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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 21

He spent 800,000 for destroying the Loki Familia camp, 50,000 for the magic book he used, and 40,000 for the first-level weapons.

This adds up to a total debt of 90.8 million.

Alexia never dreamed that she would be burdened with such a large sum of money at the age of sixteen.

Opposite him, hearing his screams, the girl named Hill couldn’t help but smile and encourage: “Please be more energetic, Mr. Exia, haven’t you been dealing with monsters in the dungeon every day recently? I must be. It will be paid back soon.”

“That’s what I say…but it’s still far away.”

Ten days have passed since the order for first-level weapons was placed with Chun. In order to make money to pay off the debt, as Hill said, Exia would go to the dungeon every day to defeat monsters and collect magic stones and materials in exchange for Wallis.

However, Exia was unable to go down to a particularly deep floor.

Because Exia entered the dungeon alone, although he had prepared a bag to store the dropped items, one person could not carry too many magic stones and materials, and Exia was not the kind of person who could A supporter who carries a large bag with him.

So basically every few hours, Ixia had to return to the ground and sell all the loot packed in her body before entering the dungeon again.

This also resulted in Exia not being able to go to particularly deep floors. Basically, she could only carry out activities on the fifteenth floor, and most of the monsters she dealt with were Minotaurs.

Then the problem came – the magic stones and materials of the Minotaur were not valuable!

The Wallis that Alexia earned in the past ten days didn’t even pay back a fraction of her debt!

“If this continues, can I really pay off the debt before I leave? Alas~~~~~”

Alexia let out a long sigh.

Hill frowned when he heard this: “Eh? Leave? Mr. Exia, do you want to leave Orario?”

“Ah…well, in about two and a half months, I have to go back to my hometown.” Exia said, “After all, I ran out without saying a word. I have to go back and have a fight with my family.” Just say hello.”

“Is it a very important family member?”

“Yes, it’s very important.” Alexia nodded with a smile, and then smiled bitterly again, “But I really don’t want to go home with a lot of debt… If you want to make money, you’d better go to the lower level. Is it better?”

If possible, Exia actually wants to go to the floors below the 30th floor.

However, just when Alexia was thinking this——

“In that case, I think you’d better find a partner.”

A somewhat cold voice sounded in Alexia’s ears, and then a green-haired elf placed a piece of fried rice in front of Alexia: “This is your order, Mr. Alexia.”

“Oh, thank you, Miss Liu.”

Liu – Liu Liang – this is the name of this green-haired elf. Like Hill, he is a waiter of this rich hostess.

But speaking of being a waiter, according to Alexia’s observation, she is not weak, at least not a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. Exia had met several adventurers who wanted to cause trouble here before, but they were kicked out by Lyu in a few seconds.

In Exia’s view, Lyu was at least at level 3. As for whether it would be higher, he didn’t know.

“By the way, the partner Miss Liu mentioned just now…does she want me to find a supporter?”

“Yes. If you want to go deep into the dungeon, supporters are essential. I think the Loki Familia should have dedicated supporters, right?”


When Lyu mentioned this, Alexia’s first thought was Lefia, but he and Lefia were not very familiar with each other, so it would not be good to ask her rashly, and it would be impossible to ask her to be a supporter. Let her help in vain, but a certain level of remuneration is still needed.


(If possible, I don’t want to have extra expenses now.)

When you have money, you don’t treat money as money. When you don’t have money, you wish you could break one dollar into ten dollars.

Thinking like this, Exia couldn’t even eat dinner.

“Speaking of which, Mr. Exia, there is something I have always been curious about.” Hill suddenly asked, “What level of adventurer are you now?”

“Eh? Why are you asking this all of a sudden?”

“I’m just curious. Logically speaking, you only received the favor half a month ago, right? But you can go deep to the fifteenth floor… Could it be that you have already upgraded?”

Ciel’s words made Lyu’s pointed ears twitch, who had not yet left.

Alexia shook her head: “No, I don’t think so yet. Even Goliath couldn’t let me upgrade. I don’t think I can achieve my great achievements at the upper level… Speaking of which I haven’t updated my ability scores for a week, so I’ll go back to Goddess Loki to update them tonight.”

The last time Exia updated her abilities was after defeating Goliath, so it was almost eleven days ago.

(Failed to level up despite defeating Goliath?)

Beside them, when they heard Exia say this, the expressions of Hill and Lyu changed slightly.


“Okay, I’ve finished eating. See you tomorrow, Miss Hill, Miss Liu.”

After finishing the fried rice quickly, Alexia stood up and left the rich hostess.

Seeing this, Hill quickly stood up and said: “…Okay, be careful on the road, Mr. Axia, and welcome your next visit.”

“Don’t I come here every day? I probably won’t be able to return to the family tomorrow, and I will have to trouble you.”

“Haha, you can come anytime.”

37. Kaslana’s ancestral sister

At night, inside the headquarters of the Loki Familia.

“Do you want to update your abilities?”

After returning, Exia went directly to his main god Loki.

“Well, it’s possible, but even if you update it, it’s useless, right? You can’t upgrade it.”

When the ability values ​​were last updated, except for magic power, Exia’s full ability value was S. Although ten days have passed now, Loki does not think that Exia will have any huge improvement.

It is definitely impossible to upgrade. The upper limit of the ability value is 999. Considering Exia’s growth rate, the final update result will probably be 999 for all abilities except magic.

Compared with his previous growth rate, this last improvement cannot bring a bigger shock to Loki – or maybe she has become numb.

“It doesn’t matter, I just want to check my ability value. If I don’t confirm it, I can’t confirm whether my great achievements have been accumulated.”

“That’s right. Then sit over here.”

After inviting Alexia to sit on the chair next to his bed, Loki pricked his fingertips with a needle, scratched Alexia’s back, and unlocked his locked abilities. The status bar with Kaslana’s family crest as the background immediately appeared.

Alexia Kaslana


Strength: s(929)→ss(1063)

Durability: s(903)→ss(1050)

Dexterity: s (930) → ss (1087)

Agility: s (955) → ss (1092)

Magic: i(0)→i(0)


【He will save the world】

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting ■■ and elite enemies.


【Kaslana’s Blood】

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

Loki felt dizzy.

His skills and magic are still the same, with no changes at all, and the experience value of his great achievements seems to have indeed increased. Considering that he has been going to the dungeon every day recently, it is possible that he has really done something remarkable.

The increase in ability value is not large, but the level and value…


Looking at the level that he had never seen before, Loki fell into a long silence.

The limit of ability value is S level, and the cap value is 999. This is a rule summarized by the gods since they came to the world for thousands of years. In the past thousands of years, no one’s ability value has ever exceeded 999.

Even people with real talents such as Ace, Riveria, and Finn have an upper limit of 999 ability points. It is said that the same is true for the fierce man from the Freya Familia.

But now, the only exception appeared in front of Loki.

However, for some reason, Loki’s heart suddenly didn’t feel too touched. It was obviously breaking the conclusion reached by the gods in the lower world for thousands of years, but Loki felt that this was quite normal for Exia?

(Well, think about it, this kid’s growth rate before was terrifying, but now he has only improved a little bit in the past ten days. We are not used to it.)

Think back to Exia’s previous two results.

The first time I entered the dungeon, my ability value increased by about 1,300 in one night.

Entering the dungeon for the second time, in one morning, the total ability value increased by more than 2,300.

To say this record is outrageous would be an understatement.

And now the ability value increased in ten days is only more than 500?

“I’m talking about Alexia, have you not been serious these days? How come you have only improved by more than 500? We heard that you run to the dungeon every day.”

“Well…probably because I haven’t fought against powerful monsters.” Exia said, “Because there are no supporters, I always go down to about the fifteenth floor and stop going deeper. Otherwise, It will delay my efficiency in making money.”

“Oh, that means I’ve been dealing with minotaurs like that. No wonder.”

It becomes more difficult to increase the ability value later on. This is the same even for Exia. Moreover, if you deal with monsters that are weaker than yourself, the improvement speed of the ability value will be further slowed down.

If Finn, a level 6, were to deal with the Minotaurs, even if he killed hundreds or thousands of them, his ability value would probably not change.

Exia can still improve by 500, which already shows that his potential is huge.

“If I can have a supporter, I should be able to go to a deeper floor, but it will cost money. I don’t have any spare money to hire a supporter now.”

“Then why don’t you just find people from our family?” Loki said with a smile, “The people in our family are all our own, so we don’t have to spend money.”

“No, that’s not possible, is it? Since you are asking the other party for help, a certain degree of return gift is also necessary.”

If you don’t give a gift in return, it means that you will owe the other person a favor, and a debt of favor is much more difficult than a debt of money.

Hearing what Exia said, Loki couldn’t help but sigh slightly: “Well~~~~ Since that’s what you think, then so be it. But there’s no need to rush, wait until your first-level weapon is ready Okay, we will start the expedition, and then we will go directly to the fifty floors, and you will vomit after picking up valuable magic stones and materials!”

“Then I’ll look forward to it-“

“Loki-sama, are you there? I want to update my abilities——”

Halfway through Alexia’s words, a voice like this suddenly sounded outside the door, and then Lefia’s figure appeared outside the door, along with Riveria.

When she saw the topless Alexia sitting on the chair, Lefia’s cheeks instantly turned red and she hid behind Riveria!

“Oh, Lefia, Riveria. Are you guys here to update your abilities too?”

“I just came with Lefia. After all, if you didn’t watch, you would definitely do some unnecessary things to Lefiya.”

Loki’s face froze when Riveria said this directly – this lustful god really wanted to do that.

Riveria then looked at Exia.

“Exia, are you here to update your abilities too?”

“Well, I have finished the update. Let Miss Lefiya do it.”

Alexia said as she put on her top.

And just when Lefia came out from behind Riveria and stood together with Exia, Loki suddenly had a flash of inspiration——


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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