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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 197

“You don’t need to go to such unnecessary lengths.”

Just when Alexia was about to say something, Sajo Aige flew out of his chest, hugged his neck and sat on his lap. Her blue eyes stared at Yae Sakura with a bit of hostility: “Prince-sama’s life I will be responsible for daily life, and I don’t need Ms. Yae to worry about it any more – right? Prince-sama?”

“Ah…well, it seems that is indeed the case?”

“Whether it’s three meals a day, waking up the prince every morning, or accompanying the prince to sleep at night, or even protecting the prince’s safety when he sleeps, fighting side by side with the prince in battle… ..I can do all these things, basically there is no need for Ms. Yae anymore.”

“So Kiana~~~~~”

Leaning on Alexia, Sajo Aige looked at Kiana: “Rather than caring about Ms. Yae, I think you can actually call me sister-in-law.”

“No, just forget it, Sister Ai Ge.”

Kiana immediately shook her head.

“I still want a sister-in-law who actually exists. Sister Ai Ge has no physical body at all, right? Sister Bianca would be the best.”


“But in this case, brother, are you cheating or not? How about I ask Sister Rita or Sister Bianca? – rua!”

Without giving Kiana a chance to continue her nonsense, Exia hit her sister on the head with a knife: “Please calm down, Bianca and Rita are still on mission in the far east. Well, don’t make trouble for them, finish your breakfast quickly and finish your homework for today, I have to check it in the afternoon.”

“Ugh~~~~ Brother, can’t you give me a holiday…”

“Let’s wait until you don’t fail any of the subjects in the exam.” Alexia said as she stood up, “Then let’s do this for now. Regarding the matter of Yae Sakura, I will call you next, Ms. Mei, Bu Lonya, it’s up to you where she wants to live, I’m very sleepy now, so I’m going to take a shower first.”

“Bronya go put the hot water on.”

Looking at Bronya and Alexia walking to the bathroom together, Raiden Mei touched Kiana’s head, then smiled at Yae Sakura: “So… in short, welcome to this home, Yae Miss Sakura. Let us live together from now on.”


1. Three months later

“Drink! Drink! Hey!”

Destiny Floating Island.

In the training room at eleven o’clock in the morning.

Accompanied by several sharp shouts, two figures were constantly colliding on the field!


There was another shout, and Kiana, who had tied her braid into a ponytail, used her right foot as a fulcrum, raised her left foot high and kicked Aixia sideways in front of her!


Grabbing her sister’s pure white calf, Alexia swung it hard and threw Kiana to the ceiling on the spot!

The rapid change in her field of vision did not make Kiana waver in any way. Then she used the momentum of being thrown away and used her hands to support the ceiling. In an instant, she turned her attack and fell from the sky! The fierce flying kick hit Alexia’s face!


The ground on the training ground trembled slightly, and Kiana’s kick landed directly in the air!

Alexia, who had already turned sideways, grabbed Kiana’s arm the moment she landed on the ground, and quickly spun her arm in a circle. Kiana, who was still behind him, was caught in the next second. An over-the-shoulder throw hit her hard in front of Exia.


“Okay, that’s it.”

When Kiana was about to stand up and fight again, Exia had already punched her on the tip of the nose: “Let’s stop here in the morning, it’s almost time.”

“Huh~~~It’s finally over…”

Hearing what Alexia said, Kiana suddenly felt like a deflated ball. She turned into a carpet and collapsed on the floor. Her words still sounded weak.

He took out a bottle of water from the bag next to the chair and threw it to Kiana. Alexia kicked her calf: “Don’t lie down immediately after training. Get up quickly. You have been sparring like this with me for more than three months.” , haven’t you gotten used to it yet?”

“But I really have no strength at all…Brother~~~ give me a hand~~~~”

“Do you know how to call me brother at this time?”

After helplessly dragging Kiana up from the floor and throwing her onto a chair, Alexia took a sip of water: “You are like this, and there will be a test the day after tomorrow. I doubt whether you can pass it. “

“Don’t worry, brother~~~ I have been trained by you for three months, there is absolutely no problem.”

Yes, three months.

The time now is July 2014. Nearly three months have passed since Exia returned to the Tianming Headquarters – this is the first time he has stayed at the headquarters for such a long time since he started traveling to another world last year. In the past, we would stay for about a week and then start again immediately.

(If it weren’t for teaching Kiana, I would have gone out and come back by now.)

And a lot of things happened in these three months.

The first is Kiana’s test just mentioned. After passing instructor Lewis’s modified teaching plan, Kiana’s cultural class results are fine. Under the tutoring of Alexia and Raiden Mei, two months ago The test was successfully passed.

But the actual combat test was sent, and he still failed twice in a row. Fortunately, the one a month ago was just a little bit behind. Now after another month of training, Alexia failed in the test the day after tomorrow. I don’t think Kiana will fail.

The second is——

“Exia, Kiana. Is your training over?”

A gentle call came from the door of the training room.

Alexia looked over and said, “Well, it’s just over. Please come and deliver food to us again, Sakura.”

The person standing at the door was none other than Yae Sakura.

It has been about two and a half months since she officially moved into Alexia’s house. Although she was just like Alexia at first, she was completely unable to adapt to modern life and even made trouble because of her own situation. caused a lot of farce.

For example, when I took a shower for the first time, I ran out of the bathroom because my ears were burned by hot water. Fortunately, Alexia was not on the first floor at the time, otherwise something bad would definitely happen in every sense. matter.

For example, when cooking, she didn’t know how to use modern kitchen utensils, so she stood in the kitchen for more than half an hour, and then she blew up the kitchen!

There are still many other things to do, but with the help of Raiden Mei and Bronya, Yae Sakura has now adapted to the modern living environment quite well, and the daily cleaning and three meals a day of Alexia’s house are basically left to her. It’s all taken care of – of course, Yae Sakura and Raiden Mei will prepare the dinner together.

For some reason, Raiden Mei was quite resistant to leaving the kitchen, as if the kitchen was her territory.

“It’s no trouble. After all, I don’t have much to do at home.”

Carrying a picnic basket to the two of them, Yae Sakura smiled and said: “This is today’s lunch. I made three flavors of rice balls, namely salmon, meat floss, and multi-grain rice balls. I also prepared miso soup. In this thermos.”

Unlike Raiden Mei, who can cook both Eastern and Western dishes, Yae Sakura is good at Japanese style, especially rice balls. After all, there was nothing delicious in Japan at her time, and she has been working hard for the past two and a half months. Delve into modern recipes.

Alexia took the picnic basket and thermos cup from her hands, turned around and touched Kiana’s head gently: “Be energetic, your sister Ying is here to bring you food. After you finish eating, go back with her. “

“Oh…Eh? Go back?”

It took Kiana a second or two to realize that something was wrong with what her brother said compared to before. She obviously had to rest for an hour after eating yesterday before starting to practice again. Why did she practice all morning today?

“Brother, are you sick?”

“No, it’s just that I have something to do in the afternoon. I have to go to the Saint-1504 Research Institute, so I can’t practice with you. Besides, I will be on a business trip again from the day after tomorrow. Remember to do independent training by yourself.”

In the world that only Exia could see, in the upper left corner of his field of vision, there was a burning line of time counting down.


Alexia can only stay in this world for three months at most, and now that he has stayed long enough for Kiana, it is time to set off for a new world.

Kiana’s achievements are important, but Alexia can’t let his strength stand still. In order to fight against the collapse that will happen and the Herrscher who doesn’t know when, he must continue to fight Just go to a higher realm.

So, he is going to a new world.

2. Pseudo·Key of God

St. 1504 Institute.

After finishing lunch with Kiana and Yae Sakura and watching the two leave the training room, Exia came here alone.

To be precise, I came to the development department of Saint 1504 Research Institute.

As for the reason——

[The production of that one is about to be completed. If possible, please come to the development department today]

Looking at the message Changguang Seventeenth sent to him this morning on his personal terminal, Ixia couldn’t help but feel a little expectation in his heart – he naturally knew what [that] was.


After proving his identity, Ixia walked into the development department, and as soon as he walked in, several researchers noticed him.

Of course, this also includes the strengths here.

“Here we come, Alexia. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Changguang Seventeenth, or Elizabeth Changguang Macsmith, saw Exia arriving and welcomed her with a smile.

“I thought you would come earlier, but I didn’t expect you to come until the afternoon.”

“Sorry, Ms. Changguang, because I have a scheduled trip in the morning.”

“I know, it’s about your sister, right?” Changguang Seventeenth smiled, “It seems that your sister is more important than our masterpiece that you have been waiting for for more than half a year.”

Alexia quickly shook her head and waved her hands: “No, no, no, how could it be? It’s just that everything has to be done one by one. I came here right after training and lunch.”

“Hehehe, it’s just a small joke. Don’t take it to heart. I don’t mean to blame you – it’s just that [she] is hard to talk about.”

As Changguang Seventeenth spoke, he looked at the container behind him, and Aixia also followed her gaze.

In the special container that looked like a huge test tube in the center of the research room, a weapon with a rather strange shape was quietly floating in the air and rotating automatically.

At first glance, the weapon looks like a lance, but its barrel is unusually wide and flat, resembling a big sword. But it is a big sword, but the sword body has a clear twist angle. Overall, it looks like a big sword. It looks like lightning when it goes up.

And there are still wisps of lightning flashing intermittently around the sword body, like a layer of protection wandering near the weapon.

Looking at this weapon, Exia couldn’t help but sigh: “Is this…my [God’s Key]?”

——Key of God

The [Herrscher Core-driven anti-Honkai God-killing Armor] is based on the Herrscher Core and made of a special metal called Soul Steel. It was created by the former civilization more than 50,000 years ago to fight against the Herrscher and Honkai. forbidden equipment.

However, the God Key in front of Exia is not any known God Key, but a brand new [God Key] that has only completed the last step of the production process until today.

Last year, in November 2013, when Exia returned from another world for the first time, in addition to the divine blood, she also brought back two weapons named [Loki’s Blade] and [Crushing Sword]. , is the first-level equipment created by the blacksmiths of that world.

But compared to this world, those two weapons were too simple, so Exia gave them to Chang Guang XVII, originally hoping to make them into the Gods series weapons. But after the third collapse, Destiny regained the Conquest Gem. With the permission of Bishop Otto, the ownership of this gem finally fell into the hands of Ixia.

Therefore, the production plan of [Throne of Gods] was canceled and replaced by the production plan of [Key of God]. Because the Throne of Gods series was originally produced by Otto imitating Key of God, so even if the plan is temporarily changed, the production progress will not be Too big of a change.

And now, from November last year to July this year, it adds up to nearly nine months!

This brand new God’s Key is finally completed!

Changguang Seventeenth handed the terminal in his hand to Ixia: “It’s actually not quite right to say it’s the [God’s Key], because we haven’t been able to fully analyze the production method of the God’s Key, so in terms of production, it’s It is made according to the process of the Gods of Gods, the only difference is that the core power is replaced by the Conquering Gem, and some of the existing God Key technologies are borrowed.”

“To put it simply, this is a [semi-finished product] that surpasses the Gods, but cannot reach the specifications of the God’s Key, that is, the [Pseudo-God’s Key] – as a researcher, for this kind of technical The lack of it is really a pity and a pity.”

Alexia shook her head and smiled: “You are being humble, Ms. Changguang… hmm? Is this God’s Key still unnamed?”

On the terminal that Chang Guang came over, the content displayed was various information about the God’s Key, but there was no official name for the God’s Key.

“Because this is the weapon you want to use, of course you have to decide the name, right?” Changguang 17th smiled, “However, even if you want to name it, I don’t think [she] will agree. Yes.”


Changguang Seventeenth also said this before.

Alexia raised her eyebrows: “Who is she?”

“Of course it’s her.” Chang Guang pointed to the floating God Key, “In other words, the [Consciousness of the Herrscher of Thunder] existing in the Conquering Stone is the reason why I called you here. Ninety-nine reasons are all because of her.”

The consciousness of a Herrscher.

This is something that other God Keys do not have. Whether it is the White Flower of the Black Abyss, the Oath of Judas, or the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire, based on the usage records so far, it can be determined that none of them have self-awareness.

But the current Key of God is different, perhaps because of the special nature of the Conquering Gem itself, or perhaps because it is the only Herrscher core that has been separated from the body of the [living Herrscher], and there is thunder inside it. The consciousness of Herrscher—that is, another Raiden Meiyi.

In the process of making the God’s Key, Changguang Seventeenth and others suffered a lot because of the existence of this consciousness. It can be said that if it were not for this reason, the production of the God’s Key would not have taken nine months at all.

“The Herrscher of Thunder wishes to speak directly with you, Exia.”

Changguang Seventeenth said.

“Through our unremitting efforts and various tricks and tricks, we have successfully made her into the God Key, but the problem is that she does not want to be used by others.”

“Don’t want to be used?”

“Well… it would be more appropriate to say [refuse to be used casually], which is the common plot in games and animations [only those who are strong enough can use me]. The process of our communication with the Herrscher of Thunder , I explained to her that you will be the one to use her in the end, and she said that before she is used by you, she must communicate directly with you no matter what.”

This is why Exia was called here.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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