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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 259

Someone’s voice suddenly came to my ears.

Reaching out to catch the two cans of drinks flying toward her, Axia looked at the person who spoke: “… light green onion?”

“Please chill both cans, please. The other one is yours, I’ll treat you to it.” Lan Yu Qianqian said as he came to the side of Alexia and sat on the same bench with him, “Also, turn on the air conditioner. Bigger, it’s so hot today, I don’t want to go back sweating all over.”

“Then what are you doing out in the bright sun?”

“I saw you sitting outside alone, so I came out to ask about your situation.”

Probably in order to better enjoy the cool air, Lan Yu Qian Cong got closer to Aixia, and Aixia also appropriately increased her air-conditioning output.

The cool feeling that hit his face made Lan Yu Qiancong feel comfortable and couldn’t help but scream softly: “Uh-huh~~~~ This is the kind of wind that blows on hot days. If you become a mobile central air conditioner, Alexia, you will definitely make money. died.”

“Are you asking me to stand on the street and sell it?”

“No, no, no, you are posting your relevant information online, and then letting others book your time.” Lan Yu Qian Cong smiled and made a money gesture, “If you want, I can make one for you. Promote it, I guarantee you can earn a year’s living expenses in one week.”

“Then do you believe that I will be booked all the time by the girls in school in an instant? – Come on, let it be chilled.”

As Alexia said this, she put the cold drink in her hand against Lan Yu Qian Cong’s face.

“Good ice!”

Covering his face and shrinking his neck, Lan Yu Qianqiong took the drink, opened it and took a sip: “Huh~~~~Exia, it’s really great that you can make ice anytime and anywhere. There is no air conditioning on this island. I can’t survive, and your electricity bill shouldn’t be much, right?”

“Well, after all, I don’t need to turn on the air conditioner, and I don’t watch TV or play on the computer much.”

“It really saves money.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong took another sip.

“Then are you really not ready to find a girlfriend?”


Because Lan Yu Qian Cong’s question was too natural, Exia didn’t react for a while, but just hummed, but after reacting——

“Why, do you care about this kind of thing?”

“Because it’s relatively rare.” Lan Yu Qiancong replied, “Generally speaking, everyone wants to have a girlfriend or boyfriend in high school, right? According to social surveys, there are quite a few who even start in junior high school.”

(is that so?)

Alexia doesn’t know much about this aspect.

After all, he actually has a considerable lack of love in terms of emotions. The objects he has feelings for are limited to Bianca, and maybe Rita, but the opposite sex who has expressed love for him… I can’t say. It sounds better, but mostly there is something wrong in some places.

So when it comes to whether or not he has a girlfriend, Alexia has always held the thought of “It doesn’t matter if I don’t, I have Bianca anyway”.

“…Asian green onion, are you planning to find a boyfriend?”

After a moment of silence, Exia asked.


Lan Yu Qianqiong, who was drinking a drink, immediately coughed hard twice, and then quickly waved his hands: “I, I don’t have it… but I can’t say that I don’t have it completely, I have thought about it. “

“Hmm~~~~Then I think you should be able to find a great boyfriend easily, right?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because Qianqiong, you are very beautiful, very capable, and have a cheerful and lovable personality.” Alexia said with a direct smile, “At least I think you are a very suitable person to be with. Who will be attracted by you in the future?” If you fall in love, you will be happy.”


Lan Yu Qian Cong’s eyes trembled violently, and then he quickly turned his head away, pretending to drink a drink while inhaling hard.

(This guy… what did he say so suddenly! But he still used that look and tone that didn’t mean anything at all. He really didn’t have any consciousness at all!)

“I…I will take your words as a compliment.”

After a while, Lan Yu Qiancong calmed down.

“But now we are talking about you. If you don’t find a girlfriend as a shield, are you prepared to be tormented by those girls from time to time? Graduation is still two and a half years away.”

Lan Yu Qianzui had already heard about the whole process from Yase Motoki about what happened in the morning.

Even as a girl, she felt that was a bit outrageous. If it were her, she would definitely run away.

And when she heard her say that – in fact, I will leave in more than half a year – Alexia did not say these words, but said with a wry smile: “At most, I am just a little tired, but I can’t compare it with this. Are girls who have nothing to do with the matter involved? What’s more… apart from me not wanting to find anyone, there is also no one I can find.”

Alexia’s popularity is not bad, even quite good.

As long as he asks for help, no matter which girl it is, he will definitely accept it.

The problem is what comes after acceptance.

Judging from the current situation, even if it is a fake relationship, the selected girl will definitely use this relationship to take advantage of Alexia and plot against him.

Alexia didn’t want to cause any trouble.

“…Besides, today is just an outbreak after the summer vacation. There should be no problem in the future.”

“No way, idiot.” Lan Yu Qianqing said as he threw the empty can in the trash can, “Did you forget that the football competition will be two weeks after the start of school, the all-around sports student Ixia? “

Football meeting.

It can be regarded as a different kind of sports meeting. For Caihai Academy, which has no special events, this is an annual event. Basketball, football, badminton, tennis… as long as it is a sport with the word “ball”, it will become the event of this conference.

“A guy with all-around sports like you will definitely be selected as a strong man when the time comes, and as long as they see your vigorous movements on the sports field, how do you think those girls will react?”


Alexia fell into thought.

In other words, he might have to experience what happened this morning again? And considering that the football skills competition may make the students’ emotions rise… Theoretically speaking, maybe it will be even more enthusiastic than today?

“…It seems that something is really not good?”


Lan Yu Qiancong leaned on the chair to enjoy the coolness: “If you don’t want to suffer, then find a shield as soon as possible. I think you should be surprised to have many options.”

“…I’ll think about it.”

27. Senior, do you think I can do it?

“——Need a temporary lover, right?”

The time is after school.

The location is a supermarket near Xia Xia Apartment.

Himiragi Yukina, who was pushing a shopping cart, couldn’t help showing a cute puzzled expression on her face when she heard what Exia mentioned.

Now the two of them are shopping for ingredients for dinner.

Although the Akatsuki, Axia, and Himiragi Yukina are neighbors, they don’t get together for dinner every day. At least today, Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa ate alone.

On the contrary, Alexia and Ji Hiiragi Yukina have dinner together every day recently.

After all, Alexia is a person on the surface, and Ji Hiiragi Xuena is also a person, and Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s cooking skills are much better than Alexia, who was born in Kaslana. After one experience, Ai Xia Kesia also entrusted her with her dinner.

Of course, if the Akatsuki family wants to eat together, Alexia and Ji Hiiragi Yukina will also go there together.

“It’s not necessarily necessary, but it would be better to have one.”

Aixia said while selecting ingredients: “Because I have never encountered such a serious situation in the entire semester before, and every time I can deal with it with a little effort or effort, so I have never thought about it. A solution.”

“But since there is that possibility now… I think it’s not impossible to find someone to be a temporary lover for a period of time, even if it’s limited to the period of the golf tournament.”

It was what happened in the morning that shocked Exia so much.

Dozens of girls surrounded him with wolf-like eyes… He, a seventeen-year-old boy, couldn’t stand it. In addition, after that, Ixia was exposed to the terrible sight of girls all day today.

To put it bluntly, Ixia felt that she needed to protect herself when going out in the future.

“It’s not easy for seniors either.”

Ji Hiiragi Xuena laughed in understanding.

“Does the senior have someone to choose?”

“Ashamed to say, there are none.”


The sound of a bag of potatoes being thrown into the shopping cart was exactly what Ji Hiiragi Yukina was feeling at the moment.

“One, not one?”

“Yes.” Alexia nodded, “If there are suitable candidates, it’s not that there are none, but combined with various practical conditions, all of them will be brushed off.”

To become Alexia’s temporary girlfriend, he listed several criteria.

The first is that it is best to have some understanding of your own identity.

If one ignores the identity of the Fourth True Ancestor, he is at least someone who needs to understand the work of Exia’s amateur demon attack officer.

Secondly, you can understand his situation, and you won’t have any objection even if he breaks up later.

In the final analysis, the purpose of a temporary lover is to protect Alexia from the knife and make so many girls lose interest and pursuit of him. And Alexia himself doesn’t really need a lover, so it’s best to get rid of him when the time comes. The kind that leaves no nostalgia and makes a clean break.

“——That’s basically what the standard is.”

“This… is really a bit harsh, and as a female, I think the seniors’ standards are a little unfair.”

Please ask for it if you need it, throw it away if you don’t need it – to put it bluntly, this is what Ixia wants.

Alexia didn’t deny it either.

“Well, I feel the same way myself. So I don’t have to ask the other party to meet the standards, just barely.”

“…Then who are the candidates that senior has thought of?”

Picking up a box of beef from the freezer, Axia said: “Nazuki-sensei, Nagisa, Asagi…basically they are all people I am familiar with, but in reality they are not the same.”

Nangong Nayue is the teacher and Aixia is the student.

Fundamentally speaking, it is not suitable for two people to become temporary lovers, and they will fall in love in a minute. And Nangong Nayue is unlikely to agree to such an outrageous request.

Akatsuki Nagisa’s words…after all, she is also the sister of his neighbor and friend. Using her as a shield, Akatsuki Castle can’t stand him.

As for Blue Feather Onion—this Exia passed right from the beginning.

He usually gets along too well with her, so familiar that everyone in the class takes it for granted, so it probably won’t have any practical effect.

“Well~~~ There is nothing I can do if it doesn’t work. The worst thing is that I will continue to be pestered. It’s not a big deal.

,”(No, no, no, this is a big deal, Prince.)

(Eh? Miss Aige?)

(If those ants… are rude, those girls who have unwanted thoughts about you take the opportunity to do something enviable… no, outrageous things to you when they are pestering you, then Wouldn’t that make them cheaper?)

Alexia felt that it would be better for Shajo Aige to suppress her true inner thoughts first, as she had already let it slip twice.

(Or does the prince think that before he got together with Miss Bianca, it didn’t matter that he was taken advantage of by other girls and that there was no first time left for Miss Bianca?)

Alexia: “!”

There is no doubt that Shajo Aige hit the point.

(Miss Love Song…)


(In this case, if Saber’s time doesn’t count, then at least please return my first kiss to me first.)

(Prince, what are you talking about? What about the first kiss? I have no idea~~~)

Sajo Aige naturally pretended to be an unrelated person. When Alexia said this, she could imagine her pretending to be innocent and ignorant.

Just kidding, that was the kiss that Sajo Aige managed to snatch away. It was the only proof that she had defeated Bianca so far. Even if it was Alexia’s request, Sajo Aige would never let it go. !

Even Exia herself said now that it was her first kiss, excluding Artoria’s one!

Wouldn’t this be more strategic? !

Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who had no idea what was going on in the minds of Sajo Aige and Alexia, listened to Alexia’s somewhat helpless and indifferent words, pondered and hesitated for a while, and then said: “Well… …Senior, if you don’t mind it, I think I can help you.”



Exia and Sajo Aige were surprised to be stunned for a moment at the same time.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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