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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 26


To fight back.

Since he will be defeated, there is no need to use the Sword Guard and the Sword Transformation. Focus on avoiding with body skills and looking for opportunities to counterattack and inflict damage to him.

But…can it be done?

Just based on his shaky body? Just because his body was scarred after one or two attacks?

His right arm could no longer be swung, and he was losing blood from the back of his head. He might lose consciousness soon. The severe pain in his back had not yet dissipated, and many pieces of wood had penetrated into his flesh. His stomach still had the urge to vomit at any time. … There’s no question that the body was hit hard.

Can you really do what you want?

(No…it’s not a question of whether it can…)


Pulling the giant sword out of the ground, Exia swallowed all the blood in her mouth.

This is not a question of whether you can do it, but whether you want to do it.

Now the only one who can buy time for Lefia is himself, and now the only one who can protect her is himself, so that’s all he can do.

[Dad, why does Kaslana have to fight Honkai Impact? Why does Kaslana want to protect people who have nothing to do with her? 】

Something suddenly came to mind.

The answer given by his father, who did not know his name, forgot his appearance, and was just a shadow to himself, was——

[No reason is needed, just an impulse. When seeing people who have been harmed by Honkai, the body will have the urge to protect them – the reason why Kaslana fights is so simple, stupid son! 】

Yes, it’s that simple.

Only you can protect Lefia.

This reason is enough.

It doesn’t matter who she is, even if she is not Lefia, but just a stranger being hunted, Exia will make the same decision.

This is Kaslana’s decision, Kaslana’s approach.

Moreover, I made an appointment with her – I will definitely protect her!

“I won’t let you pass…”

For the first time, for the first time, there was an extremely strong will in Otta’s eyes and in the blue eyes of Alexia who stood up!

There seemed to be fire burning in his eyes.

“I’m here…to protect her…and I won’t let you…go past…one step!”

The shaky boy spoke firm words.

All thoughts receded at this moment, leaving only a little.


And the process that leads from this is – [defeat the pig man in front of you].

“Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

As a result, the young man’s war cry resounded through the forest, and the vented emotions drove his body to swing the heavy sword. Just like the slash that Ota had just swung, the same violent and swift storm swept across the surroundings in an instant, and exploded. Made!


The collision between giant swords and giant swords burst out a storm!

(very good.)

Otta thought so.

This should be what my goddess wants to see. After all, even he can feel the will emanating from Ixia, so there is no reason why his own goddess, who can look directly into the soul, cannot see his will.

That’s it, Alexia Kaslana, this is the kind of you the goddess hopes for, the one who will do your best to protect the meaning of your heart and bloom the light of your soul with all your strength.


The sound of swords sounded again, and the real duel between the two began!

45. A disastrous defeat with all your efforts

Exia is not good at using giant swords.

This kind of weapon is too bulky for him and is not suitable for Taixu Sword Qi. Although his master said that after cultivating Taixu Sword Soul, the type of weapon will not affect the use of Taixu Sword Qi. Unfortunately, Ike West Asia has not learned it.

But now——

“Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!”

Just like Ota, the giant sword that looked so heavy was actually as light as a feather in Exia’s hand at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, he swung out dozens of rapid slashes!

The whirlpool-like slashing attack instantly enveloped Ota!

Rather than passively withstanding Ota’s attack, Exia takes the initiative!

This is completely different from the original plan adopted by Exia.

Exia, who still has rationality, believes that he should focus on dodging and counterattacking, but now, after eliminating all distracting thoughts and leaving only the thought of “defeating Ota”, the only action he can take is to “attack”!

Otta’s attack is not something that Exia can handle at this moment. Whether it is a sword or a sword, it will be defeated. If you dodge, your body will not have that much spare power, so——

(Just so he can’t swing it!!!)

Crazy idea.

This is tantamount to suppressing the city’s strongest adventurer head-on! Use your crazy attack rhythm to contain Ota to achieve the goal that he can’t fight back!

(My word, you can do it!)

“Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang——!”

The giant sword danced wildly one after another like a whirlwind, and the continuous storm of slashes completely tore apart Ota’s vision! The extremely sharp offensive gave Ota a bone-chilling feeling!

There are only traces of the giant sword slashing through his eyes!


The surrounding trees were slashed and exploded with giant swords!


The ground cracked open under the slashing attack, and dents were made!


The strong wind whipped up by the sword’s blade tore open the river and cut off the waterfall!

If Exia, who had fought with Ota before and was easily defeated and crushed by him, was a normal warrior, then at this moment, he was like a madman who would do anything to achieve his goal, with only obsession in his eyes. !

(Same as Finn.)


Waving his sword to block Exia’s frenzied attacks, Otta remembered the little human who was the leader of the Loki Familia.

[Ferocious Demonic Spear].

One of the two magics held by Finn, at the cost of losing his usually proud calmness and commanding ability, in exchange for a significant increase in ability values, he became a violent berserker.

Back then, when Otta had not yet reached level 7 and Finn had not yet reached level 6, and neither of them had risen, Otta had fought against Finn, Riveria and Gareth several times. That was Zeus. This happened when the Familia and Hera Familia were still there.

The image of the violent little humans killing among the monsters has always been in Ota’s mind, because he has always regarded the three members of the Loki Familia as his powerful enemies and his old enemies.

And now,

(Same for you? Alexia Kaslana.)

The white-haired boy who went crazy for protection, the blond villain who went crazy for his long-cherished wish.

The two figures overlapped in Ota’s eyes.



one strike!

Just one blow! The slashing whirlpool formed by Exia with all her strength was smashed head-on by Ota with the purest blow!

The mad spirit fell into a moment of calm.

This is the strongest in the city, not with strategy and skills, but with pure [violence]! The most intuitive power gap between the two has become Exia’s biggest weakness and flaw!

Then, facing Exia, whose chest was defenseless, Ota slashed it with a backhand sword!


The giant sword was bounced away!

Forcibly pulling the shaken arm back, before Otta’s slash was about to hit him, Exia flicked the blade away in the most chaotic way!

Ota’s eyes widened a little – was he being counterattacked?

“Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

The battle cry envelops the giant sword and rolls up the whirlpool again!

The blade storm shook the space and atmosphere! The sword blades of Ota and Exia collided again for countless times! The burst of impact and storm almost wiped out everything around the two of them!

No monster dares to come close, even an irrational monster can understand that approaching these two people now will lead to death. Just one step into the space around them will be shattered to the point where no magic stone is left.

(Faster! Harder! I can do more——)

The thoughts become more intense and the spirit becomes more exciting.

The giant sword became an extension of Exia’s will, and based on his will, it cut a faster and freer trajectory in the air! Venting the impulse in Alexia’s heart, roaring out the rage in Alexia’s heart!





No flaws!

“Clang, clang, clang, clang!”

No matter how Exiya swings the giant sword, Otta’s defense is watertight!

Just like Riveria’s magic, Finn’s command and command, Ota also has his own extremely outstanding point, and that is his defense.

The motionless lower body, the ability to respond to any situation, the eye for seeing through all techniques, the durability value that is No. 1 in Orario due to the racial talent – [Complete Defense] condensed from the skills and strategies cultivated so far 】.

This is the most intuitive power of Otta!


“Slow down.”



Seizing the moment when Exia’s movements were sluggish, Otta suddenly struck with a heavy blow, defeating Exia’s attack again! Then a sword whipped up impact and strong wind! Together with the slash, it sent Exia flying into the wall again!

(I’m starting to feel tired.)

Otta thought.

Such a violent attack must be accompanied by intense physical exertion. Exia was already traumatized, and the blood loss on the back of his head made him on the verge of losing consciousness at any time. The stormy attack just now was able to last for two rounds, which was enough. Two minutes is already not easy.

However, he will eventually reach his limit.


When the impulse finally dissipates, the enthusiasm will eventually cool down. If you cannot defeat the opponent in one go, unstoppable weakness will follow.

Exiya, who was constantly panting and obviously tired, held her giant sword and stood up unsteadily.

“No…I can still…I can still…”

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the surrounding temperature dropped slightly, and an icy blue light dimly lit up on the giant sword.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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