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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 257

Rudolf roared sadly!

“My sad wish…how can it stop here! I am only one step away from—”


The heavy punch of ice fell again.

Like Astarte, Rudolf, who was already weak, had no power to resist this blow, and was seriously injured by Exia on the spot and fell into a coma!

Looking at the two people who had completely lost the ability to move, Exia’s slightly frowning eyebrows dispersed.

(Great, it’s done this way…)

Turning his head, Exia looked at the obsidian behind him and the remains of the saint inside.

(But… Tsk, I didn’t expect the truth to be like this.)

(——It’s really unbearable.)

23. The last incident before the start of school comes to an end

On the way to the deepest part of the Cornerstone Gate, Exia received the truth about the [Cornerstone] from Lan Yu Qianqiong.

That is a truth that goes back almost forty years.

As we all know, Genkami Island is an artificial island built on the Dragon Vein, a huge spiritual path that surrounds the planet.

The power contained in the dragon vein can provide vitality and vitality to Xiankami Island and promote the prosperity and development of the city. As for the Demon Special Zone, the power of dragon veins can support various magic experiments that cannot be carried out under normal circumstances, greatly enhancing the capabilities of the Demon Special Zone.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Xian Kami Island was destined to be built on Dragon Veins.

This is also the reason why Genkami Island is now located in this sea far away from the main island of Japan.

However, there is an insurmountable difficulty in building a city directly on the dragon veins, and that is that the power of the dragon veins exposed due to flowing through the ocean far exceeds people’s expectations, so that the construction process is very difficult, and it can be said that it is impossible to move forward.

In order to solve this problem, the designer of Gengami Island at that time, a man named [Gengami Chira] came up with the concept of using the [Four Gods].

all directions.

The artificial island divided into four pieces represents the four gods in Feng Shui, and the purpose of controlling the power of the dragon vein is achieved through the relationship between the four.

This method is completely feasible in theory, but it will create a new problem.

That’s the strength of the cornerstone.

According to the design of Gengami Chira, the four gods located in the center of the four islands, which symbolizes the “Yellow Dragon”, need a cornerstone as the core to coordinate the four artificial island plates.

Unfortunately, relying on the technology at the time, there was no way to create a cornerstone with the required strength.

Therefore, Sengami Chira made an act that the world considered full of blasphemy – human sacrifice.

Problems that cannot be solved by science can be solved by magic and magic.

However, the dragon vein is the energy flow of nature, and that excessive force will put a huge burden on the connection parts of the artificial island. Even if human sacrifice is used to create a human pillar, it is not enough if it is only of half-assed quality.

Therefore, in order to find a strong enough foundation, Sengami Chira reached out to the Western European Church.

It is said that it is the body used by the gods when they appear in the world. Even if the body is dead, it will never decay and can still cause various miracles – the [holy relic] – the remains of the saint.

As a sacrifice, it’s perfect.

The church that was robbed of the saint’s remains was the church to which Rudolf Ostach belonged.


“He came to take back the holy relic.”

Tens of minutes later.

The eleventh floor of Cornerstone Gate, outside the temporary cell.

Although Exia had already knocked down both Rudolf and Astaludi, who were seriously injured and on the verge of death, the SAR police who came to support were not reassured enough and further restrained the two of them and placed them in different places. inside the room.

Now Alexia is outside Rudolf’s cell – together with Nangong Nayue.

In fact, when Rudolf escaped from prison, the SAR Guard had already informed Nangong Nayue, but before she could arrive, Rudolf and Astaludi broke through their defense. By the time she arrived, Alexia had already solved the problem.

The words just now were spoken by Nangong Nayue.

“When I interrogated him before, he didn’t hide anything. He told his purpose very generously – [This is a holy war for our faith] – with such grand words.”

“Holy war…?”

Looking at Rudolph who was unconscious in the cell and barely breathing, Ixia put her hands in her trouser pockets and frowned slightly: “Maybe he is right.”

“This is indeed the case in theory.” Nangong Nayue also admitted, “But now, Xian Shen Island cannot return the cornerstone to him. After all, once the cornerstone leaves that place, Xian Shen Island will sink in a short time. , all 560,000 people on the island will be buried under the sea. Even if current technology can make a strong enough substitute.”

“If he appealed through the normal process, there would be some room for reversal, but… these fanatical believers are such a headache.”

Nangong Nayue sighed helplessly while talking.

Like Lan Yu Qiancong, she has been extremely busy these past two days.

Last night, there was an emergency dispatch at night because of Rudolph’s commotion. Fortunately, Alexia helped to deal with it. Then this morning there was an interview between Alexia and the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency. I thought it would be fine, but it happened again and now it happened again, and it was solved by Alexia who happened to be present.

Not to mention basically, it is all related to Exia!

If he hadn’t known that all of this was really a coincidence, and knew that Alexia had good intentions and that the cause was not his, Nangong Nayue would really have doubted whether he sincerely didn’t want to let her rest.

“Anyway, after being beaten like this by you, I don’t think he can make a fuss anymore. After that, we can discuss compensation with the church in Western Europe and exchange him back, and this matter will be over.”

“You can cause trouble for me, but just be honest, okay?”

Nangong stared at Rudolph angrily that month.

Feeling the dissatisfaction of the loli beauty next to her, Alexia smiled helplessly: “Then there is nothing to do with me here, right? Teacher Nayue, can I leave?”

“Well, it’s none of your business. Thank you this time, and I will give you a bonus later.”

“……how much?”

Heard there was a bonus. Alexia couldn’t help but pause in her steps – it was related to his own living expenses, and he couldn’t help but care about it.

Nangong Nayue smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly. I think it’s at least an amount that can save you from having to take on any work for a month.”

“You are really generous, Teacher Nayue.”

“It’s not me who is generous, it’s Xian Kamijima. Aren’t you afraid that I’ll make you unhappy if I don’t give you enough?”

Alexia immediately shook her head: “How could that be? I’m not the kind of person who gets angry because of poor treatment. At most, I just complain to you.”

“But your complaints can make the management of Xian Shen Island sleepless for several nights. Give me more awareness that I am a natural disaster, stupid ancestor.” Nangong glared at Ixia in that month, “Okay , hurry up, Lan Yu is waiting impatiently over there.”

As Nangong said in that month, not far from the corridor, Lan Yu Qiancong was standing there, holding a schoolbag and looking at Alexia anxiously.

After waving to her to indicate that he would come over immediately, Exia said to Nangong Nayue: “Then I will teach you next, Teacher Nayue. If you need anything, just call me at any time.”

“Of course, I will order you around without any courtesy – by the way, school starts the day after tomorrow, so remember not to be late then. You should also keep an eye on that idiot Xiao Gucheng’s homework.”

“I know.”

After saying goodbye to Nangong Nayue, Ixia walked towards Lan Yu Qiancong.

“Is it over?” Lan Yu Qiancong asked immediately, “Are you okay?”

“Well, it’s not something particularly difficult to deal with, it’s just that I’m in a hurry. Do you want to work overtime?”

“They said it won’t be needed for the time being.”

“Then I’ll take you back now?”


Looking at the two people who were talking and leaving from a distance, Nangong’s moon-blue eyes showed some thoughts, and then he seemed to have given up and put away his inner thoughts.

“It’s quite courageous to be flirting with each other like this in front of the teacher.”

24. The commotion at the opening of Saikai Academy

September 1st.

The day when the new semester of Caihai College starts.

Because Caihai Academy does not have an opening ceremony, there will be nothing special on the opening day. Students only need to go to the classroom and prepare for class as normal.


On the ramp in front of the school.

Xiao Gucheng, who was carrying a schoolbag, yawned hard.

Alexia, who was walking side by side with him, asked, “What’s wrong? Didn’t you sleep well last night?”

“I’ve always been a night owl, you don’t know it. Besides, I finally finished all the homework and make-up exams and relaxed, so I was a little late last night.” Xiao Gucheng rubbed his eyes and said, ” Besides…it gives me a headache just thinking about what will happen next.”

“Ah…why don’t you go to school first?”

Realizing what Akatsuki was alluding to, Alexia couldn’t help but feel helpless.

“No, even if I go first, I will be targeted. After all, everyone knows that I came to school with you. If I go before you, I will be caught. But if I go with you, I can still get away with it. .”

“Use me as a shield.”

“That’s what it is.”

Following the two of them, when they heard the two talking like this, Himiragi Yukina, who came with them because they were neighbors, couldn’t help but curiously asked Akatsuki Nagisa: “Nagisa, what did Senior and Akatsuki say?” yes?”

“Eh? Don’t you know, Xuena? You have come to school with Brother Xia before, right?”

“Yes. But what does it matter?”

“Then you must have seen it, right? The huge amount of love letters that filled Brother Xia’s shoe cabinet!”

In order to show the large number, Akatsuki specially lengthened his tone and drew a large circle with his hands.

And when she said this, Ji Hiiragi Xuena also remembered.

“Do you mean those love letters sent to Sasaki-sensei by all the seniors?”

“Sure enough, Yukina knows it!” Xiao Nagisa smiled, “Sia-san is super popular in both the middle and high schools. Eleven out of ten girls will like him. Even those Girls who have boyfriends will secretly have a crush on Brother Xia!”

Is this, so exaggerated?

Ji Hiiragi Xuena was a little frightened. Although she had thought that Alexia’s popularity would be very high after seeing so many love letters before, she never expected that it would be so popular.

“So, Brother Xia basically receives love letters every day. Last semester, people confessed their love almost every day – so here’s the problem, Xuecai!”

Akatsuki Nagisa was like a teacher giving questions to his students.

“Because of the summer vacation, Brother Xia was not in school for two full months, and those girls who liked Brother Xia also couldn’t see Brother Xia for two full months. So now that school starts, they can finally see Brother Xia What will they do?”

“Uh… went on a rampage, huh?”


There was no need for Akatsuki Nagisa to explain this answer, because just as they were saying this, the four of them had already arrived at Saikai Academy.

And almost the moment Exia stepped into the school gate——

“It’s Senior Kaslana!”

“Senior is finally here!”

“Finally we have waited for the moment when the seniors step into the school gate!”

“I’m the first person to make eye contact with the senior!”

“No, I’m the one! I’m the one!”

“Junior, I love you!!!”

As if a bomb had been detonated, Ji Hiiragi Yukina’s ears were directly bombarded by the voices of countless girls!

A scene reminiscent of a meeting with a popular celebrity appeared in front of her.

At first glance, there must be nearly a hundred people, not just middle school students, but even sophomores and seniors in high school. They all seemed to be fanatical fans and crowded towards the direction of Alexia. Slutty.

(This, this scene…)

Even the sword wizard who was not afraid of the demons was suddenly faced with a battle of this scale. Ji Hiiragi Yukina was stunned for a moment.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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