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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 241

“elder brother!”

“damn it—-!”

Without even the slightest hesitation, [Exia] threw away the remaining seat belt on her body, ran to the broken edge and jumped! He actually jumped straight down from an altitude of 10,000 meters!

(feed me–)

Even though she already knew what she had done, after actually seeing it from a third-person perspective, Exia couldn’t help but feel shocked.

Jumping from a height of 10,000 meters without any landing equipment… Is this really something a seven-year-old child can do? Even if the current Exia were to do it, there might be a trace of hesitation.

But [Exia] didn’t even hesitate at all, and made this decision without hesitation in order to protect her sister.

(No matter what happens, I will definitely protect you…?)

The words [Exia] said just tens of seconds ago made Exia cover her face.

(It was really awesome, for me when I was a kid.)

For her childhood self, Exia had the purest respect for herself at this moment.

He is undoubtedly more [powerful] than the current Exia!


An icy blue light lit up in the sky outside.

At the same time, the world in Exia’s eyes changed again.

82. Give strength to the young savior

The world after the change is a vast white world.

It is very similar to the realm of consciousness that Ixia knows, but it has no color at all, like a canvas that has not been dyed with any color.

[Exia]…or the Messiah is kneeling not far in front of Exia.

“I…where have I been?”

The young face of the Messiah was full of confusion and confusion.

“I remember I should be…”

“You were hit in the head by a piece of debris that fell off and are now in critical condition.”

A cold and familiar voice came from beside them. Exia and Messiah looked over at the same time. In the meantime, Kevin Kaslana was standing there, looking at the two of them with cold eyes – of course, he just looked at them. Looking at the Messiah, he does not know the existence of Exia.

“Who are you? Where is this place?”

“I’m Kevin, just call me that now. This is just our consciousness, and whether it’s my identity or the place we are in, it doesn’t matter to you now. What matters is you. That’s the situation now, isn’t it?”

Getting up from the ground on hands and knees and running to Kevin, Messiah grabbed his clothes: “Me, my sister…what about Kiana?!”

The person he cares about is not himself, but his sister.

Obviously Kevin has already said that the Messiah is now dying.

“Unfortunately, you are unable to save her now.”

Kevin said the words very coldly that made Messiah’s expression freeze.

“If the current situation continues, you will die if you are hit in the head by the debris, and… [Kiana] will also fall to death from a high altitude.”

“how so……”

Messiah grabbed Kevin Kaslana’s sleeves tightly: “I… I obviously told my father, and also told [Kiana], and I clearly told her from there.” Brought out, I——”

“Do you want to save her?” Kevin asked.


The Messiah answered without any hesitation.

“My father has taught me since I was a child that people in Kaslana should keep their word and do anything for the people they cherish and love!”

“A very good realization.”

Kevin seemed to be praising the Messiah and nodded slightly, while Alexia also quietly stared at her childhood self.

(It’s not just Bishop Otto… I had already accepted my father’s teachings before that. It was really something that the Kaslana family would do.)

“But you should also know that the people you want to save and the two types of people you mentioned are not the same type of people.”


However, the words that came out of Kevin’s mouth made Exia suddenly startled.

What does it mean? KEVIN What is he talking about?

(Not the same kind of person? Does it mean that Kiana is not the person I cherish? This… is impossible.)

If you don’t value your sister, then who will you value?

“Even so, do you still want to save her?”

Just when Alexia was confused, Kevin asked again: “What you want to save is just a [stranger] to both of you. Even so, do you still want to save her?”


Still an unwavering answer.

The young Messiah’s eyes flashed with determination: “This has nothing to do with her identity. Even if she is not Kiana, I still want to save her and protect her! Kaslana will not face danger in front of her. People abandoned it!”

“…very good answer.”

Kevin raised his hand and placed it on the head of the Messiah: “I have indeed received your enlightenment, young Kaslana. She has such an awakening at this age and has the qualifications to arrive here. You are still the first.”


Along with Kevin’s words, a burst of light suddenly lit up under his and Messiah’s feet, and in this light, what appeared was a coat of arms like the Holy Seal of Heavenly Fire.

“In return for letting me see your consciousness, I will let you awaken the power that belongs to Kaslana – you can use this power to implement your consciousness and will, my distant successor.”

“I hope that when we meet next time, you will be a warrior strong enough to bear the name of saving the world.”


The moment Kevin finished speaking, the crest like the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge suddenly bloomed with the most dazzling brilliance!

next moment–

“elder brother——–!”

Along with the howling wind, [Kiana]’s call was captured by Messiah.

Looking at the figure of his sister who kept falling in the field of vision, although he still didn’t fully understand what happened just now, Messiah knew exactly what he should do next.

(Power…I have been given…power!)

His head hurt, and so did his body. The debris that fell off the aircraft not only hit his head, but also left a lot of scratches on his young body. The world in his eyes was gradually stained red with blood.

(Yes…I want…)

Staring at [Kiana] with his unblurred vision, Messiah stretched out his hand with all his strength——

(Protect [Kiana]!)


Ice blue light suddenly bloomed from Messiah’s hands!

The overly dazzling light instantly occupied the entire sky!

At this moment, what caught Exiya’s field of vision was a scene similar to Michelangelo’s famous painting “The Creation of Adam”.



The scene in his eyes turned into clouds and disappeared.

Then it was reorganized into a boundless world of ice and snow and snowfields.

Kevin’s cold expression caught Alexia’s eyes.

“This is what happened back then.” Kevin said, “Although with [my] assistance, you awakened Kaslana’s power, you still failed to protect [Kiana] in the end. And I don’t think I need to say anything more about what happened after that.”


Slowly recovering from the shock just now, Alexia stretched out her hand to cover her chest and thanked Kevin softly: “Although it didn’t completely answer the doubts in my heart, but…thanks to this, Only then did I know what kind of person I was in the past.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kevin, for giving me back my memories and my real name.”

Looking up to meet Kevin’s gaze, Alexia smiled and said: “However, even if I know my real name, I still plan to call myself [Axia] in the future. This is the name given to me by the bishop. It’s the name that now connects me to the people who matter to me and encompasses my experiences over the past nearly eight years.”

Alexia Kaslana.

This name and Alexia have traveled through several different worlds together, experienced battle after battle, and made friends with one companion after another – Alexia will not say such words as “I am no longer the Messiah”. He is the Messiah, and so is Ixia.

Both are him, but compared to him as [Messiah], he as [Exia]… is who he is now.

The two merge into one, and that is [Exia (Messiah) Kaslana].

“That’s good.”

Kevin nodded slightly.

“I know you still have many questions, but I can assure you that when you return to that world in a year and ask the bishop all about your true life experience, all your questions will be answered. In Until then, you don’t need to be too anxious and uneasy.”

“And equally, [I] look forward to our meeting again at that time – prepare to leave here, your body, the other you has been returned to you.”

83.You are just a person

The moment he woke up, what came into view was the somewhat monotonous shed roof, and his nose could smell the smell of medicine in the hospital.

(Are you lying on a bed in a tent? I feel like I have experienced this situation many times.)

Straightening up, Exia was just about to take a look at her current situation——

“……Teacher Nangong?”

Sitting next to the bed, Nangong Nayue came into his sight immediately.

Seeing Alexia wake up, Nangong Nayue also breathed a sigh of relief without any trace: “I finally woke up, Alexia.”

“Um… By the way, where is this?”

“A temporary shelter and rescue center set up in the South District.” Nangong explained that month. “The hospital has been full for a long time. I can only bring you to a place like this. Fortunately, you are only in a coma. Ten minutes—how is your physical condition?”

Physical condition?

Alexia calmed down and felt her own power.

The magic and sub-species hand-forbidden transformation should have been lifted a long time ago. There is no feeling of power in the body, but maybe it is because of awakening the power of Chimera and devouring the power of the Fourth True Ancestor. Exia can feel it. There is something extra in the body.

It even feels close to using magic.

“I think there should be no problem.” Alexia replied, “Compared to this, how is the situation outside now? How is Miss Nagisa’s condition?”

“…If you ask such a question, it means that the person who just made a big fuss on Genkami Island is not you.”


Alexia was a little confused – what does “make a big fuss” mean?

(I remember Mr. Kevin said that it was another me who was using my body before… What did that guy do with my body!?)

“Teacher Nangong, I…what did I do?”

“do not you remember?”

Nangong Nayue frowned slightly, and then sighed: “Okay, I’ll explain it to you. It seems like you need to understand the current situation.”

In the next half hour, Nangong Nayue roughly explained to Alexia what happened during the period when Ikesia accepted the power of Chimera and devoured the Fourth True Ancestor.

The first and most important thing is naturally the matter of [Feast of Flames].

According to Nangong Nayue, although the reason was unknown, the more than 70,000 pseudo-vampires who were infected because of the Banquet of Flames suddenly lost consciousness and fell into a coma just ten minutes ago. The Special Administrative Region Police Force has organized a rescue team and began to conduct in-depth investigations into the infected areas.

The specific results cannot be obtained yet, but from the perspective of insiders like Nangong Nayue, this is a sign of the end of the Flame Banquet.

And she has also received the news from Akatsuki that Exia has sent Akatsuki Sa back.

Combining various circumstances, Nangong Nayue could roughly imagine that the person from the other world in front of him had already defeated the Fourth True Ancestor, otherwise the current situation would never have happened.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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