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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 200

7. A long but short separation

“——In summary, can you two come back tomorrow?”

Tens of minutes later.

After sending Anna out of the house, she called Bianca and Rita and roughly explained the situation to them. Alexia asked.

And on the other end of the phone——

【Tomorrow? I don’t think so. Rita and I will probably be out for the last week]

In the past three months, as usual, Bianca and Rita often went out on missions with the Immortal Blade team. Basically, they were working as fire brigade, running wherever there was an emergency in the collapse.

Thanks to this, Aixia basically has to wait for dozens of days to see the two of them. Fortunately, they have phone calls and text messages from time to time, so it is not lonely.

“Well, then there’s nothing we can do about it. Where are you now?”

[We are in Australia, Lord Exia]

Rita replied.

[To be precise, it was in Sydney. I had just finished dealing with a collapse incident here. After having dinner with Lady Bianca, I was about to fly to New Zealand. I will rush to Argentina as soon as the incident over there is over.]

“You are really busy… Why don’t you wait until I come back next time and tell the Bishop to incorporate me into the Blade of Immortality.”

【Really? ! 】

Bianca’s voice sounded expectant.

[With Alexia’s help, Immortal Blade should be much easier! 】

[However, if Lord Exia wants to join the Immortal Blade… the position cannot be arranged to be an ordinary team member. Maybe my position as adjutant and vice-captain should be given up? 】

Rita asked with a smile.

[Does Lady Alexia want to compete with me for the right to take care of Lady Bianca? 】

“It seems interesting.”

No, it can even be said that Alexia is super interested!

But to be honest, he just thought about it. Bianca and Rita have been living together for almost three years. As a person who has been separated from Bianca for a long time, he must not be able to fully grasp her daily habits. .

“Okay, you are still having dinner, I won’t disturb you and hang up now.”

[Wait, Exia! 】

Bianca spoke quickly, interrupting Alexia’s attempt to hang up the phone.

[You are leaving the day after tomorrow, right? 】

“Yeah. About noon. Let’s have lunch and then leave. What’s wrong?”

[Rita is not here this time. Can you prepare your luggage alone? 】


Got to the point.

When Alexia left before, except for the first time, Rita helped prepare all the luggage. Although it was basically not used, she was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Did you use it once?

However, Rita is now on a mission outside with Bianca and cannot come back in a short time to help Alexia prepare her luggage.

“Then Rita, you can make a list for me later and I can prepare it myself?”

[Okay, I will send it to you in the form of a file later]

“Well, that’s it, I’ll hang up-“

【Wait a moment! Alexia! 】

Bianca called it quits a second time.

Alexia frowned in confusion: “What’s wrong? Bianca? Rita, can you see anything wrong with Bianca over there?”

[Well… Due to regional reasons, Bianca-sama and I are actually on different streets, so I don’t know what Bianca-sama is doing now]

[I’m fine, Rita, Exia. Actually… that… I just have something I want to say to you, Exia. 】

“Tell me? What did you say?”

[When you left two times before, we said goodbye properly, right? But this time I’m not here… How should I put it, I feel a little uncomfortable, so can you turn on the video over there? 】

In other words, Bianca wanted to say goodbye to Alexia face to face.

“That’s it. Well, I have no problem. Just wait a moment.”

Switching the call mode to hands-free and video mode, looking at Bianca’s face displayed on the screen, Axia couldn’t help but smile: “How is it? Can you see it clearly? Bianca.”

[Yes, it’s clear, Alexia—are you the only one at home? 】

“Kiana and the others went to the mall to buy the ingredients for dinner. Besides, we can’t say they are alone. Miss Aige and Saber have been with me all the time. In addition, they also received the God Key today.”

As Alexia spoke, he took out the Seven Thunders of Purification from his waist and placed it in front of Bianca. At the same time, Sajo Aige and Arturia also appeared behind him.

Looking at the screen where many people and objects suddenly appeared, Bianca couldn’t help but smile:

[It seems that even if you go to another world, you don’t have to worry about being isolated and helpless]

“It was the same even before I met Miss Aige. With you and Rita talking to me like this, I am not alone.”

【Exia…that’s what she said. How long are you planning to go this time? Last time I left for a month and suddenly came back, what about this time? 】

“I can’t say for sure. I’m not sure if I’ll encounter any special circumstances again——”

Exia was only halfway through her words when a line of burning text from Existence X suddenly appeared in her field of vision.

[Tip: Because emergency transfer was used last time, it is mandatory to stay in a different world for one year next time. Please make all relevant preparations in advance]


The sudden reminder made Exia couldn’t help but freeze on the spot.

One year! ?

I will stay in another world for a year! ? And it’s still mandatory! ?


【Exia? What’s wrong? 】

Seeing Alexia’s expression on her face, Bianca immediately asked with concern.

“Bianca, um… I just got the news about existence x, saying… I have to leave for a year this time.”

【One year——】

Bianca couldn’t help but be stunned, and it took a while before she recovered:

[This… it’s really been a long time. The last time you left for this long was when you went to China to become a disciple of Senior Fu Hua, right? 】


A year away from Bianca.

Even though he could communicate with Bianca on the phone during this period, it was really unacceptable for Alexia to not be able to meet in person for a year, not to mention that he was leaving the day after tomorrow! The result was that x only told him today?

This is just like when the boss suddenly said “Everyone will work overtime until 8pm today” when getting off work!



For a moment, both Bianca and Alexia fell into silence. Rita, Sajo Aige and others who were still connected to the call channel also understood the atmosphere well and did not speak.

If we are going to be separated for another year, and this is an established fact that cannot be rejected… then how to accept this fact is what Alexia and Bianca have to face now. .

The silence lasted for dozens of seconds, and finally Bianca was the first to break the silence.

[A year… Speaking of which, will it be almost a year after that? Since your first trip to another world]

“Well, that’s almost it. It will be one year next month.”

[It really feels very fast. It feels like a year has passed in the blink of an eye. 】


[Then it will be the same this time, right? Although I said I would be away for a year, I guess it will slip away from us inadvertently just like the past year – so, I will wait for you here, Exia]

[I…Rita and I will wait for you to come back here. During your absence, if the Herrscher appears, we will do our best to knock it down. Just feel free to go to another world】


Looking at the serious and confident Bianca in the video, Alexia suddenly smiled: “I know, I’m leaving it to you – see you in a year, Bianca, and Rita.”

[Well, see you in a year]

[See you in one year, Lord Exia]

8.Island on the ocean

Time soon came two days later.

In the living room of Alexia’s house, comparing the luggage list that Rita sent the day before yesterday, Alexia sat on the sofa and counted the things she needed to bring one by one.

“Well… hard currency that can be exchanged for money, a simple camping set just in case, three spare personal terminals, two forged identification documents that may be used… almost Is that all?”

Originally, according to the list given by Rita, Alexia must have brought more than these things, but now it is different. Even if she finds herself transferred to the sea after the world transfer is completed, Alexia can fly directly. Until we find a place to land, things like parachutes are completely useless.

The same goes for emergency foods such as compressed biscuits and canned luncheon meat. As long as you can find a place where people live, you won’t have to worry about eating.

In fact, the list in hand now, after Alexia crossed out a lot of unnecessary things, only left less than ten items, which could be stuffed into a hiking bag.

“Then the most important thing is this that the bishop gave me.”

Opening a box on the coffee table, Alexia took out an armband-like device inside.

Because Honkai energy would cause pollution when used in another world, and the two worlds had already been connected to each other, some problems had arisen. Therefore, within these three months, Exia specially asked Emperor Changguang XVII and Bishop Otto to , developed a prototype Honkai energy automatic recovery device for himself.

Of course, like the previous prototype developed by Azazel, this device also has flaws, and that is the problem with the material itself. If it suffers a particularly severe blow, the armband is likely to break.

As for the recycling upper limit and recycling efficiency, because this armband will feedback the recovered Honkai Energy to Axia at the first time, there is actually no specific upper limit, and the recycling efficiency can meet Axia’s needs after testing.

At least the influence of [Messiah Kaslana] can be eliminated within a few seconds.

He lifted up his sleeves and put the arm ring on his arm. After trying to move and confirming that there was no discomfort, Axia put down his sleeves and said, “This way, you won’t have to worry about anything during the battle.” . Sure enough, this matter still needs to be handled by professionals.”

Although Azazel is the Governor of the Fallen Angels and is well-informed, in the field of Honkai Energy, Destiny knows much more than he does.


After stuffing all the things into the backpack and zipping it up, Alexia picked up the backpack and turned around to take a look at her home.

It is now afternoon. Kiana and the others have already gone to the Valkyrie Training School. Yae Sakura has also gone to the research institute to cooperate in the experiment on Ksitigarbha’s soul control. There is no one at home except Alexia.

“I am setting off alone this time… Well, it doesn’t really count. With Miss Aige and Saber, plus Ddraig, the Seven Thunders of Purity, and the other me, even if I want You can’t even do it by yourself.”

“That’s right.” Shajo Aige appeared in front of Alexia, “No matter where the prince goes, we will accompany you.”

“It’s time to set off, Master. Time should be running out.”

Arturia’s voice consciousness rang in her mind.

Glancing at the countdown with only the last two or three minutes left in his field of vision, Exia took a deep breath: “Well… I guess there’s nothing I forgot to do, right?”

Everything that needs to be done has been done, even the farewell dinner agreed with Anna was over last night, and she also left Tianming Headquarters on a special plane in the morning.

The only thing that Alexia is still worried about now is Kiana’s exam.

Today is the day that Alexia leaves, and it is also the day that Kiana and the others take their monthly exam.

“I hope Kiana can pass this time.”

“I think Kiana’s words are definitely fine. After all, you have trained her very hard in the past three months.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “Now please pay more attention to her.” Leave it to yourself, my lord prince.”


【Ding! 】

Just as Shajo Aige finished speaking, the countdown in Exia’s eyes had already reached zero.


As if falling into a bottomless abyss, the surrounding world was instantly replaced by a dark space filled with countless starlights, and burning words from Existence appeared in front of Exia’s eyes.

[The fourth world transfer is about to begin]


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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