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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 253

“I don’t want to say it a third time.”


Very plain, but strong tone.

It seems like it’s really not working anymore.

Feidao sighed helplessly and turned to look at Ji Hiiragi Xuena: “Since you said so, our Lion King Agency will not continue to force you. But…can you accept this arrangement? ? Himiragi Yukina.”

“I, I follow the arrangements of the Lion King Agency and have no objections.”

This is not something Ji Hiiragi Yukina can interrupt.


“If possible…can I ask what will happen to me after the surveillance mission is lifted?”

“Nothing will happen.” Feidao said, “First of all, we will recover the Snow Cloud Wolf, which is the martial arts tool secretly hidden by the Lion King’s organization. The reason why we gave it to you is for this surveillance mission. Since it is no longer needed, surveillance, then I can no longer let you use it.”

“Secondly, the temporary official sword witch qualification granted to you will be revoked. You must have not forgotten that you are only a trainee sword witch. Originally, you still need to undergo several months of training before you can officially become a full-time sword witch. This time, it is to allow you to monitor Your Majesty, it’s ahead of schedule.”

That is to say…

“Should I return to the Forest of God?”


“Then what you said to me before…the way you dealt with me or even silenced me…didn’t it turn out that it was true?”

Feidao nodded expressionlessly: “There may not be one user of Xuexialang for decades. In this regard, you have a very rare qualification, which cannot be dealt with casually – you will In that case, I just hope to increase the probability of you staying with Your Excellency, but it is no longer needed.”

“Yes…that’s it…”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn’t fully react or understand for a while.

But in short…even if she is relieved of her duties as a monitor, she won’t be punished in any way, right?


Feidao changed the subject.

“You must be aware that Ji Hiiragi Xuena transferred to this school just yesterday. According to relevant regulations, it will take at least a month before she can transfer again…”


Hearing this, Exia raised her eyebrows: “Do you have to stay here for a month no matter what? But I think with the rights of the Lion King Agency, this is not a trouble at all, right? As for Genkami Island, I I will cooperate even if I think so.”

“Yes, it is indeed not a trouble, but… in short, all aspects of favors and record changes will be a bit troublesome and cumbersome. I hope you can give us a period of time to process it.”

Feidao said in a sincere tone again.

Ji Hiiragi Yukina didn’t leave Takagami Forest until a few days ago. It was only yesterday that her student status was transferred to Saikai Academy. If she were to leave now, it would be troublesome to change the information on both sides – she only came here yesterday. Just leave? It also takes time to process relevant certificates.

“I also hope that you will allow Ji Hiiragi Xuena to continue to live with you for one month. The Lion King Agency and I will promise not to make any interference or do anything to you during this month, and you don’t have to worry about being raped. I’ll wait for surveillance.”

“If you don’t believe it, I can also make a contract and oath on behalf of the Lion King Agency.”

17. Swear to accept the contract with your soul

Feidao’s words made Exia fall into deep thought.

As far as words and attitude are concerned, Feidao does appear to be willing to accept Aixia’s conditions.


(One hundred percent I am fooling you, Mr. Prince.)

Shatiao Aige smiled.

(Even if a so-called contract is really made, I think she will definitely make a fuss about the content of the contract and use various small means and word games to achieve her goals.)

(Yes, I can see that. But I don’t think that Hidao-senpai will just use this method that will be seen through by me. She must have ulterior motives.)

After all, he is also one of the Three Saints of the Lion King Organization. Feidao should not be so naive as to think that his methods will not be seen through by Exia.

In this case, the so-called contract is actually a cover.

(What does she want to do with this month?)

Obviously, Feida just wanted to buy a month, and just wanted Ji Hiiragi Xuena to stay with Exia for a month.

And during this period, she would never do nothing.

(…Is it possible…that you plan to do that?)

Shajo Aige seemed to have thought of something.

(Do you have a clue? Miss Aige.)

(Maybe, but… I don’t think Mr. Prince is someone who will be captured by an emotional offensive. After all, I would have succeeded long ago.)

Emotional offensive?

Alexia frowned.

(In other words… let Ji Hei seduce me? So that I have to keep her by my side?)

(Well…well…I don’t think that’s the case. I just hope that through this month of getting along with Miss Ji Hiiragi, Mr. Prince will get used to her being by your side. Maybe this will help. Then you won’t want her to leave – of course, this is just a guess. I’m not sure whether Miss Feida actually plans to do this.)

So that’s it, it’s such an [emotional offensive].


Alexia couldn’t help but laugh softly.

If Feidao really wants to do this, then Ixia can only say that she underestimates him. If he can’t let go of Ji Hiiragi Xuena just because they have only been together for a month, then he has lost so much. A different world.

Separation is something that is very familiar to him.

“…In this case, I can [accept] it.” Exia then smiled and said, “However, I will decide the content of the contract, is that okay?”

“no problem.”

“So – I’m sorry, Teacher Nayue, can you borrow some paper and pen? In addition, I also hope that you can serve as a notary.”

Hearing what Aixia said, Nangong Nayue, who had been correcting something silently since just now, suddenly showed a look of trouble. After a pause, he opened the drawer and took out a piece of white paper. They brought a ballpoint pen to Aixia.

Alexia immediately began to write down the contents of the contract.

And very quickly, within two or three minutes, several contracts were written on the white paper.


[Details of the contract]

[1. Under the witness of Nangong Nayue, Alexia Kaslana and the plenipotentiary representative of the Lion King Agency, Xian Guyong, accept all the contents and requirements of this contract]

[2. Based on the requirements and positions of both parties, Himiragi Yukina will be relieved of her mission as the monitor of the Fourth True Ancestor from now on, and Himiragi Yukina will be allowed to stay with Alexia Kaslana for up to one month]

[3. The Lion King Agency must complete all the procedures and certificates required for Himiragi Yukina to leave Genkami Island within this month]

[4. During the month when Ji Hiiragi Yukina stays with Exia, the Lion King agency is not allowed to obtain any information about Exia through her or intervene in any of Exia’s actions]

[5. The Lion King Agency shall not impose any form of punishment or subsequent treatment on Ji Hiiragi Xuena]

[6. The Lion King Agency will bear all the responsibility for everything Himiragi Yukina did on Genkami Island]

[7. If the Lion King agency violates any of the above provisions, Alexia Kaslana has the right to take any action without any responsibility]

[8. Respect any of the above treaties, and both parties will swear to accept the contract with their souls]

There are eight contract contents in total.

After reading all the contents completely, Feidao frowned slightly.

She has no opinion on the contents of the first six clauses of the contract. This is what she said herself, and Alexia only recorded it truthfully. Although the fifth clause is not true, it should be regarded as what Alexia said to Ji Hiiragi Yukina. Make it an insurance policy.

What if the Lion King Agency does one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes, saying that it won’t do anything to Himiragi Yukina, but actually punishes her after she returns?

It was a treaty that fit well with Exia’s style and character, and Feidao could understand it.

But the last one…

——[Both parties swear by their souls to accept the contract]

There is already a punishment mechanism like the seventh treaty, but there is still an eighth treaty.

(What does he want to do with this unnecessary treaty?)

Even Feidao has never done this before, swearing on his own soul.


“What’s wrong? Don’t you accept it?”

Seeing Feidao’s silence, Ixia couldn’t help but smile and asked: “Is there any problem? But let me tell you first, I only accept the addition of the contract content, not the modification of the contract content.”

“…I understand, I have no problem – is it okay to just sign?”

“Put a bloody fingerprint on it.”

Ixia condensed an ice blade and handed it to Feidao.


(Really cautious.)

If you just sign, there are still some opportunities to take advantage of the contract, but if you use blood, there is really no chance at all.

There are no spellcasters in this world who can curse others through their blood.

Of course, Feidao didn’t know that there was an extra-standard existence like Shajo Aige in Alexia. Even though she was limited by not having a body and couldn’t use much power, as long as she was given a suitable body, that would be enough. Even Nangong Nayue couldn’t be Shatiao Aige’s opponent.

After pricking each other’s fingers with ice knives and putting their fingerprints on the contract, Ixia called the contract to Ji Hiiragi Xuena: “Then Ji Hiiragi, I will leave this contract to you for safekeeping.”

“Eh…Eh?! Shall I take care of it?!”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was a little panicked.

“That…I…I…such an important thing, will you let Teacher Nangong take better care of it?”

“Well, that’s what I want to say – but this is something related to your future, right?” Exia said, “Although it was me and Hidao-senpai who made the decision for you without permission, we didn’t intend to I’m asking for your opinion. After all, I probably won’t be able to tell you anything. But this contract is indeed what determines your future.”

“Just take care of your own future.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena looked at the contract in her hand and couldn’t help clenching her hands slightly: “…Senior, I, I want to ask, do you… do you want me to stay with you?” Bar?”


“Then why now…with the senior’s ability, it’s okay to drive me away by force, right?”

With the ability of the Fourth True Ancestor, if he really wants to drive away Himiragi Yukina, no one would dare to say anything, whether it is the Lion King Agency or Genkami Island, unless they want to experience the power of the Fourth True Ancestor.

“But then Nagisa would feel [a pity], right?”

Alexia said calmly what Akatsuki Nagisa mentioned casually last night.


“Nagisa said that she thinks she can become a good friend with you, so even if it’s just for a month, you should get along well with Nagisa and become her friend.”

This is the reason why Exia [temporarily accepts].

“If you are not a monitor, then I actually have no reason to drive you away. Nagisa seems to like you quite a lot. But now you are, so I can only let you stay for a month at most. One month. After that, you can say goodbye to Nagisa properly and leave, you know?”

“…Yes, I understand, senior.”

Carefully folding the contract and putting it away, Ji Hiiragi Xuena stood up and bowed deeply to Alexia: “In the next month, please take care of me, senior. I will try not to cause trouble to senior, and We get along well with Nagisa-san.”

“Ah That’s good.”

18. Like it, but not that kind of thing

“In this case, half of your plans are lost, right?”

After completing the contract, Exia and Ji Hiiragi Xuena left Nangong Nayue’s office.

Nangong Nayue also said this to Feidao who had not left yet after the door of the room was completely closed.

“You regard that little girl as the lover who provides that guy, and think that based on your understanding of him, you can get him with a little hard work, but his strong refusal this time should be beyond your expectations. ?”

“That’s right.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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