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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 260

Ji Hiiragi Xuena actually recommended herself?

“Ji Hei? What do you mean…”

“It means that I can be the senior’s temporary lover.” Ji Hiiragi Yukina further explained, “After all, I should meet the standards of the senior, and I will leave Genkami Island at the end of this month, and I will not give him anything at that time. Seniors cause any trouble.”

“Senior, if you are willing, I think I can do it.”

When saying this, Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s cheeks were slightly red, just like the dusk in the sky outside.

28. The passerby heroine finally appears again

“Da da da da…”

Alexia’s house.

Sitting at the dining table in the living room, Alexia looked at Ji Hiiragi Yukina who was constantly cutting vegetables to prepare dinner in the kitchen, and her mind kept replaying what she just said in the supermarket.

Let Ji Hiiragi Xuena be his temporary lover.

In terms of conditions and standards, she surprisingly met the requirements.

Coming from the Lion King Agency, she is very clear about Alexia’s identity in a sense, and she will leave in a month. Even if Alexia doesn’t break up, she will leave when the time comes, so there is no need to worry. Will it leave any trouble?

Simply speaking from this sense, Ji Hiiragi Yukina is the person that Exia needs.

(But she is from the Lion King Agency.)

Alexia thought a little tangledly.

Even though the contract has been abolished now, Himiragi Yukina is still the original monitor sent by the Lion King Agency. It is the purpose of the Lion King Agency to keep her by his side.

If they became a temporary lover, it would simply be Exia taking the initiative to jump into the circle set by the Lion King’s agency. Originally, Alexia planned to maintain only the most basic contacts with Ji Hiiragi Xuena during this month, and did not plan to communicate with her in depth.


Holding her chin with one hand, Exia stared at Ji Hiiragi Yukina seriously, thinking about the pros and cons of agreeing to her.

Not sure if she noticed his gaze, Ji Hiiragi Xuena suddenly raised her head and met Alexia’s eyes: “Senior? You keep looking at me like this… is there something on me?”

“No, it’s nothing, I’m just thinking about something.”

Alexia said.

“Ji Hei… why do you want to be my temporary lover?”


Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s cheeks turned red again.

Even though she was the one who suggested it at the beginning, she was actually a little shy. Being a temporary lover with someone she had only known for less than a week was something that challenged her bottom line of shame.

“…It’s just that I think this is more appropriate.”

After a moment of silence, Ji Hiiragi Xuena said.

“Although I was dismissed from my position and Xue Xia Lang was taken back. But as a sword wizard, I feel it is necessary to supervise the senior’s every move to avoid the negative impact of the senior’s behavior – of course, I don’t mean to monitor the senior. I just want to regulate the behavior of seniors.”

“So…well…that’s about it.”

(Out of the most basic sense of responsibility.)

Shajo Aige commented.

(This character of hers may also be the reason why senior Feidao easily agreed to the contract. Even if there are no orders or instructions, she will make appropriate judgments and actions based on her own position.)

“In addition, my senior usually takes good care of me. Not only does he help me buy furniture, but he is also willing to have meals with me…so I also want to help my senior.”

Ji Hiiragi Yukina added.

This explanation made Exia fall into deep thought again for a while.

Out of good intentions and a sense of responsibility…

(She has a personality similar to Prince-sama.)


If you put yourself in someone else’s shoes and realize that it’s Himeira Yukina who needs a temporary lover, then even though Alexia will be very confused, she will probably help her in the end after explaining the situation to Bianca.

In terms of behavior, Ji Hiiragi Xuena and Alexia do have certain similarities.

(Should I accept it or not…)

Crossing her fingers together and supporting her chin with both hands, Axia thought seriously.


Suddenly, a bell rang from Alexia’s room.

As soon as she heard the ringtone, without even a trace of lag, Ixia immediately got up and ran into her room, and took out her personal terminal from the drawer!


The bell rang precisely because of Bianca’s call.

Following Alexia to the door, Ji Hiiragi Xuena stretched out half of her head curiously: “Senior? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. It was my childhood sweetheart who called me.”

“Senior’s childhood sweetheart…is he the one that senior likes?”

“That’s right. Because of her work there, I can’t contact her at any time – just in time, I said before that I would find a world to introduce her to you, so I can make up the time today.”

As Alexia spoke, she came to the living room with her personal terminal, sat down at the dining table with Yukina Himiragi, and answered Bianca’s phone.

Bianca’s figure immediately appeared on the screen.

[Hi, Alexia, long time no see]

“Long time no see, Bianca. It’s been two weeks, right?”

Alexia smiled and waved to Bianca.

“Look at the environment behind you. Is it at home? Is the mission over and the holiday coming?”

[Well, I just finished an excavation and protection work of the ruins of a former civilization specially assigned by the bishop. The bishop granted me and the Immortal Blade two days of vacation. Rita and I have just arrived home. 】

“Thanks a lot.”

【This is nothing. On your side, how is your life lately? I remember the last time I contacted you, I said school was about to start, right? 】

“School just started today. Although I encountered some minor troubles, there are generally no big problems. By the way, Bianca, I have someone to introduce to you.”

As Alexia spoke, she turned the camera to Yukina Himiragi.

Meeting Bianca’s eyes, Himiragi Yukina, who had not yet taken off her apron, quickly lowered her head respectfully: “First time, first time meeting, Miss Bianca, hello. I said Himiragi Yukina, I am a senior. Neighbor.”

【Ji Hiiragi…Madam, is that right? When we first met, I said Bianca Hollandel Ataljina, just call me Bianca or Hollandel]

[Is she the person you want to introduce to me? Alexia]

“Well, actually, there were some…emotional problems on my side, and Ji Hao and I may have to make some decisions because of this problem. It just so happened that you called this time, so I I wanted to explain the situation to you.”

Emotional issues?

Bianca on the screen frowned – this was something she had never thought about.

[This must be the first time that you have encountered emotional problems, right? Alexia]

“Although I didn’t do it deliberately, I am considered the most popular person in the school. Many girls admire me… In fact, the problem this time is also related to this matter. Things are related.”

Aixia explained: “Now a considerable number of girls in the school, because of their savings during the summer vacation, have launched a slightly passionate pursuit of me, and there is a high probability that the scale and intensity will be further expanded in two weeks.”

“In order to avoid that situation, I was suggested by others that I could find a [temporary lover] to solve this problem to a certain extent.”

【Temporary…lover? 】

Bianca’s expression froze slightly.

[Then you will introduce Ms. Ji Hiiragi to me under this situation. In other words, Alexia, are you planning to become a temporary lover with Ms. Ji Hiiragi? 】

“It hasn’t been finalized yet, because this is my first time contacting this kind of thing, so if possible, I still want to ask for your and Rita’s views and opinions – Is Rita free now?”


Behind Bianca, or maybe just passing by, the maid lady with one eye covered by her bangs said with a perfect smile.

Bianca: [Rita? How did you come? 】

[Because I happened to be cleaning here, I accidentally heard Master Exia mention my name, so I came here]

Rita smiled.

[More than this, regarding the matter that Sir Alexia mentioned just now, please be sure to explain the relevant content and specific circumstances to me and Lady Bianca in detail. 】

[The first lover of the next head of the Kaslana family—such an important matter cannot be handled casually. In addition, if possible, I think it is also important to include the Bishop and Miss Kiana in the discussion. 】

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Alexia and others always feel that Rita seems to be inexplicably serious and full of interest?

29. Youlandel is strict with herself

Tens of minutes later.

In the living room where the lights have been turned off.

“…The above is the general situation today.”

Bianca, Rita, Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya, Yae Sakura – surrounded by the three-dimensional images of the above people, Alexia briefly explained the causes and consequences of her need for a temporary lover.

Although Axia didn’t think that such a big show was needed, under Rita’s suggestion, it finally developed into the current seemingly serious meeting situation.

Incidentally, Bishop Otto was absent. Because during this time, he was concentrating on preparing the latest game that was about to be released, and needed to ensure the raising of this part of the funds, so he had no time now, and even Miss Amber was roped in to help.

In addition, while watching this scene that turned serious without realizing it, as if they were discussing some major international event, Ji Hiiragi Yukina was so surprised that she was speechless.

She really didn’t know that just being a temporary lover of Alexia could turn into this situation!

After listening to Exia’s explanation, Kiana, who pretended to be serious, was the first to pat the table!

“I don’t agree!”

(No, don’t agree?!)

Ji Hiiragi Yukina instantly looked frustrated and frustrated!

After Alexia’s introduction, she already knew that all the people around him were friends of the opposite sex who had a close relationship with him, and even the Kiana who spoke was his biological sister whom he valued very much.

He was rejected by his own sister as soon as he came up… If this was a true lover, it would be considered a complete defeat, right?

“You really sound decisive, Miss Kiana.” Rita said with a smile, “Can I ask the reason?”

“Because I don’t like her, right? And she’s here to spy on me. Wouldn’t it be bad to let her become my temporary lover?”

“Bronya agrees with idiot Kiana.”

Bronya, who was wearing a cute maid outfit, also raised her hand.

“If it is just a temporary lover, there should be a better and more suitable target according to the conditions of the master. If it is convenient for the master, you can give the list of girls in the school to Bronya, and Bronya will help the master choose. The right person.”

“I don’t think I can get that kind of roster…and are you going to help me choose a temporary lover or a blind date?” Alexia said helplessly, “If it’s just because of surveillance, If you reject Ji Hei, then I think there is probably no need to worry, after all, the contract has been concluded, so there is no need to worry for the time being.”

Raiden Meiyi and Yae Sakura also nodded after hearing this.


“Is it really necessary to choose a temporary lover?” Raiden Mei asked, “I think…it just needs to be explained that you have someone you like, Alexia? It doesn’t necessarily need to be a real lover. I am a temporary lover, even if I only have a photo to deal with it, it should be fine.”

It’s not an unreasonable idea.

“And if it’s just a photo, it’s okay to use ours, right?”


Raiden Mei’s words made Rita raise her eyebrows, and the expressions of others also changed.

(Miss Mei is really bold.)

In Alexia’s mind, Sajo Aige also praised her for some reason.

But Bianca spoke at this time: “Well… I think the photos are not enough. Considering the situation on Exia’s side, if they are just photos, their strength as evidence is limited. It also doesn’t serve as a good shield.”

“If you have a real temporary lover, the credibility and effectiveness cannot be compared to photos.”

“Is…is that so?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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