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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 199

The voice of Changguang Seventeenth came from below.

Holding a terminal as if preparing to record something, Changguang Seventeenth asked with a smile: “Can you get along well with the God Key in your hand? Exia.”

“…Well, I guess that’s okay.”

Ixia lifted the Seven Thunders of Purification from the socket and onto her shoulders.

Changguang Seventeenth smiled: “That’s good. I have already made an appointment for you at the test site. If you need it, you can go there now to test the performance of the God’s Key. By the way, let us Open your eyes and see how effective the God Key you have developed is.”

“By the way, I haven’t asked yet – has the name been decided yet?”

“The Seven Thunders of Purification.”

Jumping down from the stage, Exia answered.

“She is now called the Seven Thunders of Purification.”

5. Let me take care of it!

The test of the Seven Thunders of Purification lasted until the evening. Even though the output was controlled as much as possible, most of the test site was still destroyed in the end.

As a result, Exia also figured out the general situation of the Seven Thunders of Purification.

The first is the basic effect of the Seven Thunders of Purification – [break down everything attacked into atoms].

This is the core ability of the Seven Thunders of Purification, and it is also one of the applications of the Herrscher of Thunder ability, because it is theoretically impossible to fully reproduce the original [absolute electromagnetic operation ability] with existing technology. arrived, so Saint 1504 Research Institute took a step back and specialized in attack applications.

As long as the attack launched by the Seven Thunders of Purification hits, it can achieve interference at the atomic level.

There are three ways to attack.

Gun mode, melee mode, and dual-wielding mode.

According to different combat situations, Purifying Seven Thunders can freely switch forms within these three states. To switch forms, a buffer time of at least one second is required, and once it is switched to a new form, it will take about five minutes. The time cannot be switched.

In other words, the change of form is not arbitrary and has certain restrictions.

When building blocks, you have to dismantle the original shape before reassembling it into a new one.

Then there is [Rated Power] – that is, the different usage modes of the God Key. If I have to say it, the above three attack modes are the three rated powers of the Seven Thunders of Purification. Apart from the use feel and attack range, there are some differences between them. Other than the differences, there is not much difference.

The key point is [zero rated power]!

Based on Exia’s special request, the Seven Thunders of Purification have a final form. After the Herrscher’s core power is fully released, the God Key itself will temporarily transform into a [Light Sword]!

Of course, this is the [theory] stated by Changguang Seventeenth and the Herrscher of Thunder. Due to the test site, the use of the zero rated power is prohibited.

“Although it’s not exactly what I thought, it still fulfilled a little wish of mine.”

On the way back to her home, Ixia touched the Seven Thunders of Purity that was tied around her waist and said with a smile.

“Don’t keep touching me, it’s disgusting.”

It turned into gun mode. The Seven Thunders of Purification, which looked somewhat similar to the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge, came out with the voice of the Herrscher of Thunder. The Conquering Gem embedded in the core also flashed, as if to express her desire. dissatisfied.

“My senses are shared with the God Key. If you do this, you are touching my whole body. I had a hard time resisting it when you used it before. You can touch me whenever you have nothing to do.”

“Ah la ah la~~~I can’t pretend I didn’t hear this.”

Shatiao Aige showed up, frowned and came to the vicinity of the Seven Thunders of Purification: “Being able to be gently touched by the prince all over my body~~~ This kind of experience has never happened to me, so don’t be in a blessing. I don’t know how lucky you are, Miss Lawyer.”


I can only say that I am envious!

Now Shajo Aige is really beginning to regret why she didn’t preserve her body. She also wants to be touched all over her body by Alexia! You know, Arturia’s time that time Alexia only touched her breasts, but this time it was directly upgraded to the whole body!

(Damn it! If I had a body, as long as the prince wants it, I can directly let the prince touch it to his heart’s content!)

“If Miss Herrscher is willing, I can use the magic of consciousness exchange on you and let me bear this [pain] on your behalf, although I don’t know if it will work.”

Shajo Aige’s abacus almost fell off her face.

The Herrscher of Thunder snorted coldly: “Hmph! Forget it, I didn’t let anyone else take over my body, and if you just endure it, you will find that this guy’s technique is pretty good, so just treat it as a massage.”


After the habitual smile on his face froze for a moment, Shajo Aige immediately disappeared wordlessly, and then Alexia felt a faint sound similar to crying in her mind. .

Alexia stretched out her hand and tapped the Seven Thunders of Purification: “Are there any problems with your statement?”

“It’s just a matter of fact. Besides, the place you’re touching right now is my lower abdomen. It’s very itchy. Please take it away quickly.”


Why do you feel like you didn’t just get a weapon, but you found a very troublesome girlfriend?

Although Aixia doesn’t know what it feels like to have a girlfriend.

And amidst such chatter, the door of his home gradually appeared in front of Alexia, but——

“Huh? That’s…”

Looking at the familiar figure standing at the door of her house, Alexia frowned, stepped forward to see the figure clearly, then reached out and patted the other person’s shoulder gently: “Miss Anna?”


Being spoken to suddenly, the figure with long, smooth chestnut hair immediately exclaimed and quickly turned around and took two steps back – it was Anna Shaniat.

Since that dinner, Alexia and Anna haven’t seen each other much. At most, they only met once or twice on the road.

After seeing that the person who scared her was Alexia, the panic on Anna’s face immediately calmed down: “It turned out to be Mr. Alexia. I was shocked… But since You are here, which means I am not in the wrong place.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you – did you come to my house specially? Is there something wrong?”

“That’s right. Actually, I’m here this time…”


Before he finished speaking, the door to Alexia’s house was opened. Yae Sakura walked out and looked at Alexia and Anna outside the door. She was stunned and asked, “I heard Alexia The voice came over and opened the door…Is this the guest who is coming today?”

“No, I am not–“

“Ah! Instructor Anna?!”

Inside the house, Kiana, who happened to be passing behind Yae Sakura, saw Anna outside the door and immediately came over with a quick step: “Why did the instructor come to my house?”

“Kiana-san… well, the reason for my visit this time is actually…”

“Anyway, let’s come in first! Yayi always said that guests should be invited in first when they arrive. Guests cannot be allowed to stand. Instructor Anna, please come in! Also, welcome home, bro~~~~”

After pulling Anna into the house enthusiastically, Kiana dealt with her brother perfunctorily.

Seeing her obvious differential treatment, Alexia suddenly felt that maybe she had been a little gentler in the morning.

6. Let’s have a meal together before leaving.

In the living room of Alexia’s house.

Looking at the black tea brewed by Raiden Meiyi that was brought to her, Anna couldn’t help but feel a little nervous for a moment – she actually just wanted to come and talk to Alexia about something, and she planned to leave after she finished speaking, but now… …

“I didn’t expect that instructor Anna would come to visit our home. Is this the first time?”

Standing next to the sofa holding the tray, Raiden Meiyi said with a smile: “If you had told me earlier, I would have prepared some snacks to entertain you.”

“No, no, no! You don’t have to be so polite!”

Ana waved her hand quickly!

In terms of age, she was actually a little younger than Raiden Mei, so she felt a little uncomfortable being treated like this by an older person.

“My coming here…is actually a request from the family. I didn’t originally plan to come.”

“Home? The Shaniyat family?” Alexia, who was sitting opposite Anna, was a little surprised. “Is it the same as last time? Did the Shaniyat family ask you to ask me about the marriage?”

If it were that question, Exia’s answer would still be the same, and she has no intention of getting married for the time being.

However, Anna shook her head and denied: “As for marriage, the family has no more ideas for the time being. After I took your answer back to the elders last time, the elders also expressed understanding and only said …..Uh…if possible, let me have more contact with you.”


Anna’s words basically put the Shaniyat family’s thoughts on the table – it’s understandable that Ixia doesn’t want to marry for the time being, but they won’t give up, and considering the marriage, it’s best to let both parties know in advance. There was some contact…..

“Does the Shaniyat family want me to marry you? Miss Anna.”

“This… I don’t know.” Anna smiled bitterly, “Of course, I only verbally agreed, and I will not deliberately interact with you, Alexia, or cause you trouble. Please do not worry.”

Aixia smiled and said: “I believe you in this. In the past three months, we have not even seen each other with one hand – so why did the Shaniyat family ask you to come to me this time? ?”


Anna said.

“I came to the headquarters to serve as an assistant coach at the Valkyrie Training Center. It’s been almost four months, and it’s time to return to my original team.”

“Your team…I remember it was the Snow Lotus team, right? Stationed in Manila, Philippines.”

“Yes. I was transferred here shortly after the third collapse. I have been away from the team for a long time. If I don’t go back, the team might kick me out.” Aina made a little joke, “Headquarters has issued a dispatch order, and we will set off the day after tomorrow. Then my family is also thinking of letting me interact with you more, and asked me to come and say goodbye to you.”

Although Exia himself did not realize it, in fact, in the past three months, Tianming’s internal evaluation of him had improved again.

First, he defeated the Third Herrscher and ended the third Honkai Impact. This time, he captured a Mimic Herrscher alive and brought back the extremely precious God Key. In terms of achievements alone, Exia can do it. It has been written into history textbooks, and there is no one in the entire destiny who does not know about Exia.

The Shaniyat family must also have learned about this, and this is probably the reason why they made this decision.

Who wouldn’t be greedy for a powerful and underage Kaslana?

“Miss Anna, it’s not easy for you either.”

“It’s okay, it’s just the time at the headquarters. When I return to Manila, the family’s influence will not be so much, and I can be more free.” Anna picked up the black tea and tasted it, “Besides, I am in the process of marriage I hold the same opinion as you on this matter. For us who are not yet adults, it is still too early to get married.”

Hearing Anna say this, Kiana and others not far away breathed a sigh of relief to varying degrees.


“I’ll leave the day after tomorrow…that’s about the same time as me.”


Alexia’s murmur made Anna blink in surprise: “Is Alexia going to leave the headquarters too?”

“Well, in fact, I have been carrying out a special secret mission assigned by the bishop, and I have to go on a business trip every once in a while. It has been three months since my last business trip, and I will set off again the day after tomorrow.”

“That’s really a coincidence.”

Anna put down the teacup, thought for a while and then suddenly asked: “Um… Excuse me, are you free tomorrow?”


“I think there should be, what’s wrong?”

“In that case, can we have a meal together tomorrow at noon or evening? Just an ordinary restaurant.”

Let’s eat together again! ?

Anna’s words immediately shocked all the girls (?) of the Exia family – except Bronya and Arturia.

Noticing the change in the air in the living room, Anna quickly explained: “Ah! Don’t worry, everyone, I don’t have any other intentions. I just thought that since I have to leave the day after, I might as well have a meal together to see off in advance… ..No special ideas really!”

To be honest, the more Anna emphasizes this, the more people think she has that idea. However, she had just said before that she had no idea about marriage, and she probably just wanted to say goodbye to each other.

In addition, I guess there is also some idea of ​​​​showing it to the Shaniyat family.

“I understand. As a friend, I am happy to accept your dinner invitation, Miss Anna.” Alexia thought for a while and then agreed with a smile, “But actually, there is no need to go out. You can come to our house for dinner tomorrow night. alright.”

“Eh? Can, is it okay?”

“Of course. By the way, let me also thank you for taking care of Kiana and the others on weekdays – that’s it. Can you please buy some more vegetables tomorrow? Miss Mei, Bronya, Sakura.”

Without thinking much, Yae Sakura nodded: “No problem, I will prepare more.”

“Bronya knows.”

“Me too…but I don’t know what Instructor Anna’s preferences are?”

“I don’t have any taboos. Raiden-san just does what you want.”

After hearing what Anna said, Leiden Meiyi felt relieved. As a chef, satisfying the appetite of diners is one of your priorities. It would be terrible if you make dishes that the diners are not satisfied with.

(This means that Instructor Anna is definitely coming for dinner tomorrow.)

Sitting aside and looking at the people who had reached an agreement, Kiana suddenly raised her hand and said, “Then do you want to call Sister Bianca and Sister Rita over? Brother.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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