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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 223

“Of course, it’s all here.”

Zaharias clapped his hands as he spoke. On the ship behind him, several blond girls wearing protective clothing of the same style walked out of the cabin one after another.

“No. 11, No. 8, No. 7, No. 2, No. 1 – and No. 9 I will pick up later.” Zaharias named the girls one by one. Number, “All six bodies I hold are now on this island.”

“I hope you have prepared the remaining bodies. If possible, I don’t want there to be any regrets in the future where the weapons cannot be delivered on time.”

“Do not worry.”

The girl nodded slightly: “The Lion King Agency will make all preparations.”


at the same time.

The port of the East District of Genkami Island.

Holding back the scorching sun in the sky, Valtiana returned here with a bitter look on her face.

Different from Exia’s assumption, as a victim of yesterday’s incident, Valtiana was only detained for one night before being released by the artificial island management commune. Decisions are made based on excellent life performance as well as testimony and cooperative attitude.

After all, the laws of Genkami Island are different from the laws that Exia knows.

As soon as she was released, Valdiana rushed back here immediately and did not come back for a whole day. She could fully imagine what kind of state Agurola would be in.

“Give this to her… it should be useful, right?”

In Valtiana’s hand, she was holding a cake she bought in a cake shop on her way back.

Jumping onto the deck of the Fianna and walking up the stairs to the cabin, the first thing Valtiana saw was Agurola who was cleaning the cabin – before going to school this morning, Xiao Gucheng had already told her Sent back.


“Valtiana…are you back!?”

Hearing her call, Agulola quickly dropped the mop in his hand and came to her: “I heard from Gucheng that you have to… ugh… [work overtime] every day recently? Or [work schedule] ]? Is it over now?”

(Overtime? Scheduling? This is how the guy in the ancient city explained it to Agulola…)

Valtiana felt that Xiao Gucheng probably didn’t know about his detention, which meant that he just gave a random reason to deal with Agulola.

(Forget it, that’s fine, I don’t need to explain it anymore.)

“Well, it’s over.” Valdiana came to the sofa and put the cake in her hand on the table, “By the way, this is a cake. I bought it on the way back. You didn’t have dinner yesterday, right? This It’s considered compensation, so accept it.”

“Thank you for your kindness!”

Hearing what Valtiana said, Agulola suddenly beamed! She sat next to Valtiana and took out the box containing the cake and opened it. Inside was a fruit ice cream cake.

On Xian Shen Island, where prices are relatively high, this cake should be worth more than half of Valdiana’s day’s salary.

Picking up the fork and cutting the fruit cake in half, Agurola pushed one of the pieces in front of Valtiana: “You can eat it too, Valtiana.”

“Eh? Is that okay?”

“Yeah! The ancient city said that delicious tributes should be shared with friends.”

(Is this considered a tribute?)

Valtiana looked at the fruit cake in front of her, smiled slightly, picked it up, and was about to taste it with Agulola——

“Da da da……”

A sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside the cabin.

Putting the cake down, Valtiana immediately stood up and blocked Agulola behind her, looking warily at the entrance to the cabin.

She was attacked by the Hungarian ghost just yesterday, and now she is very sensitive to any abnormal situation from the outside world, not to mention the people who will come to the Fianna… except for Xiaogu Castle.

(Who is coming?)

“Is this here?”

Accompanied by the sound of high heels stepping on the steps, in Valtiana’s eyes, a girl with emerald eyes slowly walked into the cabin.

Looking at Valtiana and Agulola, the girl – Jiada – smiled slightly: “I found you, No. 12. You are actually hiding in such a remote place. It is really troublesome to find you. ah.”

“You…are you——”

“Jada Kukokkan.” Jiada reported her full name, “In other words, [Third True Ancestor] – come with me, No. 12. You are of some use to me. .”

51. Exia, attack again

The time soon came to afternoon.

After spending a whole morning cleaning up Caihai Academy, the students began to leave the school and go home, except for those who had club activities.

Exia and Xiao Gucheng are naturally among them.

Taking the train back to his apartment, he was in the corridor outside Xiao’s and Xia’s houses.

“Sorry, Kaslana, I asked you to move the light green onions.”

Xiao Gucheng looked at Alexia who was holding a pile of books like him.

These are not from Ixia, but from Lan Yu Qian Cong. In the morning, when the two of them were cleaning the school with other students, Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly called Xiao Gucheng and asked him to help move her things and put them at his house. She would come over to get it after she finished her part-time job.

“It’s nothing, this thing isn’t heavy – excuse me.”

While talking, Xiao Gucheng had already opened the door of his house, and Alexia followed him in.

As soon as they walked in, the two heard rapid footsteps coming from the house, and then a lively black-haired girl appeared in front of them.

“Welcome back! Kojo-kun…eh? Are there any guests?”

“Well, he is my classmate and also our neighbor. This is your first time meeting him.”

Coming to the living room and putting the things in his hands on the coffee table, Akatsuki introduced with a smile: “Kaslana, she is the sister Nagisa I mentioned to you. She was just discharged from the hospital yesterday. And this is Ai Ksia Kaslana.”

“Hello! I’m Akatsuki Nagisa! I didn’t expect that Furujo-kun and I would have such a handsome neighbor. Furujo-kun, you didn’t cause him any trouble, did you? By the way! Tea for entertaining guests! I haven’t had it yet Getting ready, Gucheng-kun, why didn’t you tell me earlier that a guest is coming today!”

“Well, I…”

Looking at Akatsuki Nagisa who suddenly rushed towards the kitchen, Alexia was about to say something but was interrupted by Akatsuki Kojo: “I’m sorry, Kaslana, Nagisa is like this, she talks too much – —Anyway, let’s sit down for a while, and just put the green onions in the corner over there.”

“……All right.”

After putting down Lan Yu Qian Chong’s things, Aixia sat on the sofa, and Xiao Gucheng also habitually turned on the TV first.

However, just when the TV was turned on——

[A piece of news is inserted below. This morning, an unexplained explosion occurred at a port in the East District of Genkami Island…]

Such news content was played from the TV.

Port in the East End?

Hearing the explosion in this place, Xiao Gucheng and Exia couldn’t help but frowned at the same time, and looked at the news with serious eyes.

The feast of flames is about to come, and there was an explosion at the port in the East District where Agurola lives… It’s hard not to feel that there is no connection here.

And soon, after the announcer finished speaking, the picture on the TV switched directly to the explosion scene.

“…It’s really miserable.”

Alexia couldn’t help but sigh.

A large number of ships broke into several pieces, overturned and sank in the sea water. The port itself seemed to be torn apart by something and was almost completely destroyed. A large number of remaining scattered parts were floating on the sea. Even though the warehouse was some distance away from the port, although it was a little blurry, it could still be seen that it had completely collapsed.

“Xiao, what do you think of this port…”

“I am not sure.”

Xiao Gucheng shook his head.

“But I’m going to take a look at the situation. Since they are all in the East District, I think there is no way that Agulola’s side will not be affected.”

When he said this, Xiao Gucheng had already stood up and was about to go out.

Alexia stretched out her hand to hold him: “Wait a minute, don’t go.”


“It might be dangerous over there. You don’t have much power, and your life is likely to be in danger if you go there – I’ll go in your place.”

After hearing the first half of Alexia’s words, Xiaogucheng, who was about to refute, suddenly froze after hearing the second half!

Let Exia go instead of you?

Xiao Gucheng frowned: “Kaslana, you…”

“Here comes the tea!”

At this moment, Akatsuki Nagisa came to the living room carrying a pot of barley tea that had just been taken out of the refrigerator. However, after seeing Xiao Gucheng and Alexia holding hands together, she paused on the spot.

“Uh…Um…Furujo-kun and Kaslana-kun, what are you doing?”

“No, Nagisa, this is…”

“Then so be it, Akatsuki.”

Interrupting Xiao Gucheng who wanted to explain, Exia stood up from the sofa: “As we agreed, I will go, you don’t need to go, it’s probably quite dangerous outside now, and you don’t want your sister to go. Stay at home alone?”


When Alexia said this, Akatsuki looked at Akatsukisa with some worry – indeed, Akatsuki couldn’t let Akatsuki stay at home alone.

“…Can I ask you a favor?”

“Of course, just leave it to me. We are classmates and neighbors, so I can still help you with this small favor.” Alexia smiled, “I will call you as soon as I find Agulola there or Sending a message.”

“Okay, please, Kaslana.”

“Well – I’m sorry, Miss Nagisa, I’ll drink the tea you ran away next time.”

After saying this, Exia quickly left Xiao’s house and returned to her own home next door.

She went into the bedroom and opened the closet. After digging out a tennis bag from her feet, Ixia took out the Holy Sword of Soaring that she had hidden, and then took out the Seven Thunders of Purification from her schoolbag and pinned it to her waist. .


Open the window to the maximum and step on the edge of the window –


With a muffled sound, Exia jumped directly into the air! With his body strengthened by God’s grace, coupled with Sajo Aige’s magic power release and strengthening magic, he now jumped to the height of the twelve stories in one breath!

Feeling the howling wind around her and her body gradually starting to descend, Alexia took a deep breath:




After the two instructions, the Soaring Holy Sword in Exia’s hand instantly turned into countless fragments and flew behind him, converging on his back to form a pair of steel wings exuding divine brilliance!

The next moment, bright flames spurted out from each [feather], and the steel wings instantly turned into a pair of golden light wings. The maximum output propulsion force immediately sent Aixia into the air. The sky covered with dusk-colored sunset glow!

Alexia, attack!

52. The Third True Ancestor, Princess of Chaos

The time now is around five o’clock in the afternoon.

It is when the residents of Genkami Island are after school and get off work, and the trams running everywhere on Genkami Island are full of people. For the people living here, the tram is the fastest daily transportation. .

But now, if residents in the South and East Districts sitting on the trams could look out the window, they should probably be able to see——


A golden meteor with a speed far faster than the tram is tearing apart the dusk sky! And flew straight towards the east!

This is the first time Exia has flown over Genkami Island since arriving at it.

After using the Holy Sword of Soaring again after two weeks, Exia still inexplicably missed the feeling of flying freely in the air.

It’s actually not that close from Axia’s house to the port where Agulola is located. If you take the tram there, it would take about an hour at the fastest, and that doesn’t include walking time.

However, if Exia flies over like this——


The scene in the field of vision was quickly pulled back, and the world in Alexia’s eyes was rapidly moving backwards!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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