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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 218

And just when Valdiana was confused like this, the three Hungarian ghosts behind her chased her one after another. One of them passed her directly and rushed straight towards Alexia, while the other two took advantage of her not moving. At this moment, he stabbed his arm covered with blades directly into her body!


You shouldn’t think about that human thing!

The life and death of human beings has nothing to do with Valtiana. There is no need to care whether he is afraid of death or not. She can just run away!

(What am I doing! Bastard!)

Valtiana almost wanted to curse herself to death!

With the vampire’s regeneration ability, even if it is penetrated by a magic weapon, it may not necessarily lead to death. It will take about half a day to recover, but as long as the heart is not damaged and the head is not chopped off, the vampire will not die completely.

(Am I going to have to bear the same pain that my father and the others endured?)

Looking at the magic tool that was gradually approaching her, Valtiana closed her eyes subconsciously.


However, the expected pain did not reach her body. Instead, a sudden muffled sound reached her ears.


It was a sound that reminded people of the wall being smashed by something.

Valtiana opened her eyes slightly. The magic tool that should have been close at hand had disappeared for some reason, and was replaced by a figure standing in front of her, as if protecting her behind him.

It’s Exia.


“It seems that you are being hunted, [Miss Wei Er].”

Putting away the kick that kicked the two Hun ghosts away, Ixia looked at Valtiana: “The vampire who caused the alarm is probably you, right? So whether it is as Xiao’s classmate or as a string god Citizens of the island, I can’t just watch you get killed like this.”

“You stay here until the SAR police come.”

After hearing these words, Valtiana immediately wanted to run away, but the extreme cold coming from her legs made her almost fall!

Looking down, she saw that her feet had been frozen unconsciously!

(Did this guy do it? He is not an ordinary human being!?)

Valtiana pursed her lips: “You – be careful! Behind!”


Before the reminder from Valtiana could completely fall, the sound of the air being chopped exploded behind Alexia!

The Hun ghost who was instantly bypassed by Exia has now returned, and his arm covered with a large number of blades is slashing at Exia’s head! The magic power fluctuations filled above are not weaker than the power of some familiar beasts!

It is impossible for a mere human being to withstand this blow.


However, there was another muffled sound.

With an action that Vertiana could not see clearly, she flew up and gave the Hungarian ghost in front of her a roundhouse kick, and kicked it towards the place where his two accomplices were. Exia shook her foot: “Who are these people? Miss Wei Er, do you know them?”

“…the Hun, the Hun of Niplessi.”

“Hung Ghost? Why did the Hung Ghost appear here?”

Less than two hours ago, Ixia had just seen the news about Niplsi. Isn’t it busy because of the vampire infection in the territory? Do you still have time to come to Xian Shen Island?


Breaking free from the broken wall, the three Hun ghosts reappeared in front of Ixia unscathed.

“I thought I could kick them until they were incapacitated.”

“Although Hungarian ghosts are low-level, they are also vampires. Unless they are fatally injured, it is useless to them.” Valtiana explained, “You don’t need to get involved. You’d better leave as soon as possible! This is my business!”

“Do you think I still have a chance to leave now?”

Alexia smiled.

And as he said –

“Seventeen forty-seven minutes and thirty-three seconds – An attack on an unscheduled target has been confirmed and started to be eliminated.”

The three Huns officially regarded Exia as their enemy. Their bodies covered with magic equipment assumed the same starting position of the same school. It was so strong that the magic power was released from the magic equipment at the same time!

They seriously wanted to kill Exia.

And the moment they take action is the next moment!


At the same time, they rushed out from the place, one of the Hun ghosts leaped high into the sky, and the other two surrounded Exia, one on the left and the other on the right.

(Three-party double-teaming? I have received specific training, but isn’t this a bit…)

Without even looking at the offensive of these three people, Exia just raised her foot and lightly stepped on the ground.


It’s like the whole world has been replaced!

The street that was still burning with flames a second ago turned into a world of frost completely covered by white frost the moment Ixia’s feet landed! The frost spreading out with Exia as the center extended to hundreds of meters away!

Of course, at the moment when the frost world spread out, the three Hun ghosts had become ice sculptures frozen in the frost.

Exhaling a breath of cold air, Alexia glanced around: “That should be enough, the power should be suppressed just enough to prevent them from freezing to death on the spot, and the fire is also extinguished… What’s left is You just have to wait for the SAR police to arrive, right?”

It has been almost five minutes since the alarm was sent out, no matter how slow it is, it should be here.

And in the back, slumped on the ground and looking at Alexia and the surrounding snow scene, Valtiana’s heart was instantly shocked!

(Who…is this guy? This power…)

In an instant, hundreds of meters of space in front and back of a street were frozen! This kind of power is completely comparable to the beasts! He even said [Power Suppression] just now?

Is this actually the result of him suppressing his power? So what is the power he possesses…

“Ah, Miss Wei Er, are you okay?”

Turning around, Aixia looked at Valtiana: “Although I have carefully controlled the range to avoid affecting you, I am not very good at suppressing power. If I hurt you, please forgive me.” Forgive me.”

“I do not–“


Before Valdiana could finish speaking, the space around the two people suddenly fluctuated, and then a petite figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

After scanning the surroundings with a black parasol, the figure – Nangong Nayue – finally looked at Ixia and Valdiana: “The trouble is really big enough, you stupid vampire , and my incompetent student.”

“I think you need to give me an explanation.”

42. What’s next?

after an hour.

Twelve underground floors of the Cornerstone Gate, the security department of the artificial island management commune.

After two weeks, Exia came to this place again to revisit her old haunts.

However, this time he was really regarded as a [suspect].

Sitting in the small dark room that was obviously used for interrogation, looking at the report just submitted by his subordinates, Nangong Nayue sighed slightly: “…In other words, you heard the siren. Finally, you thought this was an opportunity to meet the beasts, so you took the initiative to subdue those three idiot bats, and at the same time, froze the entire street to put out the fire?”

“That’s about it.”

Taking in the plain expression of Alexia, Nangong tapped his forehead with a folding fan that month, and then put down the report in his hand: “The testimony from Karjana is similar…I’ll just It’s great when you say it is true—but you really opened our eyes, Alexia Kaslana.”

Regarding what level of power Exia possesses, and what kind of existence it should be treated as.

In fact, the senior officials of Genkami Island have never come to an accurate conclusion.

Because there is too little information.

It has been more than two weeks since Exia came to Xiankami Island. During this period, except for having contact with the physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor, he has never shown his power once, and even two weeks ago That time, there were only a few pieces of information that could be confirmed.

[Possessing superhuman physical abilities far beyond ordinary people], [Suspected to be able to use ice attribute spells], [Possessing a magic tool that can shoot electromagnetic cannons]

This is all Genkamijima knows about Exia’s power.

Beyond that, nothing is known.

Even Nangong Nayue, the monitor, did not see anything wrong with him during the past two weeks of monitoring Alexia. Apart from sleeping and wandering around every day, almost all the time in school was wasted. .

Therefore, now Nangong Nayue was really shocked. This Alexia, who usually did little, could actually show a power that was not weaker than the vampires of the old generation once she took action.

“Is it surprising to you that I have this level of power?” Ixia asked with a smile, “Rather than caring about my strength, those three Hungarians from Niplsi The matter of ghosts and Miss Weier is what you should pay more attention to now, right? Teacher Nangong.”

“There’s no need for me to go there. The SAR police can’t stand the three Hun ghosts and a little bat.”

Nangong Nayue said with a smile: “In my opinion, that kind of trivial matter is not as important as your situation. After all, since you have this level of power, we can’t continue to treat you with the same attitude so far. “

To be honest, this already has some upper limits for processing under normal circumstances involving Genkami Island.

Even with a top-notch national demon attack officer like Nangong Nayue, the island can be said to be a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, but Xian Shen Island itself is still just an island. In the eyes of vampires, it is an extremely fragile sea duckweed. Take it seriously. It’s easy to sink.

If Exia had enough power to sink Genkami Island…

(Whether it should still be monitored as an unstable factor is debatable.)

“I can tell you something from my heart, Teacher Nangong.”

Alexia suddenly spoke.

“I don’t have any hostility towards this island, and I don’t want to actively provoke any fights. If I have to say it, I am a peace-loving person and have no intention of fighting with anyone. Therefore, as long as Genkami Island does not show any disrespect to me, If there is any hostility, then I will not do anything harmful to this island, and even if someone wants to destroy this island, I will be happy to help them protect it.”

“After all, I come from a family whose creed is to protect others. The power I use is not for destruction, but for protection.”


Nangong took a look at the report that month about the estimated losses caused by the ice-blocking of the streets in Ikesia. Although a large part of it was the impact of fire, the ice-blocking of Ikesia also caused an estimated loss of damage to that street. If it is unable to operate for a period of time, it will definitely cause considerable economic losses during this period.

“Your protection is really special.”

“This is the situation where I have tried my best to be as restrained as possible.” Alexia said with a bitter smile, “Anyway, I ask Teacher Nangong to believe what I said, and also ask you to tell everyone in charge of the commune that I am the leader. He came into this world with good intentions.”


Nangong Nayue fell into deep thought for a moment.

After two weeks of observation, she had gained some understanding of Alexia. As he said himself, he had no intention of doing bad things and had completely integrated into his identity as a student without any problems.

If it weren’t for knowing that he was from another world, Nangong would have regarded him as an ordinary student that month.

“…Let me ask you, what would you do if we didn’t believe you?”

Nangong Nayue wanted to confirm the worst case scenario.

Alexia smiled slightly: “No matter what, it doesn’t matter if you continue to monitor me, I won’t mind either.”

“What if we regard you as a dangerous person and hope that you will be arrested without mercy?”

“Then I will resist, freeze you all and make you powerless before leaving Xian Shen Island.” Exiya’s smile remained unchanged, and her tone of voice was still so calm and calm, but in Nangong Nayue’s view, what this meant only one.

【I will resist, and you can’t stop me】

After continuing to be silent for a while, Nangong Nayue sighed slightly: “The tone is really loud enough, okay, I will reflect your thoughts with the people who manage the commune – the interrogation is over, you You can go back.”

“Thank you, Teacher Nangong, for your consideration.”

Alexia stood up with a smile.

“By the way, there’s something I want to ask you – why did the three Hungarian ghosts conflict with Miss Vere? The Hungarian ghost from Niplessi appeared here at this time…”

“This is not something you should know.”

Nangong Nayue interrupted Aixia’s inquiry forcefully.

Walking down from the chair to the door of the interrogation room, Nangong Nayue opened the door: “You said you have no intention of provoking any fight, so don’t have any interest in this matter anymore, and don’t get involved anymore, you know?”

After saying this, Nangong Nayue left the interrogation room.

(It seems that there is indeed something behind the scenes.)

Shajo Aige said in Exia’s ear.

(What to do next? Prince.)

(…Just figure it out.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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