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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 203

In addition, perhaps because the color is not pure, the girl’s blond hair reflects rainbow-like light under the dusk light, and her eyes seem to be burning with blue and white flames. Light.

It was such a girl who looked at Exia coldly.

“she is?”

[Be careful, partner]

(Be careful, Prince)

Ddraig and Shatiao Aige reminded him at the same time.

(Remember the plural magical reactions I mentioned to you before? If I guessed correctly, that girl should be one of them.)

“She is?”

Alexia frowned and raised her feet to walk towards the girl, but the girl quickly turned around and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, as if she had never appeared.

(In the end…who is she?)

13. Numbers starting to take action

eight pm.

The top floor of an apartment building is also located in the southern district of Genkami Island, near the Cornerstone Gate, in a high-end residential area.

Sitting in the huge living room, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the night view of Xiankami Island, Nangong Nayue crossed her legs and looked at the images synced to her mobile phone.

“I came into contact with Xiao. After all, I was assigned to that room. It was expected.”

What appeared in the image was the scene where Ixia and Akatsuki were acting together in the mall.

Regarding the contact between Ixia and Xiao Gucheng, Nangong Nayue didn’t have any other thoughts. He only had one thought – [Trouble].

Although he seems to be a middle school student with little motivation, in the eyes of the senior officials of Genkami Island, Akatsuki has always been a very special individual, and they have continued to pay attention to him since he came to Genkami Island.

And now putting a person like Alexia from another world next to Xiao Gucheng… Nangong Nayue didn’t think it was a coincidence.

“Shopping malls, commercial streets, clothing stores… From about 4 o’clock in the afternoon until now, I have basically walked through half of the South District, and even went to the East District. I’m really lucky that he didn’t cause any trouble for me. .”

In Nangong Nayue’s view, if Exia is allowed to act at will, it will be a matter of time before some riots occur. After all, he is an outsider. Even if the information about him is still blocked, Xian Shen There are a lot of capable guys on the island. I’m sure some of them will be interested in his identity as an outsider and want to take action.

In the end, he really didn’t cause any trouble at all. In terms of actions, he was no different from the locals who had lived on Genkami Island for several years.

Nangong was very satisfied with this result that month, but that was all he was satisfied with. After all –

“It just happened that an alien from another world appeared in the past two days. Doesn’t God think that the trouble Xian Kami Island is about to face is not big enough?”

Xian Shen Island during the recent period cannot be said to be very peaceful, and ordinary citizens may not be able to feel it. However, as someone who knows a lot of inside stories, Nangong has actually received a lot of news that month.

Some rather troublesome big shots have arrived on the island.

From ancient times to the present, it is inevitable for big figures to gather together and have various impacts on the local area, because every move they make can prompt many events to occur, and when a large number of events come together, the impact will be It was enough to put Genkami Island into considerable turmoil.

And what’s terrible is that those big shots don’t have any awareness of what they are doing.

If they were made aware of the existence of an outsider like Alexia at this juncture, based on Nangong Nayue’s understanding of them, not to mention absolutely – but there was at least an 80-90% chance that they would become interested in him, and then Get in touch with it.

“The troubles are really coming one after another… Aren’t you going to say something?”

Nangong Nayue said the second half of the sentence to another person in the living room besides herself.

In the guest seat opposite her, an eyed girl wearing the uniform of a certain college with her black hair tied into two braids put down the tea cup in her hand when she heard this: “When the master is talking, the guests have to wait for the master to finish speaking. Speaking, isn’t it?”

“The Lion King Agency would also care about this kind of etiquette? It’s rare.” Nangong Nayue secretly said sarcastically, “One of the [Three Saints] of the Lion King Agency specially came to visit at night. It shouldn’t just be for tea. ? Just tell me if you have anything to do.”

“About the alien – he came into contact with No. 9.”

“…It wasn’t captured on the surveillance camera.”

“No. 9 is outside the surveillance range. I don’t know if it is an accident or a coincidence, but it is not correct to say that it was a contact. You also know that the [Ophioman] and [Businessman] did not particularly control the body’s actions. No. 9 and the alien only met once in the vast sea of ​​people.”

accidental? coincide?

Nangong Nayue didn’t think that the person in front of her was here to have fun, but he also didn’t think that she was telling the truth. After all, the two of them were opposite in terms of stance. They could be said to be [business rivals] in another sense. 】, to proactively provide information like this, there must be some plan behind it.

“Tell me these things, what are you going to do?”

“It’s just a reminder – in addition, although I don’t know if there is any connection, but in addition to No. 9, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 have also started operations all over Genkami Island. It is speculated that they are going to Come to the South District.”

Upon hearing these three code names, Nangong Nayue frowned on the spot: “Tsk, that snake charmer…”

“All twelve bodies have awakened, and we have been preparing for several months since then… I think the banquet will start soon, so be prepared, [Witch of the Gap] – by the way, the black tea is very Delicious.”

Standing up from the guest seat, the girl bowed slightly and then turned and left.

Looking at the place where she left, Nangong Nayue snorted unhappily: “Huh, you don’t need to remind me, [Silence Breaker].”


at the same time.

In the southern area of ​​Genkami Island, there is a small port near the eastern area.

“I didn’t expect that I would continue shopping until this point. Time really flew by in the blink of an eye.”

Sitting on a stone pile, Alexia looked at the silent nighttime seascape illuminated by moonlight in the distance while eating a quick lunch that she had bought a few hours ago and was now completely cold.

Beside him, Shajo Aige half-crouched on the ground and said helplessly: “I’ve reminded you several times, Mr. Prince… It doesn’t take much time to get back to the apartment. It’s not necessary. Are you coming to a place like this to eat something cold?”

“What does it matter? Isn’t it nice to just eat with the night view?”

Because of her own ability, Exia has long been indifferent to heat and cold. What’s more, the weather on Genkami Island is the same as midsummer all year round. Even if it is already night, the temperature is as high as 26 degrees.

It would be better to eat something cold.

By the way, in order to enjoy the coolness, Exia has been maintaining the lowest power of cold air output, turning herself into a mobile air conditioner – anyway, there is an armband that can be recycled by Honkai, so there is no need to worry about side effects.

Seeing his prince like this, Shajo Aige didn’t plan to say anything else. He stood up and floated on the spot, intending to overlook the night view from a high altitude.

However, at this moment——

“Hey! Why did you kick me again! Valtiana!”

“It’s not like Gu Cheng, you are looking at my king with obscene looks!”


Such a quarrel suddenly reached the ears of the two of them from a short distance away.

(Ancient city? Is it Xiao?)

Ixia couldn’t help but be a little surprised by the voice and name she heard just a few hours ago. She put away the lunch box that was almost completely eaten in her hand, got up and came to the ship where the sound came from.

It was a small cruiser about fourteen or five meters long, with “Liana” written on the side of the hull. Perhaps due to the harsh environment it has experienced, many parts of the hull are worn out, but even so it still looks very expensive.

“Is it right here? Xiao——”

“go out!”


Before Ixia could ask if Akatsuki was inside, along with a scolding and a scream of pain, Akatsuki’s figure rushed out of the ship – or was driven out.

The moment they came out, the eyes of Alexia and Xiao Gucheng happened to meet.

“Huh? Kaslana? Why are you here?”

“I still want to ask you, what are you doing here? Xiao.”

14. How to play The Tale of Genji

The Fianna docked at the eastern port of Genkami Island.

This is a place like a secret base in Xiaogu City – but as for the secret base, his two or three friends all know it. Usually, as long as he has time, he will run here, usually It’s after school or on holiday.

Basically I come here every day.

And the reason why he came here is also very simple.

“Taking care of a kid?”

Outside the Fianna.

Sitting on the stone pile together, listening to Xiao Gucheng’s explanation, Exia looked at the Fianna with some doubts: “You mean there is a child living in this ship?”

“Well, for some reasons, I am now half of her guardian.”

“Before that, you told me in the mall that you were going to meet a friend… but you actually came here to take care of the children?”

“Uh…well…that’s it.”

Xiao Gucheng smiled a little reluctantly.

(Does this guy not know that he is not good at lying?)

Looking at his unnatural expression, Alexia couldn’t help but think in her heart.

The traces of lying are too obvious. He simply wrote the words “I’m lying” on his face. His expression management is completely inadequate, and his eyes are a little erratic… If you really want to say it, Ixia Can uncover more than a dozen evidences of Xiao Gucheng’s lies.

However, Aixia could also understand why he lied. Although the two were neighbors, in fact they had only met for a short time and were still strangers. It was normal to be a little defensive.

“Then it’s really hard for you… But, Xiao, can you take care of children?” Alexia changed the question.

“Of course I will, don’t underestimate it, okay?”

Akatsuki became a little more confident: “When Nagisa was still living in the hospital, I would take care of her every now and then. When I lived alone, I was already used to doing housework. Taking care of a child would definitely be a problem. It’s so easy.”

“But just now I thought I heard someone inside the boat telling you to get out?”

Alexia pointed at the ship: “And it seems that you also mentioned the obscene gaze or something… Akatsuki, maybe I’m overthinking it, but are you imitating The Tale of Genji?”

“It’s a shame that you, a foreigner, actually know The Tale of Genji – no! I don’t have that kind of hobby! It was just a little accident! That guy Agurola fell in the shower again, and I went to help her… ..”

Agurola, she.

(It seems to be a girl named Agurola. Akatsuki’s mouth is really not tight enough. I vomited it all out without even thinking of asking him.)

(Not only that, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige said:

(According to the situation just now, there should be another person in the ship who can feel the magic reaction that is not weak, and… although it is weaker than the previous one, there is a person in the ship who is the same as the one we met before. The blonde girl has a similar magical reaction.)


The girl with blond hair and flaming eyes whom I met before, because both Ddraig and Sajo Aige cared a little about it, Alexia still remembers it to this day – plus her eyes are really rare, so I want to forget her. Can’t forget it.

Is there a similar magical reaction to that girl in the ship now?

Alexia was silent for a while, and then asked Xiao Ancient City: “Xiao, can I go in and visit?”

“Huh? Visit?”

“Because I haven’t been on a ship before, I’ve only flown on an airplane before, so I’m curious about what it’s like inside the ship – of course, you can also discuss it with your friends. I don’t have to go in.”


Xiao Gucheng hesitated.

His [Friend] status in the ship is rather special. If Exia is allowed to come into contact with her rashly…


There were sounds of rejection within the ship.

Then, amid a burst of footsteps, a beautiful figure walked out of the cabin.

It was a girl wearing a red plaid vest and a beige skirt. She looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. Her hair was bright brown, and her face was full of girlish charm. There was a hint of elegance in her unintentional movements, and there was a hint of elegance in her eyebrows. With a hint of arrogance and confidence.

“Miss Valtiana?”

Xiao Gucheng called out the girl’s name: “Why did you come out? Is Agulola okay?”

“I’m just giving my king a bath. I’m not you, clumsy.” The girl called Valtiana looked at Alexia while dealing with Xiao Gucheng, “As for you – I can’t let Su If you don’t know me and have unknown origins, please go back to Agulola.”


An obvious eviction order.

But Exia ignored it, because the moment they saw the girl, Sajo Aige and Ddraig told him one thing at the same time.

[Partner, this little girl is not human]

(It doesn’t have a strong smell of blood… I didn’t expect it to be a vampire. It seems to be very different from the Dead Apostles in my world.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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