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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 193

“So fast?!”

Alexia was a little surprised by Rita’s move. He originally planned to make a draft on the way back to the headquarters, briefly explain it to Bishop Otto and then submit a formal report the next day.

But with this report from Rita, I should be able to get the official mission report out on the way back.

“Rita, you are really considerate and helpful.”

“As long as I can help you. And this is just out of habit. After all, I helped draft Lady Bianca’s report.” Rita smiled, “By the way, Lady Bianca and I have also done this before. I have already contacted the Bishop. The Bishop is very interested in the surrender of Yae Sakura… the Herrscher, and specifically told me that I will escort Miss Yae Sakura back to the headquarters with you.”


It’s not a very pleasant statement, but if the target is a lawyer, there’s nothing wrong with it.

“What about Bianca?”

“Sir Bianca, she is currently assisting the Far East Branch in Changkong City to eliminate the Honkai Beasts. Because of this big Honkai Impact incident, the number of Honkai Beasts in Changkong City that were already small has suddenly increased sharply. I feel that Bianca Lord Ka will probably stay here for two to three days.”

Teresa was seriously injured and has not recovered. Although Wuliangta Jizi’s condition has improved, she is still a little reluctant to fight. The Far East Branch is now short of manpower, and Bianca, who is destined to have the highest combat power, really needs to stay here.

“Then Rita, will you come back to help her in the future?”

“Of course, because I am Lady Bianca’s adjutant – and then, there is one more thing.”

After quickly glancing around, Rita came to Alexia’s ear, covered it with one hand and said in a low voice: “When I contacted the bishop earlier, the bishop conveyed a message to me, saying that he was performing a special mission. Lord Fu Hua has returned.”

The three highest combat powers of the Far East Branch – Teresa, Wuliangta Jizi, and Fu Hua.

In this Herrscher-like incident, part of the reason why the Far East Branch asked the headquarters for help was because Fu Hua received an urgent special mission, so that the Far East Branch suddenly lost all its high-end combat capabilities.

“Will you mention this to me… Is there anything unusual about the special mission performed by the master?”

“No, there is nothing unusual, it just has something to do with you – this is the information I just investigated. Not long ago in Singapore, a Valkyrie lurking there saw a man who seemed to be Siegfried. ·Kaslana’s male.”

Siegfried Kaslana? !

Alexia instantly brightened up: “Rita, this news——”

“The authenticity cannot be confirmed. The special mission carried out by Master Fu Hua is to go to Singapore to confirm whether the news is true. Now that Master Fu Hua is on her way back, you may wait for her to return and ask about the result.”

“…I know, thank you for telling me about it, Rita.”

“You’re welcome.”

Rita distanced herself from Alexia again, smiled and bowed slightly before turning and leaving.

Looking at her leaving figure, Alexia clenched her fists with both hands: “Father…”

(You care about your father very much, Prince.)

The voice of Shatiao’s love song sounded in his head.

(I don’t mean to pour cold water on you, but… Sir Prince, I think it’s better for you to stay vigilant about this matter.)

“Huh? Why?”

(Miss Rita said that she heard the bishop reveal this information during the report to the bishop. But if you think about it carefully, is this something that will be easily revealed?)

“…Do you mean, is it possible that Rita is lying to me? Miss Aige.”

(It’s just a possibility. Maybe I’m thinking too much – if it caused you to be in a bad mood, I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart.)

Alexia pondered for a while, then shook her head and smiled: “It’s okay, I know you must be doing it for my own good, and I won’t blame you. But Rita is also my family, and she is as important to me as Bianca She is a person, so please have more trust in her.”

“Also, please get along well with her and Bianca. You always make fun of each other when we meet. It will be very embarrassing and difficult for me to be caught in the middle.”

(Hehehe~~~I’ll try my best, Prince.)

There was absolutely no introspection in Sajo Aige’s laughter. I guess she would still be tit for tat with Rita and Bianca next time she meets them, right?

Bianca is the person that Alexia likes, and Sajo Aige is the person who loves Alexia deeply and is willing to give everything for him.

The two are basically the biggest love rivals.

If you really want the two of them to get along well, you might as well hope that Kiana will become smarter.

(Speaking of which, I also have something to report to the prince.)

“What’s up?”

(Consumption of magic power in the Great Holy Grail – I believe you also know that the magic power of the Great Holy Grail is not unlimited. The total amount is equivalent to the magic power of Fuyuki City’s spiritual veins for 60 years. And during this period of time, the amount of magic power you have consumed in your daily practice The magic power and the magic power consumed to maintain magic today have been used up for almost half a year. Please note.)

In other words, one hundred and twenty percent of the magic power of the Great Holy Grail has been consumed?

“Do you want me to save some money?”

(No, I just want to tell you that the magic power of the Great Holy Grail is not infinite, and it will not automatically recover. If the total magic power is consumed to a certain level, the power of the Great Holy Grail and myself will also weaken. If it is completely used up, I will not be able to help you. Now – if you want to restore magic power, you can only take it in from the outside.)


(Find a powerful magic source for me to absorb, or…)

“Or what?”

(No! Nothing!)

Shajo Aige sounded like she was trying to hide something.

(In short, if conditions permit, please find some magic sources to charge the Great Holy Grail. I don’t hope that I can’t help you, Prince.)

55. Otto: I have a reason why I have to do it

Half an hour after Yae Sakura entered Theresa’s ward.


After opening the door, Yae Sakura walked out, bent down towards the room and closed the door.


After sighing softly, Yae Sakura weakly lowered her hand holding the doorknob and sat down on the bench in the corridor.

She and Teresa didn’t get to talk about much.

Perhaps because of her identity as a Herrscher, or perhaps because it was just the first time that the two met, the two of them were silent for two or three minutes before reluctantly starting to communicate.

As for what they exchanged… If introducing each other and starting some topics in a very blunt way can be considered exchanges, then that’s it.

There is no common language between Yae Sakura and Theresa, so naturally there is no basis for communication. Forcing oneself and the other party to have a topic is just asking for trouble.

What’s more, Yae Sakura was an ancient person from more than five hundred years ago, and was only in her early twenties when she was sealed. Teresa looks very young, but is actually an old man in her forties.

There is a huge generation gap between the two!

The result was that within half an hour, the two of them could only talk about some insignificant things without saying a word, and then Yae Sakura couldn’t sit down and say goodbye.

“I…this is a mess, right?”

Exia is giving herself a chance to get along with Theresa, letting her take advantage of this opportunity to settle what she wants to say and do. After all, she is a Herrscher. Then she and Exia go to Destiny. After returning to the headquarters, the best situation is to be imprisoned in the headquarters forever, and it is impossible to be allowed to leave the floating island.

But Yae Sakura didn’t say anything to Theresa.

Because she realized it.

(She is not Kallen.)

Even though she has a similar scent to Kallen, Theresa is not Kallen. At most, she is just a stranger who has some similarities to Kallen. She is definitely not the Kallen that Yae Sakura knows.

Therefore, Yae Sakura had nothing to say to Theresa, and even if she told Theresa, she probably wouldn’t be able to understand it.

Regardless of the past of more than five hundred years ago, or Yae Sakura’s thoughts and feelings for Kallen, Teresa, who had nothing to do with them, could not understand them.


(That’s it. If you really want to see the real Kallen again, you should wait until Kallen is resurrected in the future as Exia said.)

With this thought, Yae Sakura took a deep breath, stood up from the bench, and prepared to leave the hospital to find Exia.

But as soon as she stood up, Yae Sakura froze on the spot.

“Uh…how do you get out of this place? And where is Alexia?”

As an antique from more than 500 years ago, Yae Sakura has no adaptability or understanding of the environment of the Far East Branch! Even the internal structure of the hospital seemed to her as mysterious and strange as a maze!

(I…Which direction did I come from before? My impression seems to be that I walked up three or four floors. The location of the stairs is…uh… .Left or right?)

Yae Sakura, who was completely confused about her direction, started spinning in circles with some embarrassment.

“what are you doing?”

At this moment, Alexia, holding a can of coffee, walked out from one side of the corridor and appeared in Yae Sakura’s field of vision.

Seeing the life-saving straw, Yae Sakura immediately rushed to Exia without much thought! She held his hand with a look of joy on her face!

“Great! You’re still here, Alexia… I still want to find you, but I don’t know where to go or how to get around this place…”

“oh oh.”

Alexia was a little frightened by Yae Sakura’s aura: “I just went to buy a can to drink, I didn’t go too far. By the way, have you finished talking to your aunt? Everything you want to say and want to do has been solved. ?”

“…Well, it’s all settled.”

Yae Sakura paused and nodded.

Without doubting his presence, Alexia finished drinking the canned coffee and threw it into the trash can: “That’s good, let’s go back to the Tianming headquarters after I go say hello to my aunt. There is someone over there that I hope you can meet. , and because you are a Herrscher, various examinations and experiments will be done on you – I will try my best to help you avoid excessive experiments, but I can’t do anything necessary. You need to do a psychological test first. Get ready.”



Destiny Headquarters.

“Okay, we’ve been notified here and will be ready.”

After hanging up the communication, Amber looked at Otto behind the desk: “Bishop, communication from the Far East Branch, Lady Teresa and Major Wuliang Tajizi have both woken up and improved, and they only need to carry out normal treatment. I can recover and be cured.”


“Exia-sama and Miss Rita have also started to return to the headquarters via the special plane arranged by the Far East Branch. The Herrscher, codenamed [Yae Sakura], is also on the special plane and has been equipped with Honkai Impact equipment under the supervision of Mrs. Rita. The device can be suppressed, and the Key to the Unknown God has also been sealed in a special container and is being carried. It is expected to return to the headquarters in two hours.”


“Lord Youlandel has applied to temporarily stay in the Far East Branch to help clean up the Honkai beasts in Changkong City. The five Valkyrie teams that are ready at the headquarters have also set off. Do you need to send additional manpower?”



Listening to the mechanical response from Bishop Otto, Amber stopped his reporting work, came to the desk and looked at the computer screen that Otto had been staring at.

What is shown above is the battle scene of the action game “Karen Fantasy” that Bishop Otto spends a lot of money to develop every few years. From the content point of view, it is the final level of the latest game, played by Kallen as the player character. A level where the saint has a duel with the fox demon who is the final boss.

At this moment, Otto was concentrating on operating the character [Karen], using the best equipment that could be collected in the game, and unilaterally ravaging the final boss with his perfect skills that he had honed countless days and nights!

“Bishop… this is the twenty-eighth time you have played this level within an hour. Can you please end the game time and deal with government affairs?”

“I’m sorry, Amber, I now have a reason why I have to beat this level repeatedly until Exia and the others come back. Just put the relevant documents next to me, and I will check the purpose later.”

Otto’s face remained unchanged as he said the willful and fatal words.

Amber could only sigh helplessly at her boss’s behavior.

(Please come back soon, Lord Exia.)

56. The meeting of the century!

Tianming Headquarters, Third Airport.

When Alexia returned here, it was already the morning of the second day after he left the headquarters.

Facing the morning sun, Alexia, who was carrying the box containing the Ksitigarbha Soul Taming on her back, couldn’t help but yawn a little sleepily.

“Looks like you need to catch up on jet lag, Lady Axia.” Rita stepped off the plane holding a piece of chain, “Do you want me to prepare you a drink to help you sleep later?”

“No, I don’t think so. I feel like I can fall asleep if I touch the pillow…compared to this -“

Looking behind Rita, Yae Sakura had her hands cuffed with a pair of handcuffs and a ring around her neck. She was wearing something similar to a straitjacket. Alexia followed the chain on the handcuffs and asked Rita. Said: “Is this how you brought Miss Meiyi back before?”

“No, Miss Mei just put ordinary handcuffs on her that time. Miss Yae Sakura is in a serious condition this time.” Rita explained, “In addition, Miss Mei was actually an [escort] that time, and this time Yae Sakura The lady is [escort], the nature is different.”

“Yeah, that’s right… Even though we’re here, I still want to ask, do you feel uncomfortable like this? Miss Yae Sakura.”

Lifting up her handcuffed hands and pointing at her neck, Yae Sakura said: “The neck is a little tight, and it’s not very convenient to breathe, but it’s okay to endure it.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Yae Sakura, because this suppression device has a unified specification, and it was originally a prop used to capture dead soldiers. When designing, it was not considered whether the dead soldiers would feel uncomfortable.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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