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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 234

(The only one who can completely save this island now is you.)


It is at least eight kilometers away from the main island of Genkami Island.


As Exia slashed out two consecutive [Messiah·Kaslana] swords, the originally clear sky was completely occupied by thunder and ice mist, and the spreading power filled the entire space. of hidden dangers.

[Sword of Oath to Salvation (Messiah Kaslana)] is the strongest blow that Ixia can use alone. Although there is a difference between charged and uncharged, in terms of the power of a single shot, it is stronger than that of Ixia. All attacks must be stronger.

Now that it is used twice in a row, it stands to reason that no matter what kind of enemy it is, it should be completely wiped out.



Two [whirlpools] appeared in the sky without warning.

As if there was a loophole in the space itself, the thunder and ice that filled the sky, and even the slash that Exia just made, actually fell into the [whirlpool] bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye. middle!

And the next moment——


With a loud roar, the two-headed dragon with its lower body intertwined suddenly broke through the barrier of thunder and ice! Like a furious beast, it moved towards Exia at great speed! The dark dragon’s mouth opened wide! Prepare to devour Alexia in one bite!

Without any hesitation, Exia directly waved her sword to meet him! ——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!


The Herrscher’s thunder tore apart the sky of another world again!

However, facing this thunder, the two-headed dragon did not dodge at all! He actually bit the thunder directly!

“Chi la——————!”

With this bite, Thunderbolt, which had been bitten by the two-headed dragon, was torn off directly as if it had been chopped off! Even the bitten space itself had cracks and whirlpools!


Alexia immediately frowned, and the dragon wings vibrated to quickly distance herself from the two-headed dragon to avoid its additional bite!

(This beast…)


The beast king’s roar sounded from high in the sky!

Looking up, the giant lightning lion had already leapt over Alexia’s head without knowing it! The chariot-like body burst out with endless thunder that almost covered the sky! It suddenly fell from the sky like a downpour!

Alexia bravely attacked with a sword!


The deafening vibrations resounded throughout the sky and sea!

The giant lion rushing down with lightning-like speed collided with Exia’s sword in an instant! Then he was severely knocked away on the spot! It seemed to be refracted and bounced to the other side!

But at the same time——

“Buzz buzz buzz——————————!”

Before Ixia could take a breath, the terrifying storm was already coming!

The pair of sharp horns on the forehead of the crimson-maned horned horse are like tuning forks, constantly releasing super vibration waves. Under the influence of the vibration waves, the calm atmosphere is directly transformed into a storm that sweeps everything! It hit Exia like a hammer!


Using the giant sword of ice as a shield, Exia directly faced the impact of the storm! At the same time, the dragon wings behind him are fully unfolded! He withstood all the impact forcefully!

next moment…..

“[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!”

The giant sword of ice swept out with a bang! The slash that froze everything tore through the atmosphere again! The impact of the frost turned into an avalanche and rushed towards all the beasts!

The two-headed dragon immediately faced it, and the dragon’s mouth bit into the slash again just like before, directly swallowing most of the blow with the space! This gave the giant thunder lion and the crimson wildebeest room to dodge.

And the last bighorn sheep——

“Dong dong dong dong!”

Countless huge gems appeared in front of it out of thin air, and quickly combined to form a giant barrier! And the moment the frost impact came into contact with the barrier——


The [Slash] wielded by Exia was actually bounced back on the spot!

Swinging out the Seven Thunders of Purification to deflect the reflected impact, Exia braved the cold wind and looked at the four familiar beasts in front of her——

(So, this is the fourth true ancestor’s beast… It’s really a bit troublesome to deal with.)

71.Be crushed!

As for the abilities of the Fourth True Ancestor’s beasts, Exia had not had time to investigate and inquire before.

On the one hand, he was in a hurry, but on the other hand, he felt that he could understand it in battle.

And now, after such a round of confrontation, the power of the four existing beasts, Exia…or Shajo Aige and Ddraig, have all been seen.

The abilities of the giant thunder lion and the crimson wildebeest are very simple. The former is to control thunder and lightning, and the latter is to control vibration waves. Both are the purest destructive abilities, presenting the concept of [destruction] in the most intuitive way. Ability.

If used on Genkami Island, it would undoubtedly cause huge damage to the urban area and cause large-scale casualties!

The decision to move the battlefield from the beginning was indeed the right thing to do.

But to be honest…

“Leave aside the two-horned horse, the power of the giant lightning lion is simply not comparable to the thunder and lightning of the Herrscher of Thunder.”

【snort! That’s natural! 】

Hearing Alexia’s comments, Miss Leilu from the Seven Thunders of Purification immediately became proud and flashed the Conquering Gem several times.

[The power of a mere beast can never be compared to the Herrscher’s in a lifetime. Remember, humans, I don’t care about other objects, but that lion, if you suffer a loss in its hands, don’t use me for the next month]

(Don’t worry, you won’t suffer any loss.)

Whether it was [Lion’s Gold] or [Double Horns’ Deep Crimson], Ixia didn’t think she would fall into their trap.

But the other two…

(The bighorn sheep’s ability is reflex. Judging from the performance just now, the prince should be able to completely defeat it after charging for two or three seconds)

Shajo Aige explained.

The first beast·【Vajra of the Sheep】. Its ability is the same as what Sajo Aige said. All the gems it manifests have the ability to reflect. It is a familiar beast that combines offense and defense.

Reflection ability is always a very foul ability, but as long as you understand the upper limit of its reflection, it is easy to deal with, and Exia can hit a blow that exceeds its upper limit – his [Instant ] and [Charge] are completely different in power.

(As for the two-headed dragon…)

[The ability is dimension devouring, right?]

It was Ddraig who explained.

[Swallow the space itself, and even the dimension we are in. This fellow of my race really has a pair of foul sharp teeth. 】

The Third Familiar Beast·[Dragon and Snake of Mercury].

Among all the beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor, its ability can be called the most foul and vicious! Regardless of tangible or intangible objects, everything that falls into the mouth is equivalent to being completely destroyed in space! Space and dimensions are its food and prey!

As a god-killing weapon, it is really qualified.

[Fortunately, the scope of its ability is limited to both mouths. With the speed of your partner, it is not a problem to dodge as many as possible and then counterattack]

In other words…

“Just crush them all from the front, Prince!”

Sajo Aige smiled and gave the summary.

Yes, the solution is so simple and crude!

On the other side, looking at Exia from afar, the Fourth True Ancestor’s heart was stirring up a storm.

(Where did this guy… come from?)

Alexia may not have noticed it, but the Fourth True Ancestor clearly noticed it.

She was actually not surprised that [Lion’s Gold] and [Double Horns’ Deep Crimson] were easily repelled, but [Sheep’s Diamond] and [Dragon-Snake’s Mercury]…even if they were indeed Withstood Exia’s attack——

(It was almost impossible to reflect it back, and… the mercury of the dragon and snake was almost not completely swallowed?)

There should be nothing in this world that [Dragon Snake’s Mercury] cannot swallow. As long as the space itself is swallowed, any attack will be ineffective. And being unable to be swallowed means that… the [quality of things] existing in space cannot be eaten up by the mercury of dragons and snakes at once!

People from another world didn’t expect to have this level of power.

(It seems that it was wrong to fight him with only four familiar beasts. I still underestimated the enemy.)

This cannot be regarded as the fault of the Fourth True Ancestor. She has never experienced even a hard battle since ancient times. In front of the twelve beasts that are like natural disasters, who else can compete with them except the True Ancestors? Often one beast is enough to destroy everything.

Now that he has summoned four familiar beasts in one breath, it can be said that the Fourth True Ancestor has attached great importance to Aikexia – but who would have thought that Aikexia’s power actually exceeded her expectations.

“[Tauren King’s Amber (cortaurisuccinum)]”

“[Carapace Silver Mist (natracinereus)]”

“[Yama’s Black Sword (kiffaater)]”

“[Scorpion Tiger Purple (shaulaviola)]”


Thinking of this, the Fourth True Ancestor once again summoned five familiar beasts one after another!

An amber tauren holding a giant lava axe, a silver crustacean wrapped in silver mist, a sharp sword with a blade length of more than a hundred meters, a manticore surrounded by purple flames, composed of a woman’s upper body and a giant snake’s lower body, A beautiful water demon with countless snake hair.

Except for the No. 12 Familiar Beast that is still resisting and cannot be fully used, the Fourth True Ancestor directly summoned all nine Familiar Beasts to the present world!


The beasts of the incarnations of natural disasters all roared and roared!

The huge magic power that surpasses any existence in this world trembles the sky and the sea! It even formed an overwhelming pressure! Attacking everything under the sky regardless of friend or foe!

This is a natural disaster, this is a god-killing weapon, this is [the strongest in the world].

(Come on, people from other worlds, let me crush you completely!)

“Come on, my retinue!”

The Fourth True Ancestor issued the order for a general attack!

The nine beasts immediately rushed towards Exia! Under the fluctuation of magic power that destroyed the heaven and earth, the familiar beasts that were enough to completely destroy String God Island showed their fangs to Exia!

Facing this herd of destructive beasts, which can be said to be the strongest in the world, Exia’s response was just to put the Seven Thunders of Purification on her waist, showing a sword-drawing stance.


“——[Draw the sword]”

Following Alexia’s calm voice, the Seven Thunders of Purification were quickly slashed out from her waist!

The [World] of the Fourth True Ancestor was immediately replaced by infinite thunder!

No, it cannot be said to be infinite. There is only one thunderbolt, but the lightning burst out by this thunderbolt completely covered everything that the Fourth True Ancestor could see! Everything was drowned in the thunder!


The nine beasts disappeared into the light before they even had time to make a sound!

The Fourth True Ancestor stopped thinking.

what happened? Where is your own beast? What did the alien do? That thunder light is again——


The severe pain in his chest woke up the sluggish Fourth True Ancestor!

Without the obstruction of the Familiar Beasts, Exia directly arrived in front of the Fourth True Ancestor at the highest speed! The cold left fist hit her chest with all its strength! Directly hit it into the sea!

And almost at the same time, the vast sea was frozen instantly! A piece of ice hundreds of meters long appeared out of thin air on the sea!



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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