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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 249

Coupled with Nangong Nayue’s previous explanation…

(She is just a chess piece that knows nothing, just like the previous monitors I threw back.)

(So ​​the prince will not change his decision about her because of this.)

(Well, after going to school tomorrow and talking to one of the Three Saints, she should be able to be sent back to the Lion King Agency. As for what will happen to her after that, it has nothing to do with me.)

That’s really a pity.

Shatiao Aige couldn’t help but think of this.

If Himiragi Yukina can stay by Alexia’s side, at least it will be a mixed blessing for Sajo Aige.

The disadvantage is that there is one more competitor, and the road to capture the heart of the prince will be more difficult in the future, but the advantage of the opposite is… she can get a better support body than Lan Yu Qiancong.

Yes, the body of dependence.

In Sajo Aige’s view, Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s ability as a psychic medium is quite good, and she can fully possess her power. And coupled with her position as a monitor, it almost means that Sajo Aige has an opportunity to actually have sex with Exia!

Even compared to characters like Lan Yu Asakon and Ji Hiiragi Yukina, Shajo Aige is easier to fool, and she can make her “willingly” give her body to Shajo Aige permanently in just a few minutes.

By that time, Shajo Aige will definitely be able to overtake in corners and directly cross the finish line that Bianca didn’t even cross! Be the biggest winner in this racing game!

But unfortunately, if Exia wants to send her away, Sajo Aige will have no choice but to accept her fate.

(Are you still going to have to just use Miss Asakusa’s body to find a solution?)

Thinking of this, Shatiao Aige took a look at Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was eating meat over there with a happy expression on his face.

(Sigh~~~~ If I had known I would have put more effort into deceiving her, I wouldn’t even be able to finish the preparation work in thirty minutes… I wish it could have been extended to at least thirty hours.)

(I still have to find an opportunity to completely take possession of Miss Asakusa’s body.)

10.Princess hugs me and takes you flying

It looked like I had been eating hot pot for two hours.

By the time everyone was full and collapsed on the sofa with big bellies, it was already nearly eight o’clock in the evening.

After washing all the tableware, Ixia and Xiao Gucheng each took off their aprons and walked out of the kitchen.

“I’m sorry, Gucheng, for coming to my house for dinner and asking you to wash the dishes.”

“It’s a small thing, just think of it as a gift in return for copying my homework – but you said before that Yue-chan would focus on checking my homework… is it true?”

“Yeah, really.”

Alexia smiled and nodded.

“Don’t worry, I will help you get it done tonight. Considering that you have a make-up exam tomorrow, I will try to give you five hours of sleep time, so that you won’t feel sleepy if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning.”

“I think you can just give me an ice pack when the time comes to make up for the exam.”

From Akatsuki’s point of view, the ice cubes condensed by Alexia that will almost never melt are simply the most useful thing to refresh one’s mind. Putting it on the head will make the whole person very energetic.

Alexia smiled: “Then I will prepare it for you – by the way, do you want me to send you back now? Asakusa.”

The second half of the sentence was spoken to Lan Yu Qian Cong on the other side of the sofa.

Turning over on the sofa, Lan Yu Qiancong scratched his stomach: “Hmm~~~~~You’re taking me to fly back?”

“Otherwise? If I don’t fly back with you, you will lose your temper again, won’t you?”

“I’m not that willful. If it doesn’t work no matter what, I won’t insist on it.” Lan Yu Qiancong got up from the sofa, “But since you said it’s okay, I’ll enjoy it. Special permission You can hug my princess.”

“Gucheng, give me the rope over there, and I’ll tie Qian Onion to the chair and take it back.”


Although he knew that Alexia was joking, the serious looks on his and Xiao Gucheng’s faces still made Lan Yu Qian Cong stamp his feet.

On the side, hearing that Exia was about to leave, Ji Hiiragi Yukina also picked up her guitar case and stood up.

“Huh? Yukina, are you leaving too?” Akisa Nagisa asked, “Your home is next door to Brother Nia, right? You don’t have to go home so early.”

“No, I want to follow the senior and senior Lan Yu.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena said.

Exia and Lan Yu Qiancong were silent for a while, and then Lan Yu Qiancong asked: “Um…Ji Hiera, do you also want to be taken to my house by Exia?”

“Yes, because I am the senior’s monitor and it is necessary to follow the senior’s actions.”

“….I should have said that surveillance is not required, right?”


Ji Hiiragi Xuena was obviously in a dilemma.

It is her duty to monitor Exia. Even though Exia has said that she will directly discuss with the Three Saints tomorrow about lifting the surveillance, Ji Hiiragi Xuena is not prepared to fail to perform her duties until she actually receives the order.

But if it’s surveillance…

Seeing her grip on the guitar case straps tighten slightly, Alexia sighed slightly: “Forget it… If it’s just a shikigami sharing vision, I don’t care. Where’s Asahi?”

“It doesn’t matter to me either.”

“I understand, thank you!”

Hearing that the two of them could accept this level of surveillance, Himiragi Yukina immediately stood up and bent down to thank her. Then she took out the charm from her pocket and turned it into a metal bird-like shikigami that stopped in Exia. on the shoulders.

(Does this kid really know what surveillance is?)

Regarding Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s behavior and reaction, Exia and others all had the same idea.



Opening the floor-to-ceiling window of her living room and going to the balcony, Exia jumped out first, spreading wings made of magic and frost behind her and stopping in mid-air, reaching out to the blue feathered green onion inside.

“Come on, Qian Cong, hold my hand.”

“You, you have to hold me tighter, don’t let me fall.”

Also coming to the balcony, Lan Yu Qiancong suddenly became a little nervous.

The experience of being carried into the sky by Exia was only once more than five months ago. At that time, because she had just been rescued from the underground by Exia, Lan Yu Qiancong did not experience the feeling of being carried up in the air.

But now, looking at the height of the seven-story building below, and looking at Aixia’s thin-looking arm, Lan Yu Qianqing suddenly wondered whether he could hug her.

Alexia said helplessly: “Didn’t you want me to fly you back? Then why don’t you go take the tram now?”

“I’m just worried.”

“Then just be at ease. I will hold you tightly in my arms and I will never let you fall.”

As Alexia spoke, she approached Lan Yu Qian Cong, took the initiative to grab her wrist and pulled her hard, pulling her into his arms, then wrapped her left hand around her legs and hugged her up. .

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “!”

The sudden closeness to Alexia made her heart tremble.

(He really hugged me… ugh~~~~ If I had known I would have worn stockings today, this guy would have put his hand directly on my thigh.)

This was the second time Lan Yu Qianqing was hugged by the princess, but it was the first time that he felt the physical and mental impact of this hug so deeply.

Her shoulders were hugged hard by Alexia’s hands, and the back of her thighs were supported by his arms. Her fingers covered her legs, which felt a little cold. In addition, I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Lan Yu Qianqing felt that Aixia’s body seemed to be releasing a stream of cold air, like an air conditioner. It cooled down Genkami Island, which was originally very hot even at night.

(This guy……)

(Miss Asakon! Miss Asakon!)

The voice of Sha Tiao’s love song suddenly sounded in Lan Yu Qiancong’s mind.

(Just lend me your body for a while until you get home, and let me be hugged by the prince like this, please!)

(…not given.)

After pondering for a while, Lan Yu Qiancong directly rejected Shatiao Aige’s request.

At this time, Alexia hugged her and started to move away from her balcony: “Then I will go back with Asakusa first. Kojo, Nagisa, please help me look after my house.”


“Be careful on the road, Brother Xia, Sister Qian Cong.”

Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa waved their hands.

After nodding to the two of them, Alexia gradually increased her height: “Qian Cong, if you feel that the speed is too fast, just tell me and I will fly slower.”


Lan Yu Qian Cong just nodded.


The ice wings behind Alexia suddenly vibrated, leading the two of them to gallop in a certain direction.

Lying on the balcony and watching Alexia and Lan Yu Qianqiu go away, Akatsuki Nagisa couldn’t help but sigh: “Furujo-kun… I also want to try to be carried flying by Xia brother!”

“Then go and ask him. I think he will agree, right?”

“Really? I’ll ask him to come back later!”

“No, no, no, at least let’s change it to another day. He has to help me with my homework tonight!”

“Kucheng-kun, can’t you just work hard on your own?”

“It’s just because my efforts were useless that I asked Alexia…”

11. It’s broken and I have to work overtime again.

This is not the first time Azure Asagi has overlooked Genkami Island from a high altitude.

Every day when taking the tram or going to the Cornerstone Gate shopping mall, Lan Yu Qiancong could overlook it from a high place.


“so high……”

In this way, he is not standing on a high place with his feet, but is being carried up by the power of others. Still reaching such a high height… Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t help but sigh in a low voice.

“The height is about sixty meters.”

Alexia smiled.

“Is the speed okay? If the wind is strong, I can fly slower. If the temperature is too low, I can reduce the air-conditioning output.”

“No, that’s fine.”

Shrinking in Alexia’s arms, Lan Yu Qiancong pressed down her skirt that was blown around by the wind. Although she couldn’t be seen due to the angle, she was a little uneasy as she wasn’t wearing any safety pants.

(You are too considerate, you guy…)

Lan Yu Qian Cong muttered in his heart.

Then, as if to distract his thoughts, he turned his gaze downwards again.

Genkami Island at night is no different from the daytime. The closer you get to the Cornerstone Gate, the denser and brighter the neon lights become, illuminating the street as if it were daytime. And even at this height, you can still vaguely hear the sounds on the streets below.


“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Do you see this kind of scenery every day?”

“It doesn’t count.”

Aixia said: “Although I can fly anytime and anywhere, I will only fly when the situation is particularly urgent. I still walk on my feet normally. I am not a Swift.”

“Why? It’s obviously more convenient to fly, right? You don’t have to rush to squeeze into the tram. You can go wherever you want.” Lan Yu Qiancong asked doubtfully, “If I could fly, I would definitely be in the sky every day without getting down.”

“Hahaha, that’s what someone who has never flown would say.” Alexia smiled, “Well, when I first learned to fly, I did have the same idea as you, but after a long time, I It gradually disappeared. It should be said that I lost my initial interest in flying, or that I wanted to walk on my feet after getting used to flying.”

Flying in the sky is indeed free.

The higher you fly, the less you will be bound by things. You can move freely 360 degrees without any blind spots. As long as you have a pair of wings, you can go to any place in the world.

But the longer we fly, the weaker this thought becomes until it disappears.

When flying becomes an instinctive behavior for oneself, it will become one of one’s many choices, and people often have priorities when making choices.

Compared with flying, which has only been mastered for a short time, when people move, they will undoubtedly subconsciously choose the feet that they have used for more than ten years or even decades.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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