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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 25


Like a football that was kicked away hard, Alexia’s figure flew out on the spot, flew past Lefiya in an instant, and smashed into the wall not far behind!

A human-shaped depression immediately appeared on the wall!

The body staggered and fell out of the wall. Alexia frowned and looked at his obviously changed shape of his right arm. The pain of broken bones and torn muscles made his teeth break!

“What do you mean?”

Alexia growled.

Ota put down his left fist and pulled out two big swords from behind: “Encountering hostile Familia in the dungeon – isn’t that enough of a reason to take action?”

“It really surprises me… The strongest person in the city actually likes to bully the weak.” Cold sweat broke out on Exia’s forehead. “From this point of view, the structure of the Freya Familia is really pitiful.”

“Whatever you say.”

Ota’s response was emotionless, and he threw the giant sword in his left hand to Ixia’s feet: “Pick it up. Then hit me. The elves over there can use magic as you like, I don’t Will interrupt.”

“…What is this?” Alexia’s eyes became slightly colder, “Let’s release the water?”

“It’s mercy.”


It was as if something inside me had been detonated, and my brain was empty in an instant! Exia directly kicked up the sword at her feet, and then rushed towards Ota like an arrow from the string!

The giant sword held in one hand swept out with all its strength!


Two identical sword blades collided in mid-air.

And at the same time——

“Lefiya! Let’s go! Return to the ground!”


Exia’s roar made Lefiya instantly understand what he meant – he blocked it here, and she returned to the ground to report the matter to the family members and bring reinforcements.

This is the optimal solution.

Facing Ota, who can cripple Exia’s arm with one punch, they may not be able to defeat him even if they work together, so a choice must be made here. The optimal solution is to let Exia, who has stronger individual combat power, stay in check while Lefia returns to the ground.

Of course, whether Lefia can return to the ground depends on her own ability.


Let Exia stay here alone?

Lefia immediately had an unacceptable thought in her heart!


The struggle between sword blades only lasted for a moment. Exia’s slash was crushed and defeated by Otta’s unilateral sheer violence, and the ensuing impact knocked him away again!

However, at the moment of being knocked away, Exia deflected her position so that she was deliberately hit in the direction of Lefia, and then——


Kicked Lefiya mercilessly on the butt! Kicked her directly into the forest!


“Go back to the ground!”

Alexia shouted again.

Looking at the elf girl submerged in the forest, and the boy holding the sword with one hand to block him, Ota didn’t know whether he was praising or sighing: “It’s a good decision to take the initiative to cut off the enemy. But it’s in vain, you think I will knock you down.” , and then how long will it take to catch up with her?”

“But this is the result you want, right?”

Alexia could feel it, from Ota’s eyes – his eyes had been on her from the beginning.

He came here for himself.

There was no confusion, no improvisation, and she went straight to him with a strong purpose.

Although he didn’t know why he did this, it was just right. As long as he blocked him here, nothing would happen to Lefiya, and at least they could avoid being knocked down together.

And myself being targeted…

(For the purpose of self-preservation as much as possible, do not consider defeating the opponent for the time being, and go on the defensive with all your strength while waiting for the opportunity to escape.)

Exia calmly decided on the next battle plan.

at the same time–

(Very calm, as if the anger shown by my provocation and belittling just now was an illusion… No, rather than personal feelings, do you prioritize ensuring the survival of your companions? Excellent judgment, insight and execution ability. , good quality is not like a 16-year-old boy.)

Otta was also quietly observing the young man in front of him.

If you think about it carefully, if you don’t have this quality, you won’t be able to remain unwavering in the face of your own oppression.

Then Ota raised his sword.

“Then let’s begin the baptism.”

“Show that goddess your determination to [protect].”

44.Kaslana’s decision

This is not a comparison mentality.

Just a little curious.

Regarding the strongest Orario, whom she had only heard of by name, Exia was indeed a little curious about him.

Curious about how strong he is, curious about how he compares with his teacher, curious about how he compares with his childhood sweetheart…curious about how he compares with himself.

It’s really just the purest curiosity.

And now——

【It’s mercy】

This was what Ota said that first angered Exia.

Even though she usually behaved very politely, under the influence of Bishop Otto, she would treat everything more rationally and calmly, but at that moment, Exia was really angry.

The natural anger that comes from being humiliated and looked down upon is a perfectly normal anger for a sixteen-year-old boy.


[How long do you think it will take for me to knock you down and then catch up with her? 】

This was the second sentence that made Alexia feel angry. No, it should be said that it stimulated the anger in his heart that he suppressed with reason.

In order to ensure the survival of himself and Lefia, he must not let his anger go to his head. With this rationality, Exia made the decision to cut off the situation and let Lefia leave first.

Moreover, he knew very well that at most one of him and Lefia could leave.

Otta’s target is him. Even if he wants to escape, facing him at level 7, Exia doesn’t think he is fast enough to escape from him. Even though Otta doesn’t seem to be a fighter who is good at speed, basically The ability value is displayed there.

The curiosity about the gap between myself and him, the current situation that I cannot escape from, myself being targeted, buying time for Lefiya, the anger that is stimulated in my heart, the immature youthful spirit… the combination of various circumstances, Exia raised her sword.


Otta took the lead and took an extremely heavy step. Ikexia was easily able to swing down the giant sword that he was holding with some difficulty. When he swung it down, a storm-like impact rushed towards Ike before the slash. West Asia!

There are no tricks.

It is the purest form of power.


Implementing his own defensive strategy, Exia immediately prepared to use Taixu Sword Qi to neutralize the blow.



Before the Swift Form was formed, just the moment the sword blades collided, Ixia felt an impact that affected her whole body! The reaction force that was then fed back actually pushed Alexia up on the spot, and the sword blade and her arm bounced away together!

The strong impact almost made Alexia unable to hold the hilt of the sword, and her left arm seemed to be dislocated and broken!

(Wha——can’t resolve it?!)

The mantis is acting like a chariot!

This is probably the most appropriate description at this time.

Otta’s slash struck straight at Exia’s open chest!

Without any hesitation, Exia threw away the giant sword in her hand, quickly rubbed the side of the blade to avoid the blow, and then advanced instead of retreating——


Switching from Taixu Sword Qi to Cunxin Fist, Ixia hit Ota hard on the abdomen with a direct palm!


Not moving at all.

The feeling conveyed back is like shaking a mountain.


Lift your foot and kick straight!

Otta’s unskilled blow once again kicked Exia away! Like a kite with its string cut off, it flew dozens of meters in the air before slamming back to the ground!


The back hits the ground violently! From the back of the head all the way down the spine, the feeling of being broken made Alexia stop thinking on the spot for a few seconds!

pain! it hurts! It hurts!

If it weren’t for the fact that her physical fitness was not strong enough, coupled with the potential enhancement discovered by God’s favor, Ixia was sure that she would not be able to stand up like this!

He struggled to turn over and used his arms to support his upper body. What came into view was his own blood. There was also a stinging and a little moist feeling on the back of his head. The smell of rust was introduced into his nose, and his abdomen was violently twitching after being kicked. As he stood there, his body was in over his head!

(The gap…is so big?)

Exia knew that she might not be a match for Otta, but she never thought that she would be beaten to this extent with just two blows.

If this continues, don’t delay for time and then find a chance to escape. You will die here in an instant!

“too weak.”

Otta’s voice came from above.

Carrying the giant sword and looking down at Alexia who was kneeling on the ground, Ota seemed to be asking: “What are you thinking about? Use all your strength. What the goddess longs to see is your protective meaning. If this is all, If this is the case, I will place your head and the head of Thousand Fairies on the same tombstone tonight.”


Gritting his teeth and standing up unsteadily from the ground, Exia punched Ota again – without any plan, and with screams emanating from all parts of his body, he was unable to use the Cunxin Fist at this moment.

Holding Alexia’s arm, he easily lifted him into the air, and Ota suddenly threw him towards the woods to the side!

“Crack, click, click!”

Two trees were directly smashed, and Alexia, who finally hit the trunk of the tree, coughed out a mouthful of blood!

Otta picked up Exia’s giant sword on the ground, walked over and inserted it in front of Exia again: “In my opinion, your ability has just been upgraded to lv. 5, but you have not been able to fully utilize it. ——Subconsciously, you haven’t been able to adapt to your stronger self, and your rationality and thinking have limited your performance.”

“What did you say?”

“What the goddess wants to see is you with all your strength, abandon all distracting thoughts, just think about [defeat me] and fight me with all your strength. If you can’t do that, Thousand Fairies will die.”


Holding on to the tree trunk to stand still, Ixia looked at the giant sword in front of her and raised her trembling left hand to hold the hilt.

My brain, which was a little groggy due to the successive shocks, is now a little more awake.

(No…it won’t work if this goes on…)

You have to block him.

If she didn’t stop him, Lefia would be caught up and killed. And if you don’t defeat him, you will die too.

And if you want to do this, you should…

(Not on the defensive… My defense will be defeated… What I have to do is… dodge, and then… fight back——)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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