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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 201

[Because an emergency world transfer was performed last time, according to relevant regulations, the reusable time of this world transfer is limited to one year. Please be prepared to stay in a different world for one year]

[In addition, before officially starting the world transfer, please choose whether you want to go to the past world]

As these words appeared, three light curtains appeared in front of Exia.

The first block shows the overlooking view of the Tower of Babel and Orario, the second block shows Kuou Academy and the Supernatural Research Department Rias and others, and the third block shows the red bridge of Fuyuki City. .

(Yes, you can go back to the world you visited before.)

Looking at the three different worlds he had visited before, from a emotional point of view, Alexia wanted to go back to Orario and Kuou Academy. After all, he and Goddess Loki said that he would definitely go back one day, and Kuou Over at Wang Academy, he also made an appointment with Irina Zitou and the others to meet after the summer vacation.

Now, it has been nine months since he left Orario, and almost five months since he left Kuoh Academy.

[Tip: If you choose to return to the past world, you can freely choose the time of return, but it must be at least one month apart from the time of departure]

“This…that is to say, no matter how long I have been away, as long as I think about it, to the people over there, I have only been away for at least a month?”


[This regulation aims to avoid the adverse effects of longevity theory]

(It’s really considerate…but——)

“In this case, let’s wait until all the matters on my side are settled before we talk about Orario and Kuoh Academy.” Alexia said with a smile, “Rather than going back to see my friends again, now I still want to change. Gotta be stronger.”

【Order accepted】

[Confirming the intention to go to the new world, combined with the original policy and new projects, the world transfer with corresponding specifications has been started]

[Ten seconds countdown]

【9, 8, 7…3, 2, 1, 0】

[World transfer completed, please prepare for crash landing]

When such words appeared in her field of vision, Alexia felt as if she had been thrown out of a certain space. Her whole body was once again bound by gravity, and the familiar strong wind roared in her ears again.

(Sure enough, this time it was also a high-altitude landing.)



Unhurriedly unfolding the Holy Sword of Soaring, Exia quickly stopped in mid-air and began to observe the situation below. As soon as his sight was cast below, a special [Island] appeared. into his eyes.

It was an island… floating on an endless ocean.

9. Genkami Island

——[Xiangami Island]

This is an artificial island floating in the Pacific Ocean, 330 kilometers away from the main island of Japan.

The island itself is composed of four large artificial islands, made of resin, metal and organic matter, and supplemented by magic. The total area is 180 square kilometers and the total population is about 560,000. Although the administrative division is Called Gengami City in Tokyo, it is actually a special administrative region with an independent political system.

Some of the 560,000 people living on this island are the reason why it became a special administrative region.

Elves, orcs, artificial life forms, vampires… In this world, these urban legend-like species really exist, and compared to humans, legendary creatures occupy more places in this world. Higher dominance.

However, due to the destruction of the natural environment and the war between humans, the number of these species, collectively known as [Demons], has been continuously decreasing, and several of them are even on the verge of extinction.

In order to protect these demons and conduct related research on them, various countries in the world have established many so-called [Demon Special Zones].

Genkami Island is one of them.

As long as they cooperate in conducting some research that can ultimately promote scientific development and benefit society, the demons can be granted formal citizen rights and can study, work, and live like humans on Xiankami Island.

However, although it cannot be generally said to be common or rare, there are demons among the demons who are opposed to this symbiotic relationship with humans, and it is not limited to the demon special zone. This situation is everywhere in the world. It happens everywhere, and some areas have even developed into armed conflicts.

In order to deal with this situation, countries all over the world have established special professions dedicated to dealing with it.

On String Kami Island and Japan, the official name of this profession is [Demon Attack Officer], and the special force composed of Demon Attack Officers and team members equipped with special equipment for fighting demons, on String Kami Island It’s called the [Special Zone Police Force].

Nangong Nayue is such a demon-attacking officer.

As a national special attack officer, she also serves as the instructor of the Special Administrative Region Police Force. Among the active attack officers, she can be said to be an elite with a first-class level. From subduing criminals to torture and interrogation, she is quite good at everything.

And now——

“Is this right here?”

On a certain commercial street in the west district of Genkami Island, holding a parasol and reaching the top of a building on one side of the street, Nangong Nayue looked down at the streets with people coming and going below.

[Yes, Instructor Nangong, according to the surveillance, the target is now located in an outdoor cafe on this street, directly opposite and below you]

Such a voice came from the communicator worn on the ear.

About thirty minutes ago, the Artificial Island Management Commune, which manages the entire String Kami Island, detected extremely abnormal spatial fluctuations above String Kami Island. Because the fluctuations lasted for about ten seconds, the commune was able to accurately capture its location. .

However, after confirming the location of the spatial fluctuation, the commune discovered a rather abnormal situation. In order to deal with the situation here, Nangong was called here that month.

After all, this is something related to [Space], and maybe even [Alien].

“It’s really about summoning people and managing the commune. I’m still preparing for next week’s test papers.”

Nangong took off the communicator that month with some dissatisfaction, and then disappeared directly on the roof. And very quickly, only a few seconds passed, she walked out of the alley on the side of the building and went straight to the outdoor cafe directly across the road.


A refreshing chill suddenly hit my face!

Nangong Nayue’s steps paused slightly.

Due to the geographical location of Genkami Island, even in winter, the average temperature on the island exceeds 20 degrees. It can be said that it is midsummer all year round, so almost all indoors are air-conditioned.

But that’s only indoors. It’s extremely hot outside all the time – there shouldn’t be such a cool breeze.

Following the direction of the coolness, Nangong Nayue looked at the corner of the outdoor coffee table.

(Is it him?)

A young man with rare white hair is sitting at the coffee table, holding a copy of [Tour Kamijima Travel Guide] that he got from somewhere in his hand and reading it attentively, with a cup in front of him. The iced coffee still smelled cold, and there was a hiking bag that looked very hot leaning against my feet.

This boy was the [abnormal condition] Nangong was told about that month.

According to the management commune, he appeared out of thin air with that special space fluctuation thirty minutes ago, and seemed to have grown wings after appearing.

[The opponent is suspected to be able to use space control magic, and may be some kind of unknown demon. Please bring him back alive without harming the opponent as much as possible]

Recalling the request of the Artificial Island Management Commune, Nangong Nayue naturally knew the inner plans of those senior officials, but even if she knew and felt deeply disgusted, she also understood that this was a situation that only she could deal with.

Because, [Space Control Magic] is enough for a reason.

After stepping up the steps and coming to the young man’s side, Nangong was about to talk to him that month –

“Hmm… So if you want to get an identity certificate in this world, you have to go to the Cornerstone Gate first? You can’t even pawn things without an identity certificate. But I should be considered a demon in this world. Or humans?”

The young man’s muttering made Nangong Nayue frown.

【this world】

(This kid, could it be…)

“Forget it, let’s go check out the situation anyway – huh?”

Putting the Xian Kami Island travel guide together in his hand, the young man – Alexia Kaslana – was about to stand up when he saw Nangong Nayue in front of him: “What’s the matter? Little sister.”

Little sister?

Although it cannot be said to be unexpected, this title still made Nangong Nayue’s brows jump: “Seeing as you are new here, I don’t care about what you call me – listening to what you just said, is it possible? Do you want to get an identity certificate and live on this island?”

“Eh? Well, that’s the plan for the time being.”

“In that case, come with me, and I’ll take you to a place where you can properly obtain identification.”

Follow her?

Alexia looked at Nangong Nayue up and down, and then smiled slightly: “It seems that she is not an ordinary little sister?”

“To each other, you are not stupid.” Nangong Nayue smiled, “I am Nangong Nayue, and the manager of this island wants to meet you – judging from your situation, you seem to be the kind of person who can sit down and talk. You’re a smart person, so you should be able to cooperate, right?”


10. Welcome to Genkami Island

As mentioned before, String Kami Island is composed of four artificial islands, and in the center area connecting these four artificial islands, there is the tallest building in the whole string Kami Island.

——[Foundation Gate]

In a sense, it can be said to be the core of Genkami Island. The part on the surface has twelve floors. It looks like an inverted pyramid. Inside, there are national offices such as the city hall, as well as many hotels and commercial institutions. It is the first island on the island. It is a fashion center, and there are as many as 40 floors of artificial island management facilities under the sea.

This building with a diameter of less than two kilometers is also the most important connection part of Genkami Island. The distortion and vibration caused by the influence of sea currents or wind waves between the artificial islands are absorbed and buffered by the cornerstone gate. Without the operation of this part, there is a possibility that the Genkami Island area would immediately collide, or disintegrate and drift in the ocean.

Therefore, this place was called the “Cornerstone Gate”.

Under the leadership of Nangong Nayue, Exia has now arrived at the twelfth underground floor of the Cornerstone Gate located under the sea, which is the security department of the artificial island management commune.

Sitting in a dim room with only one table and a lamp as the only light source, Ixia couldn’t help but look at the transparent glass not far away: “Miss Nangong, this is what you call [the manager wants to communicate with you] I’ll meet you]? Are you sure you’re not trying to treat me as a prisoner?”

“Because it is not yet certain whether you are an enemy or a friend, this method of meeting is also for safety reasons.”

Nangong Nayue on the other side of the glass explained, and the sound was conveyed to Alexia’s ears through the speakers in the room.

(Someone above will also talk to you in this way later, but before that, we hope you can briefly introduce yourself so that we can understand your identity and your intention to come to our world from another world. ,is that OK?)

“Well… I will be happy to tell you if I change to a brighter room, such as a formal reception room or something like that.” Alexia smiled, “The only thing I can explain now is me. Her name is just [Exia Kaslana].”

Nangong Nayue frowned: “Then… Alexia Kaslana, I also want you to understand that receiving you in this way is only based on the most basic protective measures.”

“Of course I understand, Miss Nangong, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting here.”

Both sides have their own standpoints, and they do some unflattering things based on their own standpoints. Exia understands, but understanding is understanding. She was placed in such a room and treated as a criminal suspect as soon as she came up. If you come to treat me, anyone else would be a little unhappy, right?

(I already reminded you on the way here, Prince.)

Shajo Aige spoke in his mind.

(I know, but I thought since the other person wanted to talk to me, I would just express my good intentions… But it seems that the other person is really wary.)

(What should we do now? Force a breakthrough? Except for the little sister Nangong over there, who may be in some trouble, everyone else is easy to deal with, and she doesn’t even need to use magic)

Can you deal with everyone present except Nangong Nayue without using magic?


(It may also be that we have not yet come into contact with the strongest person in this world. The moment I came to this world, I felt multiple powerful magic reactions)

(How strong is it?)

(Not the prince’s opponent)

It’s really a straightforward and easy to understand description.

At this moment, the sound from the speaker in the corner of the ceiling came out again.

“Are you the person from another world that Nangong Nayue mentioned? Alexia Kaslana.”

He sounded like a young man, probably around 20 or 30 years old.

Alexia smiled and said: “That’s right, are you the [Manager] that Miss Nangong calls you? Don’t you know your surname?”

“Yase Ikuma.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Yase.”

“There’s no need for small talk, Mr. Kaslana, let’s get straight to the point.” It could be heard that Yase Ikuma didn’t want to waste time on meaningless nonsense. “Nangong Nayue said that you came from another world. Can you tell me the purpose of coming to our world?”

Deja vu question.

Without intending to hide it, Ixia explained straightforwardly: “To put it bluntly, it is to gain strength for myself. Because I have things that must be accomplished, so now I am traveling between different worlds – or in other words, on a pilgrimage. , in the hope of getting stronger power.”

“I see, are you a person who pursues power? Then the purpose of your coming to Xiankami Island is that you think the power you want exists on Xiankami Island?”

“I have only been in this world for about an hour, and I still don’t know anything about this world. I don’t know where to get power yet – if there really is something I want on Genkami Island, then I think I should be able to Take action. Of course, I will try my best to take actions that will not affect Genkami Island.”

There is no need to lie in this situation, even small lies about details, but Exia will not hide her main purpose.

After all, he has to live here for a year. If possible, he doesn’t want to cause conflicts with the locals because of some misunderstandings – he is not here to cause trouble, and even from a purpose, he still wants this. The world.

In this case, of course you have to have a better attitude.


The speaker didn’t make any sound for a long time. Ikuma Yase over there was probably thinking about how credible Ixia’s words and attitude were.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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