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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — chapter 2

(Oh, Alexia, my dear Alexia, it is indeed good that you are so obedient, but if possible, I hope you can start to become less obedient, so that you can be more in line with my expectations.)

With this thought, Otto walked into the hospital with Amber.

3. The time travel that was forced to begin

Alexia is now in the ward with Bianca.

Looking at the inspection report that had just been printed out and was still warm in her hand, Alexia looked a little serious.

[Nothing unusual]

The report only concluded in this sentence.

Indeed, no matter which indicator is used to judge, one can only conclude that Ixia’s body is quite healthy. She does not have any mental illness, and of course has not been eroded by Honkai energy. There is no any Physical discomfort is extremely healthy.

Normally, this would be a perfectly normal inspection report.

But in the eyes of Exia now, this report means another meaning – the words that appear in his eyes are not caused by any disease or Honkai.

So what is this?

[Do you desire power? 】

【yesorno? 】

This is undoubtedly asking Alexia to make a choice. Could it be said that as long as she chooses yes, she can suddenly gain powerful power? What if you choose no?

Alexia stared at the text in her field of vision, took a deep breath and looked at Bianca: “Bianca, could you please hold my hand first?”

“Eh? Why do you say that all of a sudden?”

“I want to try something, because I’m not sure what the consequences will be, so I want you to hold me down, so that if something happens, you can subdue me immediately… and at the same time, I can feel at ease. one time.”

“Think about it on the premise that something will happen to you…I understand.”

If it were normal times, Bianca would probably tell Alexia to be more optimistic, but now it was not a situation where she could talk so easily, so she could only obediently hold Alexia’s hand.



Feeling the force that almost seemed to crush her hand to pieces, Ixia quickly patted Bianca’s hand: “It’s too hard. I didn’t let you use such force. Please be gentle, my hands are all broken.” It’s almost broken.”

“Ah, oh, sorry.”

Bianca relaxed slightly.

(Her strength is really getting bigger and bigger. She was so big before. How come she has gotten bigger in the past few years? What did she eat to get it?)

Alexia has always felt that her childhood sweetheart’s inexplicable power was quite outrageous. It was obvious that their lives were almost exactly the same, so why could she have such great strength?

If this strength were given to him, the person who would lose three hundred and twenty-eight times in a row would be Bianca.


Focusing her attention back on the words in her field of vision, Exia raised her hand and touched the [no].


Nothing happens.

(Uh…could it be triggered by touch? Does that mean thinking? I chose no?)

Almost at the same time that the choice [no] came up in Alexia’s mind, the yes and no in the field of vision immediately lit up, and then the no became visible to the naked eye, as if it had been pressed down.



[Wrong selection, please select again]

[Do you desire power? 】

【yesorno? 】

Alexia: “……”

Are you still not allowed to choose no? ! Doesn’t this make it clear that people must choose yes? ! If this is the case, what’s the point of setting no? !

(To punish me, you might as well just list it as yesoryes.)

[Do you long for power? 】


As if he heard Exia’s thoughts, the options in his field of vision changed in some details, directly changing from no to yes.

“Are you able to change things on the spot?! Are you so smart and humane?!”

Alexia couldn’t help but shouted out on the spot! It shocked Bianca next to her!

“Exia! What’s wrong with you?”

“Ah – no, it’s nothing… I’m just a little surprised by the result. I should say it’s unexpected or too weird. In short… it’s nothing.”

After dealing with it vaguely, Exia concentrated her energy on the words again.

Since the change has been made, it means that now he can only choose yes, and there is no other option to choose from.

(Then…turn it into noorno for me?)


[This cooperation plan does not exist]

[Do you desire power? 】

【yesoryes? 】


Alexia couldn’t help shouting again – You should have said it was irreversible!

(Okay… let’s sort out our thoughts.)

The first thing that can be determined is that this is an alternative where you can only choose yes. Although it seems that you can change the option and choose no, no matter what operation is taken, as long as you do not choose yes, an error will be displayed – this is forcing Please choose yes!

Alexia remembered an Eastern idiom that she had learned before. This should be the so-called [Pictures and daggers see].

(It can only be yes, then——)

[yes, select to confirm]

At the same time that the word yes came to mind, the words in Aikesia’s field of vision suddenly changed, and then Aikexia’s field of vision instantly darkened, as if the whole world had lost all its colors.

No…this doesn’t count! ?


Bianca’s voice suddenly rang in her ears.

“What’s wrong with you? Alexia, cheer up!”

“Bianca?! Can you hear me Bianca? What’s going on over there?!”

Alexia shouted loudly.

(Is there something wrong with my body? In this case, I have to get out of this darkness quickly, but how to do it?)

“What’s wrong! Youlandel!”

Bishop Otto’s voice then reached Alexia’s ears – I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Alexia felt that the voice seemed to be gradually getting away from her.

“Master Bishop, Exia suddenly fainted, and look at his body, it seems to be disappearing bit by bit… No! It can’t stop!”

disappear! ?

Alexia suddenly trembled: “Bianca! What happened to my body disappearing? Tell me clearly!”

It’s no joke that the body disappears. Doesn’t that mean that you are dead? Having managed to survive seven years ago, Alexia doesn’t want to die again!

However, after her shouting ended, Bianca’s voice was slow to respond, and Bishop Otto’s voice became smaller and smaller.

At this moment, Exia realized one thing – she was gradually moving away from them.

It’s not the physical sense of being far away, but another kind, gradually moving away from the two of them under circumstances that he can’t understand, and constantly [falling] in this dark space.

(What is going on? What is happening to my body? What am I going through?)

Alexia’s brain couldn’t comprehend it all.


What will happen to you as a result of the choice you make?


Suddenly, within Alexia’s field of vision, a ray of light suddenly lit up in the dark world. Then, as if being attracted, Alexia’s body floated uncontrollably in the direction of the light. passed.

And after entering that light…


The sound of the strong wind echoed in Ixia’s ears, and the strong wind howled around him.


This feeling once again enveloped Aikexia, and in addition to the feeling, this time Aikexia could clearly understand that he was really falling from the air to the ground!

“W-what’s going on!?”

4. Alexia wants to live

To die!

Really want to die!

Although she didn’t know exactly what altitude she was at, Alexia was certain that she was at an altitude of more than three thousand meters!

He would definitely die if he fell from this distance!

By the way, why did he suddenly appear so high in the sky? He was still in the hospital at Tianming Headquarters before, right? Why do you suddenly end up here just after accepting a choice?

And most importantly…where is this? !

At least Alexia can be sure that the sky he is in is definitely not near the Tianming Headquarters, because there is absolutely no such building near the Tianming Headquarters, or even in the world he knows, that has been appearing in his eyes since he went there just now.

That’s a tower.

A tower that reaches into the sky.

It reminded Alexia of the myth about the Tower of Babel that she had read in mythological stories. Such a mythical tower occupied Alexia’s eyes at this moment, and what he saw was The world is divided into two parts. And underneath this huge tower, you can see a huge city surrounding the tower.

“Where…is this?”

For a moment, Exia almost forgot that she was still falling, and she muttered in a daze.

An unknown world.

Unknown tower.

Unknown city.

Where did he come from that darkness?


The sound of wind in her ears suddenly became stronger, and Alexia immediately came back to her senses: “Fuck, now is not the time to think about such things! If I don’t do something, I will fall into a puddle of meat.” !”

Having said that, Exia had no idea what he could do. He didn’t have any equipment for landing, not even the most basic parachute.

(If this continues, I will really—)

Getting closer.

In Exia’s field of vision, she was getting closer and closer to the ground, probably less than two thousand meters high, right? And the good news is that after landing at this height, he could finally vaguely determine where he landed.

If nothing else goes wrong, he should hit the top of a castle directly, and it is also the kind of castle that is similar to Gothic and has a sharp top!

Of course Alexia didn’t want to fall to death, but he also didn’t want to be stabbed to death like this!

(Is it possible to adjust the angle of my body when I am about to touch and slide down from the side of the roof? At this speed, my hand will probably break when it hits the building, right? Also) It’s really hard to adjust your body like this…)

It’s not so much difficult as it is completely impossible.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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