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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 221

In the living room.

Looking at the text message sent back by Alexia, Xiao Gucheng frowned in confusion.

【what are you talking about? 】

[What did you say? Aren’t we talking about the Feast of Flames? 】

[Aren’t we talking about how to arrange accommodation for Agulola? 】

Alexia: “…”

Xiao Gucheng: “…”

(Xiao! You actually care about such a trivial matter at this time!?)

(Didn’t Kaslana hear the conversation I had with Agulola just now?!)

Only then did the two people realize that they were not discussing the same topic at all.


At the same time, somewhere on Genkami Island was shrouded in night.

On the pier of a certain suspension bridge.

As if she was enjoying the night breeze, a green-haired girl with emerald eyes was standing here at the moment, her eyes staring at a seemingly deserted area of ​​Genkami Island floating on the ocean not far away. .

“It’s really the same old unpleasant thing, this island of scrap iron.”

“As expected, you think so too, Your Excellency.”

As if in answer to the girl’s soliloquy, a burst of golden mist floated over from nowhere and quickly condensed into a human form around the girl.

It was a tall, handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a white suit.

The moment his figure appeared, the young man bent deeply towards the girl in front of him. At the same time, he put his hand on his chest and saluted her respectfully: “I never thought that you would come to such a place in the Far East. It’s a remote place, if my grandfather knew about it, he would definitely regret it extremely.”

“A snake driver in the War King’s realm?”

The girl turned her head and looked at the young man: “Haha, if he comes over, wouldn’t it be a bit overwhelming if we get together?”

“This is indeed reasonable.” The young man smiled slightly, “Then, please allow me to boldly ask, are you here to watch the feast of flames up close?”

“[Scenery]? In your opinion, what is about to happen on this island can be called a beautiful sight? Wattola.”

The girl directly called out the young man’s name.

The young man called [Vattola] smiled and said: “At least I think so, it will be quite interesting.”

“Interesting… It seems you didn’t notice it.” The girl laughed, turned her gaze away and looked in another direction, “On this island of scrap iron, there are still It’s a much more interesting [spectacle] than the Feast of Flames.”

The line of sight that shot out from his emerald eyes seemed to be able to penetrate space, shooting to somewhere on Genkami Island from a distance.

When he heard these words coming from the girl’s mouth, Wattola’s eyes trembled.

How could the Lord in front of me think that something more interesting than the Banquet of Flames…that such a thing actually exists on this Xingami Island?

“I wonder what you are talking about?”

“If you want to know, go find it yourself, snake charmer. I have no plans to share my beloved fun with others.” The girl said while looking at not far behind Vatola, “Speaking of which, over there Are the three bodies you keep on this island?”


Wattola also turned around and saw three girls in armor standing behind him.

The girl with emerald eyes smiled and said: “No. 3, No. 4, No. 5… It’s a miracle that this island has not sunk until now. There is a place where you are, but from ancient times So far, all of them have been destroyed without exception——Are they the bargaining chips you use to negotiate with the Fourth True Ancestor? Wattola.”

“It was until just now.”

Wattola said.

“But after hearing the [spectacle] that your Excellency said is still on top of the feast of flames, I am not going to use the three of them for negotiation, and I am going to let them act… maybe this way It can make the feast of flames more interesting.”

Vampires, without exception, are creatures with infinite lives. In a life that is so long that there is no end in sight, the only thing that vampires can pursue crazily is [fun].

Vampires are willing to do anything as long as it makes them feel happy – the longer a vampire lives, the more so. Although Vatola is still a young person among vampires, his desires in this regard are comparable to those of the ancient elders.

“Then, I won’t disturb your interest, Your Excellency, and I look forward to seeing you again at the Banquet of Flame. Dear [Third True Ancestor]—Your Majesty Jiada.”

After saying this, Vatola once again turned into golden mist and drifted away in the wind, and the bodies of the three Fourth True Ancestors also disappeared together in the dense silver mist.

The girl who was called [Jada] smiled softly: “You are indeed a bold guy, Wattola… But unfortunately, I don’t have any thoughts of meeting you again. Compared with getting along with a junior like you, , I am still interested in [that guy] dormant on this island now.”

“A beast that does not come from [foreign land], but from [outside the world], how should I meet you? Hahaha~~~”

47. Gap in pattern

Regarding the issue of Agulola’s final residence, after a discussion between Exia and Akatsuki, it was finally decided that Akatsuki would secretly take her back to Akatsuki’s house to spend the night, and then send her back to the ship at dawn tomorrow.

Alexia said that he could help take care of it, but Agulola was really afraid of him, so he had to give up.

And in this situation, the time came to the next day.

Although the final exam has ended, there are still two days before the spring break of Caihai College. The purpose is not to attend classes, but to allow students to move away as much as possible the things left in the class. After all, after the start of the new semester, everything will students must be re-divided into classes, and all existing classrooms must be cleared before then.

Especially graduating students.

Today we will move all the things, clean the classroom, and attend the graduation ceremony tomorrow. Spring break will officially begin.

Of course, since Alexia was a transfer student who had only been here for two weeks, she didn’t have anything at all. So while other students were carrying things in full swing, he came to the top floor of the staff office building alone.

Logically speaking, the one who occupies the top floor should be the principal of Saikai Academy, but the principal’s office of Saikai Academy is on the lower floor, and the person occupying the top floor is——

“Why did you come to me alone at this time instead of cleaning the classroom with other students? Kaslana.”

Wearing the same black Gothic dress as yesterday, Nangong Nayue, who was enjoying black tea under the blow of the air conditioner, coldly questioned Alexia who broke into her office.

Thick carpets and velvet curtains, ancient antique furniture, a bed with a canopy… Glancing at this space that was more like a private room than an office, Ixia couldn’t help but asked: “Here It should still be in school, right? Teacher Nangong, are you treating this place as a temporary palace? “

“It’s just a little convenience as a national demon attack officer.” Nangong Nayue opened the black lace fan in his hand, “Compared to this, you shouldn’t be here to visit, right?”

“Well, I want to ask you something more, Teacher Nangong.”

Alexia came to her.

“About the Feast of Flames.”

“Is it this again?”

Nangong Nayue sighed helplessly: “What I can say to you has been said before. There is nothing left to tell you here. Go back.”

“Three days later… no, it should be two days later. The Banquet of Flame will be held on this island.”

“You kid——” Hearing this, Nangong Nayue’s eyes suddenly turned sharp, “Where did you know about this?”

“I live next door to Akatsuki, and Agulola came to Akatsuki’s house yesterday, so it’s normal for me to overhear some things, right?”

Number 12?

Nangong Nayue curled her lips: “So what if I know? What do you want to do?”

“I want to stop the Banquet of Flames, Teacher Nangong.” Ixia didn’t hide anything. “I saw what happened in the Niplsi Autonomous Region on the TV news yesterday. If a large-scale vampire outbreak also broke out on Xian Shen Island, Infection would definitely be disastrous, so——”

“What you think will never happen.”

Before Alexia finished speaking, Nangong Nayue said [Pa! 】Closing the fan suddenly interrupted him.

“I don’t know why you have such an idea, but I can tell you clearly, Alexia Kaslana, what you think will not happen. The island is not yet vulnerable to the crisis due to the holding of the banquet, and the resurrection of the Fourth True Ancestor will not have any impact on Xiankami Island.”

“So you don’t need to do anything. Just stay home and welcome spring break.”

“what are you saying?”

Suddenly, Aixia couldn’t understand what Nangong Nayue meant.

What do you mean you don’t need to do anything? This statement is as if everything that needs to be done has been done, and then all you have to do is wait quietly for the feast of flames to happen.

“Teacher Nangong, are you a demon attack officer?” Pursing her lips, Exia suddenly asked, “Do you think it doesn’t matter? There is a large-scale vampire infection on Xian Shen Island.”

“I told you, this won’t happen.”

“Then please tell me why it won’t happen.”

Taking a few steps forward, Ixia put her hands on the desk and looked down at Nangong Nayue.



Nangong Nayue looked at Alexia silently, her pearl-like blue eyes staring straight at Alexia, and a vague sense of oppression was constantly released from her eyes.

However, looking at Alexia who was completely unmoved, Nangong had no choice but to close his eyes that month and took a sip of the already slightly cold black tea before reopening: “Before I answer you, please answer me one thing first. Thing–you just said you wanted to stop the Feast of Flames? Why?”

“As a mere outsider who has nothing to do with our world, why do you want to stop things in our world?”

“…Because I don’t want to see the same situation as where I came from.”

déjà vu.

When he saw what happened in the Niplsi Autonomous Region, Aikesia later had such a feeling, as if he had seen a similar situation somewhere before, and had a strong sense of déjà vu.

And soon he understood where this sense of déjà vu came from.

Changkong City.

The large-scale vampire infection is so similar to Changkong City where dead soldiers and Honkai beasts were everywhere after the Honkai incident!

Therefore, Exia could not ignore it.

Whether it’s because of the nature and creed of the Kaslana family, or because of her own will and thoughts, Exia doesn’t want to see a scene similar to Changkong City even if she comes to another world.

“Please, please tell me more about the Feast of Flames, Teacher Nangong.”

(This kid…)

Unexpected answer.

Nangong had never thought that Alexia would come to her with such thoughts in that month. Even after hearing those words from him yesterday, she still did not let go of her guard against Alexia.

But now, this young man who was guarded by her and Xiankami Island was actually thinking about how to protect Xiankami Island from the disaster of the Feast of Fire?

“…Do you know the old southeastern area of ​​Genkami Island?”

After continuing to be silent for a while, Nangong Nayue spoke out such a place name.

The old Southeast?

“I just said that String Kami Island will not have any problems due to the Feast of Flames, right? The [String Kami Island] I am talking about does not include the [Old Southeast Area].”

“That place has been determined as the venue for the Flame Banquet, and the decision maker from the Lion King Agency made the decision.”

“The old southeastern region will become the [altar] and [sacrifice] for the Fourth True Ancestor’s resurrection.”

48. Excessive sense of justice and compassion

String God Island has four large blocks in the southeast, northwest and northwest. These four artificial islands make up the entire String God Island.

However, apart from that, there are several areas in Genkami Island. These areas are not considered part of the four major blocks, but are floating in the ocean outside Genkami Island as independent blocks.

The Old Southeast is one of them.

It was originally a trial artificial island built experimentally, and was later mainly used as a construction base for the construction of the main island of Genkami Island. Most of the current residents are urban designers, construction engineers and their families who were directly involved in the construction of Genkami Island. In the past, it could be said to be the center of Genkami Island.

However, after the completion of the four artificial islands in the east, west, south and north, the old southeastern region retired, and its population is still declining.

After all, compared with the main island of Genkami Island, it is not large in scale and its equipment is one level inferior. Moreover, the life of the artificial island itself is about to expire. It has been designated as an abandoned area and will be demolished within a few years.

In other words, it is an artificial island that is gradually declining.

And since it is going to be demolished, it is better to contribute its last bit of value.

“If I want to explain it from the beginning…well, I have to start with the Lion King mechanism.”

“The Lion King mechanism?”

“A secret service agency established within the National Public Security Commission, a department of the Japanese government. It is responsible for handling large-scale man-made magic disasters and intelligence work. In addition, it also receives major international figures on behalf of the Japanese government and is responsible for their protection and surveillance.” Nangong Natsuki. Explained, “To put it simply, a lackey who helps the official do things.”

The straightforward evaluation surprised Aixia – he remembered that Nangong was the national demon attack officer that month? Does this count as scolding herself?

“So… is it the decision of the Lion King organization to use the old southeast region as an [altar]?” Alexia asked.

Nangong Nayue nodded slightly: “The Lion King Agency’s handling of magic disasters mostly depends on the situation. But this time, in the face of the [Resurrection of the Fourth True Ancestor], the Lion King Agency adopted something similar to [ Earthquake Prevention Countermeasures].”

Earthquake prevention and control measures.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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