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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 198

(It’s similar to the situation when I pulled out the sword in the stone.)

Arturia’s voice sounded in Exia’s mind.

[Whoever pulls out this sword will be the King of Britain] – Exia now understands this legend related to the Sword in the Stone, and it is indeed somewhat similar to the situation he is facing now.


The special container made some trembling sounds, the surrounding invisible bulkheads gradually lowered, and the God’s Key floating in mid-air also slowly descended, and was finally fixed on a socket.

Changguang Seventeenth said: “If you are ready, hold the handle – whether you can use this God’s Key depends on the outcome of your conversation with the Herrscher of Thunder.”


When she came to the socket, Ixia didn’t hesitate at all. She reached out and grasped the purple-red sword hilt.

And at this moment!

【snort! It’s finally here, humans! 】

Alexia’s world immediately fell into darkness.

3. There is rain in my heart

“Whoa, whoa, whoosh!”

What the ears heard was the sound of rain washing over the ground.

The moment she escaped from the dark world, Alexia’s world was filled with torrential rain.

What looked like a rooftop somewhere, the heavy downpour falling from the sky dropped a large amount of splashing water on the ground, and in the sky covered by the heavy rain, it was also covered with dark clouds, and no trace could be seen. bright.

This is a stormy night that can make people feel depressed and involuntarily fall into isolation and loneliness.

Braving the heavy rain that soaked her whole body in an instant, Alexia looked forward: “…the rooftop of Qianyu Academy? This is the place of destiny for you, right?”

Because I have been here two or three times, I can still tell where I am in Exia.

This rooftop is the rooftop of the teaching building of Senba Academy. And not far in front of him, [Thunder Meiyi], who was also standing in the torrential rain, with lightning lingering all over his body, turned around and curled his lips in disdain.

“Karma? With that weakling? Are you kidding me?”

Stretching out his white fingers towards Ixia, [Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] sneered: “This is the place where you and I have a grudge.”

More than four months ago, it was on the rooftop of Qianyu Academy that Exia and [Thunderbolt Mei] met and fought for the first time. Thinking of the relationship between the two and their final outcome, [Land of Grudges] is still… It’s really an apt description.

Ignoring the hostility in [Thunder and Lightning Mei]’s words, Ixia asked straight to the point: “I heard that before you are used by me, do you want to communicate with me directly? Now that I’m here, I want to Just say whatever you want.”

“…That’s a really unpleasant attitude, Exia.”

[Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] One hand on the hip.

“You behave as if you are here just to meet my request, and no matter what I say to you, you will use me as you like – you are really showing off for yourself. He looks like a [master].”

“Did I say you could use me?”


The lightning surrounding [Thunder and Lightning Meiyi] suddenly rioted!

However, the moment the thunderstorm started, Exia quickly broke through the rain curtain!


With countless splashes of water, the distance between [Thunderbolt Mei] and Exia instantly shrunk to the limit. He turned his hand into a vise and grabbed her neck. Exia stared coldly at Ritsu in front of her. By.

“I have nothing to say to the Pure Herrscher. Just say what you want to say, and then hand over all the power of the God Key.”

“A pure Herrscher… Hahaha, I’m really sorry you can say such a thing. There are obviously several Herrschers around you, but you should use the same attitude you used against me to deal with them. .Double-standard hypocrite.”

Even though she was being strangled, [Thunder Mei Yi] didn’t flinch in her tone, and her scarlet eyes stared straight into Exia’s gaze.

The strength in Alexia’s hand increased slightly, but he took it back the next moment: “Whatever you say, whether it is to accept Miss Mei or accept Sakura’s existence, I will do both after thinking about it. The decision I made—that’s all I want to say? After I finish speaking, I’ll go back.”

“…Tsk, you’re going after that weak guy too, I can’t stand it.” [Raiden Meiyi] touched her neck, “I haven’t finished what I’m saying yet, just stop here – it only takes about two minutes.” , just answer me a few questions, and if the answers satisfy me, then you can use me however you want, it doesn’t matter if you use me badly.”

“I won’t wear you out.”

“I didn’t tell you about this, so don’t miss the point.”

[Thunder Meiyi] glared at Alexia, and then asked: “I told you, what are you going to do next?”

“what do you mean?”

“A lot. For example, what will I use my power to do, how will I deal with Herrscher and Honkai in the future, and what do I think of the weak me – just answer these three questions for me one by one.”

Alexia thought for a while after hearing this.

“I can answer the first two questions unanimously – I will use your power to protect, protect the people who are important to me, and protect this world that has been attacked by Honkai Impact. And in order to fulfill this wish, I will also Use your strength to fight and fight to make yourself stronger.”

This is the thought that every Kaslana will have, and it is also the wish that every Kaslana will have.

“As for my views on Miss Mei… I think she is now my friend. When I was not at home, Kiana received a lot of care from her. Maybe for Kiana, Miss Mei has already Not just friends anymore.”


[Raiden Meiyi] raised his eyebrows a few times: “Then who is the [important person] to you? Who do you want to use my power to protect?”

“Family, and friends. And people who need to be rescued and protected, if you can.”

Not everyone can be saved, no matter how much you want to save others, not everyone can be saved, so when saving, you must make a decision based on importance.

For Exia, the most important people are Bianca, Rita and Kiana, as well as Bishop Otto. Secondly, there are the familiar people such as Raiden Meiyi and Bronya, and finally the “strangers” who are strangers or only acquaintances.

“It’s really ironic and makes people laugh.”

Crossing his arms with his chest, [Thunder Mei Yi] sneered and said: “The Herrscher’s power is used to destroy, but you actually want to use this power to protect… You are really crazy beings. Ah, humans.”

“Are you satisfied with my answer?”

“Not satisfied. Just hearing it makes people feel sick and sick. Who do you think you are? You are extremely arrogant.” [Rainden Meiyi] shook his head, “However, promise me one thing, I can barely make myself satisfied with you. “

“Tsk… maybe I should forcefully use you regardless of your wishes.”

“Then you can give it a try.”

A tense atmosphere.

Alexia had no intention of communicating properly with [Thunder and Lightning Mei] from the beginning. Of course, [Thunder and Lightning Mei] was also the same. She had no intention of becoming Alexia’s power in the first place.

Therefore, now the two of them are just trying to reach a consensus. As long as there is this consensus, then [Thunder Mei] is willing to hand over herself to Exia, and Exia can use the God Key as she pleases.


After dozens of seconds of silence, Alexia sighed helplessly: “Tell me what you want me to do – but I just listen to you, it’s up to me whether I do it or not.”

“Don’t worry, it’s something you can definitely do.”

Putting down his hands, [Rainden Meiyi] walked up to Alexia and grabbed his collar: “Use all your strength to protect that weak me, so that she will never fall into collapse and despair like before. .”

“Treat her as the most important person to you, treat her as your unique person.”

“That’s all I want you to do.”

4.Key of God·Seven Thunders of Purification

This is something that Alexia doesn’t know about at all.

The [Thunder Meiyi] that he thought was the [Herrscher of Thunder] was not actually the real [Herrscher of Thunder] in terms of nature.

The root cause is a crisis that Raiden Mei encountered when she was a child. In order to save the life of his daughter, Raiden Mei’s father Raiden Ryoma accepted the advice of anti-entropy and implanted the Conquering Stone into Raiden Mei’s body.

As a result, Raiden Mei was healed, and it was at that time that [Thunder Mei] was born.

Because it only appeared after the Conquering Stone was implanted, no one—including Raiden Mei herself—believes that [Thunder Mei] is the Herrscher of Thunder, and [Thunder Mei] has never done anything for this. Explain, whether it is [Thunder Mei Yi] or the Herrscher of Thunder, it doesn’t matter which identity she has, as long as she is who she is.

And no matter what her identity is, the only thing she wants to do will not change, and that is to deal with the aftermath of her weak self and fulfill her wish.

Perhaps this is what all [other selves] have in common.

But now, [Thunder Mei] can no longer do it. She was separated from Raiden Mei’s body along with the Conquering Stone. Even though she still has some weak connection with Raiden Mei, she can’t actually do anything for her. Something happened.

Whether it is to temporarily lend her strength when she encounters a crisis, or to give her some courage when she is weak… these things [Thunder Mei] can no longer do, unless she and the Conquering Stone Returned to Leiden Meiyi’s body.

Therefore, [Thunder and Lightning Mei] needs a stand-in for herself, a stand-in that can perfectly replace herself and give Raiden and Mei her strength, courage and motivation.

And the most suitable character is Exia, the [culprit].

“Swear to me, and to yourself, Alexia Kaslana.”

[Thunder Mei] moved closer to Alexia, and the distance between the two was already enough for them to kiss each other if they took one more step forward.

“From now on, treat Raiden Mei as your most important person and protect her – if you can, I will give all my power to you and treat you as my master, use it as you like. my power.”

This is a deal.

A deal to dedicate yourself in exchange for absolute protection. Just like a small country in ancient times married its princess to a powerful country for the sake of peace, although it was not completely voluntary, [Raiden Mei] is now willing to be the [Princess] who marries Exia.

“I’d swear to it if that’s what happened.”

Alexia didn’t think too much, because in his opinion, [Thunder and Lightning Mei] simply made a request that didn’t need to be made. Even if she didn’t mention it like this, Alexia would still be there when Raiden Mei was in danger. Rush to her side.

Although they are friends, after living together for nearly three months, Raiden Mei’s status in Exia’s heart has gradually moved closer to that of [family].

Of course, the same goes for Bronya.

“Very well, I hope you won’t break your promise.”

After receiving a satisfactory answer, [Thunderbolt Meiyi] loosened her collar and took a few steps back. At this moment, the thunder light lingering around her suddenly became dense and strong, and in an instant, her whole body was enveloped in the thunder light. !



A burst of deep purple dazzling light suddenly bloomed! And with this burst of light, the seemingly endless torrential rain gradually stopped! Even the sky full of dark clouds gradually cleared and the sun began to appear! The sunlight like holy light slowly falls between the clouds that are spreading in all directions!

In front of Ixia, as the sun shone down, the light ball-like lightning quickly decomposed and disappeared, leaving its contents in the sun!

——It is the key of God!


Wisps of electric light are wrapped around the Key of God. When illuminated by direct sunlight, it is like a holy sword enshrined in the temple, waiting for the brave to pull it out. It is quietly inserted vertically on the rooftop. .

Walking forward to the God Key, Ixia reached out and grasped the handle——

[Pull me out when you are ready, bastard master]

The voice of the Herrscher of Thunder reached Exia’s heart.

[As long as you still stick to the oath you just made, I will devote my power to you without reservation]

[I will use the thunder of conquest to defeat all enemies, and all those who stand in front of you and are your enemies, my thunder will destroy them until even atoms will be left]

“…what name do you want?”

Listening to the Herrscher of Thunder’s oath, Ixia did not respond immediately, nor did she pull out the God Key immediately, but asked such an abrupt question.

[It doesn’t matter, just pick one you like]

Do as you like?


“Purify sins…Seven Thunders.”

Somehow, Exia said this name that she couldn’t even understand, as if someone was telling her in her ears to say it just like that.

[The Seven Thunders of Purification… That’s not bad. From now on, you are allowed to call me that, bastard master]

How could anyone call his master a bastard?

(It seems that the future relationship will not be very peaceful.)

Alexia tightened her grip slightly: “Okay – then, from now on, give all your power to me, [Seven Thunders of Purification].”


The Seven Thunders of Purification were pulled out by Ixia.

And at this moment, Exia suddenly felt as if her consciousness was rising into the sky, and when she opened her eyes, the surrounding scene had changed to the development department of the Saint-1504 Research Institute.

Has consciousness returned to reality smoothly?

“How is the result?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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