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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 246

But perhaps it was because during the spring break, he worked a lot to help the revival of Genkami Island and showed some of his power, so that later more troublesome people gradually came to monitor and investigate him.

The most serious one even included a vampire from the old generation – but that one was more about collecting intelligence on someone’s behalf than surveillance.

To be honest, this situation caused him some trouble later on, until he became a demon attack officer and spent a weekend killing most of the monitors and sending them to the Special Administrative Region Police Force. , the surveillance stopped.

Axia thought those guys who were targeting him had given up, but unexpectedly, another one came.

(It’s just…is she really here to spy on me?)

Constantly observing the girl monitor behind her through the ice mirror, Exia couldn’t help but have this doubt.

Because the other party’s tracking technology is too bad.

Even a layman should know that when stalking a person, the most important thing is not to expose yourself. Whether you pretend to be a normal person and blend into the crowd, or you can completely hide yourself and monitor you from a distance, it is important not to reveal your intentions.

But the girl behind her…

“Qian Cong, do you want to buy some drinks and go back?”

“Huh? That’s okay. You can’t eat hot pot without a drink. Then I’ll go over there and get two big bottles!”


Naturally, while standing there and communicating with Lan Yu Qian Cong, Exia was also observing the movements of the girl behind her – she stopped and kept a distance from him while hiding behind a shelf, exposing most of her body. .

(You are pretending that you are looking at the products and just pick up things to show off.)

Alexia took a step forward while thinking.


The girl took a step in sync with the shadow.


(Hehehe, he looks like a somewhat upright child.)

Shatiao Aige smiled.

(She didn’t even realize that she had been discovered—it was immediately obvious that she had no training in tracking. Who on earth would send such a layperson to track the prince?)

(Who knows? Can I leave it to you? Miss Aige.)

(Keep it with me, Prince.)

Following Alexia’s body into the ground, along the floor to Lan Yu Qianqiong, who had just picked up a drink, Shajo Aige directly connected to her private communication channel.

(Hey~~~ Can you hear me? Miss Asakon.)


The sudden sound startled Lan Yu Qian Cong, and the drink in his hand almost fell to the ground.

After hurriedly holding the drink steady, Lan Yu Qiancong looked around and found that the others didn’t seem to notice anything was wrong with her. They only thought she was barking because of the drink.

(Don’t scare me! Shajo loves the song!)

(Sorry, but there is a slightly more urgent matter that we need to deal with right now. Could you please lend me your body for about ten minutes?)

Want to borrow your own body?

There is a contract between Lan Yu Qian Cong and Sha Tiao Ai Ge. As long as it does not violate many agreements, Lan Yu Qian Cong can temporarily lend his body to Sha Tiao Ai Ge for activities.

This was before the end of the third grade of junior high school. Lan Yu Qiancong was semi-forced by Shajo Aige to sign the contract. However, after that, Shajo Aige never asked for support, so that Lan Yu Qian Cong almost forgot about this matter.

(Yes, you can, but what are you going to do?)

(Someone is following Mr. Prince, I will deal with it through peaceful means – please don’t worry, there are many surveillance cameras here, and there are people watching, I will not mess around, and I promise not to cause any harm to your reputation. Influence.)

(…I feel a little uneasy about your steadfast promise.)

Lan Yu Qian Cong walked towards Exia carrying two large bottles of drinks. And because of the angle of view, she also directly saw the girl hiding behind the shelf not far away.

(I said…could it be that guy?)


(This tracking technology is so bad that I can tell something is wrong at a glance!)

Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t know how to evaluate her. She felt that she could do better than that girl in following her. Could this really be considered stalking?

Putting the drink in the shopping cart, Lan Yu Qianqian said to Aikexia: “Well, just buy this much. You go to check out first, Aikexia, I will look around again, and then you can come to the door wait for me.”


Without any suspicion, Alexia pushed the almost full shopping cart directly towards the checkout counter. As he started to move, the girl hiding behind the shelf was carrying a guitar case and was ready to catch up.

(As promised, ten minutes.)

(Understood. Thank you for your understanding, Miss Asakon.)

It only took a moment. When Lan Yu Qiancong agreed, she felt as if her body was light, and her perspective quickly zoomed out and switched to a third-person bird’s-eye view.

Then Shajo Aige also directly entered her body and temporarily took over the body of Lan Yu Qianqing.

Immediately afterwards——


When the girl with the guitar box crossed Lan Yu Qian Cong’s body, [Lan Yu Qian Cong] directly grabbed her arm, and then under the confused eyes of the surrounding people, he pulled the girl away on the spot with some strength that did not belong to a girl. The direction of Alexia.


The girl whose arm was pulled tried to break away immediately.

But before she could start to break free, [Lan Yu Qian Cong] had already dragged her away and dragged her to the bathroom before stopping!


He blocked the girl with the guitar case to the end of the bathroom, put his hands against the wall beside her face, and inserted his foot into the gap between her legs, pressing her against the wall. Staring at the girl, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth that Lan Yu Qiancong himself would not show.

“That’s a little too much, Ms. Monitor.”


A moment of panic flashed across the face of the girl with the guitar case, and she immediately wanted to reach into the guitar case as if to pull out something, but was immediately interrupted by [Blue Feather Asakon].

Suppressing her movements with force, [Lan Yu Qian Cong] clung to the girl’s body: “This is not okay, Miss Monitor – please explain truthfully, where and who sent you to monitor my beloved Where is your prince’s?”


(What are you saying with my body?!!!!)

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s roar echoed through her own head.

5. The Lion King Dating Agency

There are chairs for customers to rest in the rest area near the exit.

After paying for everything, Ixia came here with a large bag of things and sat down.

“So slow…”

He is actually not very worried about Shajo Aige’s actions. After all, if there is anyone who is most worthy of Alexia’s trust and peace of mind, it is limited to everyone in this world, only himself – the other person is not Calculate.

Therefore, this sentence was not said to Shatiao Aige, but to Lan Yu Qiancong.

(How long is she planning to hang out here? If she doesn’t go back, dinner will be over at seven o’clock.)

Considering that Xiao Gucheng has make-up exams tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and the time it takes to revise the report, Ixia doesn’t want to arrange the time to the point where Xiao Gucheng needs to stay up – although he is actually going to stay up now.


Just when Ixia was thinking this, Lan Yu Qiancong’s voice came from the side.

But, you sound a little tired?

“Where have you been?” Alexia turned around and asked, “It’s been almost ten minutes. Have you gone to the toilet?”

“Well… that’s right.”

Lan Yu Qiancong’s eyes were a little erratic when she said this, and then she turned sideways, revealing the figure coming with her behind her.

“By the way, this child you thought was your stalker… said he wanted to see you, so he brought him here to you.”


Looking at the girl with the guitar box who appeared behind Lan Yu Qianqiong, Exia frowned: “Did you bring it here?”

(To be precise, I brought it here, Prince.)

The voice of Shajo’s love song sounded in his mind.

(Miss Aige? Didn’t you drive her away?)

(That was originally the plan, but after using some little magic to get her to tell everything, I think it would be better for you, Mr. Prince, to meet her first. Do you want to drive her away? It’s up to the Prince to make his own decision. So I guided her to see Miss Asakusa and asked her to bring her over.)

Of course this is not the case. As for the origin and information of the girl with the guitar box, Shajo Aige relied entirely on Lan Yu Qiancong to ask her questions one by one. There was no situation that led her to meet Lan Yu Qiancong. The two of them are now The words, deeds, and rhetoric were also colluded before.

Shajo Aige doesn’t want Alexia to notice her contract with Lan Yu Qiancong.

However, it is true that he used magic on this girl with a guitar case.

“……ok, I get it.”

After listening to Shajo Aige’s explanation of the situation, Exia also stood up and looked at the girl with the guitar box.


Like a frightened rabbit, the girl immediately reached for the guitar case behind her, and at the same time assumed a pretty standard battle posture in Xia’s opinion.

It doesn’t look like an ordinary stalker.

“Let’s change places, madam.” Alexia said as she picked up the bag in her hand. “This is a supermarket. I don’t intend to argue with you here. And since you didn’t make the first move, then I I won’t take action either. You want to see me, don’t you?”


The girl nodded slightly, took back her hand on the guitar case, and bowed her head to Alexia: “This is our first meeting. I was instructed by the Three Saints and was specially sent by the Lion King Agency to treat you. The sword wizard overseeing the work is named Ji Hiiragi Yukina. Please give me your advice in the future.”

Hearing these words, Exia’s brows suddenly frowned.

——[Lion King Mechanism]

An organization directly under the Japanese national government that conducts intelligence collection and espionage work in order to prevent large-scale magical disasters and terrorist attacks.

For Exia, this is an organization with few connections and contacts. When the Flame Banquet happened, it was this organization that was behind the scenes and tried to control the entire process of the Flame Banquet.

However, due to various reasons, in the end, the Lion King Agency not only failed to master the Feast of Flames, but also because the executor was seriously injured and the situation became increasingly serious, it finally chose to unilaterally abandon Genkami Island and no longer took over the Feast of Flames. Banquet related matters.

From the perspective of the person involved, Ixia didn’t have a good impression of the Lion King organization.

And now as an amateur demon attack officer, it is even more unfavorable, because in terms of the nature of their work, the Lion King Agency and the demon attack officer can be said to be competitors, both working in the same line of business.

The combination of the two made Alexia have a bad impression of the Lion King Agency even though she didn’t have much contact with it.

However, Ixia also knew about the situation of the Lion King Agency.

The organizational members of the Lion King Agency are quite complex and cover various fields, but roughly speaking, they can be divided into two categories.

A [Sword Wizard] who is good at psychic vision, martial arts, and swordsmanship, and has the combat ability to fight demons. And [Wu Weiyuan] who is good at curses, witchcraft, and assassination, and makes a career out of assassinating others or acting as a bodyguard.

Both of these are existences that Nangong specifically mentioned to Alexia that month. After all, whether it is [Sword Wizard] or [Wu Weiyuan], they are all cultivated by the Lion King Agency to target the demons. Demon Killer], whose skills and weapons are all designed to fight against the demons. It is said that he also has a secret weapon that can [kill the True Ancestor].

Although Nangong Nayue didn’t think that Exiya’s power would be defeated by a mere sword wizard and Wu Weiyuan, but even if there was only one chance in a million, he still needed to be careful to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

You know, from the point of view of the Lion King Organization, Exia, the [Fourth Ancestor], is the largest and most serious mobile magic disaster in the world, so it is not surprising to attack him anytime.

And for this reason, Ixia couldn’t say that she was very interested in Sword Wizard and Wu Weiyuan, but she couldn’t say that she wasn’t interested either. She was somewhat curious.

I didn’t expect to meet the sword wizard under such circumstances.

(However… by expressing her role as a monitor in such a straightforward manner, could it be that she really has not received relevant training in surveillance?)

(Who knows. How to deal with it? Prince.)

“…I said it before, Ms. Ji Hiiragi.” Exiya sighed slightly, “This is not the place to talk. If you want to talk about business with me, let’s change places first. This is Public places are not suitable for talking about serious matters.”

“Also, if possible, please don’t say that title casually in public. Although it is not a particularly remarkable thing in the Demon Special Zone, it will still cause me some unnecessary trouble.”

After saying this, Alexia walked out of the market carrying the dinner ingredients in her hand, and Lan Yu Qiangsong immediately chased after her.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina paused for a moment before carrying the guitar case and keeping a distance while following Alexia.

(Sure enough…it’s the same as what the Three Saints said.)

(The Fourth True Ancestor, Exia Kaslana…he is an existence no different from a human being.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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