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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 252

To be honest, it was a good thing for Exia to be able to solve a troublesome problem so easily.

He didn’t have any ill feelings towards Ji Hiiragi Xuena, but he didn’t want to have a watcher by his side, let alone a lover – if Bianca called later, he would have to explain for a long time.

(One of the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency? I hope it goes well. School is about to start, and I don’t want to cause some damage to Aihai Academy.)

The Three Saints of the Lion King Agency are said to be the top exorcists in Japan. Even Nangong Nazuki said that it is very troublesome. If there is a conflict, Ixia thinks that it needs to be taken seriously – but then the school building will probably be renovated. Come on.

This may be good news for Xiao Gucheng, because he can directly take a long time to rest. He basically hasn’t had a good rest during the summer vacation.

Nangong Nayue’s office is on the top floor of the staff school building. To get there, you must first go to the high school teaching building.

Arriving at the shoe cabinet, Alexia habitually wanted to open her cabinet and change her shoes——

“Crash la la la——————!”

However, when he opened the cabinet, a large number of pink letters poured out of it!

(Ah la ah la~~~)

Shajo Aige’s laughter rang in Alexia’s mind.

(Has this started before school starts?)

Alexia held her forehead helplessly, bent down and started to pick up the letter. Ji Hiiragi Xuena asked in confusion: “Senior? What are these?”

“It’s a love letter. It’s from the middle school girls, and I think there should be some from the high school… Really, I thought it would start after school starts, but I didn’t expect it to be given to me before then. Sai is here.”

“Love letters…so many?!”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina waited for a second or two before suddenly exclaiming in a surprised voice.

It’s not that she doesn’t know about love letters, she still has this common sense, but the number in front of her is too much! There must be more than twenty of these scattered on the floor alone, and there are even quite a few in the shoe cabinet.

Are these all for Exia? !

“Senior, you…do you have many girlfriends?”

“No, not one.”

“So, that means it’s very popular?”

“That’s right.” Aixia said with a bitter smile, “Because I showed a little bit of my hands in the exercise class before, plus I am always ranked first in grade and good-looking, so people often come to send me love letters, which is quite good. It troubles me.”

These reasons were told to him by Lan Yu Qianzui and Yaze Motoki. Ixia himself didn’t know why these girls he didn’t know at all would send him love letters. If they only liked him because he was good-looking, they would give him love letters. Love letters, then the value of these love letters is really quite a bit…

After packing up all the love letters, Exia said to Himeira Yukina: “Well, most of them are from the middle school department. I’ll give them all to Teacher Sasaki later and ask her to help with them—— Okay, let’s go up, Ji Hei, don’t keep the Three Saints waiting.”

“Okay, okay!”

15.Understand, but cannot accept

The Three Saints of The Lion King.

Ji Hiiragi Xuena had only had one contact with them before. That was before she came to Genkami Island and was practicing in the Takagami Forest on the main island.

The Three Saints named her to go and see her, and officially granted her the tasks of Xuexia Lang and monitoring Ixia.

That was about three or four days ago.

I didn’t expect that I would be able to meet the Three Saints again so soon after arriving at Xiankami Island…

On the top floor of the faculty and staff office building, she and Ixia went to get rid of the love letters and came to the door of Nangong Nayue’s office. Looking at the door that had not yet been opened, Ji Hiiragi Xuena suddenly became a little nervous and uneasy. stand up.

I came here with the mission entrusted by the Three Saints, but now I am being led by the Fourth True Ancestor to ask for repatriation – as a supervisor, this can actually be said to be an absolute dereliction of duty and unfavorable performance, right?

(What will the Three Saints do to me?)

Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn’t help but think.

If the aftermath treatment she was told before coming here would take effect immediately, then…would she…will die here like this?


Just as she was thinking this, Alexia had already pushed open the office door.

The last time Ixia came here was before the start of the Feast of Fire.

“It’s really a gorgeous office that hasn’t changed much from before, Teacher Nayue.”

After looking around at the layout in the room, Aixia couldn’t help but sigh: “How much citizens’ taxes did this cost?”

“It’s just some privileges. If you hadn’t been refusing all the time, you would have lived in a much more luxurious place than here.”

Nangong Nayue said, sitting behind the desk.

And what she said was right, as long as Exia, the fourth true ancestor, had that intention, there would be no problem even if she lived in a castle or a palace. If he goes to a small country at random, he will definitely become the king there and dominate the entire country.

In the final analysis, the power and identity of the True Ancestor are of such value.

Even if you don’t do that, as long as Ixia says it, someone in Central America will be happy to directly send a castle to Ixia’s name as a gift.

“That kind of place is not suitable for me.” Alexia smiled bitterly, “As long as I have a house as big as now, I would be satisfied. Giving me a castle is just a waste. I don’t have that many family members and friends to live in. .”

In the Tianming headquarters, Exia only has an independent villa.

After exchanging casual greetings with Nangong Nayue, Alexia looked at the other person in the room.

On the sofa used to entertain guests in the office, there is a girl sitting there wearing the uniform of Caihai Academy, holding a book in her hand, her black hair is tied into two braids hanging on her chest, wearing A pair of somewhat rustic black-rimmed glasses.

“…I didn’t expect you to be the Three Saints.”

Alexia knew the person in front of her.

During the feast of flames more than five months ago, he had saved the life of the person in front of him. After that, Exia also met her in Akaihai Academy and knew that while she was a member of the Lion King organization, she was also a third-year senior who was one year older than him.

Coming to sit down opposite her, Alexia smiled and said: “The Three Saints are actually students in such a school. They hide it really well, Senior Sister Feidao.”


This is the form of the girl in front of her. As for her name, Exia didn’t ask specifically.

Putting down the book in his hand, Feidao said with an unchanged expression: “I didn’t mean to hide it. My identity as a student is real. If I have to elaborate, the identity of the Three Saints is actually a [concurrent role]. “

“I am one of the three saints of the Lion King Agency, [Hyang Ancient Ode]. I am extremely sorry for making you worry so much about our behavior this time.”

In the first half of the sentence, Feidao said it as a student, and in the second half of the sentence, he said it as the Three Saints.

Seeing her switching freely, Exia curled her lips and said, “That’s it for the scene. Let’s get right to the point – Ji Hiiragi, come here.”


When Exia suddenly called out her name, Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who had been standing at the door in a daze since just now, came to her senses immediately and came to Exia with a nervous look on her face.

And just after looking at each other with Hiiragi, Ji Hiiragi Xuena immediately bent down and said: “I am Ji Hiiragi Xuena… first time meeting, Mr. Xiangu Ying.”

“Well, sit down first, Ji Hiiragi Yukina.”


Ji Hiiragi Xuena sat down next to Alexia cautiously.

Without wasting any more time, Exia spoke directly: “Let’s get down to business, Senior Sister Feidao – maybe you have heard from Teacher Nayue that the reason why I met you specifically this time is actually for Ji. Hiiragi’s matter.”

“[I don’t need a monitor, let her go back to the Lion King Agency].”

Without any covert words, Aixia stated her request straightforwardly.

Feidao was silent for a while, and then said: “Regarding this matter, if possible, our Lion King organization still hopes that you can accept Ji Hiiragi Xuena. We also ask you to understand our position and philosophy. You are the world leader in today’s world. As one of only four True Ancestors in the world, every move you make may lead to changes in the world situation. This is not something that we can ignore forever.”

“Of course, we are not trying to antagonize you, nor will we do anything harmful to you. We only hope that through the channel of Ji Hiiragi Xuena, we can have a certain degree of control and understanding of your behavior.”

Feidao’s words were very sincere.

And this is what Exia and Nangong have known for a long time.

The Lion King Agency is an organization that prevents large-scale magical disasters and terrorist attacks. For a moving natural disaster like Exia, they cannot stay away from it under any circumstances. This is what they must do.

Alexia smiled and nodded: “Well, I can understand. You have your position, and you have to do some things because of your position. I can understand these, after all, I have been exposed to many such things before. I have experienced it myself.”

“It would be best if you understand.”

Feidao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

But Alexia suddenly changed her tone: “It’s understandable, but it’s another thing for me to accept it.”


“Just like the Banquet of Flames more than five months ago. When your Lion King organization was about to give up the management of the Banquet of Flames due to lack of strength, I can understand it. Since the situation has reached an uncontrollable level, The best thing to do is to start preparing for the aftermath as soon as possible – I can understand your approach.”

“——But do you think I accepted it at that time?”

Alexia released some air-conditioning slightly, making the air-conditioned room feel a little colder again.

Staring at Feidao with ice-blue eyes, Ixia said in a deep voice: “Understanding and accepting is equal to [giving in]. I am not someone who cannot give in. In fact, I have given in in many places. After all, I don’t want to give in to this There is too much trouble in the world, and I would be happy to help a little if the situation permits.”

“For example, Genkamijima has taken good care of me so far – excluding the initial period – so I can accept some of Gengamijima’s requests from me, help with some things, etc. These are very important to me. It’s not a problem.”

“But I don’t intend to [back down] in front of you, Senior Sister Feidao.”

Accepting the surveillance of Ji Hiiragi Yukina is equivalent to placing yourself under the surveillance of the Lion King Agency at all times. All of your actions will be known by the Lion King Agency, and you will have almost no way to hide from them.

Even if Exia has the ability to easily get rid of Himiragi Yukina, with Himiragi Yukina’s character, she will definitely catch up with him immediately even if she is dumped, or she may stay at his house all the time.

That would be troublesome.

“Release Himiragi Yukina’s duty as a monitor, Hiida-senpai.”

Alexia repeated her request.

“If possible, I don’t want to take action on Teacher Nayue’s side.”

16.One month trial period

As Aixia finished these words, the temperature in the room dropped a little again.

It was obviously on the island of midsummer, but Yukina Himiragi, who was closest to Exia, felt as if she was in the middle of winter, deep in the mountains covered with heavy snow.

(So ​​cold…)

Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s lips began to tremble.

Opposite Aikexia, Feidao fell into a long silence.

The Lion King Agency’s understanding of Ixia is ultimately her understanding of Ixia. As a student of the same school, during the five months that she and Ixia went to school together at Caihai Academy, Hiida was From time to time, I observed Exia.

And she came to the conclusion – [Exia is a good person].

This is a pure compliment.

With extremely excellent academic performance, versatile sports, and handsome appearance, he can be said to be the most popular king in the school. Whether in the middle school or high school, there are many girls who like him for various reasons, and even so, he is more popular among the boys. The reviews among them are also very good.

The reason is that he is very good at [understanding and accepting].

He is very able to understand the difficulties of others, and for people who are in difficulty, he will try his best to help that person without asking for anything in return afterwards. At most, he will let the other person treat him to a can of drink and thank him symbolically. .

Nangong said more than once that month that Alexia was a guy with an excessive sense of justice. Alexia did not deny this. The Kaslana family was like that.

The justice messenger of a family.

Understand, then accept, then lend a helping hand, and carry out your will to help others.

This is the essence of Exia.

Hiiragi didn’t think she would be wrong, so she told Ji Hiiragi Xuena how to get along with Alexia – as long as Ji Hiiragi Xuena told her position and all the things, then Alexia would be fine no matter what. They won’t embarrass her too much, and even in the worst case, she won’t be in any danger.

And the current conversation with Exia was actually one of the situations she expected.

(Tell him the position and difficulties of the Lion King Agency, and use this habit that he understands and accepts, and there is a high probability that he will accept the surveillance of Himeira Yukina…)

Feidao wanted to do this.

(——I didn’t expect that this time he would not accept it without understanding.)

This is the first time Feidao knows about it.

Of course she had thought that there was an upper limit to Alexia’s [acceptance], but [Himeira Yukina’s surveillance] should not be enough to reach that upper limit in her opinion.

(My judgment was wrong. If we continue to negotiate… it might not go well.)

Feidao could feel that the air was now full of [weapons] aimed at her. For Exia, who can freely control ice, it is not difficult to freeze all the water molecules in the air into murderous weapons in an instant. Even the cold air he releases can deprive everyone present of their mobility in an instant. Motivated.

If she wants to say something more, then what awaits her may not be Exia’s [Words], but Exia’s [Power].

“…Isn’t it okay no matter what? Your Excellency.” Feidao continued to ask tentatively.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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