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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 233


(——Are you ready? Ddraig, Miss Song, Saber, the Herrscher of Thunder.)

(You can do it at any time, Prince.)

(My power is at your disposal, Master.)

[Go ahead, partner, and let the world experience the power of dragons. 】

[Stop talking nonsense, humans]

The partners who fought with him all sent back confirmation responses.

No matter when and where, as long as Aixia needs it, they will contribute their strength unconditionally.


Holding the Seven Thunders of Purification in sword blade mode in front of her, pressing her right arm with her left hand, Exia took a deep breath——



In an instant, Alexia roared.

An icy blue light storm suddenly rose into the sky!

A roar like the roar of a giant dragon suddenly resounded across the sky of another world!

69. Go all out! Above the True Ancestor!

Exia’s subspecies of hand-forbidden transformation is still in an unfinished state to this day. His lack of spirit and awareness has meant that he has only half a foot in the hand-forbidden realm, and cannot stay at this stage for a long time.

Therefore, Ixia didn’t want to use this trick unless it was absolutely necessary.

But now, facing the Third True Ancestor who is still vaguely above him, if he wants to completely defeat her as soon as possible, he must have the power to completely surpass her!


The icy blue light storm broke through the dark clouds in the sky, like the dawn tearing through the darkness. The dazzling light almost made the entire String God Island witness this scene.

The dragon’s roaring roar made everyone on Xian Shen Island feel violent shock and tremor! It even caused waves to rise in the sea around Genkami Island! The violent surging waves hit in all directions!

(Something is coming.)

As the person who faced Alexia directly at the closest distance, Jiada had this feeling for the first time. She could personally feel the heavy pressure like a mountain that was constantly being released!


(The smell of blood…dragon?!)

Almost at the moment when the light storm soared into the sky, Jiada felt the change in the smell of Ixia. A certain smell that was originally mixed with countless other smells seemed to be specially mentioned and was now emitting. With an extremely strong sense of existence!

That’s the smell of a dragon.

Jia Dahe hadn’t smelled the aroma of blood in an unknown amount of time – this stimulating aroma that was as impactful as a bomb and seemed to collide with her senses to the point of collapse.


The storm of light suddenly dissipated.

What appeared in Jiada’s eyes under the endless cold air and lightning was a [Dragon] carved from ocher-red ice!

A pair of crystal clear ice dragon wings are carried on his back like flames; his shoulders and legs are wrapped in ice, and the shape is very delicately shaped into the shape of dragon claws; his left hand is covered by a red cage hand. , and the entire right arm was completely shrouded in a lifelike and ferocious dragon head!

At the junction of the ice wings, the hanging dragon tail swept the ground casually, and the flame-like blue light emitted from the end easily froze and shattered the ground.

This is the hand-forbidden form of Exia’s subspecies!

(It’s done, Prince.)

The figure of Sajo Aige appeared next to Alexia.

(As long as it does not affect the subsequent battle, the maximum activity time is five minutes – then, let us go and teach a little lesson to the people of the other world who do not know the heights of the world.)

(Let them deeply understand how stupid and ignorant it is to try to be an enemy of the prince.)


The dragon’s head covering his right arm opened, thunder spewed out from it, and the Seven Thunders of Purification in blade mode suddenly unsheathed!

Alexia looked at Jiada with her emotionless ice eyes——


The dragon’s claws suddenly crushed the top layer of the cornerstone door! The ice blue flash instantly penetrated the space!

Jia Da only felt a flash of blue light in front of her eyes——


A blow that almost shattered her body landed on her chest! The unstoppable impact directly blasted her into a meteor flying into the sky! Flying very quickly and straight towards the direction beyond Genkami Island!



The sound of the air being shattered and exploded carried Jia Da, who turned into a meteor, to the sky!

That is because Exia is now at the top of the Cornerstone Gate. If it were on the ground, if this blow continues, the fate of the old Southeast region will probably reappear on the main island of Genkami Island.

Glancing at the Fourth True Ancestor beside him, but not chasing after Jiada, Ixia turned around and walked towards her with the Seven Thunders of Purification in hand——


The next moment, another swift and violent sword blast came out!

The thunder blade burst out and hit her before the Fourth True Ancestor could react!


Without any suspense, the Fourth True Ancestor was also struck by Exia and turned into a meteor flying into the sky!

Several holes seemed to have been blown out of the sky, and the sound of sonic booms extended to the junction of sea and sky in the distance.

“That’s it.”

Exia doesn’t mind starting a war with the Fourth True Ancestor and the Third True Ancestor. If they want to, then it doesn’t matter if he fights two people at the same time.

But you can’t fight on Genkami Island.

This island seems to be strong, but after what happened in the old southeast region, Exia is sure that this island cannot withstand the melee between the three of them. Even if they defeat them, Genkami Island will sink.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to move the battlefield.

Both the Third True Ancestor and the Fourth True Ancestor were pushed in completely different directions by him, so they can be dealt with separately.

(Then… what should be dealt with first is——)


The dragon wings behind him vibrated hard, and Alexia suddenly disappeared in place as if teleporting!

It can almost be said that even afterimages did not flow down in the air. In just two or three seconds, the scene in Exia’s field of vision had changed into an endless ocean!

Right in front of him was the Fourth True Ancestor who had not had time to recover from the impact.

“Get down here!”

Accelerating to the top of her, in her trembling eyes, the purple-black muzzle of the Seventh Thunder of Purification, which had transformed into gun mode, suddenly shot out a dazzling electromagnetic cannon!

The Fourth True Ancestor who was hit from the front was immediately blasted hard into the sea!


Like a bomb exploding under the sea, countless waves surged into the sky!

The one who needs to be dealt with first is indeed the Fourth True Ancestor.

What kind of feelings and intentions Jada has towards her are not as important as resolving the current crisis on Xian Kami Island in Exia’s opinion. Even if it is just a second earlier, the Fourth True Ancestor must be defeated as soon as possible. , ending the impact of the Feast of Flames.

(If only that blow could have knocked Qi down…)

“Come immediately – [Lion’s Gold (regulusaurum)]!”


The roar that erupted from below forcibly interrupted Ixia’s fantasy. A giant golden lion with violent electric light all over its body flew into the sky instantly like an out-of-control chariot from the surging waves of steam.

Also flying up with him was the Fourth True Ancestor who was unscathed but whose clothes had completely disappeared.

“…are you really still alive?”

“Your blow is indeed extraordinary, but if you want to knock me down like this, you can’t do it without trampling me thousands of times, a person from another world.” The Fourth True Ancestor smiled and brushed his hand across his body. The magic power weaves a long black dress, “I’m flattered that you will come to dance with me first – [Dragon Snake’s Mercury], [Double Horns of Deep Scarlet (Alnaslminium)], [God Mesarthimadamas]”

Along with the call of the Fourth True Ancestor, surging blood mist spurted out from her body, and what emerged from it were three familiar beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor who were regarded as natural disasters!

A bighorn sheep made of indestructible diamond.

A two-headed dragon intertwined in a spiral shape, with a dragon head on the front and rear.

A wildebeest with a crimson mane.

Plus a golden lion surrounded by thunder and lightning.

Under the guard of four beasts, the fourth true ancestor showed a seductive sneer on his lips: “Okay, let’s get started, people from other worlds. You must dance with me until the end——”

“[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!”

Faced with the Fourth True Ancestor’s invitation to dance together, the only response Ixia gave was to swing out the Seven Thunders of Purification with all his strength, a blow that was enough to tear the sky and the earth apart!

The thunderous strike that seemed to break through the sky and split the sky directly enveloped all four beasts! The purple thunder ocean instantly drowned everything in front of Exia!

(Sorry, I have no intention of wasting time with you. I will use my full strength to knock you down as soon as I get up!)

While thinking this, the frost condensed in Exia’s left hand, and the giant ice sword took shape instantly! The icy blue light quickly gathered and shrank on the sword——

“[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!”

Second strike!

The frost strike that freezes everything follows the thunder!

70. The fourth true ancestor’s beast

Xian Kami Island, the 12th floor underground of the Cornerstone Gate.

In the room where Lan Yu Qiancong is.


A slight vibration came from the outside again.

Huddled in the corner of the room, Lan Yu Qiancong’s hand that was typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped: “Here we go again… What the hell is going on? Mogu Wai, you can feel it from just now There were tremors one after another, was there an earthquake outside?”

[I’m afraid you won’t believe it, Miss. That was probably the aftermath of the shock that erupted from the sea eight kilometers away]


Just as Moguwai said, Lan Yu Qiancong was immediately frightened.

The aftermath of a tremor eight kilometers away? !

This is the twelfth floor underground of Genkami Island! To send the aftermath here across eight kilometers…how big of an impact would that be? !

“Moguwai, what happened outside?”

[It is quite troublesome to explain the detailed situation, but don’t worry, Miss. There is already an absolutely reliable person to handle it. Miss, just maintain the status quo of Genkami Island. 】

“Ugh…I know! Just find something for me to do!”

Lan Yu Qian Cong gritted his teeth and looked at the screen again.

Due to the large-scale vampire infection that began to break out this morning, all functions of String Kami Island have been almost completely paralyzed, especially transportation. In order to make String Kami Island operational again, Lan Yu Asakon is now trying alone. Restore the transportation network of Genkami Island to normal.

In addition, what is waiting for her is the restoration of a large-scale power outage across the city, the calculation of corporate damage… In short, she is extremely busy, not to mention three days, she may be next Stay here all week!

(I have a cake buffet! Damn it, if I say anything this time, I will have the management commune double my salary! I will also treat Alexia twice!)

It was clearly at this critical moment, but Lan Yu Qiancong was still thinking about ordinary thoughts for a little girl.

Regarding the behavior of his eldest daughter, Moguwai did not tease her as usual, but cooperated very cooperatively to help Lan Yu Qiancong handle one task after another.

(The eldest lady and I will handle this, and together with the SAR police, there will probably be no worries. But the first thing can only be left to you, Kaslana’s little brother.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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