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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 22

“By the way, how about this! Exia, don’t you need a supporter? How about bringing Lefia with you?”



Lefia and Exia were stunned at the same time.

(Let me be this human’s supporter?)

“Why? Lord Loki, I——”

“Rivelia should understand, right?” Loki looked at Riveria, “There is still some time before the expedition, and we think it should be quite effective.”

After Loki said this, Riveria glanced at the two of them and showed an expression of understanding.

“Indeed…Exia, could you please take Lefia to the dungeon starting tomorrow?”

“Lord Riveria? How come even you…”

Lefiya looked at her main god and her senior in disbelief, and finally looked at Exia beside her.

(I…I really want to go to the dungeon with this human tomorrow?!)

38. Lack of trust

So, the next day.

Although she was extremely reluctant, Lefiya followed Exia to the dungeon.

Because of Lefiya’s support this time, Exia, who originally only advanced to about the fifteenth floor, went straight down to the twenty-seventh floor today.





Standing far away in the woods by the river bank, Lefiya looked at the figure of Alexia who was fighting five or six monsters in the river at the same time. As if she had witnessed an unbelievable sight, she froze in place. .

The twenty-seventh floor – to be precise, from the twenty-fifth to the twenty-seventh floor – is an area called the [Water Maze]. The reason for this is that a line starts falling from the twenty-fifth floor. The huge waterfall that runs all the way to the 27th floor, [Blue Waterfall].

The existence of the waterfall provides these three floors with sufficient water sources, and therefore, most of the monsters here are aquatic monsters.

Piranhas, half-murlocs, giant water snakes, mermaids, water horses…there are countless monsters like this here. Because they occupy favorable terrain, even experienced adventurers will find it difficult to take the initiative. The most normal situation is to attack and be fully prepared to counterattack and win when the monster attacks.

However, just as she had broken Lefia’s common sense several times before, Exia behaved contrary to common sense this time.

The fist knocked the head of the big water snake away, the kick kicked all the piranhas away, and the sword blade that kept changing its position between the hands chopped off the monster’s body one after another… even the mermaid monster. The innate charm seems to have no effect on him.

A level 1 person who can take the initiative to attack on a floor like the twenty-seventh floor and face multiple monsters at the same time makes Lefia doubt whether he is a human after all!

“In this case, I will be of no use as a supporter…”

Even though she was a little reluctant, Lefiya knew what Loki and Riveria were thinking – after updating her abilities with Loki last night, she took the initiative to ask Riveria.

[Hone your basic abilities as a defender and develop a tacit understanding with your teammates]

Riveria responded.

The defender – the magician – is quite fragile in close combat due to its own characteristics. Once approached by a monster, it means that you must give up chanting magic and start running for your life, otherwise the magician’s generally low [ Endurance], dying at the hands of a monster is a normal anger.

Therefore, magicians actually value their teammates very much. It is a profession that requires a partner to fully exert its strength.

Let your reliable teammates hold up from the front while you chant magic from behind to annihilate the monsters in one fell swoop. This is the way the wizard fights.

Of course, this is not the only way. In fact, there is also a way for a magician to fight alone, and that is to learn [Parallel Chanting] – a way to attack, avoid, move, and sing at the same time. Techniques to carry out.

Most of the magicians who are now famous in Oralline, or magic swordsmen who use magic and weapons at the same time, are masters of this skill.

However, Lefiya has not yet mastered this technique, so she has to rely on her teammates.

Like now.

Looking at Exia fighting several monsters over there, Lefia raised the staff in her hand and started chanting, as if to prove that she was not just a supporter who picked up trash.

“[The light arrow of liberation, the bow stem of the sacred tree, I am the master of the bow. Stop it! The goblin archer——]”

There are three magics that Lefia masters, and this is one of them – [Arc Ray], which is a single-target shooting magic, and also has the characteristics of automatic tracking. If you want to rescue Exia and reduce his pressure, this magic is the most suitable.

A magic circle appeared at the tip of the wand, and the light formed by the gathered magic was as ready as an arrow on a bowstring.

However, just when Lefia’s chant was about to be completed, I don’t know if it noticed the magic reaction on her side. The big water snake that was fighting with Exia suddenly gave up on the human being in front of him and directly He turned and pounced on Lefiya!


Looking at the monster rushing towards her within her field of vision, just like countless times in the past, Lefia subconsciously felt intense fear in her heart!

The use of magic requires chanting, and the source of magic is mental power. If it is affected during the process, the magic will not be used smoothly.

So, of course.

The chanting stopped on the spot.

The big water snake’s ferocious mouth bit it down in one bite!


The fear that suddenly burst out in her heart made Lefiya instinctively close her eyes, but the next moment——

“Boom! Crack!”

Violent vibrations and the sound of water entering were heard, and cold water spray and cool wind mixed with water vapor rushed towards the face.

Lefia couldn’t help but open her eyes.

And in her eyes, what she saw was the back of Alexia, who had broken away from the monster group at some point and returned to her, kicking the big water snake back into the pool.

Alexia turned around and looked at Lefia behind her: “I’m sorry, Miss Lefia, I let it slip over due to my negligence. Are you okay?”

“…Well, I’m fine.” Lefia was still shocked and nodded slightly.

“That’s good, wait a moment, I’ll get it done soon.”

After saying this, Exia rushed into the river again, leaving Lefiya standing alone.

(Saved by him?)


“In other words, Miss Lefiya, are you afraid?”

A few minutes after Exia defeated all the monsters.

By a pool.

Because it was almost noon, Exia stopped attacking the monsters and took Lefia to find this relatively safe place to sit down temporarily.

Sitting on the stone holding a portable water bottle, Lefiya nodded a little disappointedly: “It’s totally fine when I’m with everyone, but when I see a monster charging towards me, I will subconsciously… .”

(This is the situation.)

When Lefia said this, Exia roughly understood the reason why Loki and Riveria asked Lefia to go with him last night.

“To put it simply…Miss Lefiya, you don’t trust your teammates enough.”

This is not the first time that Alexia has met Lefiya in this situation.

In fact, this often happens when fighting against Honkai Valkyrie.

For example, when the Valkyrie Team was first established, because the team members met each other for the first time and could not truly trust each other, and they did not understand each other’s abilities, mission failures were common.

And after the mission fails, if there are still excessive members in the team – for example, if there are members who were taken away by Honkai when they were young and hate Honkai to the core, the failure of the mission will also cause conflicts within the team, and then Causing the team to fall apart.

Exia has seen too many of these situations in Tianming’s database.

In a sense, defeating monsters and fighting against Honkai are actually the same thing, so it is not unusual for this to happen to Lefiya now.

(So, the solution to this situation is…)

After recalling the cases recorded in the database, Exia took a deep breath.

“Miss Lefia, let’s go back to the upper level for now.”


39.A partner from scratch

Underground city, sixteenth floor.

In a floor rich in Minotaurs.


The roar of the minotaur echoed in the cave-like underground city. Dozens of Minotaurs seemed to be going crazy, running towards a certain goal.

That target is naturally Exia.

A dozen days ago, Finn did something to attract the Minotaurs to gather, but not to defeat them, in order to train him, and now, Exia did the same thing.

But compared to Finn’s complete deliberateness, Alexia’s deliberateness was only half.

(Thirteen…is that about enough? Although at first I thought five would be enough.)

Thinking this way, Exia dodged the collision of fierce bulls in the herd while reducing the Minotaur’s physical strength as much as possible.

And not far behind him——

“[O proud warriors, O archers of the forest. The advancing plunderers are ahead, pick up your bows. Respond to the voices of your compatriots, string your arrows and light up the flames, the lights of the forest -]”

Lefiya is holding the wand and concentrating on chanting her second magic.

“[——I order you to shoot arrows, the fire arrows of the elves! It rains down like rain and burns the barbarians!]”

After the chanting was completed, dozens of magic circles floating around her burst out flaming arrows, and a shower of arrows exploded behind Ixia in an instant.

Without any hesitation, almost at the moment when the arrow was launched, Ixia jumped up high on the spot, directly out of the attack range of Lefiya’s magic, while the Minotaurs who stayed in place could not avoid it. Avoiding it, all of them were hit by the rocket without exception!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang!”

The sounds of smashing and explosions were endless, and the bursting fire and impact lasted for several seconds before stopping.

Falling from the sky, Exia couldn’t help but sigh slightly as she looked at the ground that was reduced to charcoal and even blasted through by Lefia’s magic.

(This is Lefia’s magic…I see, it’s not unreasonable to be regarded as Miss Riveria’s successor.)

Exia has heard about Lefiya’s situation many times within the family. As a mage, she has potential that may be even higher than Riveria’s. She has firepower output that exceeds her level and Possibility of using any magic.

But this was the first time I actually saw Lefiya’s magic.

“It was successful, Miss Lefia.”

“Yes.” Lefia smiled slightly, “But…Mr. Exia, if it’s just to this extent, I won’t actually feel scared.”

Although the Minotaur is terrifying and would be troublesome even for level 3 adventurers, to Lefiya, it is just a matter of magic.

Alexia smiled and said: “The point is not about fear, Miss Lefiya – what you need to do now is not to [overcome fear], but to [trust your companions].”

“Let me ask a question, when you just faced the Minotaur, did you ever think for even a moment that [you would be injured]?”

Lefia immediately shook her head.


That’s impossible, because all the Minotaurs are blocked by Exia. With Exia’s ability, she can kill all the Minotaurs before the Minotaurs attack her.

Although she has some grudge against Axia in her heart, she still has this trust in Lefiya.

“That’s right.” Alexia smiled, “Mage is a profession that requires companions to exert its full strength. Trust your companions, put your safety in the hands of your companions, and believe from the bottom of your heart that your companions will protect you. Create opportunities – in fact, whether you are a wizard or not, as long as you are a member of a team, you should have this idea.”

There are many Valkyrie teams currently active on the front line against Honkai Impact, and more than half of them have experienced the most difficult period in the beginning. The biggest difference between them and those teams that eventually disbanded is the actions taken by the members.

Even if they have experienced failure, even if everyone is a stranger at the beginning, even if they know nothing about each other at the beginning, they are willing to speak their true feelings to their companions, or accept those who may not be normal in some places. Companions – With this kind of behavior, the level of tacit understanding and trust between team members will gradually increase.

“Miss Lefia, Captain Finn has told me many times. Members of the Familia are all family members, and family members are the first people you can trust. The reason why you feel scared is because you don’t trust yourself enough.” A companion to the family.”


Lefia wanted to refute, but she couldn’t. This was natural. The cultivation of tacit understanding and trust was a long-term process. Lefia had only joined the Loki Familia for three years, and was actually regarded as the main force. The Wizard has only happened in the past two years.

Generally speaking, this amount of time is enough to cultivate initial trust, but it is based on a small number of people. With the size of the Loki Familia, it is impossible for Lefia to really trust every member. The race of Upper Elves itself is somewhat exclusive.

“So, if you don’t mind, Miss Lefia, you can start with me first.” Exiya said, “I’m not asking Miss Lefia to truly trust me. After all, I’m just a half-time member of the Familia. Newcomer of the month.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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