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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 195

Yae Sakura closed her eyes slightly, recalling every detail of her past relationship with Kallen.

What is the relationship between myself and Karen?

She thinks the two are best friends, but when it comes to whether she has love for Karen… Yae Sakura can’t be sure, but she can’t completely deny it. At least [to a certain extent], there should be some.

After all, Yae Sakura, who lived more than five hundred years ago, was not open-minded enough to understand and accept same-sex love, let alone a Japanese.

[Want to be with Kallen], [Want to see Kallen again] – this is what Yae Sakura thought before and now.

Looking at Yae Sakura who fell silent, Otto roughly understood her thoughts, and at the same time confirmed a suspicion he had always had in his heart. He breathed a sigh of relief, and Alexia and Rita sitting next to him immediately felt Otto seemed a little more relaxed than before, with a sense of relief.

“Your Excellency Otto, I…”

“Okay, there’s no need to say anything else, Ms. Yae.”

Raising his hand to stop Yae Sakura who was about to say something, Otto took a sip of black tea, quickly calmed down his violent mood, and then smiled and said: “Let’s stop talking about my lover here for the time being. At this stage, I already know everything I want to know, and that’s enough for now.”


“Yes. Compared to this past event of more than five hundred years ago, I think it would be better for us to discuss your future whereabouts.”

Where will you go from now on?

Yae Sakura looked at Exia: “I am just a prisoner surrendered by Exia now. At the same time, I also know that as a Herrscher, I am your enemy. So I am willing to accept any treatment. “

“No matter what kind of treatment…is it?”

These words are really thought-provoking. If these words were spoken to a vulgar person with bad intentions, then Yae Sakura would definitely regret why she made such an exaggerated promise so rashly.

Otto pondered for a while: “I can tell, Ms. Yae, you don’t seem to want to continue to exist in the world.”


“Because you would say such a thing, it means that you can accept the worst treatment you can think of, and if I am right, the worst treatment you think is even [kill you], right? ?”

Yae Sakura: “(nodding wordlessly)”

“Well… to be honest, I actually don’t want to kill you.” Otto said, “Maybe you don’t know, but there is actually a [Original Herrscher] within Destiny now. Because of some For a special reason, I am currently living as a reserve member of the Destined Valkyrie. I think I will be able to officially become a qualified Valkyrie in a year or two and start fighting to protect the world.”

“That’s right…but-ah!”

Yae Sakura, who was originally a little confused as to why Otto said that, quickly came to her senses.

If a [Original Herrscher] can become a warrior who protects the world, then she also has such a possibility and choice – this is what Otto meant.

“Of course, it is not easy to accept a Herrscher as a comrade. Due to various considerations, you will be under the surveillance of destiny at all times and need to undergo regular physical examinations – you will need it later. Go and do it immediately – and you will also have quite a few restrictions when fighting, and you may have to wear a Honkai Impact limiting device at all times…”

After listing the possible things that could happen one by one, Otto folded his hands on his chin: “——If you can accept the above conditions, as the bishop of destiny, I can accept your surrender. ].”

“…Are you serious?” Yae Sakura couldn’t help but frown and asked, “I am a Herrscher who caused a great tragedy five hundred years ago and hurt everyone you have. Kallen, who you care about, almost failed in Changkong City before…”

He is a monster and a disaster star.

Yae Sakura never believed that she had the qualifications to continue to live. She should have died more than five hundred years ago.

“That’s why you shouldn’t die so easily.” Otto said sternly, “Ms. Yae, I think the most severe punishment for a guilty sinner is not to let the other person die, but to Let him continue to live and suffer the condemnation of his conscience, or use his conscience to make him do more things that will cause him pain.”

Using other people’s thoughts to achieve one’s own goals is a very common way to control others, and Otto is very proficient in this kind of thing.

“If you feel guilty that you have hurt others, then what you should do is not die with this guilt, but live with this guilt until the day you die naturally. And I also I plan to use your guilt to make you do something that I want to do and that you are also willing to do.”

“To put it in a way that you can accept, that is – [please come and protect the world that Kallen wants to protect with me], how about that?”

Yae Sakura: “!”

The beautiful pink eyes trembled a few times, and the slender fox ears faithfully reflected the owner’s inner thoughts, standing straight up to the sky!

“Can I?”

“As long as you have that thought, that’s OK.”

After saying that, Otto stretched out his hand to Yae Sakura.


Protect the world that Kallen wants to protect.

Looking at the [opportunity] in front of her, Yae Sakura took a deep breath, shrank her hand and gently held it: “I…willing to give it a try.”

“very good.”

“Welcome to Tianming, Ms. Yae – then, please have a good sleep first.”



Hearing Otto’s strange words, Yae Sakura only had time to be stunned for a moment. As a feather floated past her eyes, she lost consciousness and fell to the ground in a coma.

He retracted his hand, took out a handkerchief and wiped it a few times before throwing it away. Otto said to Rita and Axia: “Take her to the Saint 1504 Research Institute, Rita, Axia. That unknown god’s weapon Please take the key with you and tell Ms. Changguang for me that all the secrets in her body must be dissected out.”

“As you command, Lord Bishop.”

Rita agreed, then bent down to pick up Yae Sakura and walked to a certain direction on the lawn.

Looking at the unconscious Yae Sakura, Exia was silent for a while, then sighed slightly and said: “Bishop… may I ask how sincere you are about what you just said?”

“Haha, what do you think it is? Ixia.” Otto asked with a smile, “I know you don’t like my approach, but for Ms. Yae, I think I will always give zero points. sincere.”

“I hate her, I hate her from the bottom of my heart.”

This sentence is very sincere.

59. I create obstacles for myself

Otto’s action was something Exia didn’t expect, but it was something he took for granted.

After all, I had worked under him for several years before, so Ixia was quite familiar with some of the habits of her adoptive father.


“Honkai energy intensity detection has been completed. The peak value is 2003hw. It is currently stable at 2000hw. No core structure of the Herrscher has been found.”

“The analysis results of the new type of God Key are out, confirming that they have the same specifications as Judas’s Oath and other God Keys.”

“The physical examination is completed and the data has been uploaded.”

Inside the St. 1504 Institute.

After Rita came here with Yae Sakura and Jizo Mithun, Chang Guang, the director, led the members of the research institute to put down the work at hand and devoted themselves to the research on Yae Sakura.

Unlike Raiden Mei’s situation, this was the first time Destiny had captured Herrscher. To put it bluntly, in the eyes of researchers, Yae Sakura is a mountain of treasures that have not yet been explored.

Standing in the corridor separated from the research room, looking through the window at Yae Sakura who had been accommodated in the large cabin, Exia showed a bit of worry in her eyes.

He doesn’t like experiments very much. Even though he knows that this is necessary for the development of Tianming’s technology, he has cooperated in some experiments, but he doesn’t like this kind of experiments and research directly on the human body.

“Lord Exia.”

Rita came over from the side.

“The handover is complete. Ms. Changguang said we can leave first.”

“Well… Rita, please leave first. I’ll continue to stay here for a while.” Alexia thought for a while and then said, “You still have to go to Changkong City to help Bianca. ?”

“…Are you worried about Miss Yae Sakura?” Rita also looked at Yae Sakura in the laboratory, “The bishop has already explained the relevant matters to her, and we also talked to her on the way here. As I said, although the bishop’s actions were a little rude, I think she can understand.”

Rita can understand Alexia’s reason for wanting to stay here.

To put the situation just now in a popular way, Yae Sakura was betrayed by Otto, and she was also betrayed by Exia and Rita.

She believed Otto’s words before accepting his invitation. Shaking hands with her meant that the two had reached cooperation and consensus, but Otto knocked her unconscious in the blink of an eye, even though Yae Sakura could understand , but there will definitely still be some lack of calmness at the moment of waking up.

It will definitely cause quite a commotion at that time.

The most important reason why Exia stayed was to suppress Yae Sakura who might have an overreaction – or so Rita thought.

“Yeah, I know. But even so, I still want to stay.”

Alexia looked straight at Yae Sakura.

“In this way, at least when she wakes up, she will be able to calm down faster when she sees me.”

“…I understand.” Rita smiled, “However, if there is a conflict, please show mercy. The institute cannot withstand your destruction.”

“Don’t worry, if something like that really happens, only this side of the glass will break.”

Alexia knocked on the glass jokingly: “Go over there and say sorry to Bianca and me, and asked her to help me deal with the aftermath. After that, come home and have a meal together, Rita, you too Together – you don’t need to cook, Mei and Bronya’s cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds recently under the guidance of Miss Aige.”

go home.

It’s not [come to my house], but [go home].

Rita stroked her somewhat droopy hair and said with a smile, “Okay, I’ll tell you. I’m looking forward to Miss Mei and Bronya’s cooking.”

“Oh. Be careful on the road.”


After saying this, Rita turned and left the institute.

And after she completely disappeared from sight, Sajo Aige suddenly emerged from behind Ixia: “The prince wants to invite them [home] for dinner… It seems that I will have to teach Miss Mei and Bu Sister Lonia has some dark cooking.”

“Please stop, Miss Ai Ge, that will cause big problems.” Ixia said with a bitter smile, “Just prepare some normal home cooking, just two or three Japanese and Western dishes.”


After a slightly nonchalant response, Sajo Aige also looked at Yae Sakura: “Speaking of which, how will Prince-sama arrange for her in the future?”

“Huh? Didn’t we already agree? Let her join Tianming and become a Valkyrie under the premise of accepting many restrictions-“

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Sajo Aige shook her head, “I’m talking about Yae Sakura’s accommodation.”

stay? !

Only then did Alexia react suddenly: “It seems…it’s really a big problem.”

Although there are many places to stay on the floating island, accommodation is not a problem if there are no requirements – but Yae Sakura’s identity is a big problem!

She is the Mystic.

Even if Ixia and others can get along well with Yae Sakura, it does not mean that others will accept Yae Sakura’s existence. The world’s views and attitudes towards Herrscher are more of fear, awe, and hostility.

If you find a house for Yae Sakura to live in, you can imagine how isolated she will be.

In addition, Ixia doesn’t think that an antique like Yae Sakura, who is more than 500 years old, can adapt to the ultra-modern living environment on the floating island. She may be confused just by going to the supermarket to buy something. They can also mistake some things for dangerous items.

After all, it’s a girl from the countryside who comes to the city.

Applying the format of a famous book from China is [Yae Sakura Enters the Floating Island].

(That is to say… at least at the beginning, someone must take care of Yae Sakura, familiarize her with life on the floating island, and teach her relevant modern knowledge, so all I can think of is… .)

After holding her chin and thinking for a while, Ixia clapped her hands: “Then let Yae Sakura move in and I’ll add it.”

Shatiao Love Song: “……”

“I remember there is still an empty room in my house? If it can’t be done, please ask Miss Mei and Miss Yae Sakura to squeeze in. It is also convenient for Japanese people to take care of it, but Yae Sakura lived five hundred years ago, so she should be more accustomed to laying floors, right? “

Shatiao Love Song: “…”

“However, in this case, the daily necessities at home will not be enough. Then we will have to buy new furniture, clothes and so on…”

Shatiao Love Song: “…”

Regret, in short, very regretful.

(Why do I have to mention this kind of thing…Isn’t this actively increasing competitors for myself?)

60. Brother, did you cheat again?

Exia’s house, early morning.

Kiana’s room.


In a room with sunlight shining down, she sat on the bed and stared blankly at the wall not far away. Kiana grabbed the alarm clock from the side and glanced at the time.

Half past seven in the morning.

“Well~~~~ It’s still early. Anyway, I’m not here today, so I can sleep in.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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