that was full of various emotions, Bianca’s voice at this time sounded a very normal emotion to Alexia – it seemed that she had calmed down and felt at ease.

In fact, he is the same.

[So, Exia, how are you doing over there? Is there anything wrong with life in another world? When are you ready to come back? 】

“It’s okay. Although it fell from the sky at first, I was lucky enough to meet a group of good people…”

Alexia didn’t hide anything and recounted her experiences here to Bianca bit by bit.

The thing about myself falling from the sky. The matter of being picked up by the Loki Familia. Later, I joined the Loki Familia, and as an adventurer, I entered the dungeon and began to become stronger. About making new friends…

Not much happened in five days, certainly not much. Bianca didn’t interrupt, she just listened quietly to Alexia’s story – no, maybe she wasn’t the only one.

Others don’t know, but Alexia knows that Rita is most likely by Bianca’s side.

“…Well, that’s probably it.”

After finishing what happened today, Exia ended with these words.

“So I live a very good life here. There are some big and small problems, but I can solve them. The time to go back… will be about three months later, and it should be the same time for you over there. .”

[Really…Then, I will wait here for you to come back – but it really surprises me that after you go there, you will start thinking about becoming stronger…have you given up? Have you passed it once? 】

This incident is the [lie] that Bianca remembers the most, and it is also the first [lie] that Alexia told her.

(I will become stronger with you, Bianca. No matter what kind of Honkai you face in the future, I will be with you.)

This is what Exia said to Bianca when she decided to become a Valkyrie.

Recalling what happened at that time, Aixia smiled slightly: “Well, I gave up once and lost to you more than three hundred times. In addition, the teacher’s study of Taixu Sword Qi was not going well. At that time, I really It’s because I was discouraged…but no one says that you can’t pick up something you gave up once, right?”

Even if the Goblet of Fire of dreams is extinguished by reality and failure, the fire of dreams can be rekindled by adding new fuel.

For Ixia, the flame was not completely extinguished, but there was no firewood, and there was only an extremely tiny flame left. If it hadn’t been for coming to this world and receiving the blessing of God, Firewood, then it will not light up again.

“I’ll catch up to you, Bianca.”

Alexia said seriously.

“From now on, from this different world, I will try my best to catch up with you who has already run away – this time I will not let you leave me… No, it should be said that this time I will not I’ll leave you behind.”

【good. Then I’ll look forward to the day when you catch up with me, but I won’t stop and wait for you, Alexia]

“Of course. And I don’t need you to wait for me.”

Bianca is getting stronger all the time. Alexia has known this since she was a child. If she wants to catch up with her who is already far ahead, she must catch up at a speed that exceeds her own limit.

Even faster than my past self.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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