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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 258

“It’s really here.”

“Xia Ge is very popular.”

On the side, Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa looked unfamiliar. The former even patted Alexia on the shoulder: “Then you can handle it yourself. I’ll go to the classroom first.”

“Me too, see you after school, Brother Xia! Let’s go, Xuecai.”

Even though Exia is a benefactor who has great kindness to the two of them, facing the current situation, Xiaogucheng is helpless – he doesn’t want to be entangled by Exia’s face-control fans, and he will be tortured. Loss of longevity.

As for Akatsuki Nagisa, it just doesn’t matter. After all, no matter how much the girls in school pester Alexia, Alexia after school is her only brother, and there is no need to fight in school.

Looking at the Akatsuki brothers and sisters who decisively [abandoned] her and even took Ji Hiiragi Yukina away and walked towards their respective teaching buildings, Exia couldn’t help but raise her forehead.

(These two people…forget it, I’ll settle the score with them later. Now let’s think about how to save our lives.)

Yes, save your life.

Even though Exia is a powerful individual who can defeat the True Ancestor head-on, and may be the best in the world in terms of individual combat power, a casual sentence can make the senior officials of Genkami Island sleepless and nervous to the point of stomachache.

But facing the current situation, he can still only [save his life]!

After all, his power is simply something from another dimension to students. Even if the power is suppressed to the limit, it can cause heavy casualties, so Exia must not use power in this situation.

And even if I have to run away…

“Senior Kaslana!”

“Senior, please look over here!”

“Can I give you a hug, senior?”

“Excuse me, senior, are you free after school today? I know a very good coffee shop and I want to go there with senior.”

“No running away!!!”

Looking at the girls who were gradually surrounding her, with their eyes full of admiration and expectation, Aixia left a few drops of cold sweat on her forehead… The dense surrounding network At this level, the only way out for him was to jump or fly.

Of course, Ixia was not prepared to talk to these girls at all, because it would be in vain.

(These shameless ants!)

In Alexia’s mind, Shajo Aige was about to explode with rage.

Even though this was not the first time she had experienced this situation, no matter how many times she experienced it, Shajo Aige could not calm down at all.

(The prince is mine! You immature little girls, stay away from the prince! Liya! Get ready to attack!)

(Ai Ge, don’t mess around.)

Arturia said a little tiredly.

(Master, please get out of here quickly, I can’t hold back my love song anymore.)

(Thank you for your hard work, Saber.)

25. Shatiao loves singing and is strict with himself.

A few minutes later.


Exia, who was confident that she could sink the entire Genkami Island within this period of time, now looked like an ordinary person who ran ten kilometers in one breath, and hit her head on her desk with a tired face.

Simply the worst morning ever.

“Hey, it’s finally here.”

“It can be seen that it took a lot of effort to escape today.”

In front of him, Akatsuki Kojo and Yase Motoki turned around and said with a smile as they gloated.

“It is also a sin for a man to be too popular.”

“Maybe Alexia actually feels like this every time.”

Snapped! boom!

“It hurts!”×2

Angrily, he punched the two of them respectively and made them squat down on the spot, covering their heads. Exia said feebly: “How can it be comfortable? This is simply torture to me… “

“I’m telling you…if these words get out, you will be regarded as a public enemy by the boys. I don’t know how many people envy your popularity.” Yaze Motoki covered his head and said, “But, you can relax a little more in class. With Yue-chan controlling you, the girls will only dare to look at you – it’s so cold!”

Before he finished speaking, Yase Motoki shuddered.

The cold gaze that was instantly focused on him made him cover his mouth quickly. If he continued to speak, he was afraid he would be taught a lesson.

“Well…well! In short, Alexia, just feel your popularity by yourself, don’t think that we will help you.”

“It would be the greatest help if you don’t cause any trouble for me.”

Alexia sighed.

Looking at his neighbor’s appearance, Xiao Gucheng rolled his eyes: “Speaking of which, there is actually a very simple way to solve this kind of thing, right?”

“Ah? What method?”

“Exia, wouldn’t it be nice if you found a girlfriend?”

Xiao Gucheng threw a bomb casually.

Almost instantly, Alexia felt that the whole class’s eyes were focused on her. Almost all the girls’ eyes seemed to be shining, and there was an unusual blush on their faces.

Yaze Motoki raised his eyebrows: “Hmph~~~ It seems to make sense.”


“I would like to ask where it is?” Alexia frowned and asked, “Could it be that one? Looking for a girlfriend to use as a shield or something?”

“Don’t you know better?” Yaze Motoki said with a smile, “If you get a girlfriend, your fanatic fans will give in, right? I don’t think you are a married man and you are here to take advantage of me. Bar?”

(No… maybe it’s really possible.)

Listening to Yase Motoki’s words, Alexia felt more and more that something was wrong with the eyes of the girls in the class. If it was the kind of eyes that were a little reserved and shy before, but now they were sharp and sharp. A look that treats him like prey.

“…….forget it.”

After a moment of silence, Aixia shook her head and said, “I have no plans to find a girlfriend yet. It’s too early for me.”

“Hey, hey, hey, we are already high school students. If we don’t look for him now, are you going to look for him again when he gets to college? – Or do you have someone you like, Alexia? Don’t want to be misunderstood?”

“Why are you thinking in this direction?”

“I speak from experience.” Yaze Motoki laughed, “So, yes or no?”


The sight intensified.

Ixia estimated that she had to say “Yes”, then don’t talk about this class, then the whole school will explode – literally explode.

“What are you talking about?”

At this moment, Lan Yu Qiancong’s voice came from the back door of the classroom not far away.

Carrying a school bag and walking around the three men, Lan Yu Qiancong asked: “I seem to have heard something about liking something. Do any of you have a sweetheart?”

“Oh, it came just in time. Light green onions.”

Motoki Yaze pointed at Axia.

“We were chatting about Alexia’s relationship gossip – this guy didn’t seem to have any plans to find a girlfriend in high school, so we thought he might already have someone he likes.”


Hearing what he said, Lan Yu Qianqing’s eyes suddenly trembled violently when she looked at Aikexia, and then she pretended to be calm and smiled: “Um, uh huh~~~ Is that so? Have you asked me?”

“Exia is about to answer. Are you interested in Asakusa?”

“You can’t say no.”

After putting his schoolbag back on his desk, Lan Yu Qianqian walked back and leaned next to Alexia’s desk: “But what’s going on? He suddenly asked about his girlfriend. Has anyone confessed to him?”

“It’s the same as usual, he was chased and intercepted again this morning.” Xiao Gucheng explained, “In fact, it was me who suggested it, even if it was fake, to find a girlfriend for Exia to cover up.”

“Is this something you can say in class? The voice was so loud, the whole class heard it.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong said somewhat unbearably.

It was only at this time that Xiao Gucheng noticed the changes in the girls in the class, and he covered his mouth after realizing it.


Seeing his idiotic look, the three people in Exia looked helpless.

(However, find a fake girlfriend to cover up… It’s a shame that Gu Cheng came up with such an idea.)

(You’re right, it can still come in handy occasionally.)

The voice of Sha Tiao’s love song sounded in Lan Yu Qian Cong’s mind – she was not surprised.

(Are you really interested?)

(It’s better to say that there is no one else who can handle such an important position and task except me, right?)

If Lan Yu Qianqing could see Shajo Aige’s appearance now, he would definitely find that she is now confident and proud with her chest puffed out.

Alexia’s girlfriend!

This is a title that Bianca Hollandelle Ataljina has not yet won! Even if it’s fake, he has indeed become Alexia’s lover!

It’s like taking a leap to a place that’s only one step away from the end!

(I must get this opportunity!)

(But you don’t have a body, right? Or are you planning not to hide it anymore?)

(What are you talking about? Miss Asakusa, isn’t it time to show your worth?)

Shajo Aige said with a smile.

After hearing her words, Lan Yu Qiancong, who was not an idiot, immediately thought of her plan.

(Hey, hey, hey, you don’t want me…)

(Hmm~~~ I’m looking forward to your performance, Miss Asakusa, so please give your body to me now.)


How could it be possible?

Looking at the profile of Alexia next to him, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn’t calm down just imagining the situation that Shajo Aige said, becoming a fake lover with Alexia…

“I don’t have anyone I like, and I don’t plan to find a fake girlfriend.”

However, as if she didn’t intend to continue on this topic, Ixia directly threw out the least interesting answer.

“A student’s duty is to study, and he should not waste precious time on falling in love. Let’s stop this topic.”

Motoki Yaze: “…”

Xiao Gucheng: “…”

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “……”

Others in the class: “…”

This person who sleeps every day and ranks first in the grade actually has the nerve to say such a thing? !

26. Start cutting into the pseudo-love scene

Alexia had no idea that she would be exhausted physically and mentally on the first day of the new semester.

I also never expected that I would be in a different kind of crisis because of my emotional affairs after I came to Xian Kami Island for more than five months.

For a whole morning, Alexia could immediately feel the warm gazes of the girls every time she arrived in class, and as time went by, she could feel it not only in the class, but also when passing by other classes.

If he hadn’t gone outside during lunch break where most people wouldn’t want to go out, he would have been stuck in the cafeteria.

“Here, drink.”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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