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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 213

I don’t know if it was because she signed a contract with Shajo Aige that she temporarily felt at ease. She slept quite contentedly this time. She didn’t need to worry about anything or whether she would oversleep. She just needed to Just devote yourself to sleeping.

So, when Lan Yu Qian Cong woke up from her sleep——


He opened his eyes in a daze and looked at the curtains penetrated by dusk light in his field of vision. Lan Yu Qianqing, who had not yet fully awakened from consciousness, couldn’t help but murmured: “What time is it now… ?”

“Five twenty-two in the afternoon, Lan Yu.”

Someone’s voice rang in my ears.

Lan Yu Qian Cong looked towards the direction where the sound came from. A white thing looked a little abrupt in the dusk-colored field of vision.

As her consciousness gradually deepened, she gradually saw clearly who the person sitting next to her hospital bed was.


“Well, it’s me.” Alexia nodded slightly, “Have you finally woken up? Lan Yu, you really slept for a long enough time.”


He sat up from the bed, took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, then looked at the dusk outside the curtain, and finally looked at Alexia who looked like he was watching over him beside his bed——

“Eh…I slept all day?!”

Only then did Lan Yu Qiancong react belatedly!

She actually slept all day? is that a lie? Originally I only planned to sleep for half the day! I only asked for half a day’s leave!

“Why is it happening like that……”

“Akatsuki and I, Yase, actually came here once at noon.” Axia explained, “You were sleeping very deeply at that time, and we couldn’t wake you up no matter how hard we called, and because the school doctor said you were… You’re overtired, so it’s best to let you wake up naturally, so we went back after that.”

“This, this is it…”

Lan Yu Qiancong walked out of the bed: “Then why are you here now? Are you waiting for me to wake up?”


Alexia nodded: “Actually, Akatsuki and Yase were also there originally, but Akatsuki said that he was going to accompany Agurola, and Yase also said that he was going to find his senior girlfriend, so in the end I was the only one left – —No matter what, I can’t let you sleep here alone, the school doctor has already left work.”

(Ancient city~~~~!)

Lan Yu Qiancong was happy to hear that Xiao Gucheng was originally here, but as soon as she heard that he ran to accompany Agulola again, her mood that had just risen suddenly fell back.

That guy only has Agulola in his heart, right?

“By the way, you must be hungry after sleeping all day, right?”

Bending down to pick up the bag on the ground, Aixia dug out a few pieces of bread and some drinks: “Xiao brought these things over before he left. He said you might like the taste. Before going to have dinner. Do you want to pad your belly first?”


Looking at the pieces of bread, Lan Yu Qianqiong’s stomach growled unsatisfactorily. He could only pick up a piece of fried noodle bread with a slightly red cheek, tore open the package and ate it.

(For the sake of these breads, let’s let the guy from the ancient city go this time. He still has some snacks. By the way…)

“Thanks, Alexia.”


Lan Yu Qiancong’s sudden thank you made Exia stunned: “Why are you thanking me?”

“You must have been waiting for me here for a long time, right? Sorry, actually you don’t have to wait for me like this.”

“Oh, this.” Alexia smiled, “It didn’t take long, just over an hour. If you use it to do homework, this time will pass quickly.”

“Homework? Are you assigned homework today?”

“There’s a little bit of Mandarin and mathematics, and then there’s Teacher Nangong’s English homework, but not much else.”

In addition, as far as homework is concerned, Ixia just does some after-school exercises, and there are not many after-school homework at Caihai Academy.

However, Lan Yu Qianqing had a bitter look on her face at this time: “It’s over… The final exam is next week, and I’ve slept all day… Alexia, today’s class is Did you take notes on what I said? There shouldn’t be anything new, right? And what’s the homework?”

“Uh… I don’t know if you ask me. I basically fell asleep in class and didn’t listen much. And because the lectures were all things I already knew, I didn’t know anything. It’s something new.”

As Alexia said, she took out a few papers from her schoolbag: “As for the homework, it is some simulation questions that the teacher has assigned that may be tested in the exam. It is very simple.”

“….But isn’t this a mock test paper?”

Lan Yu Qiancong looked at the three test papers in Alexia’s hand: “Didn’t you say that homework is just after-school exercises?”

“Yes, aren’t these the difficulty of the after-school exercises?” Aixia said matter-of-factly, “Today’s homework is to finish these papers by yourself, familiarize yourself with the knowledge points that will be tested in the final exam, and then mark them yourself. “

“Are you done?”

“Well, I got full marks in all three subjects.”

Alexia showed the test paper to Lan Yu Qian Cong. There were all red circles on it, and Lan Yu Qian Cong was stunned on the spot! Then I quickly grabbed the test paper and passed it quickly!

(Are they all right?! I remember… Alexia seemed to have said that he was confident that he would get perfect scores in everything except Chinese and history?)

It turns out that sentence was not bragging!

By the way, why is Mandarin also a perfect score? Doesn’t he understand Mandarin?

Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t know that the Mandarin test paper was actually composed by Shajo Aige telling the answers in Alexia’s ear. He just took dictation – it was really a shameful cheating!

“Exia, you…could it be that your grades are actually very good?”

“That’s the level where you can get perfect scores in all subjects. The knowledge in junior high school and high school is really not difficult.”


Swallowing hard, Lan Yu Qiancong returned the test paper to Aikexia: “Then what…Aikexia, are you free today?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“Please give me some extra lessons. I want to make up for what I missed today. I’ll treat you to dinner, please!”

Putting his hands together, Lan Yu Qiancong earnestly asked Alexia – with such a ready-made academic master in front of him, even a student can’t help but want help from him! Especially now that the final exam is coming soon, even though Lan Yu Qiancong is confident about going to school, she still feels a little uneasy and nervous.

During this time period, if your score can be improved a little bit, it will be great!

Sensing Lan Yu Qianqiong’s intention, Ixia couldn’t help but smile: “There’s no need to treat you. It’s not a big deal to teach you a little bit. Then just go to the burger restaurant yesterday. The smell over there is not bad.”

“Really? Thanks!”

“Then let’s go?”


33. World famous paintings

Final exam.

For many students, this is a hurdle that they cannot get around in any case and must face, not only to prevent themselves from repeating a grade, but also to allow themselves to advance to higher schools and learn more knowledge.

Therefore, passing the final exam at the end of each semester is the goal that must be achieved.

Lan Yu Qiancong’s grades were actually very good. Even if she couldn’t keep up with the top rank in her grade, she was still above average and could easily pass the exam.

But I don’t know if this is a unique situation for every student. Ordinary small exams are fine, but when it comes to large-scale exams such as final exams, they can’t help but have self-doubt and lack of confidence in themselves.

In this sense, reviewing homework not only consolidates knowledge, but also has the effect of making oneself more confident and at ease.

And if you can have someone with much better academic performance than yourself to help you review, the effect will be even better.

“Well, that’s all the mistakes, the rest are no big problems.”

It’s the same burger shop as yesterday.

Sitting face to face with Lan Yu Qian Cong in a corner, Ixia returned the paper she had just corrected to Lan Yu Qian Cong, and pointed at the wrong questions on it with a pen: “As for the wrong questions, , although the solution is correct, you made a mistake during the calculation process. Please pay attention during the subsequent exams. If you make a wrong step in the process, all your efforts will be wasted.”

“English confuses the basic grammatical tenses. For example, in this question, it should actually be the future perfect continuous tense, but you mistakenly thought it was the future perfect tense. I think you should have taken relevant notes and remember them later. Recite the basic voice and related standard structures several times.”

“Skip Mandarin.”

“Wait a minute!”

Lan Yu Qiancong’s hand swinging the automatic pen suddenly stopped: “Why are you talking about English and mathematics? Don’t you know Mandarin very well? Teach me.”

“I don’t know how to teach you.” Alexia leaned on the sofa and drank a drink. “I only know the answer, but I don’t know the process at all, so I can’t teach you.”

“You still bring something like this? Aren’t you just…cheating?”


(That’s what people say, Prince.)

Shajo Aige laughed in Exia’s mind.

(Why don’t you, Prince, try to make it yourself?)

(No, just give me the answer when you take the exam later. I don’t want to learn this kind of tortuous Japanese.)

It’s fine if you just learn spoken English, but it’s better for Alexia to study the Japanese poems in detail. He doesn’t know much about this aspect – after all, it’s what the ancients thought when they wrote hundreds of years ago. , how can you guess it now? Those so-called standard answers seemed to Exiya to be over-imagining.

Looking at Alexia, who was obviously preparing to stay silent, Lan Yu Qianqing sighed slightly. She really couldn’t ask a foreigner to teach her Japanese.

(However, this guy’s academic performance is ridiculously good. Every knowledge point is explained very clearly, just like a teacher…)

“Exia, are you really good at teaching people?”

“Not really, it’s just that I’ve been teaching my sister not long ago, so I have some experience.” Aixia said, “It’s hard to force a fool who doesn’t necessarily have 60 points in all subjects to add up. After teaching to pass…I think anyone else can train them, right?”

“…Just by listening to it, I can imagine how hard it was for you – thank you for today. I will remember the knowledge you told me.”

Alexia put down her drink: “It’s just some basic knowledge. Even if I don’t tell you, you should be able to handle it yourself. To be honest, I don’t think you need me to review it for you.”

“Is it?”


Raising his hand to support his chin, Lan Yu Qiancong looked to the side: “Well~~~ Just think that I want to get a better score in the exam, and I have to be a little motivated occasionally.”

Are you motivated?

Alexia narrowed her eyes: “I’ll just take it like this – if you want to review, you can come to me at any time, and besides reviewing, if you have any worries, I’m also happy to listen to you vent. .”


“You have something to worry about, don’t you?”

After a moment of silence, Lan Yu Qiancong smiled: “No, what are you talking about? How could I be troubled? You are thinking too much.”

“Huh? No?”

“I see there won’t be any, so why should I worry?” Lan Yu Qianqing stood up while smiling, “Compared to this, you have to add five more burgers. Do you want them? I’ll order them for you.”

“Then give me six, and I’ll give you the money later.”

“No, just treat it as my invitation.”

Lan Yu Qiancong waved his hand in an air of style, and walked to the counter with brisk steps.

Looking at her on the spot, Alexia’s brows relaxed a little: “I must have seen it wrong, right? I thought she must have something to worry about.”

(It’s also possible that she is forcing herself – but Mr. Prince doesn’t need to worry too much, she should be well-measured herself, and she doesn’t need to worry too much about other people’s affairs)

Shajo Aige consoled her.

“That’s right. It’s not good to meddle too much in other people’s private affairs. After that, I will——”

“Eh? Kaslana? Why are you here?”

After Alexia’s soliloquy, someone’s slightly surprised voice suddenly sounded from the side, and after turning around to look, Alexia was also a little surprised.



Xiao Gucheng smiled and came to the side of Alexia: “You actually come to the burger restaurant… to make up for your homework?”

“No, I’m – hmm? She is?”

Exia, who was just about to explain, suddenly noticed a figure behind Xiao Gucheng. Because he was almost completely hidden behind Xiao Gucheng just now, he couldn’t notice it at the first time.

A delicate and lovely face like a fairy in a fairy tale, blond hair that slightly reflects iridescence under the light, and eyes that shine like flames.

“…Is she Agurola? Akatsuki.”

“Ah… Well, this is your first time meeting, right?” Xiao Gucheng turned his body sideways, revealing the girl behind him, “Let me introduce you, Agulola, he is Kaslana, my My classmates and neighbors wanted to come to see you before but were chased away by Miss Wei Er.”

“First meeting, Miss Agurola.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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