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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 256

Just looking at this scene, anyone can probably understand what has happened.

The special zone police force, which is the main force of Genkami Island, is currently stationed at the Keystone Gate—all of them have been wiped out.

By the two people who had just left.


“——You said those two people escaped from prison?”

In the elevator leading underground to the Cornerstone Gate.

Because they felt the vibration coming from the underground, in order to confirm the situation below, Exia and Lan Yu Qiancong were rushing down together.

But what Moguwai said on Lan Yu Qiancong’s mobile phone made Exia couldn’t help but exclaim.

——Rudolph and Astaludi escaped from prison.

【Um. The two people who were captured by my brother last night had escaped from the cell on the twelfth floor ten minutes ago. They have now broken through to the twenty-fifth floor and are still heading deeper.】

“What are the SAR police doing?”

Alexia asked in a deep voice.

This is the Cornerstone Gate, the place where the defense power of Genkami Island is most concentrated, but it was actually broken through by two people from the inside?

Are the SAR police responsible for defending here freeloaders?

[The Special Administrative Region Police Force has been completely wiped out. According to the remaining surveillance records, it was overwhelmingly crushed by the artificial life form girl who can use the Familiar Beast. The gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides is too big]

(That girl?)

Alexia remembered that the ability of the familiar beast she summoned was [absorbing magic power] – the weapons of the SAR police were specially prepared to deal with demons, and most of them were spell weapons, which were not theoretically there. Within the restraint range of the familiar beast.

“It’s a level difference.”

[Brother responded very quickly]

Since it is not restrained by ability, then it is purely a power gap. Facing an out-of-specification collection of magic power like the Familiar Beast, the most direct and effective way is to crush it with more powerful force.

The armed forces of the Special Administrative Region Police Force do not have that kind of power. After all, the weapons of the Special Administrative Region Police Force are not aimed at the familiar beasts, but against the demons. Even when dealing with vampires, the demon attackers hold the familiar beasts while the security team members deal with the vampires themselves.

“But, why do they want to go down?” Lan Yu Qiancong asked doubtfully, “Since they want to escape from prison, shouldn’t they go up? Why do they continue to go underground on Xian Kami Island?”

“Indeed… Asakusa, is there something underground on Genkami Island?”

“The only thing I can talk about is the anchor pier.”

Gengami Island is an artificial island composed of four blocks: southeast, northwest and northwest. The anchor piers are used to fix the main lines connecting those islands, just like the foundation.

In order to prevent Genkami Island from disintegrating, all the impacts and vibrations suffered by the four artificial islands are borne by the anchor piers. But it definitely can’t be said to be anything special, it’s just a huge piece of iron.

(Not quite right…)

Alexia frowned, then pressed the button on the floor closest to the current floor, causing the elevator to stop urgently, and then pushed Lan Yu Qiancong out.

“Eh? Exia?”

“It’s very dangerous down there. Just stay here, Qianqiong. It’s still safe on the eighth floor. I can just go down there and deal with it alone.”

After saying this, without giving Lan Yu Qian Cong any chance to recover and react, Ixia closed the elevator door and continued to descend downwards.

At the elevator entrance on the eighth floor, Lan Yu Qiancong looked at the descending floors above, gritted his teeth and stamped his lower corner: “What is that guy doing to be cool! I have to deal with it by myself again!”

[Well, it’s also to protect you, eldest lady. You don’t have any strength at all, eldest lady. If you go together, you will be cannon fodder. Even if you want to go to the twelfth floor, it’s still a mess. 】


There was no rebuttal.

There is no need for Mogu to explain, Lan Yu Qiancong also understands Exiya’s thoughts.

“…Moguwai, investigate for me.”

【What to investigate? 】

“What exactly is there underground on Genkami Island?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s order made the image of Mogu Wai on the phone screen seem to be stuck. After a long pause, he said:

【…Originally, I was designed so that I couldn’t do anything to that guy】


[Well, since it’s my partner’s request, I can only comply with it, and then I’ll send it to my little brother to let him know, right? 】


[Don’t regret it—that’s not a good thing]

After saying this, Moguwai disappeared from Lan Yu Qiancong’s mobile phone, and then, an opened file appeared on the screen instead.

“This, this is…an anchor?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong immediately fell into astonishment.

22. Holy Relics Remains of Saints

Genkami Island, the lowest level underground of the Cornerstone Gate.

Located in the depths of the ocean more than two hundred meters below sea level.


Ordering Astaludi to smash the last door blocking him, and using a shield to support his weak body, Rudolf Ostach stepped closer to the depths where there was almost no light.

The huge space is not empty.

After all, this is the deepest point that can be reached on String Kami Island. If String Kami Island is compared to a huge top, then this is the tip at the end of the top, supporting the most important thing of the entire String Kami Island. place.

There can’t be nothing here.

In fact, you can clearly see it in Rudolph’s eyes——

“Oh oh oh~~~~”

Using a shield to support his body, Rudolf trudged down the stairs to the front of the thing in his field of vision, and let out a low exclamation in a trembling voice.


I don’t know whether it was intentional or because he finally couldn’t hold on anymore. Rudolph knelt down heavily, his whole body was shaking violently, and there were tears in his eyes!

He was touched, he was excited.

Although the process was different than he expected, he finally got here!


Unable to contain the joy in his heart, Rudolf wiped the tears from his face and couldn’t help laughing loudly: “Hahahahahahaha! This moment is finally here! Finally… finally we can welcome are you back!?”

“——We have been waiting for the [Holy Relic] that has been lost for a long time!”

Holy relic.

This was exactly what Ixia had overheard before, and part of the information he had revealed during the interrogation of Rudolf.

As Lan Yu Qiancong said, there is nothing underground on String God Island, only the anchors used to maintain the stability of String God Island.

A large number of steel cables will be extended from the four major areas of Genkami Island to suppress the vibrations generated by the entire island and keep it safe and sound. All the steel cables extending through the outer wall of the cornerstone gate will be entangled. On the anchor pier here on the lowest level.

There are four cables in total. Each steel cable cable consists of about 65,000 steel cables. The end of each cable is connected to the anchor pier – the [cornerstone] that supports the entire Genkami Island. 】.

However, it was not just a huge piece of iron as Lan Yu Qiancong said, but a piece of obsidian.

An obsidian with a shriveled arm like a mummy sealed inside!

That is the [Holy Relic] that Rudolf was talking about!

The church that was once enshrined in Western Europe is said to contain the remains of the saint who carried the power of God and allowed many miracles of God to appear in the world!

The reason why Rudolf came to Xian Shen Island, to the deepest part of Xian Shen Island, was just for it!

“Alright, Astaludi, let’s do it!”

Struggling to support his body, Rudolf roared loudly: “Take back the holy relics that we believers believe in! Let this island built on sin sink completely! Astaludi!”

Rudolf gave one last instruction to his prop.

If possible, he would like to take back the saint’s remains with his own hands, but regardless of the fact that he has escaped from prison and broken through the defense of the SAR police, his body no longer has much strength. Even if he is still in his prime, he will not be able to take back the saint’s remains with human power. relic.

Even though the obsidian is just placed there, there are a large number of protective barriers surrounding it, and it is impossible to break it through ordinary means.

That’s why Astarte’s familiar is needed.

“Command accept.”

The girl who controlled the beast did not understand her master’s feelings and thoughts. She only knew how to act according to orders. She would do whatever Rudolph asked her to do.

Even if she continues to use the beast, her already short lifespan will continue to be squeezed.

“Execute it, [Rose’s Fingertips (rododaktylos)].”

The rainbow-colored translucent arms extended from behind her. All she had to do was reach out to the obsidian, and the holy relic would be snatched away by Rudolph.

However, almost as soon as Astarte revealed her familiar beast——


Accompanied by a sudden gunshot, a purple electromagnetic gun suddenly tore open the space!


One of the two rainbow-colored arms behind Astaludi immediately dissipated completely under the bombardment of the electromagnetic cannon!

And then——


A white figure that rushed at great speed directly hit Astaludi, and a heavy kick landed on her back. The burst of power kicked her to the wall not far away on the spot. superior! It left a deep and shallow gravure mark!

Rudolph’s expression suddenly changed!

But before he could use the explosion shield to support his body again, the same kick that kicked Astarte away had landed on him!


With a similar muffled sound, Rudolf directly followed in Astaludi’s footsteps and hit the hard wall heavily!

Landing lightly in front of Obsidian, holding the Seven Thunders of Purification that had not dissipated the lightning in his hand, Exia glanced at the two people who were instantly knocked away by her: “Huh~~~~ It seems that they have caught up. Oh, it’s really troublesome that the elevator can’t reach here directly. Thanks to the passage you dug out for me, otherwise it’s hard to say whether I can catch up in such a small place.”

Alexia is very fast, but the space in the underground passage is too narrow for him. If he speeds up seriously, he will hit the wall directly in a minute.

Fortunately, it’s time to catch up.

“Well…cough cough cough…damn…”

Falling from the wall, he struggled to hold his body up. Rudolph coughed up blood and glared at Exia.

“You…the damn Fourth Ancestor…you have come this far and still want to hinder me?!”


Exia aimed the Seven Thunders of Purification at Rudolph.

“After all, what you are about to do is too dangerous for this island. If you are not hindered, everyone on this island will suffer – no matter what, I will not let you continue to act. That’s it for now.”


Rudolph shouted angrily at the top of his lungs!

“Do it! Crush him!”



The heavy punch made of solid ice came down with a crash, and the heavy blow from the sky seriously injured Astaludi and knocked her unconscious on the spot!

“I told you, that’s it.”

Alexia said coldly.

A cold air mixed with magical power emanated from his body.

“No matter what kind of difficulties you have, it all [ends here]——”

“Absolutely impossible!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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