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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 23

“But I hope you can trust my power – I can truly protect you from any monsters.”

The only thing Exia can bring to the table at this stage is her own strength.

Defeating a lv.4 head-on with a level of lv.1 is even enough to match the power of a lv.5.

“If you face a weak monster, I will defeat it before you use magic. If you face a powerful monster, I will protect you until you complete the chant.”

“I hope you can give me this level of trust. Of course, I don’t want you to trust me like this today. We can start to cultivate tacit understanding and trust bit by bit starting from monsters of the Minotaur level.”

Everything must start from scratch, and trusting a person should also start from the most basic little things.

From now on, she trusts Exia, and works with him as a partner in the dungeon to defeat monsters, and develops a tacit understanding that is limited to the two of them – realizing what she is going to do next, and what Loki and Riveria want her to do. After doing what she did, Lefia took a breath and suddenly bent down to Alexia:

“I understand. I’m sorry to trouble you before the expedition begins, Mr. Exia. I will trust you as much as possible.”

“Just call me Exia, Miss Lefia.”

“Okay… but is this really okay?” Lefiya asked, “Originally, Lord Riveria and Lord Loki asked me to be your supporter, hoping that I could be with you. Did you go down to a deeper floor? If you go back to the upper floor for me, your debt…”

Alexia: “…”

(Why did I forget this!?)

40. Jealousy of goddess women

Tower of Babel.

top layer.

In the residence of Freya Familia.

As usual, after making every possible promise to the guild that she would never abuse it, the goddess Freya today also used the mirror of God to peer into the scene in the dungeon.

To be precise, he was peeping at Exia.

Freya was deeply obsessed with the soul of this young man from another world the first moment she saw it. Therefore, she had been doing this kind of secret peeping thing for the past half month. Quite a few times.

“The child’s soul has become even more dazzling.”

Because of her eyes, Freya could still see the posture of Ixia’s soul even through the Mirror of God.

Compared with previous observations, at this moment, or the moment when Icasia made her promise and agreement to Lefia, Freya clearly observed that Icasia’s soul was a little more dazzling.

It’s like the ice cubes carrying some impurities have become a little more crystal clear, or the burning flames have become more intense – it can also be said that the purity of the soul has improved.

“It seems that the key point is [protection].”

Freya’s eyes can see directly into the essence of the soul. Even souls from other worlds are still invisible under her eyes.


In Freya’s opinion, this is the essence of Ixia’s soul. Although she is not sure yet, she should be close to it.

The more she protects her, the more dazzling her soul will be.

“I really want to see how dazzling he will be in the end… maybe, he will be the Odd I have been looking for for a long time?”


In mythology, Freya is the partner of the goddess of beauty. During the long years she has spent, Freya has been looking for someone who can be her partner, whether it is the opposite sex or the same sex.

But no matter how she searched, she couldn’t find it. Even though she established the Freya Familia and gathered a large number of [Tough Warrior Enhelia], she had multiple lv.5, lv.6 and even the only lv. .7, Freya didn’t even think she had found her own Odd.

Otta might be the closest, but still not.

But this time, she placed her hope on Aixia.


“What are your orders, Lady Freya?”

The big pig man who had been accompanying him responded to his goddess.

“I remember that kid said that he is only a great achievement away from being upgraded. If you can, you can go and help him a little – floor master or something like that.”

There are multiple floor masters in the dungeon.

Since defeating Goliath alone is not enough to level up, let Exia defeat more floor owners.

Whether it’s Goliath, Udaios, or even Balor—leapfrog challenges and defeat enemies that are far stronger than themselves. This is the most difficult, but at the same time, the simplest and crudest upgrade method, and it is the purest achievement.

Just like the heroes in mythology.

“I understand. I will arrange a baptism for him in the near future.”

“Thank you for your hard work – besides, you can be a little cruel.” Freya looked at the other person in the Mirror of God.

The essence of Alexia’s soul is protection, so the reason why his soul was shining just now was because he unintentionally made a promise to protect Lefiya – Freya was happy to see his soul shining, but she didn’t like to see it. Go to Exia and make promises to other women.

This is what is called jealousy.

Even though she is a goddess, Freya is still a woman, not to mention that she is also the goddess in charge of love. She is the embodiment of love, and her jealousy is also unusual.

She had to admit that when Exia said that to Lefia, she felt quite unhappy inside.

“Finish it before the Loki Familia begins their expedition, Otta.”

“As commanded.”


Half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

When the sun completely sets and the moon rises into the sky.

Inside the rich mistress.

Just like last night, after converting the drops and magic stones obtained by defeating monsters in the dungeon all day into money, Exia came here to have dinner – and brought Lefiya with her by the way. .

“…In other words, Mr. Exia has been cultivating tacit understanding and trust with Miss Lefiya all day today.” Hill looked at the person and the elf in front of him, “No wonder Mr. Exia today I ordered a little too much.”

“Because I went to a deeper floor at the beginning. After deducting the portion returned to the dependents, I have a little more money today.”

Alexia said while eating a lot more fried rice than last night.

Everyone in the Kaslana family has a big appetite. After all, everyone is a born warrior. Only when they eat more can they have the strength to fight and train. The same goes for Alexia. Some time ago, she was limited by her lack of money and couldn’t eat too much, but today she’s rich, why don’t she eat more?

Turning his attention to Lefia, Hill smiled and said: “Thank you for helping Mr. Exia, Miss Lefia. I have heard many times that Mr. Exia is worried about debts. Now with your help, It will definitely be liberated faster.”

“No…I actually didn’t help much…”

Lefiya said it a bit modestly – no, it can’t be said to be modest. In fact, she didn’t help Alexia much in the past half day.

After the two began to explore downwards again, the floor they finally arrived at was the twenty-second floor. During this process, Lefiya was more on the protected side, and she rescued Alexia not as many times. Much, in fact, it was holding Exiya back.

Of course, there are also situations where Exia can influence Lefia in turn, such as accidentally sending a monster in front of Lefia, or making violent noises that interfere with her concentration… It must be In other words, both of them have areas for improvement.

“Well, don’t be too anxious. There is still some time before the expedition. Just try your best before then.”

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you tomorrow, Alexia.”


Hill’s smile remained unchanged, but his eyebrows raised: “Are you two going to enter the dungeon together tomorrow?”

“Yes. Because the expedition is coming soon, and I also need a supporter, so before the expedition begins, I will always partner with Lefia to enter the dungeon.”

“Y-yeah…that’s really hard work.”

For some reason, Hill’s voice sounded a little stiff.

And Alexia, who was eating, suddenly felt a few more lines of sight on her back for some reason, and shuddered on the spot!

(Could it be that cat man Allen again? He’s not in the store today either?)

41.Want to go to another world?

“I’m done eating and leaving first.”

“Please wait for me, Alexia, I’ll be right away.”

In the oversized restaurant where Loki Familia resides.

Looking at Alexia who quickly finished her breakfast, and Lefia who caught up with him immediately, everyone else in the restaurant looked a little confused.

The two people have recently started going to the dungeon together – this is something that members of the Loki Familia have observed logically in the past two or three days.

There is nothing wrong with members of the Familia forming a team to explore.

But the problem is, the members are Lefia and the new Exia.

“Since when did Lefiya and Exia-kun have such a good relationship?”

Tiona looked at the door full of doubts, not even noticing that the half-drunk wine in her hand spilled on her clothes.

Tione wiped her sister: “Who knows? It seems to have happened in the past two days, right? The two of them came back together the night before yesterday – speaking of which, they haven’t been back for dinner in the past few days. ?”

Because Loki Familia eats from a big pot, it is easy to know who is absent.

Tiona rolled her eyes: “Could it be that… Exia-kun and Lefiya are having an affair?!”

“Crack, bang, bang!”

As soon as these words were said, the whole restaurant suddenly heard the sound of various tableware falling! There were varying degrees of surprise on almost everyone’s face!

“No, no, no, that’s impossible, Tiona-senpai!”

“After all, Miss Lefia is an elf, and there are only a few people in our family members who can be approved by her to come into contact with!”

“How could a newcomer—”

“that’s right!!!!!”

Not only the members of the Familia, but even the god Loki jumped out of nowhere and shouted with all his strength to retort!

“We like little Lefia very much! Even that kid from Exia can’t snatch her away!”

“But weren’t you the one who asked Lefia and Exia to go to the dungeon? Loki.”

Walking in from outside the restaurant with Loki, Riveria’s cold words broke everyone’s illusions and delusions.

Tione frowned: “Hey, is it Loki’s arrangement?”

“Yes, I agree. The main reason is to solve Lefia’s problem. You are more or less aware of it, right?”

When Riveria mentioned this, Tiona and others also remembered some things that happened when they went to the deep layer with Lefiya.

“So this is ah.”

“Riveria, Loki, you should have told me earlier.”

“I just don’t think it’s necessary, and…” Riveria came to the window and looked at the two people outside who were about to run out of the station, “I can see that the effect is very good, so the next expedition should be There can be quite a bit of gain.”

Riveria didn’t know what was going on in the dungeon, but she could tell that Lefia and Exia already had some tacit understanding, or trust.

Trusting a human in a short period of time – for elves, this is a very rare thing.

“Then let’s go too, shall we?”

At this moment, Tiona also stood up: “Lefiya and Exia-kun have worked so hard, we can’t lose, right? Ais…Eh? Where is Ais?”

Diagonally across from Tiona, Ace, who was supposed to be sitting there eating breakfast, had disappeared without knowing it. The breakfast placed on the table looked like she hadn’t even finished it.

“As for Aisitan, he went out just now.”

Loki said.

“You must be stimulated by those two people and want to seize the time to become stronger, right?”

“He actually ran away!?”

“Let’s chase! Tiona!”

The two Amazons immediately couldn’t sit still, and under the guidance of the two, other members in the restaurant also speeded up their eating, and then rushed out of the restaurant one by one as if they were rushing to reincarnate.

Looking at the large space that had become deserted not long after, Loki sat in his seat and laughed: “Oh my, it’s really a strong influence. Lefia and Exia influenced Ais, and then Ais It affects other people… Our family members are really united!”

“Isn’t this what you expected? Loki.”


Loki smiled twice.

“But to be honest, we are really a little surprised. The two of them were like this for only two or three days… Back then, Riveria, you, Finn and Gareth started to have a tacit understanding. How long did it take?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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