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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 254

Feidao nodded.

“It seems that we need to make further observations on our understanding of your Excellency… Having said that, being able to gain one month is the best result we can expect. ”

“A month…are you really planning to do something?” Nangong Nayue sneered, “You guys are really stubborn and won’t change your ways.”

Feidao shook his head: “You may have misunderstood something, Gap Witch. It’s not that we are planning to do anything. Since the contract has been completed, I will naturally abide by the contract and will not do anything to you and Ji Hiiragi Xuena again. do anything.”

“But just because we won’t take action doesn’t mean Ji Hiiragi Xuena won’t take any action based on her own will.”

“…Do you mean to let the two of them develop on their own?”

Nangong Nayue frowned: “Then I think your plan will probably fail. If that boy can’t let go of that girl just because we have been together for a month, then he has been eaten up countless times so far. .”

“Who knows what will happen in the future now?”

Feidao stood up and bowed slightly to Nangong Nayue: “Then it’s time for me to leave. I’m extremely sorry for taking up your precious working time, Teacher Nangong.”


Outside Caihai Academy.

Alexia and Himiragi Yukina had already boarded the train again.

Unlike when they came here, there were not many passengers in the tram now, and there were many places to sit, so the two of them randomly picked a seat near the door and sat down.

However, Ji Hiiragi Yukina did not carry the guitar case. Now that the contract has been formed, Ji Hiiragi Yukina actually no longer needs to monitor Alexia, so Xuexia Lang naturally stayed with Feidao.

Alexia was on the phone.

“——That’s probably the case.”

[It turned out like this in the end…Thank you, Alexia, for letting you worry about Nagisa. I think Nagisa will also be very happy. Then let me ask you something to say thank you.]

“No, it’s not a big deal. That’s it. It’s almost time for you to make up the exam, so don’t fail it again.”

【Yes yes yes~~~see you later】

“Well, see you later.”

After ending the communication with Xiao Gucheng, Exia put away her mobile phone.

For the time being, he told Akatsuki Yukina and Akatsuki Nagisa about Himiragi Yukina’s situation. After all, including Himiragi Yukina, the four of them will almost have to get along with each other day and night for a month. Let me explain this in advance. The situation is also good.

Looking at Alexia who put away her phone, Himiragi Yukina couldn’t help but smile and said: “Senior, you really are taking care of Akatsuki-senpai and Nagisa-san.”

“Huh? It’s okay. It’s just normal taking care of each other.”

“Is it?”

“Isn’t it?”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina didn’t have many friends when she was practicing in the Takagami Forest. The only ones who could be considered good friends were her roommates, so she didn’t know what normal friendships were like.

But she also vaguely felt that Alexia’s care for Akatsuki and Akatsuki Nagisa was more than just friends.

“Senior…you probably like Nagisa-san, right?”

“Eh?” Alexia was stunned for a moment in surprise, “Why do you say that?”

“Because senpai hates being watched, right? But now he has compromised with the Lion King Organization and allowed me to get along with Nagisa-san… senpai allowed me to stay for a month because of Nagisa, right? Isn’t that right? …”

“No, no, no, you have completely misunderstood.”

After understanding Yukina Himiragi’s thoughts, Ixia immediately smiled and waved her hand: “I have no idea about Nagisa at all… Well, if I have to say it, she and my sister are a little bit different. Like it.”

Akatsukisa, like Kiana, both belong to the lively and cheerful type. Even compared to Kiana, Akatsukisa is more lively and talks more. She is easy to talk to and very good at taking care of her. people.

As long as you spend some time with Akatsuki Sa, no matter who you are, you will fall in love with this cute girl – of course, in another sense.

“In other words, does the senior take care of Nagisa-san as a younger sister?”

“Absolutely. Besides, I already have someone I like, and now I won’t even think about liking anyone else.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was suddenly surprised when he heard this: “Senior, do you have someone you like?”


“But didn’t you say before…”

“I don’t have a girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have someone I like, right? There’s no conflict between these two things.” Aixia said, “Rather, it’s because I have someone I like that I write so many love letters. Don’t take it seriously.”

(This, this is it…)

Indeed, it is really inappropriate to pay attention to other people’s love letters when you already have someone you like.

“Then…could it be that the person that senior likes is senior Lan Yu?”


Alexia pressed her cell phone while talking: “Although Qianqiong is indeed a beauty and very popular, and I like her quite a lot, but that is as a friend and classmate, I do not regard her as my girlfriend. The idea of ​​looking at it.”

“As for the person I like…well, I will introduce it to you if I have the chance. She will call from time to time. If you are free then, I can introduce it to you.”


(What kind of person would the senior like…be like?)

Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn’t help but think.

The woman who can be attracted by the world’s strongest vampire should be an excellent woman worthy of his status and qualified to be the world’s strongest partner, right? Could it be a vampire of the old generation level? Or will she be a princess from a certain country?

(Speaking of which, there seems to be a rumor that the Third True Ancestor is very fond of the senior… Isn’t it possible?)

These are some rumors that Ji Hiiragi Xuena overheard that are close to urban legends.

But it’s unlikely if you think about it. After all, if the third true ancestor and the fourth true ancestor come together, then the world will probably…


The tram stopped again.

After glancing at the station on the electronic display, Alexia stood up and said, “Then I’ll get off here. Ji Hiira, you can do whatever you want from now on. Just don’t forget to go home at night.”

“Eh? Get off here?”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena glanced at the site.

“Senior, do you have any business coming to Cornerstone Gate?”

“I’m going to see Qian Cong. She worked overtime all night and is probably exhausted, so I’m going to give her some condolences.”

After saying this with a smile, Exia walked out of the train.

19. Exia’s Timely Rain

worn out!

This is the only thought Lan Yu Qiancong has in her heart right now.


After moving the keyboard away and lying on the table, Lan Yu Qiancong let out a meaningless low cry, as if he had lost his mind.

On the computer screen, artificial intelligence like a doll suddenly jumped out.

【What’s wrong? Madam, do you want to take a rest? 】

“Isn’t this nonsense? I have been working since last night. It’s strange that I don’t want to rest~~~~”

Because of what happened last night, the new operation system that was finally rebuilt in the East District has been scrapped again. Even if Ixia extinguished the fire in time, the impact of the flames and explosions has also affected the main system.

In order to save the situation there, Lan Yu Qiancong worked tirelessly to build a new system from scratch.

“It’s all because they said they wanted to save money and hired some unscrupulous guys to take charge of the East District. Did those people above really think about reviving the East District? At least half of what they asked me to handle from the beginning can be retained.”

[Big people also have their own difficulties. I also want to thank little brother Alexia. If she hadn’t taken action in time, the damage would have been doubled. Thank you for his hard work.]

“I don’t think he finds it hard at all.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong knew about Alexia’s power. Among the people she knew, it was no exaggeration to call him the strongest.

“I guess he just went over there and just moved his hands or stamped his feet a few times and it was done. There is no one on this island who can make him work hard… That idiot in the ancient city Maybe one.”

Thinking of how Alexia had to help that idiot in Xiao Ancient City with his homework last night after returning home, Lan Yu Qiancong sighed – only someone as talkative and kind-hearted as Alexia could take care of him like this.

Fortunately, Xiao Gucheng is also a person who knows how to be grateful. He will use various methods within his power to thank Aikexia every now and then, so as not to cause Aikexia to suffer.

“Speaking of… why am I still working here today when I start school the day after tomorrow?”

Turning his attention back to his current situation, Lan Yu Qiancong lamented again.

Normally, at this time, she should be staying at home, blowing on the air conditioner, and doing whatever she likes, right? Why do you have to stay in this small dark room and work overtime?

“I really want to eat cake…like I want to drink a drink…”

[Then keep working hard, miss. Work hard for another three hours and finish the last bits and pieces and it will be over]

“Damn it! I curse the person who made me work overtime to be unlucky for the rest of my life!”

After slamming the table hard, Lan Yu Qiancong moved the keyboard back and was about to start typing again——

“Beep beep beep!”

[I have a communication request, Miss, from the front desk]

“Put it through, it’s probably just additional work.”

Lan Yu Qiancong has become accustomed to being called from time to time, and the high-ranking officials in Xian Kami Island will exploit her, a young and beautiful girl.

But this time, after the call was connected, what came through was not work-related content.

[Miss Lan Yu, Mr. Kaslana wants to call you]


His fingers suddenly pressed hard on the Enter key!

“It hurts!”

Lan Yu Qian Cong immediately covered his fingers and screamed. He took a breath of air and asked in disbelief: “Wait a minute, who do you think wants to talk to me?”

【Mr. Kaslana】

The front desk lady repeated it.

(Why did that guy come to my place!?)

After holding his forehead to adjust his mental state, Lan Yu Qiancong said: “I understand, help me turn around.”

[Okay—Hey, Qian Cong, how are you doing over there? 】

Not long after the front desk lady agreed, Alexia’s face appeared on the computer screen in front of Lan Yu Qianqiong, but for some unknown reason, some unsavory petal special effects seemed to have been added.

“…Moguwai, please turn off the special effects correction for me.”

【Hey hey hey~~~】

The unkind artificial intelligence laughed a few times.

【What’s wrong? Light green onions? 】

“Ah, it’s nothing, it’s just that guy Moguwai who is causing trouble.” Lan Yu Qiancong explained, “How come you suddenly thought of coming to my place? Don’t you have something to do today? The supervisor’s matter has been taken care of. Already?”

[Well, it’s settled. He will be relieved of his duties as a monitor and will stay here for a full month. He will leave when he can go through the transfer procedures. Although I want her to leave immediately, it seems difficult for the Lion King Agency to do so】

“A month…I thought you would drive her away today.”

In the past, except for the first group of people who came to monitor Exia, almost none of them could stay on Xiangami Island for three days.

If he showed his presence near Exia, he would catch him and throw him to the management commune.

[The situation is different. By the way, how’s it going over there? Is the work done? 】

“There are still a few finishing touches. It will probably take another three hours. What’s wrong?”

[I came here because I thought you might be tired after working overtime all night, so I brought you some condolences. But it seems I came early? 】

Condolence items? !

Lan Yu Qian Cong instantly became energetic: “What did you bring?”

[New products from the beverage shop at Cornerstone Gate. Also, if you want, I can take you to a cake buffet after you come out, but if you don’t have time, that can only be done next time——】

“I have time! Give me an hour and I can get it done!”

【Eh? But didn’t you say it would take another three hours…]


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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