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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 217

She had to do it.

This is also the reason why she stayed on Genkami Island, because Agurola is here. As long as she can be embraced as the true Fourth True Ancestor, then the Karyana family will definitely be revived, and he can become a second-generation vampire directly from the Fourth True Ancestor.

That’s what she lives for now, so…

“Can’t forget it.”

Crushing the syringe and stuffing the package into her pocket, Valtiana felt her gradually becoming more excited, and then directed it towards her inner desire for revenge, constantly stimulating herself to regain that part of the world. emotion.

Life in Genkami Island is very good. Although she is not used to working in a coffee shop, she has become accustomed to this kind of life in the past few months. She even thought about being an ordinary waiter and living in the island from now on. Thoughts on Genkami Island.

But this won’t work!

“I must not forget…I want revenge…”

You can’t let yourself forget the hatred of genocide, and you can’t let yourself forget your anger towards the plunderers!


After sitting on the chair and relaxing for a while, looking at the pinprick on her arm that had long since healed, Valtiana stood up, took out her satchel from the closet, and walked out of the back door of the coffee shop.

(The one I just bought is the last bag. I have to buy a new one…Forget it, let’s buy today’s dinner first. This time should be just in time for the half-price bento promotion.)

Valtiana doesn’t know how to cook. Before she came to Genkami Island, she was basically a young lady with no fingers in the water. Even though she has learned some housework from working in a coffee shop, she still can’t cook.

So it was no surprise that the dinner for her and Agulola was the bento she had fought so hard to grab from the housewives, or the charity from Xiaogu City – that boy can cook, Wei Er Tiana thought it tasted pretty good.

However, just as Valtiana was about to leave from the alley behind the cafe——


Feeling that there seemed to be other people’s breath around her, Valdiana immediately asked the surrounding people in a cold voice!

The next moment, in the dark alley, which was empty except for her, three figures suddenly fell from the sky.

They were three mysterious men wearing black combat uniforms with animal-like skull masks on their heads.

“You are–“

The moment she saw these three people, Valdiana’s eyes widened immediately, and intense anger spurted out from her eyes! The beautiful face was instantly occupied by anger and hatred!


Valtiana recognized the clothes of the three of them, which were exactly the uniforms of the fighting troops of the Hungarian ghosts in Niplsi – in other words, they were Valtiana’s unyielding enemies!

Ignoring Valtiana’s roar, the Hungarian ghost who looked like the leader spoke in a mechanical voice: “Seventeen forty-three and twenty-five seconds – the target was discovered and the forced capture began. “

“Pu Chi Pu Chi Pu Chi!”

The sounds of flesh and blood being torn apart came from the three Hun ghosts one after another, and the fluctuations of magic power spread out. Then in the bodies of the Hung ghosts, a large number of weapons pierced the bodies and were exposed, turning them directly into a human being. Humanoid killing weapons!

Valtiana fully understood the situation.

These despicable creatures that destroyed her hometown have now been chased to Xian Kami Island, and are ready to drive her out!

(Don’t go too far! You beasts!)

Anger and revenge completely filled Valtiana’s brain!

Strong magic erupted from her body!

“A mere Hun!—Tear them to pieces! [ganglot]!”

After arriving at Xian Shen Island, after more than half a year, Valdiana summoned her familiar beast! As the blood mist dispersed, what emerged from it was a violent demon dog nearly three meters long and with three heads!

“I’ll take you as my first step in revenge!”

next moment–

In an unknown alley, scorching flames burst out!

40. The vampire lady who deflates at the speed of light

【warn! warn! warn! 】

[The magical reaction of the beasts has been detected in this neighborhood. Residents are requested to evacuate immediately! 】

On a certain street.

Alexia, who was walking on the road holding a three-ball ice cream with a lot of crushed peanuts, heard the sudden siren and stopped in confusion.

“This alarm… is some vampire releasing a familiar in public?”

Xian Shen Island has a very complete alarm mechanism to deal with various situations, and the alarms related to vampires have always been the most advanced, because compared with other demons, vampires can freely use their familiar beasts. It’s just a ticking time bomb.

No matter how quickly the SAR police arrived. The damage caused by the familiar beasts can at least completely collapse a street, and the loss of money caused by such losses cannot be less than nine figures.

“Run away!”

“The refuge area is over here!”

“The SAR police are coming soon!”

As the siren sounded, the streets that were originally full of people became almost empty in just two or three minutes, and all the shops lowered their special rolling shutter protective doors.

After looking around, Exia couldn’t help but laugh and said, “In the end, I’m the only one left?”

“After all, the prince has no reason to leave.”

Because there was no one around, Shajo Aige stopped hiding and showed his figure directly beside Alexia: “But, it’s really strange. Why did it suddenly happen at this time? Is there a vampire releasing a familiar beast on the street?”

Genkami Island has very strict control over vampires, and the use of familiars is limited to specific occasions – such as cooperation in experiments. Under normal circumstances, the use of familiar beasts is expressly prohibited. If it is violated, the vampire will be punished extremely severely after being subdued and suppressed by the SAR police. It is said that even an immortal vampire will not be able to bear the severity. .

Therefore, almost no vampires on Xiankami Island dare to come out and cause trouble openly.

Dare to do that…

“The physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor?”

“I don’t think so, Prince.”

Sajo Aige denied Exia’s conjecture: “I have recorded the magical characteristics of the physical bodies of the Fourth True Ancestors before, but the magic that can be felt now does not match any of them.”

“Could it be a body we haven’t seen yet?”

“If so, then I think the Fourth True Ancestor should be like that – the intensity of his magic power is too low.”

In other words, the one causing the trouble was just an ordinary vampire?

Alexia frowned: “Miss Aige, where is that vampire?”

“On the right, five hundred meters away. Do you want to see the beast with your own eyes?”

“Yeah. After all, when we came into contact with the Fourth True Ancestor’s physical bodies before, they didn’t release the companion beasts at all.”

In that meeting, neither Ixia nor the fourth ancestor’s physical body showed any real skills, they just said hello to each other. Therefore, Exia has actually never seen a familiar beast.

Now that he had such an opportunity, he wanted to satisfy his curiosity.


After stuffing all the ice cream in her mouth into her mouth, Alexia licked the remaining crispy crumbs at the corner of her mouth, then turned and walked towards the direction pointed by Shajo Aige.


at the same time.

In the alley.


With the sound of the wall breaking, fierce flames suddenly erupted from the alley!

However, rather than speaking of the flames being sprayed out, it is better to say that the flames seemed to be scattered and passively shot out of the alley.

And flying out of the alley with the flames, Valtiana rolled on the ground several times before getting up again, half-crouching on the ground, glaring ahead with her eyes.

Immediately afterwards——


As a familiar beast that symbolizes natural disasters, the three-headed demon dog summoned by Valtiana was actually blasted out of the alley like a ball! The huge body was covered with puncture holes, and it slid on the ground for dozens of meters before it finally stopped!

The beast was defeated.

Looking at this fact, Valtiana couldn’t help but grit her teeth – she was not surprised by this situation, but even so, the beast she was proud of was defeated like this, which had a huge impact on her spirit and self-confidence. It’s a punch, no doubt!

“Seventeen forty-five minutes and three seconds – Confirmed to defeat the Familiar Beast and prepare to capture it.”

Three Hungarian ghosts covered with swords, spears, and halberds walked out through the flames and smoke. Their cold, mechanical tone made Valtiana shiver.

(Am I… going to be like my father and the others?)

In the war fourteen years ago, the reason why the Hungarian ghosts, who were originally at a disadvantage, were able to defeat the vampires who controlled the beasts was because of the weapons that were stabbed out of their bodies at this moment.

It is a kind of weapon called [Magic Equipment]. Although the power of each piece is different, it is enough to give Hung Ghost the power to fight against the beasts. The Hun ghosts of Niplessi used a large number of magic tools and buried them in their bodies to become monsters that could defeat the beasts head-on. In that war, they slaughtered the Karjana territory one after another. The vampires on.

After all, if a vampire loses its companion beast, its physical strength is actually not outstanding among many demons.

Valtiana’s father died like that, and so did the knights he led. Their familiar beasts were defeated and eliminated one by one by the Hungarian ghosts holding magical equipment. Even though the familiar beasts would not die in essence, the driving force Their vampires also have times when their physical strength is exhausted. At that time, the vampires who have lost their beloved beasts have no power to resist against the Hun ghosts.

And now, three Hungarian ghosts using magic tools came to Valtiana.

(Am I going to die here?)

Can’t die here!

(I haven’t completed my revenge yet, I haven’t killed that bastard, I haven’t restored the family yet!)

I can’t die like this!

(I must–)

Almost biting her teeth into pieces, Valtiana glared at the three Hun ghosts walking towards her, then threw away her satchel and tore a big hole in her skirt. Turn around and run away!


The moment she made this decision and took action, Virtiana felt a strong sense of shame in her heart!

It’s obvious that your enemy is right in front of you! But he couldn’t kill it, so he could only run away in such embarrassment… There is simply nothing more shameful than this!

But rather than carrying this shame, Valdiana doesn’t want to die here like this!

Before completing the revenge, before reviving the family, before regaining the territory and becoming a noble again——

(This is all for the Karyana family! So I must not die!)


After running out for only two steps, a sound of footsteps came from in front of Valtiana.

Anyone? !

Valtiana’s running footsteps stopped suddenly!

(Is it possible… In addition to the three at the back, there are also people waiting outside?!)

There are people blocking us in front, and there are three Hun ghosts chasing us behind.

In this way, the only way Valtiana has left to escape is——

“It’s so hot. Why is it so hot here? It’s a lot hotter than over there.”

Such voices suddenly approached together with the sounds of footsteps, and apart from the mixed sounds, I don’t know if there was something wrong with her senses. On the streets of Genkami Island where it is always hot in summer, Valdia Na actually felt a cold feeling coming to her face?

“Oh, you are…I remember your name is [Miss Wei Er], right?”

Finally, in Valtiana’s eyes, Alexia who said this appeared in front of the street.

41. Give people from other worlds a little shock

On a deserted street burning with flames.

Looking at Alexia appearing in front of her, things about him also appeared in Valtiana’s mind.

(He is…the human who wanted to see No. 12?!)

Because not many people knew the location of the Fianna, and because Exiya’s appearance was handsome even by vampire standards, Valtiana still had some impressions of him.

Why is he here? As a fragile human being, he still came to this place. Isn’t he afraid of death?

“Seventeen forty-six minutes and eighteen seconds—witnessed by someone other than the scheduled person, prepared to exclude.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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