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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 191

Artoria didn’t think anything would happen to her Master and Sajo Aige, but since this happened, it meant that something did happen at Senba Academy.

Therefore, she ignored Alexia’s request and rushed back at full speed!

“Master! Love the song!”


I don’t know when the ice wall no longer existed in the square of Senba Academy. Hearing the call from behind, Sajo Aige immediately turned around and said, “Why are you back all of a sudden?”

“Because I felt something was wrong just now… Compared to this, where is the Master?”

“It’s right in front.”

Shatiao Aige pointed ahead – in the open space not far away, a circle of blazing dark red fox fire stood there like a barrier, and Ai Wrapped in the fox fire could be clearly seen inside. Ksia’s figure.

Artoria frowned: “What’s going on?”

“Who knows? I don’t know much about the situation here. I only know that the prince had already defeated the fox-eared girl, but the other party seemed to have counterattacked on the verge of death, dragging the prince into that kind of barrier. , thanks to this, I have also experienced the same situation as you.”

“You mean… you can’t contact the Master?”

Shatiao Aige nodded.

“But I can feel that Master is safe now and has not encountered any danger.”

“…What’s the reason?”

“The relationship between me and the prince is full of love!”

Artoria: “…”

She is almost used to Sajo Aige’s statement, which means that she can still provide magical help to Ixia, and as long as the effect of magic is still there, based on her experience so far, even if Even the Herrscher couldn’t defeat Ixia.

Therefore, what Shajo Aige said is correct.

(Can’t you just say it another way?)

“Ah, Liya, do you think there’s anything wrong with what I said?” Shajo Aige looked sideways at Artoria with a smile, “Well, it should take a while for the prince to come out, right? We don’t need to worry about it, what we should worry about now is——”

Halfway through, Shajo Aige pointed to the sky.

next moment–

“Buzz buzz buzz————————!”

The sound of propellers came down from the sky, and an aircraft with the destiny logo appeared in the sky above Senba Academy.

And then, under Arturia’s gaze, two figures jumped off the aircraft one after another, and landed in front of the two of them very accurately!

Standing up from the ground and patting the dust on her body, Bianca, who was wearing a Valkyrie combat uniform, shook her blond hair: “We must not be late, right? Miss Aige, Miss Artoria.”

“Gui’an, Lord Shatiao, Lord Pendragon.” Rita, who was still wearing a maid uniform, also smiled and saluted the two of them.

Artoria looked at the two of them in surprise: “You guys came so fast? I remember that it would take more than an hour for you to come here at the earliest, right?”

“We applied directly to the headquarters for a super-fast flying ship – we were late once before and missed the opportunity to deal with the Herrscher with Exia. We can’t miss it again this time.”

Bianca explained, then looked at the barrier where the fox fire was burning: “This is it?”

“The Herrscher…that’s what they should be called, right?” Shajo Aige laughed, “The Herrscher, who was supposed to be killed instantly by the prince, made a desperate counterattack and imprisoned the prince. Inside, neither Liya nor I can interfere, now we can only wait for the prince to come out on his own.”

“Locked up?”

Frowning her brows, Bianca was not afraid that she might be burned by the fox fire. She directly stretched out her hand towards the fox fire barrier. After touching it briefly, she withdrew her hand: “Well, at this level, I can handle it—— Rita, please stand far away.”

“Okay, Lady Bianca.” Rita agreed with a smile, and while taking four or five steps back, she also said to Artoria and Sajo Aige: “Master Sajo and Master Pendragon, please also Please stay away, as Master Bianca’s actions now will inevitably cause some minor damage to the surrounding environment.”

“…She wants to destroy the barrier?”

“I think so.”

To rescue the people trapped in the barrier, directly dismantling the barrier is the most straightforward method. Sajo Aige also tried to analyze the barrier in his own way. It is certain that this is a very A simple barrier, if destroyed from the outside, will not have any impact on the people inside.


(Damn it, if I had a physical body, I could lift this barrier in an instant. I don’t even need Miss Bianca’s help.)

Shajo Aige couldn’t help but feel a little envious.

Bianca, on the other hand, didn’t pay attention to Sajo Aige’s thoughts. Bianca clenched her right hand a few times, as if she was weighing how much strength she should use, until she finally got a feeling – —


A simple punch directly hit the fox fire barrier!


Like a water tank being hit by a heavy hammer, the fox fire on the surface of the barrier was almost instantly blown out by this punch! Dark red ripples quickly crossed the entire barrier! It was as if the barrier itself had been destabilized by this punch!

And then very quickly…


A crack appeared on the barrier, and then spread rapidly visible to the naked eye! In the blink of an eye, it was everywhere in every corner of the barrier!

The next second——


It’s like a balloon bursting! The fox fire barrier suddenly shattered and exploded from the inside! Violent flame waves and explosive winds carried the impact of Honkai energy, and instantly burst out to the surroundings! The barrier itself turned into countless fragments and flew everywhere!

And in the barrier, in the fox fire that was gradually extinguished, one… no, two figures slowly appeared in the field of vision of Bianca and others.

“What’s going on? I stepped on this knife three or four times, how come it was released? Also, Ms. Yae Sakura, are you okay?”

“I…I’m fine, but Alexia, the position of your hand makes me a little…”

What emerged from the fox fire was Alexia, who was holding a jet-black blade in one hand and hugging a pink-haired fox-eared miko in the other. The hand holding the miko was unknown whether it was accidental or deliberate. , and placed it in a position that made the four women present unable to take their eyes away.

Artoria also subconsciously looked at her chest, which was covered by armor.

At the same time, Exia, who was about to put Yae Sakura down, also noticed Bianca and others in front of her.


He looked at Yae Sakura in his arms, Bianca who was barely smiling in front of her, and Sajo Aige not far away who was smiling unnaturally.

Alexia suddenly felt a little pain in her stomach.

51. Perfect solution

Alexia used to occasionally hear the chatter of some Destiny male employees.

For example, if your girlfriend sees you having close contact with other girls, you have to kneel on the washboard when you get home, or you may be scolded and doubted. Another example is that I just had a better relationship with my colleagues, but ended up being subjected to various [interrogations]…

In the past, Alexia didn’t pay much attention to this kind of thing. Apart from Bianca and Rita, he had no other contacts with the opposite sex. He never thought that he would be in the embarrassing situation of being surrounded by multiple members of the opposite sex.

But now, Exia regrets why she didn’t listen to how those people dealt with it.

“Welcome back, Prince.”

After arriving at Exia, Sajo Aige showed a smile that was perfect for welcoming others back.

“It’s great that you can come back from that barrier. I’m worried that you might be injured in it. I’m really sorry, Liya and I don’t have enough power to help you.”

“Oh…oh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I didn’t encounter any trouble.”

Alexia quickly shook her head.

This is the truth. Hitamamaru is not a trouble to him. The Kagemusha-like ghost is just a matter of his punch. After stepping on the knife a few times, it seems to have calmed down a little.

“Besides, Miss Aige has actually been helping me, right? The effect of the magic has not been lifted yet. I am really sorry for your trouble.”

“Yes, yes… I wish I could help Prince-sama.” Sajo Aige’s cheeks blushed slightly, but she quickly calmed down again, and her eyes shifted to Yae Sakura in Exia’s arms. On the body: “Then, please, Prince, can you explain where this [Miss Fox (emphasis)] who is [embracing (emphasis)] with you [warmly (emphasis)] and [intimately (emphasis)] comes from?” Which one is it?”

In just one sentence, Shajo Aige seemed to emphasize several points in a row.

And after she started like this, Rita also walked over with graceful steps and asked the same question: “This is also what Rita wants to ask. Lord Alexia, what are you doing with me in that enchantment?” What is this lady doing?”

——[Shura Field]

This is a word used to describe the place formed after the deadly fight between Asura and Emperor Shakti in Indian mythology. But nowadays, this word has basically become a representative word for “interpersonal relationships falling out of control”.

Although Alexia doesn’t have much self-consciousness, the current situation can indeed be called a Shura field.

(Damn… My stomach hurts…!)

Alexia felt like he was just like a candidate approaching the exam. The looks in the eyes of Rita and Sajo Aige made him involuntarily nervous. Arturia not far away and Bianca in front of him also had expressions on their faces. Something unnatural.

However, Exia has a solution!

In the final analysis, the current Shura field is only caused by some misunderstandings, so as long as the matter is explained clearly, it can be easily resolved. Alexia also believes that Sajo Aige and others are considerate girls. After listening After his explanation, we will definitely understand the situation between him and Yae Sakura.

“I…Miss Yae Sakura and I didn’t do anything.”

Putting away the hand holding Yae Sakura, Exia couldn’t bear to recall the touch in her palm.

“Before, I was trapped in a fictional world made up of memories by Herrscher Mimikyu in the barrier. I couldn’t leave until I broke the core, so I asked Ms. Yae Sakura to take me to the location of the core – this The knife is the core.”

Alexia waved the black knife in her hand as she spoke.

“But I was only halfway through the fight, and before I could completely dismantle the knife, the entire fictional world suddenly shattered. It felt like it was falling. I was afraid that something might happen to Miss Yae Sakura, so I rushed over and hugged her. The falling body, and then by the time we came to our senses, we were already out.”

“I can testify that Exia is right.”

Yae Sakura also raised her hands timidly and echoed.



And after hearing what Alexia said, Sajo Aige and Rita looked at Bianca – judging from the description, it seemed that the root cause was her punch?

She was not shaken by the sight of the two of them. After understanding Exia’s explanation, Bianca immediately breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with relief: “That’s it…it seems that even without me here, Once the barrier to the outside world is broken, you will be able to come out soon. This shouldn’t be considered an unnecessary step on my part, right?”

“How could it be? No one can blame you.” Alexia smiled, “Thanks, Bianca, you came in time.”

“That’s good.”

Seeing the two people living in harmony, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but come to Rita’s ear, pointed at Bianca and asked softly: “That…Miss Rita, Miss Bianca, she …..Is it possible that it has always been like this?”

“I’m ashamed to say that Lady Bianca is indeed a little bit in that regard… She has also taken the initiative to push Lady Alexia out of the business before.”


Even if it was Shajo Aige, I didn’t know how to evaluate it for a while. With a love rival like Bianca, she really didn’t know where to start.

“By the way, who is this?” Bianca looked at Yae Sakura, “I heard you just called her Yae Sakura, Exia… Is this her name? Could it be the third Honkai Impact? survivors?”

“No…but it can be said that it is.”

Alexia is not sure how to introduce Yae Sakura. After all, her existence and identity involve things that happened more than 500 years ago, and are even related to the former civilization more than 50,000 years ago. If possible, Alexia is I hope to take her back to the headquarters to meet Bishop Otto first.

Bishop Otto and Yae Sakura should have a lot to say between them. After all, both of them are related to Kallen. The incident that happened in Yae Village more than 500 years ago can be said to a large extent. Determined the life trajectory of the three people after that.

Even if Exia doesn’t fully understand the full story of what happened back then, she can be sure of this.

Sensing Exia’s hesitation, Yae Sakura slightly straightened her clothes that were wrinkled by Exia, and then saluted: “First meeting, friends of Exia, I am Yae Sakura. A former miko from Yae Village, she was also a [Mimetic Herrscher] who was sealed here by Karen Kaslana.”

“Now I am a [prisoner] who has been surrendered by Exia. Please don’t pay too much attention to my situation. Just deal with it as you like.”

52. Go to see Teresa

The Law-like One, the subjugated prisoner.

Hearing Yae Sakura’s self-introduction, Sajo Aige and Artoria didn’t react at all. After all, their understanding of Herrscher was limited to Exia’s memory and what they learned during this period. If you want some knowledge to make the two of you react, then Yae Sakura might as well claim to be the devil who destroys the world.

Of course, even then, I guess Shajo Aige wouldn’t be too touched.

Bianca and Rita fell silent one after another, staring at Yae Sakura for a while before moving closer to Alexia.

“So…is it the same situation as Mei? Alexia.”

“You can say so.”

Alexia looked at the black knife in her hand.

This is the current body of Hitamamaru, a divine key made from the Herrscher core of the twelfth Herrscher of the former civilization. Although the specific effect is not yet clear, it is only because the inner Herrscher consciousness was destroyed by Ike. Thea was so quiet after being subdued. If Hitamaru’s consciousness regained consciousness later, I’m afraid he would be in the same state as before at the castle tower.

A magic sword that no one can use and will corrode everything around it without any explanation.

However, apart from that, Exia can also clearly feel the fact that the existence of Yae Sakura seems to be bound to this sword. This is probably because Yae Sakura was eroded and possessed by Hitama Maru. Maybe it’s because he became a Herrscher-like person.

To put it more bluntly, the current Yae Sakura is somewhat similar to Sajo Aige and Artoria, except that compared to the two people who cannot have entities at will, Yae Sakura can always maintain her actual body.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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