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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 231

“What, haven’t you heard of it?” Nangong Nayue didn’t mean to show off, “I am a witch called the [Gap Witch], and my specialty is space control magic. This kind of thing is not for me. It’s a piece of cake to say the least.”

Space control magic. Among all the magic systems in the world, this magic is also the highest level of magic. Even a first-class magician cannot use it casually-short distance may be possible, but long distance is absolutely impossible. It’s impossible.

But Nangong could do it that month.

(If Teacher Nangong had been there when the Fourth True Ancestor was taken away by the Third True Ancestor…)

This situation should probably not happen now.

Alexia couldn’t help but think with some regret, and then asked: “Xiao’s… body is at Teacher Nangong’s home?”

“Yes. After the explosion happened at your home, I was the first one to arrive. The boy’s situation was a bit special. In order to prevent him from being taken away by the SAR police, I hid him.”

As Nangong Nayue said that, she opened the door of a certain room and asked Alexia to follow her in.

And as soon as the two of them entered——


What came into view was the energetic figure of Akatsuki Kojou, who was tied up with chains from head to toe and hung in the air like a caterpillar.

Nangong Nayue: “…”

She remembered that she had used hypnotic magic on Xiao Gucheng, which should have allowed him to sleep until tomorrow. Why did he wake up now?

On the side, Exiya was stunned when she saw such energetic Xiao Gucheng.

Actually… it’s not a body? Xiao Gucheng is actually still alive? !

“Xiao…how did he…”

“I forgot to tell you, Xiao Gucheng is actually not dead.” Nangong Nayue’s explanation came at this time, “If you are interested in the details later, I can explain it. Now you only need to know that Xiao is the same as a vampire. He also has an immortal body, but his body is just beaten to pieces, so he is not completely dead.”


Nangong Nayue snapped his fingers, and all the chains hanging and tying Xiao Gucheng disappeared immediately.


“it hurts!”

Xiao Gucheng, who landed on his butt, screamed immediately.

Alexia quickly stepped forward and pulled him up: “Are you okay? Xiao.”

“Ah? Well… at least it’s better than being squashed, but my butt still hurts.” Akatsuki smiled bitterly, “That’s right! Compared to this, Nazuki-chan! Nagisa and Agurola there–“

“I’m just here to explain this to you.”

Nangong Nayue interrupted Xiao Gucheng: “However, I think it is better to let the person involved explain it to you – the next step is left to you, Aikexia.”


After saying that, Nangong Nayue closed the door and left the room.

Xiao Gucheng looked at Alexia in confusion: “The person involved? Kaslana, you…”

“Let me apologize to you first, Akatsuki. I’m sorry.”

“Eh?” Xiao Gucheng was stunned, “W-why do you have to apologize?”

“Because I was not here when you were attacked.”

Alexia stood up straight and bent down to Xiao Gucheng: “Although it is because I want to take Miss Weier for treatment, it is true that I was not by your side when you were attacked. If I can do it faster, If you come back, maybe you won’t die, and Miss Nagisa and Agurola won’t be kidnapped… I’m sorry, it was my lack of ability that prevented me from getting back in time.”

Hearing this explanation, Xiao Gucheng quickly waved his hands several times, and then helped Alexia up: “This is not your problem, Kaslana, you are not wrong at all! That guy Zaharias happens to be After you left just now, no matter how fast you go, you can’t come back in less than half a minute, right?”

His own death was not Exia’s fault, and it was also not Exia’s fault that Nagisa and Agurola were taken away.

Who would have thought that Zaharias would come to sneak attack at that time? That was something that couldn’t be prevented at all, so if anyone was really wrong, it could only be Akatsuki itself who couldn’t do anything at that time.

He was the only one who could protect the two of them at that time, but he was too weak to protect anyone.

“So, Kaslana, you don’t need to apologize. I’m not a person who can’t tell the difference between right and wrong. By the way, how’s Miss Vere’s situation going? Mom, she should be of use, right?”

“Yes.” Alexia nodded, “I worked with Ms. Xiao there to rescue her all night. Ms. Ver should be fine. The vampire’s own power will be enough for the rest.”

“That’s good – in this case, you don’t have to apologize!” Xiao Gucheng pretended to be relaxed and punched Alexia on the back, “It’s you, Yue-chan said just now that you are the [party involved] 】…What is going on? Do you know how Nagisa and Agurola are doing now?”

“That’s another reason for me to apologize to you.”

Alexia came to the bed and sat down.

“Xiao, please listen calmly to what I’m going to say next -“

“…Isn’t it bad?”

Seeing the solemnity and anxiety in Alexia’s expression, Xiao Gucheng vaguely had some bad thoughts in his heart.

Could it be that… Nagisa and Agurola have already…

(No, no, no, no matter what, it shouldn’t be…)

“I think Agurola should have disappeared.”

What Alexia said in a deep voice made Xiao Gucheng’s heartbeat suddenly stop for a moment!

“Are you…are you kidding? Kaslana.” Xiao Gucheng couldn’t keep the pretended relaxed look on his face.

“I’m not joking, Akatsuki. Agurola should have been absorbed by the Fourth True Ancestor as one of his physical bodies, and then… now, the Fourth True Ancestor is Miss Nagisa. “

“Your sister became the fourth true ancestor.”


This was perhaps the worst thing Xiao Gucheng had ever heard in his sixteen years of life, and it was also the most despairing words he had heard.

66. Kaslana’s points of disagreement

Alexia told Xiao Gucheng everything that happened in the past hour or so.

From when he hurried home after receiving the contact from Lan Yu Asakon, to when he forcibly intervened in the Banquet of Flames and killed Zaharias, and then later Akatsuki accidentally became the Fourth True Ancestor and was defeated by the Third True Ancestor. Zu was taken away, and finally he returned with a seriously injured envoy of the Lion King Agency, and a large-scale vampire infection broke out on Genkami Island.

In just over an hour, such a series of things happened.

The huge amount of information made Xiao Gucheng unable to understand it for a while.

After finishing speaking, Exia bowed her head to Akatsuki again: “Akatsuki, I…after Miss Nagisa became the fourth true ancestor, I originally wanted to at least protect Agulola. Yes, but…”

“I will not use the obstruction of the Third True Ancestor as an excuse for my lack of strength. I am really sorry that I was unable to save your sister and your important people.”


Xiao Gucheng stood there in silence for a long time with a gloomy face. He clenched his fists tightly, and his nails almost pierced into his palms. The heartbreaking pain made him grit his teeth tightly.

how so?

(Nagisa became the Fourth True Ancestor… Agurola was also absorbed by Nagisa… Damn it! How could this happen! How could it–)

“……how so.”

Even though he had extremely strong and complex impulses in his heart, in the end, Xiao Gucheng just asked in a low roar with excessive doubts and confusion.

He couldn’t lose control in front of Exia.

Because he doesn’t have the qualifications – because he is too weak to do anything, he can only be imprisoned here, and he has no qualifications to lose his temper against the benefactor who tried to save himself and his family.


Sitting heavily on the bed, back to back with Alexia, Xiao Gucheng covered his face with his hands.

Reluctance, anger, sadness… A large number of emotions filled his heart and brain at this moment. The chaotic emotional storm made his facial expression distorted, and Xiao Gucheng himself knew it.

(Why…Why do these things happen…Why…)


Standing up from the bed, Exia patted Xiao Gucheng on the shoulder.


“…Why do you want to thank me?”

“Because you are still alive.” Ixia said, “I thought you were dead before. For me, I don’t want to see anything happen to my friends or family, so now that I can see that you are still alive, I’m really happy. Thank you for being alive.”

“——Leave it to me, I will end it all.”

End it all?

Xiao Gucheng quickly raised his head: “End… How are you going to end all of this, Kaslana?”

“…Kill the [Fourth True Ancestor].”

Alexia turned her back to Xiao Gucheng and expressed her thoughts.

A shock instantly rushed into Xiao Gucheng’s brain! Suddenly standing up from the bed and grabbing Alexia’s arm, Xiao Gucheng tried his best to suppress his emotions that were about to get out of control: “Kaslana…you…are you going to Go get Nagisa…”

“…Hmm. I think this is the only way.”

The source of the Feast of Flames is the Fourth True Ancestor. If we want to prevent further expansion of the scope of damage, she needs to be eliminated no matter what. And after that, considering the spread of infection on Genkami Island…

“Not only the Fourth True Ancestor, but also all those infected as false vampires, I will kill them all.”

Alexia also suppressed her emotions and made such an extremely cruel decision.

“Kaslana, you – do you know what you are talking about!” Xiao Gucheng could no longer control his voice and emotions, and came to Aixia and grabbed him by the collar!

However, the moment he came to Exia and saw his eyes, Xiao Gucheng suddenly froze, and then lowered his hands feebly.


All I can do is apologize.

He should have thought of it a long time ago. In order to make such a decision that is equivalent to a massacre, Alexia, as the person involved, should be the one who is most troubled. A person like him who can’t even help at all, There is no way to criticize his decision.

“It’s okay…I’ll take care of it. Goodbye. Just have a good rest.”

Finally patting Xiao Gucheng’s shoulder, Alexia passed him and walked out of the room.


The moment he closed the door, Alexia leaned against the door and took a deep breath to calm down her mental state again——

(Let’s go, Miss Song, Ddraig, Saber, Herrscher of Thunder)

(Go and destroy all the [enemies]…just treat it as fighting against Honkai.)

The Fourth True Ancestor is the Herrscher.

The infected pseudo-vampires are Death Warriors and Honkaimon.

If you think about it that way, it should be fine…probably.

“it’s over?”

In the living room, when she saw Alexia coming out, Nangong Nayue stood up and asked, “It’s really fast. I thought you would talk for a while longer.”

“Just finish what you need to say, and now is not the time to talk – Teacher Nangong, thank you for saving Xiao, I will deal with everything next.”

“The treatment you are talking about…is to kill all the victims?”

“There should be no other way besides this, right? If Teacher Nangong has a better way, then I will be happy to adopt your method.”

“The method…can’t say, but in fact, those people who have become pseudo-vampires do not need to be killed all.” Nangong Nayue explained, “The reason why those residents became pseudo-vampires is that Because of the influence of the Feast of Flames, as long as the Feast of Flames ends, the symptoms will gradually recover within a few days – the Niplsi Autonomous Region has confirmed it.”

Nangong Nayue’s words made Alexia freeze on the spot: “Really…?”

“Yeah. But there are still some sequelae. Having their memories squeezed out of them, they should lose the part of their memories that is most important to them. But compared to losing their lives, this is already a much better result.” Nangong That month came to Aixia, “In this case, are you still going to kill them all?”


(My lord, I don’t think it’s necessary.)

Shajo Aige gave the answer to the silent Alexia.


“I think I still want to kill Miss Nagisa, and this will not change.” Alexia said solemnly, “Since you say so, Teacher Nangong, then I am willing to believe that you are just the fourth true ancestor who is the root. …..This statement shouldn’t apply to you, right?”

From the original plan to kill more than 70,000 people, it was suddenly reduced to killing only the most important person.

Alexia’s mood has not changed at all, and what he wants to do is still the same – kill one and save all.


At this moment, Ddraig’s voice came from Exia’s left hand.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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