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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 227

58. Lan Yu Qian Cong’s announcement

After that, Xiao Shensen’s treatment of Valdiana continued until the sun was about to rise the next day.

If it were an ordinary treatment, it wouldn’t actually take such a long time at all, but Valdiana’s body was really in a mess. In order to allow her body’s self-healing ability to function normally and avoid forming a mess inside her body, The piece of meat, not only Xiao Shensen, but also Alexia was dragged by her and arranged as a temporary assistant to help clean up her body.

According to Xiao Shensen, what she did was not treatment, but something similar to [sorting out a messy ball of yarn]. She only needed to sort out Valtiana’s physical condition in the right direction. , then the next step is her own business.

The self-healing ability of a vampire is second to none among all demons, and if she is given some blood, the recovery speed will be even faster.

Unfortunately, Xiao Shensen did not have blood storage that could be used by Vertiana, and Alexia did not dare to give her his own blood. You must know that the Third True Ancestor evaluated him like that. If he casually gave his blood to Valtiana, some unexpected special situation might arise!

So to be on the safe side, Xiao Shensen finally drew some blood and fed it to Valtiana.

And now——

“Oh~~~~I’m so tired~~~~~”

An apartment living room illuminated by early morning sunlight.

Returning here from the research institute, not caring that there was a young boy beside him, Xiao Shensen stretched his body towards the sun. From last night to now, I have been concentrating on helping Valdiana get her body in order, but she was very tired. Now that she relaxed, the fatigue immediately came over her.


After a long yawn, Xiao Shensen looked at Alexia beside him: “Let’s just wait for her to heal herself. It’s none of our business. Thank you for your hard work, little handsome guy.”

“Just call me Alexia or Kaslana.”

“This is your name. Speaking of which, I have indeed never asked your name.” Xiao Shensen smiled and said, “Well, Ixia, I’m going to bed because I’m so sleepy. If you If you’re sleepy, just find a place to sleep for a while – ah, but don’t use my underwear to do something embarrassing.”

“Please don’t make such jokes, Ms. Xiao.”

“Hey hey hey~~~~”

Letting out an obscene laugh that didn’t look like an elder at all, Xiao Shensen walked to a room, leaving Alexia alone in the living room.

After watching her leave, Sajo Aige immediately appeared next to Alexia. After looking at the scene in the room, she suddenly bent down and put her hand under her skirt.

“Miss Aige, what are you doing?”

“I think the intimate clothing of a young girl like me in my early twenties should be better than the intimate clothing of an old aunt in her thirties.” Shajo Aige’s face was not red at all, trying to be calm. Explained, “However, since I don’t have a physical body now, I can only let you feel the simulated touch and——”

“I don’t need it! Miss Aige, please calm down!”

Seeing that Shajo Aige seemed to be going astray in a certain direction, Exia quickly pulled her back from the wrong path: “Ms. Akatsuki, maybe it’s okay to be like this in nature, why don’t you…”

“Oh~~~~I’m sorry…”

Shajo Aige blushed slightly and apologized: “I just don’t want the prince to have some wrong desires…”

“Why is it based on the premise that I will have desire?” Alexia was a little confused, “Don’t worry, I won’t take Ms. Xiao’s joke seriously… It’s a shame that she can be with me. This is how strangers get along when they meet for the first time.”


Even though he was introduced by Xiao Gucheng, to Xiao Shensen, Ikexia should still be just a stranger. Let such a person move freely in his own home. I don’t know whether Xiao Shensen believes him or whether he is right. I don’t care about this kind of thing anymore.

“However, in this case, there should be no need to worry about Miss Wei Er, and it’s time to return to Xiao’s side.”

Yesterday, Alexia told Xiao Gucheng that she would go back as soon as possible, but after being recruited by Xiao Shensen to be an assistant, Alexia has been busy until now, and even has no time to call and send messages to Xiao Gucheng. Can’t even free up.

Taking out the personal terminal from her pocket, Alexia was just about to turn to Xiao Gucheng’s phone number, but several messages suddenly popped up. There were also several missed calls, and the sender and caller… ..

“Are they all Lan Yu?”

Alexia frowned in confusion – why did Lan Yu Qiancong send herself so many messages and make so many phone calls?

Without reading the information, Ixia directly called Lan Yu Qiancong back.

【Du~~Du~~Hello? Alexia? You finally returned my call! What have you been doing before? 】

“I have some urgent matters and I don’t even have time to look at my phone.” Aixia explained, “You sent me so many messages and made so many phone calls. Is there anything particularly urgent? If it were you Xiao and I have already moved those things in the school for you, and then you can just go to Xiao’s house to get them.”

[What I want to tell you is about the Gucheng family! Did you not read the message I sent you? 】

“Uh…well, what’s wrong?”

[The Gucheng family exploded! 】

explode? !

Alexia, who was a little groggy from staying up late, suddenly woke up when Lan Yu Qiancong said this!

“Lan Yu, please tell me clearly, what happened with the explosion?”

[I don’t know the details. I also accidentally learned from the Internet last night that an explosion occurred in the apartment where Gucheng’s family lived. The report said that the explosion location was on the seventh floor, which seemed to be rooms 704 and 705. The house was affected, and it is said that it was bombed to pieces]

704, 705.

The former is the house number of Xiao Gucheng’s house, and the latter is the house number of Aixia’s house.

[I called Gucheng before, but he never answered, and you didn’t respond when I called you. I thought something happened to you all in the explosion. Just hope you’re fine now]

“Wait, Lan Yu, what did you just say? You can’t contact Xiao?”


“…Sorry, Lan Yu, I’ll call you later. I’m going back to the apartment to confirm the situation now!”

Without giving Lan Yu Qian Cong time to reply, after hanging up the phone, Ixia ran directly out of the living room, and when she came outside, she directly deployed the Soaring Holy Sword! The steel light wings burning with blazing flames once again sent Exia into the sky!

(Damn…Xiao! Don’t let anything happen to you!)

59. Winter on Genkami Island


This is the only feeling in Xiaogu City now.

His body seemed to be torn apart, his hands and feet were broken, his chest felt like it had been chopped off and dug open, and his head hurt so much it felt like it was about to split open.

It might be better if the consciousness did not return, but after the consciousness came back, Xiao Gucheng was attacked by pain all over his body and couldn’t help but open his eyes.

What came into view was an unfamiliar ceiling, and beneath me was the unique softness of the bed.

“Am I…still alive?”

Xiao Gucheng probably understood his situation.

He still remembered what happened before he lost consciousness. That bastard Zaharias took No. 9 and two other Hun ghosts with him. He didn’t know whether he calculated the time or happened to run into it when Alexia was not around. He forced his way into his home and robbed Akatsuki Nagisa, but he himself was instantly killed by No. 9’s counterattack.

As for why I am still alive…

“Did your power save me? Agurola.”

Xiao Gucheng touched his ribs.

The clothes on his body were so tattered that only a few pieces of cloth stained red with blood were left, proving that his body had been crushed and defeated before, but now his body did not have any wounds. In contrast, as if the scab had just been peeled off, brand new skin appeared all over his body, as if to prove that the once-destroyed body had been regenerated.

This is the [immortal body] of a vampire that is equal to…or even better than that of ordinary vampires.

Akatsuki knew this ability of his. Just like Akatsuki Nagisa became weak after going to the Gozo ruins, his body also experienced some changes after that.

In order to increase companions and dependents, vampires can transform others into pseudo-vampires by giving them parts of their own bodies. This kind of pseudo-vampire is collectively called “Blood Servant”.

They share the same long lifespan as the vampires who are their masters. If necessary, they can also share the magic power from their masters, and have a certain degree of immortality.

Generally speaking, the more important the body part given by the vampire during transformation, the stronger the blood servant will be.

Nearly four years ago, during the Gozo incident that Akatsuki and Akatsuki Nagisa experienced together, Akatsuki became Agulola’s blood servant for some reasons, and the body parts he was given were ribs, on the right side. The fourth and fifth roots.

Therefore, Akatsuki has acquired an immortal body that is almost as good as the True Ancestor. Even if his body is cut into pieces, he should be able to be resurrected.

“I was saved by you again, Agurola.”

Sitting up from the bed, Xiao Gucheng looked around – it was not a ward, nor was it his own home or the Alexia home next door in his impression, but a very unfamiliar luxurious room that looked like a high-end apartment.

Where is this?


Just when Xiao Gucheng was confused, the closed door not far away was opened. The person who walked in from the door saw Xiao Gucheng who had woken up and immediately said: “Wake up, Xiao.”

“…And Yue-chan?”


The black lace fan instantly turned into a hidden weapon and accurately hit Xiao Gucheng’s forehead!

“Don’t call teacher [chan], you idiot.”

Arriving at Xiao Gucheng’s bedside, Nangong Nayue picked up the fan from the bed: “As soon as I woke up, I had the strength to be beaten. It seems that I’m fine. This is the resilience of the Blood Servant who is the True Ancestor. You still have it?” He really is a monster.”

Does she know that she is Agulola’s blood servant?

(That’s right, Yue-chan is the national demon attack officer. I’m afraid he already knows about me.)

“That month…Teacher, did you save me?”

Xiao Gucheng asked after deliberately changing his title.

Nangong Nayue shook his head: “I just brought you back. When the SAR police team and I arrived, you were already a corpse slumped on the wall, but at that time you had begun to heal slowly. Yeah, I didn’t do anything.”

“…Thank you, Teacher Nayue.”

Getting off the bed, Xiao Gucheng was about to walk out the door.

However, before he took a step, Nangong Nayue called him: “Where are you going?”

“Go save Nagisa and Agurola.”

“It’s just you? Save it, if you go, you will just die again.” Nangong Nayue told the fact that Xiao Gucheng himself knew, “Even if you are a blood servant of the true ancestor, you are just a follower of the true ancestor’s blood. It’s just that your resilience and physical ability are better. If you don’t have even a little bit of strength and you want to take your sister and No. 12 out, you might as well hope that the sun will rise from the west tomorrow.”

Xiao Gucheng has no power.

He doesn’t know magic, he doesn’t know spells, he can’t control beasts, he hasn’t even learned any decent martial arts, he’s really just an ordinary student.

“But even so, I have to save Nagisa!” Akatsuki couldn’t restrain his voice, “Nagisa is my sister, Agurola is my important person, I have to go no matter what! Teacher Nayue!”

“…Yeah, okay then.”


Nangong Nayue knocked on the black lace fan in her hand, and in an instant, several magic arrays appeared around Xiao Gucheng! More than a dozen chains extended out from it like spiritual snakes, instantly binding Xiao Gucheng’s hands, feet and body, and then bound him and dropped him into the air!

“That Tsuki-chan!”

“Don’t call teacher [Jiang].” Nangong Nayue knocked Xiao Gucheng’s forehead mercilessly, “I can understand your mood, but I’m sorry, as a teacher, I can’t watch my students die in vain. Just stay here until this is over.”

“Damn it! Let me go! Teacher Nayue! I must-“


Another fan knocked on Xiao Gucheng’s forehead.

This time Nangong used some tricks in that month. Xiao Gucheng, who was constantly struggling, was knocked so hard that his head tilted and he fell into coma again.

“Sleep well until the matter is over, Akatsuki. Your sister should be fine, but that Agulola, I think you have to say goodbye to her forever – I’m sorry.”

Nangong Nayue walked out of the room while whispering.

“The only one left is Exia… I hope it’s too late.”


at the same time.

Alexia’s house.


Returning to her home from the balcony, she saw that the living room was in a mess as if it had been ravaged by a typhoon. Alexia gritted her teeth and looked at the wall next to her that seemed to have been almost completely shattered, and the wall on the other side. The shocking human-shaped blood marks on it.

Akatsuki is not here, Akatsuki Nagisa is not here, and neither is Agurola.

No one is here.

There were only traces left by the intruders, and blood all over the ground that seemed to be telling something.

“My lord prince…”

Sajo Aige appeared next to Alexia, but did not speak further.


The sound of freezing sounded quietly in the room.

Like steam rising, extremely cold white smoke was slowly released from Ixia’s body, and with him as the center, the entire room was coated with a layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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