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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 215

“You, the person who asks Kaslana to cook a small stove for you every day, really dare to say that.”

Yes, even though there was some alienation, Lan Yu Qiancong did not stop studying. Every day after school, she and Ixia would go to the restaurant for a study meeting.

Sometimes it was at a burger restaurant, sometimes it was at a family restaurant, and on the weekends I went to a coffee shop.

Thanks to this, Lan Yu Qian Cong feels quite good now! It is estimated that when the final ranking comes out, it will not be a problem to get into the top ten of the grade!

Although the ranking this time is meaningless.

After hearing the news about Akatsuki Kojou and Lan Yu Asakusa, Motoki Yaze looked at Alexia who had been silent since just now: “Uh-huh~~~~ I go out on dates and study with Asakusa every day. You have quite a skill, Kaslana. Your opponent is quite strong, Gucheng.”

“Huh? What are you talking about, Motoki.”

Xiao Gucheng didn’t understand what his friend was talking about at all.

As for Lanyu Asakon, he suddenly stepped hard on Yaze Motoki!

“It hurts! Can’t you be gentler, Qianqiong?”

“Who told you to talk nonsense all day long and go on dates to study? It’s not like I have that kind of relationship with Alexia.”

“Well, don’t talk nonsense, Yase.” Alexia turned her head, “Lan Yu and I really just had a study meeting, it’s not a date. I don’t care about reputation, but Lan Yu still cares, right? It would be bad if word spread and caused some misunderstandings.”

If the situation were different, Yase Motoki would definitely feel that the two of them were hiding something, but looking at their youthful expressions and eyes, he knew that these two people really had no drama at all. .

“It’s boring…but this is good, Gucheng.”

“So why did you mention it to me? It has nothing to do with me.” Xiao Gucheng rolled his eyes helplessly, “By the way, how did Aixia do in the exam?”

“Generally, I just control the score of each subject to 99 points. I have calculated the scores and there will be no mistakes.”

Xiao Gucheng: “…”

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “…”

Motoki Yaze: “…”

Controlled all scores to 99 points? Is this normal?

“Ahahaha~~~~Are you kidding, Kaslana, don’t say such nonsense, the two of us seem to have a radius of eight liang.”

After being stunned for a while, Yaze Motoki laughed, while Lanyu Asakon and Akatsuki Kojou turned their heads.

Yase Motoki didn’t know, but the two of them knew it, especially Lan Yu Qianzuo who was being teased by Exia every day. She already had a very deep understanding of Exia’s knowledge level. Even if she reaches high school, Ixia will still maintain this level.

It’s a shame that he can still be so smart even though he sleeps in class every day, like a monster.

“Speaking of which, the final exams are over. After the graduation ceremony the day after tomorrow, the spring break will begin. How are you going to spend the spring break?”

36.Personal secrets

There are three semesters in a Japanese academic year – from the end of January to mid-March, from the beginning of April to the beginning of July, and from the beginning of September to the end of December.

The months between these three semesters are spring break, summer vacation and winter break.

However, spring break is a special holiday because it is concentrated in March and April, which is the cherry blossom season. In the eyes of the Japanese, graduates leaving school accompanied by cherry blossoms flying in the sky, and freshmen entering school surrounded by cherry blossom petals, these two events seem to have some special meaning and sense of ritual.

Alexia couldn’t feel it.

The spring break of Genkami Island starts in mid-March and ends in early April, which lasts roughly two weeks. However, because Genkami Island has summer all year round, there are no cherry blossoms at all on the island. The college is an integrated national and high school school.

So for Xiao Gucheng and others, spring break is really just a vacation, and even the graduation ceremony is held for high school seniors.

By the way, Saikai Academy does not have any other special events such as opening ceremonies. Graduation ceremonies are almost the only exception.

“I’d better work part-time.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong thought for a while and said.

“There’s nowhere to go anyway.”

“Lan Yu, are you working part-time?”

“That’s right, I’ve never mentioned it to Exia.” Lan Yu Qiancong said with a smile, “I occasionally receive commissions from the Artificial Island Management Commune to help manage the operation of Xian Kami Island. They asked me before. Do you want to formally accept the employment?”

Although not known to many outsiders, Lan Yu Qiancong is a well-known existence in the circles of computers and hackers. She is a genius in computers and is even called the “Electronic Empress” by other peers. As a programmer, His ability can be said to be top-notch, with an overwhelming gap between him and others.

However, Lan Yu Qiancong himself doesn’t have much self-consciousness in this regard. He just thinks that he is better at computers.

Motoki Yaze: “What about the ancient city?”

Akatsuki: “Basically just stay with Agurola. Besides, I heard before that Nagisa can be discharged from the hospital. When Nagisa moves back in, she has to take care of her. You can’t do much in two weeks, right? What about you, Motoki? ?”

“Just help the family with some work – how does Kaslana plan to live?”

“have no idea.”

Alexia shook her head: “I haven’t been on this island for long. What I want to do… is to visit this island?”

“Then do you need a tour guide?” Motoki Yaze asked, “Foreigners coming to Genkami Island can easily get lost without a tour guide. Do you want me to introduce you to one or two?”

“I thought you were going to recommend yourself.”

“I don’t have that time.”

“That’s right. I appreciate the kindness, but I don’t need a tour guide. I can just wander around by myself.” Alexia declined Yase Motoki’s proposal, and then picked up her schoolbag from the table, “Then you guys Let’s chat slowly, I’ll go back first.”

After the final exam, there is actually nothing to do today, and the teacher said from the beginning that you can leave directly.


“See you tomorrow.”

Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong waved to Alexia respectively.

Looking at Alexia leaving with her schoolbag backwards, it wasn’t until he left the classroom that Motoki Yase looked at the two of them: “Then it’s almost time for me to leave. See you two tomorrow.”

“Just leave quickly.” Lan Yu Qiancong waved his hand in disgust.

After smiling helplessly for a few times, Yase Motoki also picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom.

In the blink of an eye, only Lan Yu Qiancong and Xiao Gucheng were left in the group of four.

Sitting in Alexia’s seat, Lan Yu Qiancong said, “It feels like the two of us haven’t gotten along like this for a while.”

“Because you have been going to Kaslana for tutoring as soon as school is over, right?”

“Isn’t it because you keep saying you want to go to Agulola’s place?” Lan Yu Qiancong’s voice deepened, “What happened to Agulola after that? It must be quite scary for her to be scared like that by Exia, right?”

Xiao Gucheng nodded slightly: “It’s okay now, but when it comes to Kaslana, it still feels a bit…”

“Why is she afraid of Alexia? I’ve been with him basically every day during this period, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him. On the contrary, I find it quite cool to be with him.”

When getting along with Aikexia, especially outdoors, Lan Yu Qiancong felt cooler than indoors, as if Aikexia was a mobile air conditioner. And this is one of the reasons why she is willing to go to Aixia every day.

Free air conditioning, wouldn’t it be a waste if we don’t use it?

“Well… to translate what Agulola said, she felt [as if she was being targeted by Exia].”

“Did he target you?”

“Yeah, and it’s still the kind of situation where the hunter has his eyes on the prey.”

This is the result that Akatsuki finally came up with after finally understanding Agurola’s description. When getting along with Exia, Agurola felt like there was a monster staring at him covetously around him.

“Asakura, who do you think Kaslana is?”

“…Actually, I have checked Alexia’s identity information.” Lan Yu Qianqing lowered his voice, “There is nothing wrong with the information itself, but after careful investigation, I can confirm that the information is forged. And it’s just two days before Exia enters school.”

Two days before admission?

Isn’t that…

“The day I met Alexia? His information was forged that day? Then his previous identity was…”

“I can’t find it.” Lan Yu Qiancong spread out his hands, “I asked Moguwai to check it on the Internet several times. There is no news about Exia at all. The only thing that can be found is the forged information. s things……”

It has been half a month since Alexia became their classmate, and most of the things Lan Yu Qiancong could investigate about Alexia were concentrated in the past two weeks, and at most they could be traced back to the day when he and Xiao Gucheng met. .

Before that, there was nothing related to Alexia. It was as if the person [Ikesia Kaslana] did not exist in the world before that.

“Then…who is he?”

Xiao Gucheng couldn’t help but become suspicious.

This period of getting along with her made him not think that Alexia was a problematic person, but instead thought that he was a very good friend and classmate.

He has good academic performance and is like a monster. In the last one or two physical education classes, he also showed super motor skills. He is gentle and polite to others. He is also super handsome… He is simply a perfect superman.

But – who is he?

“…Let me tell you, Gu Cheng, do you think this is really important?” Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly asked, “Maybe you started to doubt Agulola because he was frightened by him. I can’t believe him…but I do feel that even if his origins are really unknown and he is a suspicious guy, as long as he is always like this, there is no need to explore his true identity, right? “

“I think that should be his secret.”

37. The precursor of the feast of flames

Exia didn’t know about the conversation between Lan Yu Qian Cong and Xiao Gucheng.

After leaving school, he went directly to a ramen shop near the Cornerstone Gate.

“Manager, give me some soy sauce tonkotsu ramen. It should be saltier and the noodles should be harder.”


She placed her order as soon as she entered the store, picked a place to sit down, and then poured herself a glass of water.

This shop was recommended to Alexia when she was tutoring with Aiwa Asanion. It is said to be one of the most delicious ramen restaurants in Genkami Island. Alexia was also brought here to have a few ramen. times, but the taste is very good.

The soy sauce tonkotsu ramen is a highly recommended one by Ami Asaki. I say “This is an expert’s order!” 】

Of course, Alexia didn’t understand what she meant at all.

“It’s two weeks of spring break.”

Appearing quietly next to Alexia, carefully hiding her body so as not to be exposed to other people’s eyes, Sajo Aige asked: “Is the prince really just planning to wander around?”

“This is the only plan at this stage.”

Alexia took a sip of water.

“But…there is actually one more thing I want to do.”

“[Fourth True Ancestor], [Feast of Flame], [Agulola] – right?” Shajo Aige smiled and expressed Axia’s thoughts.

It has been a while since he came to this world. During this period, the thing that Exia came into contact with that interested him the most was undoubtedly the matter related to the Fourth True Ancestor.

If possible, Exia really wants to investigate the Fourth True Ancestor, but the most direct channel for understanding, that is, Agurola, is scared to death of him. Those who have met before The physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor never appeared again after that meeting.

So much so that Exia had no direction if she wanted to investigate.

As for Nangong Nayue, she also said that she didn’t know much, and Alexia probably wouldn’t be able to ask too many things.

“Well, the boat will go straight to the bridge. Anyway, we have to stay here for a year – if it doesn’t work, we can just fly out of this island and go see other places in the world.”

Exia is currently under surveillance by Genkami Island. To put it bluntly, this surveillance is largely maintained by Exia’s consciousness. It is Exia who understands Gengami Island’s position and is willing to cooperate. They led to the establishment of surveillance.

If she wanted to leave here, Ixia believed that Genkami Island would not be able to stop her.

“Your Majesty, the prince is too talkative.” Shajo Aige’s words were a bit helpless, “Obviously, with your power, it is possible to directly occupy this island and become the lord.”

“Then am I not a robber?”

To seize an island as soon as you enter someone else’s world is something that only barbarians can do. Exia is not a tyrant.

And while the two were talking like this, a piece of news was playing on the TV set up on the ramen bar, facing Alexia.

[Recently, a large-scale infection broke out in the Nilepsi Autonomous Region, and residents in its territory showed symptoms of vampire transformation…]

“This is your ramen!”

Halfway through the news, a waiter came over with the ramen ordered by Alexia. After putting the ramen down, he immediately rushed to another table of customers.

After taking apart the disposable chopsticks and taking a bite of noodles, Axia looked up at the news.

The text broadcast has ended, and what is now shown on the TV is a privately shot video with rough quality. A large group of thugs emerged on the exotic streets, all attacking people around them indiscriminately. Even if it was mosaic, it could not cover the bloody scene that filled the screen. The picture was as horrifying as a zombie documentary.

“Niplesi Autonomous Region?”

Alexia has an impression of this place name. In yesterday’s history final exam, she passed the modern history part.

About fourteen years ago, the War King’s Domain experienced an invasion.

The invading party is a race called [Hung Ghosts], and they are compatriots of the same race as vampires. However, unlike those vampires who can use familiar beasts, Hung Ghosts are [lower vampires] who cannot use familiar beasts. For a long time, He has always been hostile to other vampires.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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