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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 196

Putting the alarm clock back, Kiana lay back on the bed and closed her eyes.

Kiana likes to sleep in, especially sleeping in the cage. It feels so comfortable to sleep until she wakes up naturally.

But since Exia came back, Kiana has never had a good night’s sleep. If she overslept in the morning, she would definitely receive an iron fist full of love and concern from her brother.

The result is that now, Kiana’s body will automatically wake up when the time comes, for fear of getting punched.

But fortunately, Alexia said yesterday that she was going on a business trip. No matter what, she wouldn’t come back in one night. Plus, today was the weekend, so Kiana could get a rare sleep.

(Hey hey hey~~~~The bed is so comfortable, I haven’t felt like sleeping in a cage for a long time!)

Tucking her whole head into the quilt, Kiana was so happy that she almost laughed.

Just sleeping like this until she wakes up naturally, or waiting for Raiden Mei to wake her up for dinner – this is what Kiana thinks is the most perfect morning.


An hour passed.


Looking at the ceiling, Kiana sat up from the bed stiffly——

(Can’t sleep at all!?)

Covering her face with some self-doubt, Kiana couldn’t believe that she couldn’t sleep one day! Obviously, I fell asleep in one second when I came back to sleep before! But this time she turned back and forth hundreds of times on the bed and still couldn’t fall asleep!

I always feel like my head will be hit when I fall asleep.

(Brother… he must not be at home, right?)

Kiana tiptoed down from the bed and came to the door. She carefully opened the door and stuck out half of her head. Kiana quickly glanced outside – if Alexia was at home, she would have already gotten up by this time.


There were no footsteps outside the door, and there was only some movement downstairs, but that came from the kitchen, so it was safe.

(Well, it seems that my brother is indeed not back yet.)

Slipping back onto the bed and covering herself with a quilt, Kiana closed her eyes in peace.

If you are sure that your devil brother is not at home, you don’t need to feel any pressure when you go back to sleep! This way you can sleep until you wake up naturally——


A loud noise suddenly shattered Kiana’s beautiful fantasy!

Quickly jumping up from her bed, Kiana looked towards the door and saw a familiar robot floating in the air, knocking on the door with a relatively small mallet in her hand.

And then——

“Idiot Kiana, how long do you want to sleep? Get up and have breakfast.”

Bronya Mo, dressed as a maid, appeared at the door with emotion.

Obviously, the loud noise just now was caused by her controlling the heavily armored rabbit to smash open Kiana’s door.

Kiana immediately raised her mouth and said, “How can you wake people up like this! Bronya! I have to go back to sleep! What if the door is broken by you?”

“Bronya will fix it. In addition, the master said that if the idiot Kiana wants to sleep back in her cage, she can take some drastic measures.”

(That bastard brother ahhhhhhhh!!!)

At this moment, Kiana’s favorability towards her brother dropped to the lowest level!

Can’t he just let his lovely sister sleep in her cage?

Putting away the heavy-duty bunny and catching the gavel, Bronya continued: “Sister Mei has prepared breakfast, come down and have breakfast.”

“Ugh… forget it, the worst thing is to come back and sleep after eating.” Kiana put her hands on her hips, “I have to change clothes, Bronya, get out!”

“Bronya is not interested in Kiana’s body.”


Being underestimated!

In a few steps, she walked down from the bed to Bronya. Kiana straightened her chest and looked down at the little Bronya: “Bronya~~~I should be saying this to you, right?” The lady is not interested in a body like yours where you can see your toes when you lower your head! Mei Yi must also like me more!”


Bronya’s eyes became slightly sharper.

Basically, Bronya doesn’t care about many things. Now she just needs to do her job as a maid. As an anti-entropy hostage, she can live such a peaceful life now. satisfy.

But even so, there are areas where Bronya absolutely cannot give in or compromise.

“Bronya! Kiana, have you gotten up?”

At this moment, Raiden Meiyi’s shout came up from downstairs.

“Also, I just received a message from Mr. Exia, saying that he will be back in a few minutes. Remember to put the bath water in for him.”

Brother is coming back? !

Hearing this, Kiana didn’t even bother arguing with Bronya, and rushed back to the closet to quickly change her clothes! Then he quickly ran into the bathroom, finished washing up, and rushed down the stairs in an instant!

“I’m coming down Mei Yi!”

“Kiana, don’t be in such a hurry.”


Following Kiana to the restaurant, Bronya looked at a certain part of Kiana’s body that was shaking with her movements, then looked at a certain part of Raiden Mei’s body, and finally looked down. My own toes…

An unknown sense of failure sprouted in Bronya’s heart for no reason!

“Bronya? What are you doing standing there?”

Walking out of the kitchen with breakfast in hand, Raiden Meiyi asked Bronya who was standing still.

“Mr. Exia said that you need to take a bath. Please go and put the hot water on. Come and have breakfast after that.”

“Bronya knows…”


Before Bronya could move, a doorbell rang at the door, which made the three people at the dining table perk up. Soon, the figure of Alexia, who was familiar to all three of them, appeared in front of them. within the field of vision.

“Oh, I’m having breakfast.”

“Yes, Mr. Exia, do you want to come with us?”

“No, I’ve eaten before, and now I just want to catch up on the jet lag… Kiana’s tutoring will be in the afternoon.” Alexia said while rubbing her eyes, “There’s another thing I want to tell you something, starting from today there will be an additional resident in our house – come in, Miss Sakura.”

Miss Sakura?

Kiana, who was just happy, immediately looked behind Alexia with some curiosity, and Raiden Mei and Bronya also looked over.

Then, Yae Sakura, who had already changed into the Valkyrie uniform, walked into Exia’s house and bent deeply towards the three of them.

“Hello everyone, my name is Yae Sakura, and I will be living with you all starting today. This little girl is not talented, so please give me your advice.”

Bronya: “…”

Leiden Meiyi: “…”

Kiana: “…Brother, you cheated on me again!?”


A burst of love instantly fell on Kiana’s head.

61. Yae Sakura officially moves in

Time goes back dozens of minutes.

Although Otto’s order was to dissect all the secrets from Yae Sakura, to be honest, there was nothing secret or strange about Yae Sakura herself. Except for Herrscher-like identity and Honkai energy strength, all her indicators were normal.

If you think about it carefully, this is a matter of course.

After all, she was just a witch from a small village in the far east more than five hundred years ago. If it weren’t for her exposure to the Herrscher of Corrosion, she would have lived her entire life as an ordinary woman.

Therefore, there is not much about Yae Sakura that is worth studying in detail. In comparison, Jizo Yuhun is more worthy of study. You must know that there is a Herrscher living in it. This is no better than a mere Herrscher. Does it have much research value?

Therefore, after performing a full physical examination on Yae Sakura and placing insurance measures on her body in accordance with Otto’s requirements, Ms. Nagamitsu handed Yae Sakura over to Exia and took her away.

By the way, [safety measures] include but are not limited to placing bombs in Yae Sakura’s body, implanting nanorobots for surveillance, wearing a neck ring with a Honkai energy limiting effect, and a series of other actions.

Yae Sakura didn’t have any objections to this arrangement. This was how she had agreed with Otto – even if she had any objections, it was because of Otto’s behavior, which suddenly made her unconscious.

After leaving St. 1504 Research Institute, Exia took her directly to his home.

“——This is probably the case.”

At the dining table.

After briefly introducing the previous situation and Yae Sakura’s identity to Kiana and the others, Exia reiterated: “Because we cannot let a Mimic Herrscher run around outside, from now on Later, Miss Sakura will live with us. Please remember to get along well.”

“I’m going to trouble everyone from now on…”

Yae Sakura said cautiously.

If there was a tatami now, she would have knelt down and bowed her head sincerely.

After finally digesting all what Exia said, looking at Yae Sakura who was born in the same country as him and even had a similar identity and position, Mei Raiden couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for her.

“I see.”

Nodding slightly, Raiden Meiyi stretched out her hand to Yaezakura: “Hello, Miss Yaezakura, I am Raiden Meiyi, like you, I am from the far east… and I am also the original Herrscher of Thunder. Please invite me in the future. Let’s get along well.”

“The Herrscher of Thunder…Oh, so you are.”

Yae Sakura woke up not long after the end of the third Honkai Impact. Although she had never seen the Herrscher of Thunder, she could feel that aura, and the current Raiden Meiyi has the same breath she felt at that time. The smell is almost the same.

Of course, this breath is really weak.

Seeing that Raiden Meiyi was the first to express friendship, Bronya also lifted her maid skirt and bowed: “Since it is the master’s order, Bronya has no objection. Bronya is the maid of this family. From now on If you need anything, just talk to Bronya, Mr. Yashiro.”

“Maid?” Yae Sakura frowned: “Is she the same person as Miss Rita? Servant?”


“Such a young child…”

Looking at the size and appearance of Bronya’s child, Yae Sakura couldn’t help but whisper to Alexia: “Exia, isn’t it good to let children work as maids like this…? “

“Uh… there are some complicated reasons here. I will explain it to you when I have the chance, or you can just ask Bronya directly – by the way, Kiana?”


Being called out suddenly, Kiana, who had been covering her head since just now, trembled quickly: “What, what are you doing, brother?”

“Miss Mei and Bronya have already said hello to Miss Sakura. What about you? Don’t you even say hello? You’re not polite at all. Come here and say hello.”


Touching the head that had just been hit, Kiana came to Yae Sakura and smiled: “Is your name Yae Sakura? Hello, I am Kiana Kaslana. I am the cutest brother. sister!”

“Well, I know you. I already heard Exia mention it on the way here.” Yae Sakura also said with a smile, “I will need more help from you in the future. I don’t know much about this era.”

“Okay! Keep it with me!”

Kiana patted her chest, and then walked directly in front of Yae Sakura under the confused eyes of Raiden Meiyi and Exia: “By the way, Yae Sakura, there is something I want to ask.”

“Just call me Sakura. Do you have anything you want to ask?”

“What is your relationship with my brother?”

Relationship with Exia?

Yae Sakura turned to look at Alexia’s side face, thought seriously for a while and then smiled: “He is… my [Benefactor], right?”

“Eh? Benefactor?”

“Yes. A very important benefactor.”

Not only a benefactor in the sense of “accepting myself”, but also a benefactor in the sense of “willing to give myself a new place to live”, and a benefactor in the sense of “willing to help myself fulfill my wish”.

To be honest, maybe from Exia’s point of view, he didn’t do anything special to Yae Sakura, but from Yae Sakura’s perspective, Exia’s behavior has given her great help.

“If possible, I would like to repay Alexia’s kindness in the future. For example, I would do something within my power for him, take care of his daily life… and so on.”

“Miss Sakura…actually you——”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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