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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 24

“Who remembers that?”

That was all decades ago, and no matter how good his memory is, Riveria can’t remember it clearly – although he can clearly remember the things that happened between Finn and Gareth and him in the past.

“Having such a performance means that Exia has indeed made a move worthy of Lefiya’s trust.”

“Hmm… Speaking of Riveria, what do you think?”


Riveria was a little surprised: “What do you think?”

“It’s a different world.” Loki said with a smile, “The reason why you joined our family… No, it should be said that the reason why you chose to leave the elves was not to see a wider world. An unknown world? Now that you know the existence of another world, don’t you have any ideas?”


The Loki Familia was not the Familia that came to Orario from the beginning.

Decades ago, Loki and Finn formed the original Familia, and then the two traveled around the world in order to gather more members, and also for Finn’s ambition and Loki’s interests.

It was at that time that Riveria was abducted into the Familia by Loki – at that time, she was dissatisfied with the restricted life of an elf royal family and wanted to get in touch with the unknown world. She accepted Loki’s favor under semi-coercion, and then used The manifested magic repelled the pursuers, and after receiving the approval of the Elven King, he left his hometown, and then followed Loki to Orario.

That was decades ago.

Riveria naturally has no intention of staying in Orario. If possible, she would rather become a traveler and get in touch with more unknown worlds. But as the second-in-command of the family, she really couldn’t leave her friends of decades behind.

“After we came into contact with Exia, we had an idea – we wanted to visit that other world.”

Loki laughed.

Gods sealed the lower realm of their divine power just for fun. Gods can do many things as long as it is for fun. And [Another World Full of Unknown Things] – just this name has always made Loki’s heart itch to death.

“That kid will leave soon. We have this intuition, well…or maybe it’s a feeling. It’s like a leaf floating on the water. Even if it stops temporarily, it will soon disappear. Carried away by the wind or ripples.”

“If… Riveria, I mean if – there is even the slightest possibility when he leaves, would you want to go to another world?”

42. Magicians are all prodigals!

The third day of the partnership between Exia and Lefiya.

The twenty-seventh floor of the dungeon.

Two days later, the two came here again.

Familiar monsters are once again pouring out of the water sources in all directions – the further down you go, the more monsters appear. This is a rule in the dungeon. The number of monsters pouring out of the twenty-seventh floor is The quantity is completely different from the previous floors.

However, no matter how many there are, it doesn’t matter to Exia.

One-to-many battles, to be exaggerated, are actually plural one-on-one battles. Exia has received training in this area and has long been able to deal with this situation proficiently. The last time he came here, he could already deal with it at the same time. Multiple monsters attacked.

Not to mention that now, he still has a partner——

“[——Order you to shoot arrows, the fire arrows of the elves!]”

Accompanied by Lefia’s chant that sounded from behind, a wide-area attack magic called [Solley Fire Javelin] quickly took shape. Countless flaming arrows appeared from the magic circle, turning into a heavy rain of fire and falling from the sky!

The flame spears all over the sky shot down in unison, forming a violent bombardment. The lakes and rivers where the monsters were born were instantly evaporated under the rain of fire, and a large number of monsters were directly penetrated and burned!

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

Wave after wave of flames spread at the bottom of the water maze, and the monsters inside were buried in the sea of ​​​​fire together with the magic stones before they even had time to scream.

Alexia, who had retreated to a safe position, looked at the scene in front of her and couldn’t help but feel distressed in her heart.

Although it was said that it was to cultivate trust with Lefia, Exia felt very uncomfortable every time she saw this scene – Lefia’s attack power was too strong.

Among the skills Lefiya masters, there is a skill called [Fairy Chasing]. Its effect is quite pure, it is to strengthen the magic effect, and if the target is attack magic, the strengthening effect will be doubled. .

Among the several reasons why Lefia is regarded as the heir of Riveria, this skill is one of them, which is enough to allow Lefia at level 3 to display firepower comparable to that of a first-level adventurer.

As a mage, this is a good thing, and as a teammate as well, strong firepower can relieve the pressure on the entire team to a great extent.

But the problem is that Alexia still has to pay back the money!

Lefiya cast a spell and all the monsters died. Even the magic stones and materials turned into ashes! What would he take to the guild to exchange for money? ?

“That…Miss Lefiya.”

“Huh? What’s the matter? Alexia.”

Lefia turned around with some confusion: “All the monsters have been defeated. You have done a good job of containing them.”

“Thank you for the compliment, but…” Alexia pointed to the ground where nothing was left, “Can you please use less powerful magic next time? It’s good to defeat the monster, but I money…”

The power, range, and effect of a magician’s magic can be controlled through self-regulation.

For example, Lefia’s [Arc Ray] is itself a tracking magic, but Lefia can freely control whether to track it, and its power can also be suppressed.

When Exia said this, Lefiya realized that she had accidentally burned all the materials and magic stones that Exia valued so much, and she quickly lowered her head and apologized: “I’m sorry Exia! I’ll do it next time Pay attention!”

“Well, please—really please!”

It has been several hours since the departure of the Loki Familia, and apart from the monsters that Ixia killed, I have not harvested any magic stones or materials. If this continues, let alone speeding up the repayment, it will actually make the exchange slower!

(It has been almost 20 days since I arrived here. At this rate…can we only place our hope on an expedition?)

Thinking like this, Exia subconsciously looked at the cliff near the blue waterfall – the road leading to the twenty-eighth floor was nearby.

“Want to go to the next level? Exia.”

Lefia noticed her partner’s thoughts.

Alexia’s individual combat power is comparable to level 5, and Lefiya’s firepower is also comparable to level 5. If the two of them work together, it is not impossible to enter the twenty-eighth floor or even below, although they will encounter some troubles. , and even if you encounter a [Monster Feast] where a large number of monsters appear, you will definitely be in a hard battle.

But if you want to cultivate trust, it would be better to continue – the team will become more in tune after going through difficult times together.

“Can you still hold on mentally?”

Alexia asked rhetorically.

The use of magic requires magic power, and magic power is refined and transformed from mental power. The more magic is used, the faster the mental power will be consumed. Lefiya has used magic about ten times since entering the dungeon, and her mental energy must have been consumed a lot.

Taking out a bottle of elixir from her backpack and drinking it, Lefiya smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I can still hold on.”

“Then – Lefia!”

Alexia just wanted to respond, but in the next moment, he didn’t even have time to say the honorific, and he directly pulled Lefiya behind him, and at the same time looked at the direction where the two of them were coming from!


The sudden move made Lefia blush completely on the spot, but more of it was a kind of surprise – the elf was very repulsive to others touching her. If it were other people, Lefia would definitely be touched by the other person. He clapped his hands away in an instant.

But now, looking at her hand held by Exia, Lefiya didn’t feel any resistance in her heart.


“Don’t make any sound, someone is coming.”

However, before Lefia could think any further, Ixia’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

somebody is coming?

“Who is it? Is it another adventurer? This shouldn’t be surprising, right?”

It is too common to meet other adventurers in the dungeon. There are so many Familia in Orari and the number of adventurers is overwhelming. It is normal not to meet them. On the floors above, the two of them also met than other adventurers.


“This time is different.”

Alexia stared at the woods ahead. Although he couldn’t see it with his eyes, he could feel it – a strong sense of oppression was coming towards him.


A slight stamping sound came from the woods, and as branches and grass were pushed aside, a tall figure appeared in front of Ixia and Lefiya surrounded by a sense of oppression.

At this moment, Lefia’s expression froze.

“Eh…[The Fierce One]…?!”

43. Attack! The strongest in the city!

Orario’s strongest adventurer.

lv.7, [The Fierce] Otta.

(Why is he here?)

This was Lefiya’s only thought besides fear.

Due to Freya’s special operating policy, members of the Freya Familia rarely come to explore the dungeon. After standing out from the internal struggle that is so cruel that it is not surprising to see the dead, the members of the Familia will be allowed to leave the battle. wilderness.

Entering the dungeon to explore was something that happened after that, but even after that, it was possible to enter only when the ability value reached the limit and in order to seek the great achievements required for upgrading.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there is almost no Freya Familia in the dungeon—let alone Otta, the strongest member of the Freya Familia.

His level has reached lv.7, and his ability value has almost reached the limit. It is impossible for him to improve when he comes to the dungeon on weekdays. Collecting magic stones and materials is not what he, the leader of the group, needs to do.

(Is it for…upgrading?)

This is the only possibility.

The most common thing Ota does is to accompany the goddess Freya, or to follow the goddess’s orders. Apart from that, he rarely does other things, but it allows him to come to the dungeon… .Other than seeking the opportunity to upgrade, Lefiya could not think of any other reason.

Moreover, in order for Otta to upgrade to lv.7, his goal is definitely to go deep – at least to the fourth or fiftieth level.

That is to say——

(Is it just a coincidence that we met here? Because the road leading to the twenty-eighth floor is right behind Exia and me, that’s why Ota appears here?)

Thinking of this, Lefia’s tight breathing couldn’t help but relax slightly.

It’s just a coincidence.

Although the Loki Familia and the Freya Familia are real hostile Familia, Lefia doesn’t think that the leader of the other Familia will go out of his way to cause trouble for herself and Exia. They can’t even be a first-level adventurer. No, it’s certainly not worth the trouble.

(Next, just do nothing and let the fierce man go to the 28th floor——)

“The [Thousand Fairies] of the Loki Familia, and the newcomer Exia Kaslana.”

Otta’s voice interrupted Lefiya’s thoughts.

“Found you.”


Just like him, the oppressive words made Lefiya tense up to the limit in an instant.

Found you?

Did he come specifically to see them? !

Realizing that there were some changes in Lefiya behind him, Exia came to her and blocked her behind him. She raised her head and faced Ota directly in front of her: “What do you do with the strongest adventurer in Orario? Listen to your tone. It seems that he came specially for us…”


Ota took a step forward, and his mountain-like body came to a very close distance in front of Ixia—a very close distance for either kissing or fighting!

Feeling of oppression.

This is the only thing that Alexia can feel now.

The feeling of oppression that seems to be crushing his whole body is like a child locked in a courtyard facing an insurmountable courtyard wall – this feeling of oppression is so real.

If it were any other adventurer, I’m afraid Otta would have collapsed to the ground due to the pressure the moment he stood at this distance, right? In fact, Lefiya could not stop trembling now, even with Exia’s resistance.

However, Exia did not waver.

His feet were as motionless as tree stumps rooted deep in the earth, and his eyes were looking straight at Otta’s condescending gaze.

(He will not be overwhelmed by his own momentum.)

In just a few seconds, Ota understood this. In terms of mental toughness, he was qualified. Anyone in Freya’s family could do this. After all, she is the object of expectation from her beloved goddess, and Ota believes that Exia must be excellent in all aspects.

If he is not mentally strong enough, then he is prepared to start training mentally, but it seems that there is no need for it now.

Then, the next thing to do is-


There was a loud vibration that seemed to spread throughout the entire floor!

Violent tremors broke out instantly!

Otta punched, and Exia raised her arm to block the punch – the reason for the shock was so simple, but…


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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