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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 232

【The other one you have something to say】



67. The staple food appears and the tasting begins

The time has come to noon.

Genkami Island, which should normally be sunny and scorched by the venomous sunshine, is still shrouded in endless clouds, leaving the island in a shady environment that is extremely rare in the summer.

However, such an abnormal environment is no longer the focus of people’s attention. The appearance of a large number of fake vampires has raised everyone’s mood.

And at the top of the cornerstone gate located in the center of Genkami Island.

Standing at the highest point of Genkami Island, at a height that overlooks the entire island below, the fourth true ancestor who occupies Akatsuki Sa’s body is now wrapped in light. Among the ten vampire wings that existed behind her, nine were empty, with only the last one still containing content.

That was Agurola, the last body that had not been devoured by the Fourth True Ancestor.

“Is it really troublesome to swallow it? Original.”

There was a voice coming from beside me.

The Fourth True Ancestor opened his eyes and looked at the person who came: “It’s not a trouble, it’s just stalking him. I will be able to devour him after a while.”

“Really? That’s good.”

The girl with emerald eyes – the third true ancestor Jiada – smiled and took a bite of the bread in her hand: “If you don’t recover quickly, I will not be able to help but devour you.”

“You can give it a try, but at that time, will you devour me, or will I devour you?”

“Hahaha, I haven’t fully recovered yet, but my tone is still very loud.” Jiada smiled, “I still have No. 6 and No. 10 in my hands. Is it really okay for you to talk to me like this? ?”

“You didn’t bring those two here from the beginning, so I don’t need to be polite to you. After I devour you, I will go directly to the realm of chaos to devour you.”

The Fourth True Ancestor’s words made Jiada unable to hold back the smile on her lips.

Let me reiterate, for vampires whose lifespan is so long that there is no end in sight, fun is the only thing they pursue. Only when they feel fun can they feel that they are still alive and not a walking corpse.

The reason why Jiada took away the Fourth True Ancestor was also for fun – she thought it would be more interesting, and she was very curious about what action Exia would take because of this.

The Fourth True Ancestor also knows this, which is why she will now openly devour Agulola in front of Jiada. As long as Jiada is still looking forward to fun, she does not have to worry about being devoured by her own race.

“But… the impact is really unexpectedly large.”

Jiada looked at a black circle not far away – it was a defense network built by the Special Administrative Region Police Force and private organizations. In order to prevent the pseudo-vampires from escaping and further expanding the scope of infection, Genkami Island has It can be said that he tried his best.

“If this continues, you will only be able to absorb the blood memories of tens of thousands of people at most, right?”

“It’s more than enough.”

The tens of thousands of people on Xiankami Island, coupled with the blood memories taken from the people of the Niplsi Autonomous Region, are indeed enough to fully resurrect the power of the Fourth True Ancestor.

(Another half hour is enough.)

Feeling the weakening of Agurola’s resistance, the Fourth True Ancestor estimated the time it would take for him to be fully resurrected.

In half an hour at most, except for No. 6 and No. 10 who are not here, the Fourth True Ancestor will completely become a complete body, and by that time…

(I can destroy this world.)

“Are you thinking about destroying the world?”

Jiada asked with a sudden smile.

“Don’t be curious about why I know what you are thinking. I just think that since it is you, this is the only thing you can do, isn’t it?”

“…You want to stop me?”

“If possible, I probably will.” Jiada smiled, “Although I have lived in this world for countless years and am tired of most things in this world, but for this world… I can If so, I still don’t want to see it destroyed – after all, then my only source of fun would be gone.”

To the three true ancestors, the world is just a small garden. If the three of them had not checked and balanced each other, the world would have been devastated and war-torn under their whims.

If you do that, maybe for a moment, Jiada can be satisfied, indulge in her own desire for destruction, destroy everything, and use her power wantonly – Jiada admits that she will feel pleasure in that way.

But that pleasure was too short-lived.

On the other hand, if you let this world continue for a long time, then maybe some interesting existence that interests you will appear at some point.

In fact, Jiada is very glad that she has endured until today.

“Ah~~~ By the way, just in case, let me explain the matter first. Although I will stop you, I may not be the one who stops you in the end.” Jiada smiled, “I think Soon, the long-awaited staple food will come to me automatically, and by then I will devote myself wholeheartedly to enjoying it and will not be able to take care of you.”

“…that person from another world?”

“You may not understand, but to me, he is much more important than you. To be honest, 90% of the reasons why I am assisting you now is to expect what actions he will take and what his The consequences of actions.”

Jada said as she came to the edge and looked in the direction where she could smell Alexia’s scent.

And it was at this moment——

“Hehehe~~~ It really came just like I said it would.”

Smelling the increasingly strong smell of blood, Jiada raised a wild smile on her lips, turned around and smiled at the Fourth True Ancestor: “Then, I won’t care about you from now on, and the cooperative relationship between us will be That’s it, from now on…”


The sound of the atmosphere being torn apart came quickly from a distance!

In the sky of Genkami Island, shrouded by endless clouds, a golden meteor appeared conspicuously at this moment! The trailing flame tail pulled out a rather long light strip in the air! It seemed like a crack was torn in the sky! And the direction of its flight is straight towards the cornerstone door!



[Meteor] suddenly landed on the top platform of the Cornerstone Gate!


Purple thunder crackled, lingering around [Meteor] like a guard, and ice-blue air waves violently swept in all directions.

Looking at the figure that had faded away from the flames all over her body and emerged from the meteor, Jia Da’s cheeks turned red and she licked the corners of her mouth:

“——It’s finally here, my [staple food].”


The cold wind blew across the platform high in the sky.

Twelve stories above the ground, Exia pulled out the Seven Thunders of Purification inserted into the floor, and glanced at the Fourth True Ancestor with cold eyes, focusing on Agulola who had not completely disappeared. Finally, it fell on Jiada.

“Long time no see – you can’t really say, right?”

Jada smiled at Exia.

“We just met yesterday. How was your day? A person from another world.”


Alexia replied in a low voice.

The last two or three days have been the worst time he has ever spent since coming to Xiankami Island. Incidents are constantly occurring, friends being attacked, and the island being infected… This even makes Ai Kesia felt like she was back in the Third Collapse.

It was the same thing that time, but the severity couldn’t be compared.

And when it comes to the cause of all this——

“Is this all your plan? Miss Third True Ancestor.” Alexia asked the emerald beauty in front of her.

“Start halfway.”

Jiada did not hide anything, and told the truth with a smile: “My original purpose of coming to Xian Shen Island was very simple. To watch the re-convened Flame Banquet, to witness the recovery of my compatriots. And to get in touch with the so-called aliens. People of the world.”

This was what Jiada thought at the beginning.

“It’s just that this idea only lasts until I meet you, a person from another world.”

“…Did meeting me change your mind?”

“To be precise, I have developed an interest in you – the strongest interest so far.” Jia Da showed her sharp fangs at the corner of her mouth and stretched out her hand towards Alexia.

“I don’t like beating around the bush, so I’ll just state my thoughts directly, alien—I want you to be my lover.”

Maybe I heard it wrong?

Alexia thought so.

(You heard it right, Mr. Prince.)

The somewhat cold voice of Shajo Aige made Alexia realize the reality.

(Miss Ai Ge? Are you…sounding angry?)

(Well, I’m very angry.)

It was obviously a cute tone, but for some reason Alexia could tell that Sajo Aige probably said it through gritted teeth when she said this.

“You…are you kidding me?”

“Of course, I am very serious in extending an invitation to you to spend your life with me, a person from another world.” Jiada said with a serious smile, “I like your blood very much, and I want to drink your blood.” , I look forward to holding you in my arms, biting your tender neck with my teeth, and sucking your blood mixed with the smell you carry.”

What vampires love is not people, but blood. The delicious blood will induce them to have an impulse of desire and uncontrollably thirst for the taste of blood.

For a vampire, falling in love with someone is the same as falling in love with that person’s blood. To put it bluntly, the relationship between the two is the other way around.

Because you fall in love with that person’s blood, you will fall in love with that person.

“I fell in love with you at first sight, a person from another world – according to our vampire ethics.” Jiada stretched out her hands to Ixia, “So, I want you to be my lover. Give your blood to Give it to me, and I will give you the power to enjoy unlimited life with me, to live forever and ever.”

This is Jiada’s purpose now.

(This woman… is so shameless!)

In Alexia’s mind, Shajo Aige couldn’t bear it any longer.

(You actually dream of being with the prince forever… How can you be the first to do something like this that I haven’t even done yet! And you said it was love at first sight? I was the first person to fall in love with the prince at first sight. , before I realize my wish to accompany you and the Prince forever, it’s not your turn to take the lead!)

(Miss Love Song…)

It was really a storm of rebuttal. This was the first time Aike Sajou had such a big reaction for Alexia. Even when she met Bianca and Rita before, she had never been so uncool.

Alexia could also guess the reason – because Jiada was the first person to express her love to him so directly and passionately after Shajo Aige.

Whether he is jealous or aroused to fight… the reason why Sajou Aige is so emotional is that simple.

(Calm down, Miss Song.)

(But the prince!)

(It’s okay, I won’t agree to her invitation, because——)

“Sorry, I have someone I like.”

Alexia calmly responded to Jiada’s invitation.

“So, please forgive me for rejecting your invitation, Miss Third True Ancestor.”

“Well…that’s true.”

Jiada’s confession of love was rejected, but she did not waver. This was something she had expected for a long time. If Exia simply accepted her advances, she would be disappointed.

She was prepared to be rejected by Exia from the beginning.


“Then, it seems that if I want to get you, I can only make you surrender through strength. And after all, I have specially prepared this [stage] for you just for this reason.”


A storm of magical power erupted from Jia Da’s delicate body, and the overwhelming magical power caused a strong wind to hit the top of the cornerstone gate!

The pinnacle of King’s Landing and the entire world, one of the three most powerful True Ancestors in this world, has now unleashed his power without hesitation! The extra-standard force even distorted the surrounding gravity, making the entire Cornerstone Gate seem to be crumbling!

And as someone who directly faced this magic power, Exia felt a heavy sense of oppression on her shoulders!

(Do you feel this level of pressure even if you haven’t used a familiar yet? Maybe a little stronger than me now?)

Now Exia has activated his magic, because he was ready to fight before he came. If he used magic from the beginning, Exia would be confident even if he had to fight the True Ancestor.

But now it seems…

(If you want to win completely, do you still have to use it?)

Exia’s biggest trump card right now is a move that can only be used within a certain period of time due to its own reasons. Originally, Exia wanted to use it as little as possible, because once she failed to completely defeat her opponent within the duration, The one who is in danger is himself.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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