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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 250

“That’s it…”

Listening to Alexia’s explanation, Lan Yu Qiancong murmured: “I think it might not be a bad idea to keep flying…”

“Then do you want to fly for a while before taking you home?”

“Eh? Is that okay?”

“With a slight detour, it’s okay to fly you in the sky for more than ten minutes.” Ixia said with a smile, “But I think you will get tired of it after about four or five minutes. Although the overlooking scenery is beautiful, the best time is only at the beginning, and it will gradually become boring later.”

“But that’s also after, right?”

Lan Yu Qiancong laughed.

“Now I want to see it for a while longer. Please take me to fly for a while longer, Alexia – don’t throw me down.”

“It will not.”

The ice wings fluttered, and Alexia, who had been flying towards Lan Yu Qian Cong’s home, suddenly lifted upwards, flew to high altitude as quickly as a starting plane, then circled in a circle, then changed angles and flew in another direction. .

Huddled in Alexia’s arms, feeling the spinning feeling coming from all directions and the constant whistling of the wind in his ears, Lan Yu’s green eyes couldn’t help but narrow slightly.

(This is what it feels like to fly…it seems pretty good. I wish I could fly myself.)

If you have wings, you can see this scenery and experience this feeling anytime and anywhere.

Overlooking the vast Genkami Island below, looking at the sea level in the distance, and the boundary between the sky and the ocean, and then looking at the moon above… Aiha Asazu is like a person walking into the city for the first time. Like a country girl, she keeps looking at the city she is familiar with from a new perspective with strong curiosity.

“I said, Alexia.”

“what happened again?”

“Can it be faster?”


Exia’s current speed is actually about the same as the normal speed of ordinary vehicles. It doesn’t matter if it is faster, but the blowing wind may make Lan Yu Qiancong feel uncomfortable.

“…Okay, hold on tight.”

However, it’s not like Alexia didn’t understand Lan Yu Qiancong’s thoughts – she probably wanted to experience the excitement of flying at full speed in the air.


The ice wings flapped again, and Exia’s speed instantly increased by one or two levels!


Strong winds hit us immediately! Lan Yu Qiancong took a big mouthful of her own hair before she could even react. The messy hair in the wind kept flapping her face, and it felt like the hairstyle she had finally combed was completely messed up in one breath!

“Hmmmm~~~Why is the wind so strong?”

“This is a normal situation. Didn’t you say you want to go faster?” After regaining the speed, Aixia found some playfulness and said with a smile, “This is not a car. It doesn’t have a windshield. You’re still in front, it would be weird if you didn’t get blown directly by the wind – do you want to continue?”

“Of course, keep going. I will hold down my hair and clothes this time!”

Lan Yu Qiancong said unwillingly, with an unstoppable smile on his face.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable after eating a big mouthful of hair, the feeling of accelerating in one breath and then being hit by the strong wind, she really felt that it was not bad!

(It’s like riding a roller coaster!)

Smiling helplessly, Alexia hugged Lan Yu Qian Cong tighter to prevent her from falling, and was about to accelerate again——


A strong vibration suddenly sounded from somewhere, making Xian Kami Island seem to shake.

Then, as if it was a beat slower——


The black night sky was illuminated by a sudden red light.

Exia quickly stopped and looked over there, and at this moment, both he and Lan Yu Qian Cong understood the cause of the previous vibration and explosion.


In the sky above the artificial island in the East District, which has not yet been fully restored, there is a huge fireball with a diameter of tens of meters floating, with strong winds and blazing flames exploding and exploding around it.

And in the bursting flame wind,


There was a huge pitch-black demonic bird singing loudly in it.

It only takes one glance to tell that it is a collection of magical powers, a natural disaster driven by vampires – the Familiars.

(Is this magic…a vampire of the old generation level?)

Judging the level of the familiar beast user, Exia immediately frowned: “Tsk… This situation is really… Asakusa, I will send you back first – —”

“No, just send me to the artificial island management commune.”

Interrupting Alexia’s words, Lan Yu Qiancong pouted with some helplessness and dissatisfaction: “I can already imagine the people who manage the commune calling me and begging me to help with the aftermath… ….”

You can tell by looking at it. Based on the destruction in the East District, Lan Yu Qian Cong will definitely have to work overtime again!

(Why do you want to ruin my good deeds at this time! Bastard vampire!)

If thoughts could kill people, then Lan Yu Qian Cong would have killed the vampires who released their companion beasts hundreds of times.

The atmosphere here is just right!

12.Don’t increase our workload

Genkami Island, East District.

It is quite a distance from the city and closer to the port near Warehouse Street.

After sending Lan Yu Qian Cong to the Cornerstone Gate, Exia rushed here at full speed without stopping. Genkami Island expressly prohibits vampires from releasing familiar beasts without permission. If they are used casually, the vampires will only be jailed and severely punished.

But it can allow vampires to release their beasts despite punishment…

“It seems that something big happened.”

Stopping at the top of Warehouse Street, overlooking the Warehouse Street below that had been shrouded in flames and engulfed in a strong sea of ​​flames, Ixia frowned.

The fire was quite powerful, and the current scope of impact alone included most of the warehouses. The sound of explosions was accompanied by bursting flames, and the hot flame waves could be felt by Alexia who was high up in the sky. Abnormal temperatures.

In this way, even if you say you want to investigate the situation, you still have to put out the fire first, otherwise it will continue to burn and it will not be extinguished for several days. It may even cause large-scale power outages and traffic failures in the future, which will be very troublesome no matter how you think about dealing with it afterwards.

(Just think of it as reducing the workload for Qian Chong.)


While thinking this, the ice wings behind Exia had already extended to a length and size that could cover the entire Warehouse Street in an instant, and then she waved hard——


The extremely cold blizzard roared out immediately!

The icy blue storm didn’t even give the flames a chance to resist. It directly froze and even extinguished the flames with the purest temperature. The white snow scene was like an overturned water glass, and the [water] pouring out expanded rapidly. Towards the entire Warehouse Street area.

In just three or four seconds, Warehouse Street, which was still burning with raging fire, turned into a blanket of silver.

“That’s enough. With the temperature of Genkami Island, it will melt naturally after the sun rises tomorrow.”

Alexia deliberately controlled his own efforts. Although it was easy to put out the fire in an instant, the Warehouse Street would probably be unusable, and everything would be frozen to death. As a result, it would be equivalent to destroying the entire warehouse street. Warehouse Street was demolished.

Now the situation is still salvageable.

“So… who is the idiot who released vampires in a place like this? Do you miss the taste of prison? Or do you think you have lived too long and want to experience the feeling of being in prison?”

“I don’t think it’s either, Mr. Prince.”

Sajo Aige appeared next to Alexia.

“There are two magic reactions that can be felt. One of them looks very weak. He is in the alley where you turn left three hundred meters ahead.”


The ice wings retracted to their normal size, and Exia vibrated the ice wings and quickly flew in the direction pointed by Shajo Aige——


Before he landed, there was a crash below.

In the alleyway covered with ice and snow, Exia saw a very tall man at a glance, maybe more than 190 centimeters tall, with a very tall physique.

But what caught Exia’s attention was not his physique, but the way he was dressed and the thing he was holding.

“Isn’t that the church’s robe? Plus the half-moon ax of that size…the church’s exorcist?”

Why are the exorcists from the European Church over here?


(Is that man the vampire who unleashed the beast?)

In front of the burly man, there was a man covered in bruises. He looked to be in his thirties, but feeling the magic power on his body and the momentum of the beast just now, I am afraid that his actual age is more than ten times that of his appearance.

How could these two people fight in a place like this?

Alexia didn’t think about this problem carefully, because in his eyes, the strong man holding a giant ax was already ready to swing the murderous weapon in his hand at the man in front of him.


The moment the ax blade swung down, Ixia directly condensed an ice sword and threw it at it, immediately knocking the giant ax out of the strong man’s hand!

Reaching out to catch the murderous weapon, Aixia looked at the surprised and confused eyes of the strong man and the man. She glanced at the man’s condition: “The body was almost cut in half and there is still energy…” …As expected of a vampire from the old generation.”

“Although depending on the situation, you were attacked and had to use a familiar, according to the rules, we still need to arrest you first. Please understand.”

Without giving the man a chance to defend or explain, Exia pointed at the man, and the ice rising from the ground froze his entire body.

Then, Exia turned to look at the burly man: “So… what’s going on with this guy here? Mr. Exorcist from the church, carrying such dangerous prohibited items and vampires at night Fighting—did you go all the way across the ocean to Xiankami Island to exorcise demons and spread your faith?”

“…It is indeed a special zone for demons. I didn’t expect that an existence like your Excellency can be seen so easily. It really opened my eyes.”

Without answering Alexia’s question immediately, the big man showed some emotion: “The pair of ice wings, the ability to extinguish such a large area of ​​flames in an instant, and the iconic white hair and blue eyes… …You are the Fourth True Ancestor, right?”

“You know me? Well…it seems like I am indeed a celebrity now.”

With the incident more than five months ago, although his appearance was not completely exposed, anyone with certain channels knew the characteristics and abilities of the Fourth True Ancestor. It’s normal to be recognized.

Alexia smiled.

“But unfortunately I don’t know you – and compared to the Fourth True Ancestor, I am talking to you now as an amateur demon attack officer. Can you please explain your identity and the reason for doing this kind of thing? ? In addition, I hope you can come with me later and make such a big impact. I can’t do it without inviting you to have a bowl of pork chop rice.”

The burly man said solemnly: “I am a teacher from Lotharingia, my name is Rudolf Ostach – do you need any more reasons to punish the sinful demons?”

“That’s what the church does…”

In today’s world governed by the Sanctuary Treaty, people’s attitude towards demons is no longer as hostile as before. However, both humans and demons have quite extreme people and organizations among each other, advocating Completely destroy the demons or completely dominate humans.

The church over in Europe is one of them.

Exia believes that if it weren’t for the fact that the Teacher Jian in front of her had some discernment and knew that he was the Fourth True Ancestor and was not a mere existence that humans could deal with, otherwise he would have definitely taken action against him by now, right?

Most of the exorcist warriors trained by the church are radical people who only think about exorcism and fighting against demons.


Alexia sighed slightly, raised her foot and stepped lightly——


Without any warning, dozens of extremely cold ice spikes suddenly rushed out from the ground! The speed was as fast as a flash of light, and it directly pierced all the hands and feet of Teacher Jian in front of Alexia!

Teacher Jian couldn’t even react.


The opponent’s tough face suddenly became distorted! At the same time, he subconsciously wanted to break free, but with his hands and feet penetrated, he did not have any strength to break free at all. The ice spikes even penetrated his limbs and turned them into shackles, instantly freezing his limbs in the ice.

In just a second or two, he was left with only his head outside.

Teacher Jian’s expression and mood froze at this moment.

13. Justice breaking face fist

Huge power gap.

The gap between humans and demons is actually not something that cannot be filled through external forces and efforts.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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