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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 255

“It’s enough for me to turn on my firepower for an hour! Just find a place over there and wait for a while. I’ll come up to you as soon as I’m done!”

【oh oh…..】

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s aura was so fierce that it shocked Alexia for a moment.

And after cutting off communication.

“Bah bang bang!”

After slapping himself in the face a few times, Lan Yu Qiancong smiled and put his hands on the keyboard: “Okay, work hard for me, Moguwai, for my cake buffet and drinks!”

[It seems that in order to cheer up the eldest lady, we still need some rewards – Brother Exia has done much better than Brother Gucheng in this regard]

“Why are you mentioning that idiot in the ancient city at this time?”

[Giggle, it’s nothing. It’s a good thing that you are motivated, madam, so go ahead with all your energy. But isn’t one hour too much? 】

“Why don’t you just put your life on the line?”

[No, no, no, I’m just an artificial AI. I’m lifeless. It’s you, the eldest lady, who has to fight hard.]

20. Overtime and overtime work, never ending

More than an hour later.

A cake shop in Cornerstone Gate.


Looking at Lan Yu Qian Chong, who was sweeping away the cakes on the dining table with a whirlwind force, almost at a speed of one mouthful at a time, Alexia, who was sitting opposite her, was so frightened by her that she didn’t even drink a drink. Biting the straw dryly.

Although he knew that she was a big eater, this was the first time that Alexia had seen her starving like this.

(How long has she been hungry?)

(It’s a bit like the so-called reincarnation of a starving ghost. It’s not easy for Ms. Asakusa.)

Shajo Aige said with emotion.

(However, this also proves that Ms. Asakusa was indeed extremely tired during this period. She is indeed the most reliable electronic empress on Genkami Island.)

——Electronic Empress.

That was something Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t know about herself. It was a kind of reputation given to her by insiders. Exia only learned about it by chance. It is said that because her computer hacking skills are so superb, other hackers are compared to her. They are not in the same dimension at all, so they call him that with respect.

“…Is it really a troublesome job? Asakusa.”


Lan Yuqiang, who was destroying the extra-large luxury fruit parfait, heard Alexia suddenly say this. He paused for a moment and swallowed everything in his mouth before smiling: “It’s okay, it just takes a little time. As long as You’re not asking me to work overtime, I still quite like this kind of job. By the way, are you caring about me?”


Alexia nodded and said: “After all, I see that you are very tired now. If it is really troublesome…”

“…Only I can do this job.” Lan Yu Qianqing waved his hand, “If it were anyone else, given half a year, they might not be able to do it better than me, so even if I want to If I resign, the senior officials of Genkami Island will probably kneel down and beg me not to resign.”

“Is it that exaggerated?”

[The eldest lady has such great abilities. Although the fields are different, she is almost the same person as you, little brother]

Moguwai explained.

[Well, I think as long as little brother comes here to treat the young lady to a good meal like this from time to time, the young lady will be able to bear it no matter how tired she is. Maybe her desire to work will be even higher than before.]

“Is it?”

“Don’t believe this guy’s nonsense!” Lan Yu Qiancong turned off the phone screen directly, “How can I let you invite me again and again? This time I accepted it shamelessly. I will pay for it myself next time.”

Even though Aixia has saved a lot of money from Nangong’s monthly tasks, it is not for Lan Yu Qiancong to spend casually. It doesn’t matter if he treats guests once or twice. He really wants to do what Mo Guwai said from time to time. Lan Yu Qiancong felt a little embarrassed just to let Alexia treat him once.

Doesn’t this make her seem like she is being supported by Alexia?

“You should stop listening to Moguwai’s nonsense. He is very good at making jokes.”

“I know.” Alexia smiled, “But Asakusa, your work is essentially for the entire Genkami Island, right? Without you, the revival of the East District would have taken a long time. The same was true for the previous Feast of Fire. Compared to what you did to Genkami Island, me asking you once or twice is nothing.”

“So this is how you see it…”

Lan Yu Qianqiong’s expression changed unnaturally. He lowered his head and quickly wiped out the parfait in his hand before standing up: “Okay, this batch is finished. I’ll go get some more! Do you want it, Alexia?”

“No…how many do you want to eat? Isn’t this almost twenty?”

“Hehehehe~~~ Girls put sweets in the other belly.”

(Is that so? Miss Aige, saber)

(You don’t have to be so clear about girls’ matters, Mr. Prince. Besides, Liya is not free right now. She is doing something and cannot talk to Mr. Prince.)

Sajo Aige’s answer made Exia stunned.

(What happened to saber?)

(It’s nothing, I’m just a bit over the top, it’s not a big deal. Prince, don’t worry, I’m here – compared to this, can I go out and walk around casually? Prince)

(Okay, just be careful not to be seen by others.)

(I know.)

After getting Alexia’s permission, Sandiao Aige immediately floated along the wall to the ceiling. After looking around for a while, he found Lan Yu Qianqiong’s position, and quickly found a bunker to approach her.

“Hehehehe~~~What should I eat next?”

Standing in front of the self-service counter with a plate in hand, Lan Yu Qiancong hummed a tune while choosing the cake he wanted to eat next.

(Can you please let me have some support? Miss Qian Cong.)


Lan Yu Qianqing was slightly surprised when she heard the voice of Shajo Aige suddenly ringing in her mind, but fortunately, she was almost used to Shajo Aige’s sudden voice.

(Why do you need to rely on it all of a sudden?)

(I haven’t eaten cake for a long time. I want to try it, can’t I?)

(That’s just the case… But let me ask, you don’t plan to use my body to do some weird things to Exia, right?)

(Hmm~~~What are you talking about?)

Shatiao Aige smiled deliberately.

(Besides, even if I did do something to Prince-sama, wouldn’t that be just right for you now? Miss Asakusa who has long started to drift away from others?)

(Ugh…I haven’t–)

(It’s okay to lie to yourself, but don’t try to lie to me. I’m still very sensitive in this regard—especially to my competitors.)


(If you wait too long, neither the sun nor the fireflies will stay in your hands.)

Opening the cabinet door and taking out a piece of cake, Lan Yu Qiancong pursed her lips.

(…Don’t worry about my feelings, I know it myself.)


Shatiao Aige’s somewhat artificial tone made Lan Yu Qiancong’s brows jump a few times.

(My body won’t give it to you anymore.)

(It’s really ruthless. This time I really just want to take a bite or two of the cake. No matter what, I will never do anything to increase my competition. Don’t worry about this. And if you have to say it, Ms. Asakon’s chance of winning is basically zero, no matter how hard she tries, it’s useless.)

Is this person here to argue or beg?

If he hadn’t had a way to expel Shajo Aige, Lan Yu Qingqing would have really wanted to throw this annoying spirit away, always saying things that made her blood pressure rise.

Her mood, which had worsened due to working overtime and staying up late, had improved due to Alexia’s concern, but after a few words of Shajo Ai’s song, her mood worsened again.

(If there wasn’t a contract that prevented me from talking nonsense, I would have exposed you to Exia long ago.)

(Because I just expected a situation similar to the current one——)


Just as Shajo Aige said this, a slight shaking suddenly came from under his feet.

Lan Yu Qian Cong couldn’t help but be stunned.

(Shock? What’s going on?)

(…This is really surprising.)

After a moment of silence, Shajo Aige said helplessly.

(You have a job, Miss Asakon, and I think Prince-sama does too. Please prepare to work overtime first.)


The cake in Lan Yu Qian Cong’s hand fell to the ground.

(Did you make a mistake? Work overtime again?!)

21. The secret underground of Genkami Island

The Cornerstone Gate is the most important place on Genkami Island today, and its underground part is the core of Genkami Island.

In order to protect this place, at least 150 SAR police troops are stationed here at all times.

You must know that the entire special zone security force only has more than 400 people, and assigning 150 of them here is enough to give a glimpse of the importance Genkami Island attaches to the Cornerstone Gate.

In addition, due to the influence of the previous Flame Feast, when the Cornerstone Gate was subsequently repaired, Genkami Island also specially reinforced all underground facility structures and used a large amount of special metal treated with magic.

Even vampires from the old generation would not be able to cause trouble here.

Generally speaking, it can be said to be impregnable.

but now–


With a heavy muffled sound, the alloy wall built by Genkamijima at a huge expense was directly broken by brute force, and in the gap that was broken, the translucent arm that had been exuding iridescent light was like a The drill bit was inserted forcefully, and the gap expanded several times with a little force!


Heavy footsteps entered the empty corridor.

“Command complete.”

The blue-haired girl, shrouded in two rainbow-colored arms and wrapped in a prison uniform, said coldly.

“Ahem… well done, Astarte.”

Walking in from the other side of the gap, Teacher Annihilation, Rudolf Ostach from Lotharingkia, who was supposed to have been imprisoned by the Special Administrative Region Guards, was coughing up blood while using the shield he had just snatched as support. He staggered to the side of the girl he called Astarte.

“This means we have broken through the twenty-fifth floor… Let’s move on, Astaludi, let’s go get the saint’s body back.”

“Command accept.”

Mechanically accepting Teacher Annihilation’s order, Astaludi continued to walk forward, and Rudolf Ostach slowly followed.

And on the other side of the gap behind the two people——

“Crack… crack…”

The defense robot that was smashed by brute force kept flashing with electric sparks.


A large number of seriously injured SAR security team members were scattered in every corner of the corridor like discarded garbage. Everyone was bleeding, and most of their hands and feet were bent into abnormal arcs.

This is the twenty-fifth floor beneath the Cornerstone Gate.

For the entire Xian Kami Island, this place can be said to be the most important place. Because electricity, communications, water purification facilities, etc. related to the daily operation of Genkami Island are all controlled here.

As long as there is any problem in this block, it will be a disaster for the residents of String God Island.

For example, if the power supply is cut off, it will cause fatal problems for hospitalized patients, and it will be extremely inconvenient to store food on the sweltering Genkami Island.

Genkami Island itself is an artificial island and has no natural rivers. Therefore, if the water purification facilities stop operating, people will be short of drinking water. Even if you want to leave the island, it is still 300 kilometers away from the mainland in the ocean. It is impossible for all 560,000 residents to evacuate in a short period of time.

Because of this, this area is a top priority. It has been attacked by terrorists many times before. For this reason, there are a large number of SAR police stationed here.

but now……


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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