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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 226

56.The storm comes after the first clear weather

Exia told Xiao Gucheng everything she knew about the purpose of the Third True Ancestor and the actions she took.

Of course, he actually didn’t know much. Alexia didn’t have any clue as to why the Third True Ancestor wanted to see him. Maybe the name the Fourth True Ancestor called him was a clue, but Alexia didn’t know why. That’s how he would look in the eyes of the true ancestors of vampires.

In the end, there wasn’t much that Exia could say to Xiao Gucheng.

Shortly after the conversation between the two ended, Sajo Aige also ended her examination of Agulola and Valtiana.

“What’s the result? Miss Song.”

“Miss Agurola is not seriously ill. There is no abnormality inside or outside her body. She was simply frightened and fainted by the prince. In addition, she may also have been frightened and feared by the attack… .The combination of various factors has put her in a comatose state now.”

Shajo Aige explained.

“As for Miss Valtiana…to be honest, the situation is not very optimistic, and her body has been seriously damaged.”

Vampires are immortal creatures, but they are not immortal in the true sense. At least the brain that controls magic and the heart that controls blood circulation are fatal weaknesses. If these two parts are seriously injured, even the vampires of the old generation He will undoubtedly die, and the True Ancestor may also be severely damaged by this.

Valtiana is a young vampire who is not even a hundred years old. She is about seventeen or eighteen years old when converted to human age. Although she is born in the long-standing Karjana family, she is considered a member of the old generation of vampires. , but her power is not strong enough to withstand the attack of the true ancestor without being hurt.

Almost all the internal organs were ruptured, and more than half of the bones were shattered. The whole body seemed to have been torn apart, and there were signs of muscle being pulled apart everywhere.

To put it bluntly, even if she is a vampire, it is already a miracle that she is still alive now. The power of the vampire can only barely keep her breathing. If further treatment is not carried out, she will definitely die.

“Can we perform treatment here? Miss Aige.”

“I’m afraid not.” Shajo Aige shook his head, “I’m not sure whether my magic can work on the creatures here, and there is no magic base in this world, so the effect of magic will be greatly reduced. Just to be on the safe side. , I think it’s better to send him to a professional hospital.”

It’s not that Shajo Aige can’t cure Valtiana, but it will probably take a day or two, and before that, her messy body must be restored, which will definitely take less than four or five days. That’s not possible.

The problem is, the day after tomorrow is the Feast of Fire, and Ixia will definitely need the support of Shajo Aige by then, so it is impossible for Shajo Aige to use her energy on other things at this juncture.

“Should we send her to the Mar’s affiliated hospital?” Xiao Gucheng asked, “My mother is there, she should be able to be saved.”

“Okay, tell me where that place is, and I’ll fly Miss Vere there.”

As Alexia spoke, she changed the Soaring Holy Sword to flight mode again, and carefully picked up Vertiana sideways: “I will come back as soon as possible after I finish dealing with it. Before that, take care of Agurola. ,dawn.”

“Well, I’ll take care of it! The address of that hospital is…”

After listening to Xiao Gucheng telling the address of the Mar Hospital, Alexia flew out directly through the floor-to-ceiling window!

Looking at the meteor of light flying into the distance, Xiao Gucheng couldn’t help but sigh: “Fu Sangshen, the flying magic tool… Really, that guy Kaslana is really well hidden. Who is he?”

Although Xiao Gucheng subconsciously had some grudges and wariness towards Alexia because Agurola was scared away by Alexia before, he was still willing to recognize him as a friend.

What’s more, we are still neighbors, and we are also at the front and back desks in school. We see each other every day, so it is not good to keep the relationship stiff. Even if he really has some secrets that he hasn’t told, judging from Exia’s usual situation, he is definitely not a bad guy.

In the end, who would have thought that Exia would actually take out a pair of flying steel wings? There is also a guy who looks like Fu Sangshen. This directly made Xiao Gucheng nervous and suspicious again.

(You…should be my companion and friend, right? Kaslana.)

Xiao Gucheng thought so.


“W-who are you!?”

Suddenly, such an exclamation suddenly came from the other side of the wall!

It’s Akatsuki Nagisa’s voice!


Without thinking much, Xiao Gucheng immediately rushed out of Exia’s house and came to his own house!

And until a few minutes ago, there was only Akatsuki Nagisa alone in the Akatsuki family. Now, at some point, there are three more men in suspicious uniforms and a girl with blond hair, and two of them are holding Akatsuki on their hands. Nagisa’s arms looked like they wanted to forcefully take Akatsuki Nagisa away.

As for the third person and the girl…

“You, you are————”

When he saw who they were, Xiao Gucheng’s eyes suddenly widened! Strong surprise and disbelief erupted from his eyes!

Turning to look at Xiao Gucheng, the man – Zaharias – smiled and raised his beard: “It seems you still remember me, Mr. Xiao Gucheng, this is the first time we have met since last year, right? How have you been recently?” Are you okay? No. 12…is Agulola taking good care of you?”

“Zaharias…Number 9…”

Xiao Gucheng looked at the two people in front of him with an extremely ugly expression.

“What are you going to do to Nagisa! Give Nagisa back to me!”

“Oh haha~~~ This is really a somewhat difficult request, Mr. Xiao Fucheng.” Zaharias laughed, “My sister has a very important talent to me. In order to achieve my goal , now I need to borrow her ability a little bit, please forgive me… By the way, as a rental fee, when the matter is over, I will pay you 10 billion yuan in compensation, what do you think? ?”

“I won’t borrow any money!!!”

Xiao Gucheng roared loudly! At the same time, his right foot stamped on the floor, and in an instant, he burst out with a speed that was somewhat unhuman. In an instant, he turned into an afterimage and ran violently in the direction of Akatsuki Nagisa!

However, he only rushed out for less than half a second, and just when he was about to pass Zaharias——


The storm hit the entire room without warning!

The impact that erupted at an extremely close range directly sent Xiao Gucheng flying into the wall, and then squeezed his body continuously until he finally smashed through the wall! It blasted Xiao Gucheng to Alexia’s house next door!


A huge dent was made in the wall of Alexia’s living room!

Before he could even scream, Xiao Gucheng, who had completely turned into a bloody man, lay spread out in the depression.

Zaharias smiled and touched the head of No. 9 beside him: “Very good, the power is controlled very well. The cost of repairing these furniture and walls is still within my acceptable range. Even I don’t want to do it casually.” Just lose a house.”

“Obviously you just have to accept my proposal and money honestly. Mr. Xiaogucheng, I’m really sorry.”

57. Xiao Gucheng’s mother

The Mar Affiliated Hospital is located in the northern district of Genkami Island, almost half of the length of Genkami Island from the southern district where Exia lives.

It was already about three minutes after Exia set off that she arrived here with Valtiana.


“Is this really a hospital?”

After landing from the sky and comparing the place Xiao Gucheng told him, Ixia looked at the building in front of her with some doubts – it was clearly a building that looked like a vacation apartment.

And you can see a large number of intricate buildings not far away. If it weren’t for the fact that she flew in, Ixia felt that she would probably get lost in the building complex.

“This should be the place Xiao mentioned, right? Miss Aige.”

“Well, I’ve confirmed it several times. It should be the apartment in front of us.”

Shajo Aige responded, but in fact, like Alexia, she had some doubts in her heart. After all, no matter how she looked at it, this place didn’t look like a hospital.

“How about you try ringing the doorbell first?”

“……All right.”

Even now, Alexia doesn’t think she can fly to other places with Valdiana. Besides, given her physical condition, continuing to fly around may make the situation worse.

“Ding dong!”

“Coming, coming~~~~~”

Not long after pressing the doorbell, a soft voice came from the intercom: “Who is it?”

“Well… I was recommended by Xiao Gucheng, and I have a wounded person with me now. Is this the [hospital] he mentioned?”

“Kucheng-kun? Ah~~~~Hmm, wait a moment, I’ll open the door right away!”

The owner of the voice seemed to be a little more energetic.

And very quickly, just ten seconds later, the closed door opened, and walking out was a man wearing a white coat on the outside and simply wearing pajamas-like clothes on the inside. He looked quite Young baby-faced woman.

Looking at Alexia who was standing at the door holding Valtiana, the woman immediately smiled and said: “Oh~~~ I didn’t expect that Gucheng-kun actually brought me such a handsome little guy? Hmm, very Eye candy.”

“Uh… who are you?”

“Huh? Lord Gucheng clearly asked you to come to my place, but he didn’t tell you anything about my place?”

Alexia nodded.

The baby-faced woman couldn’t help but hold her forehead, as if she was helpless at Xiao Gucheng’s omission: “Forget it, let’s come in first anyway.”

“excuse me…….”

Following her, Alexia walked into the house holding Valtiana – but the first thing that came into view was a messy living room!

Women’s underwear and snack packaging bags were scattered everywhere in the messy room. There were all kinds of normal and weird medical equipment scattered on the table. There was also a half-eaten heated frozen pizza left there… ….

“Sorry, the room is a bit messy. Put the child on the sofa and you can just find a place to sit or stand.”


Carefully avoiding the women’s underwear scattered on the floor, and after placing Valtiana on the sofa, Alexia looked at the woman: “By the way, you haven’t answered my question just now. Who are you?”

“I am Kojo-kun’s mother.”

The baby-faced woman smiled.

“The name is Xiao Shensen, the chief researcher of the Mar Medical Department. He holds a certificate as a clinical magician. Furujo-kun probably asked you to come to me based on these points – the only doctor he knows is It’s just me.”

(Xiao… Generally speaking, shouldn’t people go to the hospital? Why do you want me to come to a place like a private clinic?)

Alexia couldn’t help complaining about Xiao Gucheng in her heart.

But at the same time, he also thought of the reason why Xiao Gucheng did this. In addition to Xiao Gucheng only knowing a doctor like Xiao Shensen, maybe he also believed in his mother’s medical skills, right?

Coming to the sofa and squatting down, Xiao Shensen looked at the unconscious Virtiana: “But… I didn’t expect that it would be little Virtiana who would receive treatment. A vampire would be reduced to the point where he had to receive treatment. It looks like he was seriously injured.”

“Do you know Miss Will?”

“Well, that’s right – you take this.”


Before Alexia could react, Xiao Shensen took something from Valtiana and threw it in his direction.

After subconsciously reaching out to catch it, Ixia felt the warm touch in her hand. Only then did Ixia realize that what was thrown over was actually Valtiana’s impact-resistant protective armor hidden under the vest! ?

(Prince! Throw it away quickly! Your hands will be dirty!)

(I know it!)

Quickly throwing away the things in her hands, Alexia looked at Xiao Shensen, and was about to say something, but saw that her hand had already reached into a place that he couldn’t look at at all.

(What is this person doing!?)

Alexia couldn’t help but roar in her heart.

“Um…Ms. Xiao, are you…”

“Huh? I’m checking Xiao Wei’er’s body.” Xiao Shensen said matter-of-factly, “I am an [over-adaptable person], and my ability is that I can roughly tell what kind of disease she has just by touching her body. “

Overly adaptable people.

This is the name given to the so-called “superpowers” in this world. The power they exercise is not magic or spells, but an innate ability.

“It’s just that there is a small condition for my ability to activate.”


“You can’t activate your abilities unless you touch the beautiful girl’s breasts.”

“That’s right…”

“Yeah, that’s it, so there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Xiao Shensen looked a little troubled as he spoke, but the movements of his hands showed no intention of stopping at all. He was clearly planning to rub it for a while first.

(Lord Prince, she is talking nonsense.)

(I can still see this kind of thing, Miss Aige.)

Alexia was a little helpless: “So, do you know Miss Wei Er’s physical condition? Ms. Xiao. If possible, I hope she can get treatment earlier.”

“Well~~~~There’s no way to treat it here.” Xiao Shensen pulled out his hand without hesitation, “It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but it’s completely messed up inside – so what, please work harder and move it Come to my research room with me.”

“Can you save her?”

“Of course.” Xiao Shensen said with a smile, “After all, it’s the person that stupid son wants me to save. If I can’t save him, I won’t be hated by him, right?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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