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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 251

Whether it is specially made weapons, a body that has been tempered for thousands of times, or martial arts that have been refined for decades… In this world today, there are many ways for ordinary humans to defeat demons.

But that does not include the [True Ancestor].

Rudolf Ostach can be regarded as a veteran annihilation teacher. Many demons have been killed under his giant axe. Even when facing vampires from the old generation, he has the confidence to compete with or even defeat them. .

But now, facing Exia, he couldn’t even react to Exia’s attack.

(Is this…the true ancestor?)

Under Rudolf Ostach’s eyes full of unwillingness and twisted will.

Carrying a giant ax and coming to him, Alexia said: “Whether it is you or the vampire over there, please come with me – these emergencies happen so late at night, so I can help you a little bit.” Can those of us who are here to deal with the aftermath think about it? It’s off-duty time now, and no one likes to work overtime.”

When Lan Yu Qiancong realized that she had to work overtime, Alexia had seen all the uncomfortable expression on her face.

(I’ll pick her up from get off work tomorrow. Let’s buy some cake to comfort her.)

“…I didn’t expect that I would be hit hard just as I was about to take action…”

Rudolf’s voice reached Xia Xia’s ears.

Although he was left with only one head left to speak, he didn’t seem to have much awareness that he was helpless, and his face showed strong anger and unyielding——

“Let’s do it! Astaludi!”

Finally, he called out what seemed to be someone’s name.

And with this cry——

“Command accept.”

From a corner of the alley covered in ice and snow, a voice that was as emotionless as a robot rang.

Immediately afterwards, a girl with blue hair appeared in Exia’s eyes. She was covered with a cloak and coat, and her appearance was so beautiful and lovely that it seemed unnatural. Her blue eyes, like Exia’s, were devoid of any expression or emotion.

(little girl?)

Alexia frowned.

Are she and Rudolf on the same side?

“Execute, rododaktylos.”

The girl’s voice interrupted Exia’s thoughts.


Magic power burst out from her seemingly thin body, and then condensed into two huge translucent arms with iridescent light!

(——Familiar beast?)

Alexia immediately identified the true form of this arm.

This violent collection of magic power… is undoubtedly a familiar beast!

(Is this little girl a vampire?)


Without giving Aikesia any time to think, the expressionless girl had already controlled the beast, and her huge rainbow-colored arms turned into a pair of iron fists, and at the same time, she hammered Aikesia below from high altitude!


The impact swept away instantly, and the strong wind scattered the surrounding ice and snow, and the frozen building structures also collapsed and shattered under the impact.

(Did you win?)

Rudolf couldn’t help but think so.

But the next moment——


The two arms extending from the girl’s body were frozen instantly!

Pushing away the arm that was blocking her way, Alexia glanced at the girl: “I see… a familiar beast that can absorb magic power. It is somewhat similar to one of my familiar beasts. It’s really good for a vampire.” It’s a very deadly ability.”

Exia didn’t completely block the girl’s blow.

When he touched the rainbow-colored arm with his hand, he felt that part of the power he released was absorbed.

Because she has swallowed the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, the power that Exia now uses is not pure Honkai energy, but is mixed with some magic power, and that part is absorbed when it comes into contact with the arm.

If it weren’t for the fact that the foundation of Exia’s power was Honkai energy, she would probably suffer a small loss.

“It’s no wonder you take this girl with you. If you use it to deal with vampires, she is indeed a trump card. The appearance of a child is also very deceptive. I estimate that seven or eight out of ten vampires will fall for it. But …”


Alexia punched the giant rainbow-colored hand next to her and exploded it. Then a blast of ice burst out from her palm and struck the girl instantly, sending her flying hard against the wall next to her.

Binding her with ice, Exia looked at Rudolph coldly: “——She’s not a vampire, right?”

Should it be said that it is a feeling of being the Fourth True Ancestor, or a feeling of Chimera.

Exia can now roughly distinguish the race.

The girl is not a vampire. She has no vampire smell at all, but is full of [artificial] and [artificial] smell.

(It’s an artificial life form… Homunculus.)

Sajo Aige revealed the girl’s true identity.

Artificial life cultivated by science, technology and manpower.

“The life of an artificial life form is short. Without adjustments and drug injections, it is impossible to live a normal life, let alone control the beasts. In order to put the beasts into her body, you did what you did to her. What?”

It is almost impossible for races other than vampires to control the beasts. The magic power consumed by each beast is enough to drain several first-class magicians instantly. Moreover, they absolutely do not understand what convergence and power are, and they will only use all their firepower from scratch. Open to the end.

Even a dozen artificial life forms are not enough for the beasts to exploit.

But looking at that girl’s appearance, she doesn’t seem to have much burden…

(There are at least a hundred traces of technology and magic modification on the body. It must have received special adjustments and improvements as soon as it was created.)

Shatiao Aige said.

(She simply doesn’t regard the artificial life form as a human being. She probably only has about a week left to live at most, Prince-sama.)


Alexia punched Rudolph directly in the face without mercy! His entire face was dented, not to mention the bridge of his nose was broken, the bones of his face were definitely shattered into pieces.

There wasn’t even a trace of lag. Under Ixia’s blow, Rudolph’s head tilted and he fainted.

After giving him a cold look, Exia curled her lips, and with a thought, his entire head was frozen into the ice.

There are actually many doubts.

For example, why did he come to Genkami Island, why did he fight with the vampires of the old generation… There are many things that Exia wants to ask, but now he doesn’t want to continue talking to this teacher, interrogation He is what the Special Administrative Region Police Force should do. As an amateur demon attack officer, he does not have much qualifications to interfere. It is enough to punch him to this point.

Even in fact, Genkami Island couldn’t stop him from interfering at all.

“Just wait for the SAR police to arrive. I think they will arrive soon.”

Putting the vampire and Teacher Annihilation aside, Exia then looked at the artificial life form girl fixed to the wall.


At this moment, a rather rapid sound of running suddenly came from not far away.

It didn’t sound like the SAR police were coming over, but someone was coming here alone.


Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

Carrying a guitar case with Yukisuka Lang on her back, Himiragi Yukina panted heavily and appeared in front of Ixia from the corner.

She came all the way from Exia’s apartment and used a body-strengthening spell to enhance her body. Because she shared vision with Shikigami, she knew what was happening in the East District.

As a sword wizard from the Lion King Agency, I really can’t ignore this situation.

“Haah…haah…I’m sorry, I’m late. May I ask about the current situation——”

But unfortunately, no matter how fast her feet were, they could not be faster than Exia’s wings and processing speed.

Looking at the panting Ji Hiiragi Xuena, Alexia smiled: “You’re just in time, Ji Hiiragi. Come here and do me a favor.”


14. Love letters filling the shoe cabinet

After that, the SAR police arrived at the scene quickly.

Because he and Alexia were old acquaintances, the head of the Special Administrative Region Police Force was not surprised that Alexia would appear here. But even so, in addition to taking the two parties away, Exia also needs to follow and make a transcript.

Therefore, after explaining some things to Ji Hiiragi Xuena, Alexia left in the car with the SAR police.

And by the time all the matters on Exia’s side were taken care of, it was already almost twelve o’clock when we got home.

In fact, the recording process was very smooth, and it was over in about ten minutes. The reason why it took so long was because of the two people who were frozen by Exia.

Fortunately for the vampire, he only needs to thaw out, and the rest can be ended by relying on his own self-healing ability.

But Teacher Jian was in a bit of trouble, because the punch that Alexia couldn’t hold back was actually helping him by being frozen. In order to get the things they should know, Genkamijima asked Exia to continue working for a while – with overtime pay.

As a result, it took two or three hours to get it done, and it took even more time to ask him what he said.

Of course, the question finally came out. Whether it was Rudolph’s purpose of coming to Xian Shen Island or what he did to the artificial life form, under Teacher Nangong’s superb interrogation skills, he No matter how hard your mouth is, you can only spit out everything.

But Alexia didn’t listen to those things. She just accidentally heard some [Holy Relics], [Pillars] and so on.

After all, he was in a hurry to go home and make up for Xiao Gucheng’s homework.

Then the next day came.

[The prisoner who caused a fire on Warehouse Street in East District last night has been arrested by the SAR Police. It is reported that the direct loss caused by this terrorist attack is as high as 7 billion yen, and the indirect loss is estimated to reach 50 billion yen…]

On the monorail on Genkami Island, the in-car broadcast was broadcasting events related to last night.

In addition, there are many people in the carriage watching relevant news on their mobile phones.

Today is an information society. No matter what happens, once there is a channel to spread it, it will spread all over the Internet in an instant, and there is no way to stop it.

“Magical terrorist attack…?”

Leaning near the car door, Ji Hiiragi Xuena listened to the content on the radio and couldn’t help but frowned and looked at Alexia in front of her: “Senior, that person should be from Lotharingkia… .How could it turn into a magical terrorist attack?”

“Because we can’t say it directly publicly.”

Alexia lowered her voice as low as possible.

“In the eyes of ordinary people, the church is a place of justice, and exorcists are also warriors who protect the people. If we directly tell the story about the uncle’s attack on Xiangami Island, it will still cause some trouble. “

“That’s why…”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked a little unnatural.

After all, she was only fourteen years old, not even fifteen yet. She hadn’t been exposed to many things that she needed to know, and the Lion King Agency wouldn’t teach her.

Rather, since she is the lover who is going to be sent to the Fourth True Ancestor, it is better to be as [ignorant] as possible.


While the two were talking like this, the tram also stopped.

Alexia walked out of the car first: “Anyway, on the surface, this matter is over. The rest can be left to the guys above. We [ordinary civilians] don’t need to meddle in other people’s business.”

“Ordinary civilians… right?” Ji Hiiragi Xuena followed and walked out of the car, “Senior is not an ordinary civilian, you are the strongest in the world——”

“Okay, let’s stop here.”

Before Ji Hiiragi Xuena was about to bring out the name of the Fourth True Ancestor again, Exia interrupted her in time: “I said it yesterday, don’t say that name randomly in public, I can’t I don’t want to be watched or pointed at.”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need to apologize. Just be more careful in the future – provided you can still stay on Genkami Island after today.”


The station where the two got off was the station closest to Akai Academy. After getting off the bus, they could reach Akai Academy by walking for one minute from the station.

And the reason why I came here was purely to relieve Yuki Hiiragi from her duty as the monitor of Exia. According to Nangong Nayue, one of the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency is here. You can see her directly by going to her office. If you talk to her face to face, Ji Hiiragi Xuena may be relieved of her duties as a monitor.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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