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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 211

Upon seeing her arrival, Yaze Motoki and Akatsuki Kojo greeted her out of habit.

“Good morning, Asakura.”

“Are you here a little later than usual today? Did you oversleep?”

Hearing the voices of his two bad friends, Lan Yu Asakon put down his schoolbag and turned around to look at the two of them – and with just such a turn, Akatsuki Kojo and Yaze Motoki were stunned on the spot!

In the past, Lan Yu Qian Cong, although not every day, at least in most cases, was definitely very energetic in the morning. Should I say that she was radiant or full of energy? In short, just by looking at her, you can tell that she is in a good mood.

but now……

“Well…good morning you two…”

With a pair of dark circles under his eyes and messy hair that looked like he had not been taken care of, Lan Yu Qiancong, who had a dull expression, responded to the two of them in a lackluster manner. His whole body exuded an aura of laziness and fatigue, and his eyes looked dull. It seems like it has lost its luster.

[The female social worker who works overtime all night and then comes to work the next day without even sleeping] – This is the impression Lan Yu Qiancong gives people now.

Xiao Gucheng couldn’t help but ask: “Qian Cong, did you… didn’t sleep last night? Why do you feel like you might sleep to death at any time?”

“It’s rare for the ancient city to be smart for once. I also want to ask this.” Yaze Motoki echoed, “You couldn’t have been awake all night last night and had nightmares, right?”

Didn’t you sleep well?

Lan Yu Qiancong thought about her situation last night——

“Well…that’s about right.”

First, because her mood hit rock bottom, she gave up on herself and went to study until past one in the morning. When she was so sleepy that she wanted to go to bed, she couldn’t sleep well because of Shajo Aige’s threatening words.

As a result, Lan Yu Qianqing had insomnia all night last night and went to the toilet several times because of excessive stress. It was not until the sun was about to rise that he finally slept for more than ten minutes.

(Simply the worst night ever…)

What happened yesterday can definitely be ranked in the top 10 tragedies of Lan Yu Qiancong’s life.

(Speaking of which, that Shajo Aige seemed to have said she would meet me again at school today…)

Thinking of this, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but tremble a few times. She looked around nervously, and when she turned her head, she saw Alexia lying on the table.

Is he actually going to sleep at this hour?


Recalling the name Shatiao Aige called Alexia in his mind, Lan Yu Qianqing thought for a while, then got up and came to Alexia and patted his table: “Good morning, Alexia, too, today. Are you ready to sleep all day?”

“It’s Lan Yu, good morning – Wow! What’s going on with your expression?!”

Exiya, who only saw Lan Yu’s light-green look at this time, was also startled.

Lan Yu Qiancong raised her head and asked, “Why are you three so surprised? Is it a rare day for me to be in a bad mood that surprises you?”

“No, I just feel that there is a big difference. You were still so energetic yesterday, but you suddenly feel so tired after one night…Did something happen?”


[Please be stricter with your mouth]

The words Shajo Aige said before leaving yesterday came to Lan Yu Qiancong’s mind at this moment. At that time, Lan Yu Qiancong could tell that Shajo Aige really didn’t want Alexia to know what she was doing. .

(Then if I reveal everything here…)

Now we are in school, and Exia is also in front of us. If we tell everything, then maybe——


However, just when Lan Yu Qiancong came up with this idea, a chill suddenly ran up her back, reaching her divine inspiration in an instant, causing her to tremble several times!


“What’s wrong? Light green onion.”

Seeing that Lan Yu Qiancong seemed to be in a bad state, Xiao Gucheng quickly stood up and asked with concern: “Is there something wrong with your body?”

“No… I just feel a little dizzy…”

Propping his head on Alexia’s table, Lan Yu Qiancong scratched his hair and bit his lip.

(Is this a warning? You are telling me a lie in this regard…)

Although he couldn’t be sure where it was and what method was used, Lan Yu Qingqing could be sure that the cold feeling just now was definitely a good thing caused by Shajo Aige!

In fact, she felt like she was being stared at.

【I’ve been looking at you】

This is also what Shajo Aige said yesterday – if Lan Yu Qiancong really wanted to tell those things, he would probably have been punished even more intensely by this time.

After resting on the spot for a while, Lan Yu Qiancong sighed heavily: “Huh~~~Sorry, Gu Cheng, Ji Shu, and Alexia. I’ll go to the bathroom and wash my face.”

“Are you really okay? Asagi.” Yaze Motoki frowned and asked, “You looked so bad at that moment. Why don’t you go to the infirmary to take a rest and ask for leave from class in the morning.”

“I mean, if you can’t hold it, don’t hold on.”

Listening to the advice of his two friends, Lan Yu Qiancong could only nod helplessly: “Okay then, please help me ask for leave. I’ll go to the infirmary and stay all morning.”

“Remember to ask the school doctor to check you out.”

“I know.”

Weakly coping with Xiao Gucheng’s instructions, Lan Yu Qiancong walked out of the classroom alone.

Looking at her leaving figure, Exia thought in silence for a while.

(Miss Aige, can I ask you a favor?)

(Go and investigate whether Miss Lan Yu encountered any unusual situation, right?)

(You can do it, right? If not, you can make a wish through the Holy Grail)

(Does Mr. Prince think Miss Lan Yu’s abnormal state is related to what happened yesterday?)


Yesterday, Ixia and Lan Yu Qiancong got along for a relatively long time, and there was nothing wrong with Lan Yu Qiancong before the two separated. That means that the reason why she was so wrong happened after the two separated.

If that reason has anything to do with him, Alexia should deal with it – after all, with the precedents of Artoria and Serenity Hassan, Alexia will definitely not take the abnormal situation of the people around her lightly now.

(Okay. I understand, it’s on me)

(sorry to bother you)

(No, anyway, I don’t have much to do while Prince-sama is in school, so I’ll just treat it as passing the time. Do I have to solve it for her after the investigation results come out?)

(If it can be done.)

(Understood, Prince.)

After getting out from under Alexia’s feet and hiding in the wall, she quickly reached the ceiling of the corridor outside. Shajo Aige looked down at Lan Yu Qiancong who was walking towards the infirmary, with a slight smile on her lips.

29.Eleven treaties


“Well, there’s no big physical problem. I think I’m just too tired. I just need to rest for a while.”

“Okay, thank you teacher.”

After listening to the diagnosis made by the school doctor and watching the other person leave, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was sitting on the hospital bed, lay down on his back.

Of course she knew there was nothing wrong with her, she was just too tired. As long as she had a good sleep, she would be fine.

But to be honest, even now, she couldn’t sleep at all. She was obviously sleepy to death. When she thought of Shatiao Aige’s appearance yesterday, Lan Yu Qingqing couldn’t fall asleep. Even if she forced herself to close her eyes, if she dreamed If she dreamed about it, she would definitely be awakened immediately.

“Really…why on earth am I being targeted by her…”

“Because of your talent.”

Suddenly, Lan Yu Qian Cong rang in her ears!

Then, in Lan Yu Qian Cong’s eyes, a human face slowly appeared from the ceiling, as if there was a hole in the ceiling.

“You…you are-“

Looking at the figure that emerged, Lan Yu Qiancong quickly sat up from the bed and shrank to the bedside with a nervous expression: “Sha Tiao… Ai Ge…”

Floating in front of Lan Yu Qianqiong, Shatiao Aige smiled and said: “Do you remember that I am really good, Miss Lan Yu, did you have a good sleep last night?”

“…Can’t you see?”

“That means you slept very soundly. You look so good. I can see that you are very energetic.”

(This woman!)

Even in a sleepy state, Lan Yu Qiancong now wants to give Shajo Aige a hard slap in the face! This clearly shows that he is irritating her!

However, thinking of the scene yesterday when his body was penetrated by Shatiao Aige, Lan Yu Qiancong had no choice but to suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Looking at her face gradually calming down, Shajo Aige said: “It seems that she has calmed down, so that we can have a good discussion about the follow-up of the contract.”

“…You came to me just because of the contract?”

“Most of the reasons are this, and the other reason is that the prince is more concerned about your situation.”

Sitting down on the chair next to the hospital bed, Shajo Aige explained: “Of course, you don’t need to have any unnecessary feelings about this, it’s just because some bad things happened before, so the prince has no feelings for [himself]. I have been exposed to it and experienced abnormal symptoms] This is just a relatively sensitive matter.”

“…That’s it.”

“That’s it – then let’s start discussing the content of the contract, Miss Lan Yu. This is a draft of mine. Please take a look at it.”

Shajo Aige waved her hand in the air as she spoke, and a piece of paper emitting a faint golden light immediately appeared in front of Lan Yu Asan, and on it was written the following content in Japanese –

[Details of contract transaction]

[1. Shatiao Ai Ge is not allowed to be used for consciousness without the permission of Lan Yu Qiancong]

[2. In the state of conscious possession, Lan Yu Qiancong has the authority to actively release the state of possession]

[3. In the state of conscious possession, Shatiao Aige shall not do anything that goes against Lan Yu Qiancong’s own wishes]

[4. Shatiao Love Song can be attached to Lan Yu Qiancong’s body up to three times, each time for up to thirty minutes]

[5. Shajo Aige has the authority to actively terminate the contract]

[6. If you want to terminate the contract, Shajo Aige needs to fulfill one wish of Lan Yu Qiancong, which is limited to the scope of her own abilities]

[7. Lan Yu Qian Cong retains all consciousness in the state of possession]

[8. Lan Yu Qiancong voluntarily accepted Shatiao Aige’s contract transaction]

[9. Lan Yu Qian Cong shall not disclose this contract and its details to any party in any way]

[10. If one party violates any of the above treaties, the other party has full power to impose sanctions and may impose any form of punishment]

[11. Respect the above ten points, Shatiao Aige and Lan Yu Qiancong form a contract of ‘consciousness possession’]

A total of eleven contract-related matters.

The general content is no different from what Shajo Aige said yesterday, and although there are one or two details in the newly added ones that make Lan Yu Qianqing a little annoyed, there is generally nothing inappropriate about them.

Even on the whole, this regulation is generally beneficial to Lan Yu Qian Cong. It is basically certain that the dominant power between the two is in the hands of Lan Yu Qian Cong.


“Take the initiative to terminate the contract?”

Looking at Article 6, Lan Yu Qiancong frowned in confusion: “Aren’t you going to rely on me all the time?”

“Is there any reason why I must always rely on you?” Shajo Aige asked with a smile, “The standard for me to choose the object of possession is [the degree of excellence as a possession body]. If someone is more suitable for me to be possessed than you, If you rely on me, then I have no reason to continue to rely on you.”

“I’m just temporary…”

“That’s it – any questions? If you need to add more, one or two will be fine.”

Can you still add regulations that are beneficial to you?

At present, the eleven items are basically beneficial to Lan Yu Qian Cong. If more can be added… Sha Tiao Ai Ge made such a big concession, but it made Lan Yu Qian Cong a little uneasy and scared. She didn’t believe Sha Tiao Ai Ge. Tiao Aige is such a kind-hearted person. If he is greedy for more benefits, he will probably suffer a big loss in the future!

“…No more, that’s it.”


As Lan Yu Qian Cong agreed, the name [Lan Yu Qian Cong] appeared at the bottom of the contract, and the words [Sandiao Love Song] also appeared on the other side.

The next moment, Lan Yu Qiancong felt that she had established some kind of connection with Shatiao Aige in front of her, as if there was an extra thread between the two that tied each other.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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