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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 194

Rita smiled and said: “Please bear with me for a while longer. After the meeting with the Bishop is over later, I will transfer you to the Saint 1504 Research Institute and I will replace you with a restraint device.”

The restraints on Yae Sakura’s body are just a facade in the final analysis. She is also a pseudo-Herrscher after all. It is not impossible to break free if she really wants to. In contrast, Alexia, who can reliably suppress Yae Sakura in an instant, is considered a real restraint device.

Of course, given Yae Sakura’s situation, there is no need to suppress her if she insists on speaking out.


A sound of vehicle horns came from not far away, and Exia and Rita took Yae Sakura to a car that made the noise.

“It’s better that you pick us up, Miss Amber.”

“Yes. Thank you for the hard work, Lady Alexia, Miss Rita——”


Kohaku in the driver’s seat had just finished speaking. Even though her eyes were covered by a mask, looking at the familiar braid and the half of her face that was not covered, Yae Sakura suddenly exhaled softly and squatted down. Arriving in front of Amber: “Are you Karen?”

“She’s not, Miss Yae Sakura – besides, your place is over here.”

After opening the rear driver’s seat door and letting Rita sit in first, Ixia also pushed Yae Sakura into the car, then turned around and sat down in the passenger seat: “Okay. Please go, Miss Amber.”


“Wait, please wait.”

Yae Sakura leaned behind the driver’s seat in a strange posture: “Exia, she…she has a very strong smell of Kallen. Is she the reincarnation of Kallen?”

“Well…it’s a bit troublesome to explain, but I can tell you for sure, Miss Yae Sakura, Miss Kohaku is not Kallen, nor is she the reincarnation of Kallen’s ancestor – more details will be given later. You can ask the bishop after you meet him.”


This title made Yae Sakura calm down a little: “Is it…that Bishop Otto?”

Otto Apocalypse.

It’s not that Yae Sakura didn’t know this person. She had heard Kallen mention it more or less when she lived with Kallen in Yae Village more than 500 years ago.

The childhood sweethearts who grew up together, the great inventor that Kallen trusted most, and the best partner who always supported her dreams and actions…even after Kallen had just broken up with Otto and Destiny. Soon, Kallen herself said that her relationship with Otto had changed, but Yae Sakura remembered it clearly.

When Karen mentioned Otto, she would be slightly happier than usual, and her eyes would keep looking to the west.

Even if the relationship breaks down, for Karen and Otto, the other party must still be a very important person to each other – maybe even the most important person. After all, according to Exia, Otto spent more than five hundred years trying to resurrect Kallen, and he still insists on this dream to this day.

(Am I going to meet someone who cherishes Kallen like this?)

The moment this idea came to her mind, Yae Sakura suddenly felt a little nervous. The fox ears on her head stood straight up as if to reflect her mood, and her hands and feet began to move around as if they had nowhere to rest.

Kallen is the most important person to Otto, and Kallen is the most important person to Yae Sakura.

The two people’s positions are actually very similar. Under normal circumstances, the two people should have many common topics.

But the problem is…

(What attitude should I use to face that Otto?)

As a prisoner? Or as Karen’s friend? Or is it……


Yae Sakura felt her stomach hurt, and her heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up.

And soon——

“Here we are.”

As the scenery outside the car window kept changing, the car quickly arrived at its destination. After asking Kohaku to park the car first, Exia and Rita took Yae Sakura and Jizo Mithun to the car. leads to Otto’s private office.

The walk was not long, it only took about ten seconds to walk, but Yae Sakura felt as if she had walked a long, long way, and every step she took, she felt like she was suffering.

It was almost the same as the first time she was forced to perform a sacrificial ritual five hundred years ago.


After arriving at the door, they used the terminal to prove their identity and then opened the door. The three of them walked in one after another.

However, after stepping into the door, what the three of them saw was not the familiar Otto’s office before, but a sunny lawn.

“……here it is?”

“The simulated scene I created through holographic projection technology.”

Otto’s voice sounded from one side.

With a soft smile on his face, Otto seemed to be in a good mood and became a lot more friendly. He walked out of the space and smiled at Alexia and Rita: “Thank you for your hard work from the far east.” Come back soon, Alexia, Rita.”

“It’s not hard work, Bishop.” Ixia shook her head, “By the way, what is this simulation scene?”

“Oh, it’s my way of remembering the past. I automatically analyze my memories or recorded history and simulate the corresponding scenes… Because I have to meet a very important guest, I I specially prepared this in advance.”

Otto said as he came to Yae Sakura——

“This should be our first meeting, Miss Yae Sakura, Kallen’s best friend in the far east. I have always wanted to meet you.”

“I am Otto, Otto Apokalis, Kallen’s… friend and partner.”

“Let’s get along well next.”

57. Friend? Or lover?

Otto will always remember.

It was a night more than five hundred years ago when he received a letter from the Far East. The sender was Kallen.

In the letter, Kallen explained to him all the things she encountered in the Far East and the crisis he faced in the eight-layer village, and asked him to send Judas’s oath to her.

At that time, Otto sent someone to deliver Judas’s oath without any hesitation, and soon after that, he saw Kallen who was brought back by Destiny’s pursuit force.

Because of stealing the important black box of Destiny, and taking Judas’s Oath out of Destiny without permission, plus various previous crimes, Kallen accepted the trial, and about the person who was sealed by Kallen through Judas’s Oath In the case of the miko, Destiny’s initial decision was to have Kallen reveal everything about her.

In the eyes of Destiny at the time, Yae Sakura was an excellent research subject.

But Kallen refused and said the words that Otto still remembers.

[I have fallen in love with her].

Otto has never forgotten the touch he felt at that moment, and he also always remembers the name of Kallen’s [lover].

(Yae Sakura.)

To be honest, when he listened to Rita’s mission report and mentioned the name Yae Sakura, Otto couldn’t believe it. He thought he might have heard it wrong, but after listening to Rita’s report in full , he had some kind of emotion.

That is the emotion called [ecstasy].

Therefore, he immediately ordered Rita and Exia to escort Yae Sakura back. He really wanted to meet this Herrscher who was loved by Kallen! I’ve thought about it since five hundred years ago!

Otto was so excited that he had to play Kallen’s fantasy to calm himself down.

And now——

“Sit wherever you like.”

On the simulated lawn, whether it was a real thing or a simulated object, Otto came to a dining table that reminded people of afternoon tea. After sitting down on the chair, he smiled and motioned for Yae Sakura to sit down as well.

“By the way, help my important guest untie her, Rita, Alexia.”

“Is that okay? Bishop.”

“Of course. After all, with you here, even if Ms. Yae thought about doing harm to me, it would be impossible. Not to mention that Ms. Yae has no intention of fighting with me, right?” Otto smiled.

“So, don’t be too harsh on your guests. Let’s untie her and let’s enjoy breakfast – I’ve prepared Rita and Alexia’s share.”

As soon as he finished speaking, several exquisitely plated sandwiches and a pot of black tea where the steam had not yet dissipated appeared on the dining table.

Otto was the first to pick up a sandwich and eat it. Seeing this, Exia had no choice but to remove all the restraint devices on Yae Sakura, and then sat down at the dining table with Rita.


Looking at the sandwich in front of her, Yae Sakura couldn’t help but feel at a loss – the Mimic Herrscher actually didn’t have any appetite. If she had, she would have starved to death in the past five hundred years, and…she I don’t know whether I should eat this strange triangular rice ball.

“Don’t want to eat?”

Otto, who had already finished a sandwich, asked Yae Sakura, who was sitting upright, “Is it not to your liking? Or do you mean you don’t know how to eat? Or… you’re not even willing to accept my kindness?”


Somewhat aware of the meaning of Otto’s words, Yae Sakura picked up a sandwich uneasily: “I’m starting…ah woo!”

Taking a big bite of a large piece of sandwich, the texture and taste that she had never experienced before made Yae Sakura’s expression suddenly brighten up! He immediately sped up his eating speed and finished a sandwich in a few mouthfuls.

There was no bread in Japan in the fifteenth century. You must know that until the end of the Edo period, the common people in Japan mostly ate miscellaneous rice cooked with vegetables and pickled vegetables as side dishes.

Things like bread and salad dressing were completely unfamiliar to Yae Sakura, who lived in a mountainous countryside, and she had only heard Karen mention them a few times.

“…I’m done eating.”

After eating all three sandwiches in one go, Yae Sakura clasped her hands together and said something habitually, but when she raised her head, she saw the three people of Exia facing her with strange smiles.


(Oops…I have never eaten anything so delicious. I accidentally…I am so rude to the host. I must apologize!)

Such thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, and Yae Sakura quickly stood up, bowed deeply and apologized: “I’m sorry! My behavior during the meal just now was a bit disrespectful!”

“No, it’s okay, relax, Miss Yae.” Otto smiled and motioned Yae Sakura to sit down again, “For a cook, the most satisfying thing is that the food he makes can be so loved by others. It’s something that makes people satisfied and happy.”

“Did you do this?”

“Well, it’s a little hobby of mine – I’ve always thought about showing off to Karen one day, but unfortunately it ended before it came to fruition.”

Very suddenly, but quite naturally, Otto got to the point.

Yae Sakura’s expression darkened: “…Exia said it would be better for me to meet you, and he also said before that it was you who wanted to see me. May I ask…about the card? Do you want to tell me about Lian?”

“Why don’t we talk about anything else? Miss Yae.” Otto smiled and asked, “Well… first of all, let me say thank you. Miss Yae, a thank you that is over five hundred years late.”


Yae Sakura was a little confused.

“What are you thanking for?”

“For you to help Kallen back then – Kallen said in the letter she sent me that year that you saved her from being seriously injured and became friends with her. I have to express my gratitude to you no matter what, If it weren’t for you, I might have said goodbye to Karen earlier.”

“This…you are exaggerating.” Yae Sakura bowed her head slightly, “I just did something that I could do, and…I hurt Kallen after that, and I am not qualified as a friend. “


Otto couldn’t help laughing: “Haha, friend…Miss Yae, do you think Kallen is just your friend?”

“um, yes.”

“That’s really weird.”

Standing up, Otto came behind Yae Sakura and put his hand on the back of the chair.

“If you are just friends… then why did Karen say that you were her [lover] when she was being tried more than five hundred years ago?”

58. Zero points and ten points


Are you Karen’s lover?

The moment she heard these words from Otto’s mouth, the first thing that appeared on Yae Sakura’s face was surprise, followed by a deep blush.

“Karen…that’s what Kallen said?”

“Although it happened more than five hundred years ago, I remember it very clearly.”

Otto walked around and returned to his seat: “After all, I was Karen’s fiancé at the time. It was quite uncomfortable for me to say such shocking words in front of everyone in the court. Woolen cloth.”

It should be said that at that time Otto felt that his heart had been shot through.

He and Kallen grew up together, fell in love with Kallen as they grew older, and got engaged to Kallen because of their family contacts – even though Kallen is a person who is relatively slow to feelings, Austrian Tuo always thought that if things stayed like that, he and Kallen would definitely get together.

Marry Kallen, become a couple with Kallen, and have a child of his own and hers… Otto actually imagined a bright future for himself and Kallen. Even if he later had a conflict with Kallen, he Thinking about repairing this relationship after welcoming Kallen back.

But at that moment, Otto’s dream was shattered.

“Of course, these are things that happened more than five hundred years ago. After such a long time, I will not be shaken by mentioning this matter. And if I think about it carefully after that, maybe it was a card. It’s a lie that Lian deliberately told.”

This is a conjecture that Otto once had – or rather an escape. He thought that he would feel better if he thought about it this way.

“A lie…?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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