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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 192

I am afraid that as long as the God Key in Exia’s hand is not damaged, Yae Sakura will be almost immortal.

(Afterwards, give this God’s Key to the Bishop or Ms. Changguang. They should be able to successfully transform this God’s Key into a usable state.)

Alexia thought so.

After Bianca and Rita received Alexia’s affirmation, their vigilance due to Yae Sakura’s self-promotion was slightly weakened.

The Herrscher can be subdued, or can be restored to human form by stripping off the Herrscher’s core – this is what some of the top leaders of Destiny learned after the end of the Third Collapse.

Although the Herrscher is the natural enemy of human beings, if the situation is the same as Mei Raiden’s, then Bianca and Rita are willing to believe in Exia’s approach and temporarily accept that Yae Sakura has been [harmless] fact.

But even so, if they really want to let down their guard against her, they will have to wait until Tianming conducts a thorough physical examination of Yae Sakura, and even lives with her for a period of time to confirm that she is really no longer [ The Herrscher (enemy)] will be discussed later.

Now, at best, she is regarded as a powerless prisoner.

“Then what are you going to do with her? Lady Alexia.” Rita asked, “Do you want her to undergo the same surgery as Miss Mei, to peel off the Herrscher’s core?”

“No, her Herrscher core is already here. I will compile a report on the relevant situation and submit it to the bishop. If you need it, I will also prepare a copy for you.” Exia explained, “As for her Disposal… My idea is to bring her back to the headquarters first, and then leave the more specific disposal to the Bishop to judge.”

Bianca immediately said after hearing this: “Then we need to use the ultra-high-speed aircraft we took when we just arrived? I think it should be staying nearby now.”

“No, I also said it was my idea. Before that, I still want to complete her idea.”

Alexia looked at Yae Sakura: “You should have someone else you want to meet, right? Miss Yae Sakura, Theresa… is the reincarnation of Kallen’s ancestor you mentioned before.”


Yae Sakura’s eyes suddenly lit up!

“Can I see her? No… I should say are you willing to take me to see her?”

“I wasn’t willing to say it before, but after reading the memories of you and Kallen’s ancestors, I think it’s okay. In addition, I can also confirm that you were never my enemy from the beginning. ].”

If Yae Sakura is an enemy, then Ixia is unwilling to take her to see Theresa. You must know that Theresa is still lying on the hospital bed because of the poison of another Herrscher. This kind of How could someone like Yae Sakura be allowed to see her?

But now, Aixia thinks there is no problem.


At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly appeared above Qianyu Academy!

The trembling roar and the sweeping wind made Exia and the others shake. After looking up to the sky, what came into everyone’s sight was a ship with a total length of nearly 300 meters, floating through an anti-gravity engine. In the air, a floating battleship looks like a steel behemoth!

The battleship Hyperion of the Far East Branch!

“Beep beep beep beep!”

Alexia, Bianca and Rita’s personal terminals rang at the same time.

【Lord Alexia! In addition, there are Lady Hollander and Lady Rossweisse! This is Hyperion! 】

The moment the connection was connected, the three of them heard the voice of a Valkyrie at the same time.

[Sorry, the Far Eastern Branch has not arrived at the scene until now. I am currently the acting commander of the Far East Branch, temporarily taking over the responsibilities of Theresa Branch Chief and Wuliangta Major. What is the situation in Changkong City now? Hyperion can drop Valkyrie troops for support at any time! 】

(It came really quickly.)

This is not a sarcasm, but a compliment.

In fact, from the time when the Far East Branch monitored the Herrscher-level Honkai energy reaction and decided to let Hyperion attack, not even fifteen minutes had passed until Hyperion arrived on the battlefield.

Being able to complete the assembly of the Valkyrie troops and arrive at Changkong City in such a short period of time can already praise the efficiency of the Far East Branch.

Alexia smiled: “You came at the right time, Hyperion. This is Alexia, who has completed the suppression of the Herrschers together with Hollander and Rita Rossweisse. Please Hyperion will take us back to the Far East Branch first.”

[The Hyperion understands! 】

The communication was terminated.

Bianca frowned with some dissatisfaction and said: “What does [completion] mean? It’s all your credit, right?”

“But you were the one who rescued me, right? Although I can also come out on my own, it is a fact that you rescued me. To round it all off, isn’t it just a joint effort?” Alexia smiled, then looked at Yae Sakura and stretched out her arms. He took action: “Okay, let’s go to the Far Eastern Branch together, Miss Yae Sakura.”


Looking at the hand stretched out in front of her, Yae Sakura was a little afraid for no reason – more than five hundred years ago, Kallen reached out to her in this way, but the result…

(If I hold it this time, what will happen to me in the future?)

Yae Sakura was like a little animal who was afraid of getting hurt. She raised her hands halfway and put them down, then retracted them again.

She suddenly didn’t dare to hold Alexia’s hand.


Watching Yae Sakura’s little movements, Ixia took a step forward and took the initiative to hold her wrist, smiling firmly and saying: “Don’t worry, Miss Yae Sakura – nothing will happen this time.”

There is no wavering in the words, and they even seem to contain some magic that can make people calm down involuntarily and believe.

Yae Sakura bit her lip lightly, and finally held Alexia’s hand in turn.


53. Proud child

[Theresa, I leave my children to you, please take good care of them]

Drowsily, Theresa felt as if such words were echoing in her ears.

She knew exactly who said this to her.

Cecilia Shaniat, the S-class Valkyrie who was once the most powerful in destiny, was Theresa’s best friend.

When Theresa had just debuted as a Valkyrie and was feared by the people around her because of her combat abilities, acting style, and origin, Cecilia was the only one who showed kindness and tenderness to her.

Therefore, Theresa swore to herself after that that she would protect Cecilia and her best friend no matter what.


What happened during the Second Collapse caused Teresa to lose Cecilia forever. After that, Teresa devoted all her feelings for Cecilia to Cecilia’s two children.

Alexia Kaslana.

Kiana Kaslana.

When these two children of Cecilia were born, Theresa made an agreement with Cecilia that she would also care for and protect these two children as her own.

But she almost broke the contract again.

Siegfried’s defection, Exia and Kiana who were taken away by him… If it weren’t for Destiny later retrieving Exia, until recently Exia retrieved Kiana, De Lisa really failed to keep the agreement between herself and her friends twice!

In that case, she herself would not forgive herself.

Now, both Exia and Kiana have returned to their destiny, so this time, Theresa will definitely protect her two [children] no matter what – even if judging from the current situation, Exia and Kiana Kiana may no longer need the protection of her elder, but her thinking will never change.

“I will definitely…protect them…”

Theresa murmured unconsciously.

And vaguely, whether it was an illusion or a mistake, Theresa suddenly felt that Cecilia’s figure appeared in front of her.

(Cecilia…are you here to…blame me…)

He blames himself for not being able to fulfill his promise over the years and not being able to provide Exia and Kiana with the protection and care they deserve.

Theresa tried her best to open her eyes wide, and raised her hands to catch the figure in her eyes – she had actually done this several times before, but this time, Theresa really hated why her hands were like this short.

If it were longer, it should be able to do what she’s supposed to do.

(Sisi…Lea…I…I will definitely——)

“…Protect them…”



As the mist in her eyes dissipated and the feeling of her hand being held, Teresa heard such an iconic call, and at the same time she saw clearly the true face of [Cecilia] in her eyes.

“…Exia? How did you…”

Theresa’s voice sounded weak, and her eyes looking at Aixia were a little confused and surprised.

Why is Alexia here?

Holding Teresa’s hand and putting it down, Ixia said: “The headquarters received a request for support from the Far East Branch, saying that both you and Miss Wuliangta were defeated by the Herrscher Mimic, so the bishop sent I’ll handle it. Now that I’ve dealt with the general situation, I have time to come and visit you.”

“The Herrscher…that’s right! Himeko! Uh-“

Teresa suddenly remembered what happened before and immediately wanted to sit up! But just when she wanted to get up, the pain in her abdomen made her lie back down again!

Alexia came to the end of the hospital bed and helped Theresa raise the head of the bed a little: “Don’t worry, aunt, Miss Wuliangta is fine. Her injuries are much lighter than yours. Apart from the toxins, they are just minor injuries.” . But you were directly penetrated by the Herrscher Mimetic, and you haven’t recovered yet, so you need to rest for a while.”

Exia only found out about the injuries of Teresa and Wuliangta Jizi after arriving at the Far East Branch.

Wuliangta Jizi had multiple abrasions and penetrating wounds all over her body, but fortunately there were no fatal injuries. After the Herrscher Herrscher’s toxin disappeared with the death of Herrsister, it would be much easier to treat her.

Teresa is the same in this respect, but compared to Wuliangta Jizi, she has an additional penetrating wound in the abdomen. Basically, it can be said that the door of hell has been closed until the toxin disappears, even if it has improved now, It also takes a long time to recover.

Looking at Alexia who was sitting next to her hospital bed again, Theresa was silent for a while, and then sighed slightly: “Jezi and I can be saved, does that mean you defeated the Herrscher, right? Ai Kesia…you have really grown into a very good child.”

If Cecilia knew that her child was so strong now, she would definitely be proud of him.

However, as an elder, even though she lost to the Herrscher in a moment of carelessness, but to be easily surpassed by the younger generation… Teresa really felt a little uncomfortable.

“No, it wasn’t me who saved you.”

However, Exia shook her head.

“Well… it’s true to say that I defeated Herrscher Mimikyu, but I defeated another Herrscher Mimikyu, not the one who hurt you – in this incident, Mimikyu There are two Herrschers.”

“Two Herrschers–it doesn’t hurt, it hurts!”

Theresa couldn’t help but exclaimed, but the next second she covered her abdomen in pain, and her face turned pale for a while before she recovered.

“Hey, what’s going on? Two Herrschers… Counting the Herrscher of Thunder, there are already three Herrschers appearing in Changkong City in a row, right? Is there some kind of magic spell in that place? What?”

“About this matter, actually… Auntie, there is someone who wants to see you next. If possible, please don’t be too surprised.”

Someone wants to see me?

Theresa frowned: “…who?”

Alexia stood up, walked to the door of the ward, opened the door, and shouted outside: “Please come in, Miss Yae Sakura, how long are you mentally preparing to stay outside? My aunt is already awake.”

“Well…I…I still want to–wow!”

With an exclamation, Yae Sakura, who had already changed into modern clothes, was pulled into the ward by Exia’s arm, and then forcefully pushed to Theresa’s bedside.

Looking at the pink fox lady in front of her, Theresa blinked cutely: “Exia, she is…”

“This is the Mystic Herrscher I mentioned to you just now and was defeated by me. His name is Yae Sakura. He has some connections with Kallen Kaslana and wants to meet you for some reason.”

“Hello…Hello! Kallen’s reincarnation!”

Yae Sakura’s cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were tightly closed and she shouted to Theresa.

“I’m Yae Sakura!”

54. News from my father

Outside the ward.

After pushing Yae Sakura in front of Theresa, Exia casually found an excuse and left the ward, leaving the two of them alone.

After all, this was a meeting between Yae Sakura and [Karen], so he didn’t have to interfere as an outsider.

And after walking out of the ward——

“Lord Exia.”

Rita’s voice came from the side of the corridor.

Coming to Alexia, Rita asked: “How is Lady Theresa’s condition?”

“Not long after I woke up, I asked Miss Yae Sakura to stay with her temporarily. Rita, are you planning to visit your aunt?” Alexia glanced at an insulated lunch box in Rita’s hand, “Wait a moment. For a while, how about at least waiting until Yae Sakura comes out?”

“…Since Lord Exia said so, I will wait for a while.”

Rita smiled, and then changed her tone: “In addition, I am not just here to see Lady Theresa. I also have something to ask you about.”

“Is it…about this mission?”

Rita nodded, then took out her terminal and presented a document to Ixia: “This is a mission report I drafted during this period. If you need to submit a mission report to the Bishop later, , I think this should be used as a reference.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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